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Fall plans

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For my ds, who turned 9 in January, here's the plan for '08-'09:


Science: Continue and step up the nature journalling.

Math: Singapore 3A or Math-U-See Gamma

Lang Arts: Classical Writing: Aesop B and Rod/Staff 4

Elementary Greek (finish book 1 and start book 2)

History: Famous Men of Ren/Ref and put things in Ren History Portfolio

Literature: Choose from books in the house for independent reading

(I'm picky about the children's books I buy. This way, no matter what they choose from the shelf, it's something good.)


That's it. We delay formal math & grammar until fourth grade, so this will be his first serious year of school. He has been doing Singapore 2A, and can add & subtract multiple-digit numbers, so we're ready to get into multiplication.


On my list, the "fun" things are the nature journalling and the history portfolio. My kids have figured out that they can take digital pictures of hard-to-copy things, like lizards & birds, use the photos (on the computer screen -- nice and large) as models for drawing.


We use the Homeschool in the Woods figures for the timeline in the History Portfolio, as well as for pictures in the body of the portfolio.


That's all I can think of. Oh yes, we also do Spell to Write & Read, but as Classical Writing ramps up, SWR fades out.



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My dd will be 9 in October, so this is a really fun thread for me -- it's nice to see what other kids her age are doing and get ideas and inspiration. Here's what we have planned so far, but it's definitely subject to change.


Math: continue with RightStart, should be starting Level D this fall (if we stay on track with C this summer!)

Spelling: continue with Sequential Spelling

Reading: continue with Elson and McGuffey, and lots of read-alouds and reading for fun

Writing: start Writing Tales

Latin: start Lively Latin

History: continue with SOTW Vol 1, which we are doing with our local co-op

Science: I just ordered Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding, which we intend to do on our own at home, as well as continuing with Young Scientist Club kits. But I am also in the process of trying to start a science group in our local co-op where we can get together once a month for a class, a field trip, or an activity/experiment.

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My ds will turn 9 in July. I think our plans are:


Latin: Finish LfCA, start LfCB

Math: Saxon 6/5, continue with Singapore CWP 3

Language Arts: restart Classical Writing Aesop A, R&S (3 or 4, I'm not sure yet), Spelling Workout D, Dictation

Greek: Song School Greek

History: Finish SOTW 3, start 4. We're also going to study States, Presidents, & Geography but I don't have a plan yet.

Memory Work: I plan on using The Harp and Laurel Wreath for poetry memorization.

Science: Nothing formal planned at this point--if I decide to do something formal it will be Real Science 4 Kids.

We'll continue with Piano and Judo.

I also hope to have my older 2 and myself read the same things (I have Anderson's Fairy Tales, Tales from Shakespeare, A Wonder Book, and Tanglewood Tales in mind) and discuss what we read (Deconstructing Penguins inspired me).


I don't plan on doing everything everyday. My plan for our daily structure is on my blog.

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Mine will turn 9 in July. Here are our plans:


Classical Conversations Foundations and Essentials- this will include memory work, art, music, history (some books at home), writing, and grammar along with some science, latin memory and geography


The rest will be:

BJU Reading

Singapore Math with Life of Fred

Colors Science

Spanish for Children

Phonetic Zoo

Possibly Galloping the Globe



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Well I haven't totally figured out fall yet, but right now we're on the tail end of things, winding some things down (WT2), continuing others that I don't think are reasonable to quit for a long period of time (math), and bringing in some new fun things.


Here's her list for today, the checklist that I print for her and that she uses to go through her work. She won't necessarily get all that done, but I put it on the list anyway just to make my life easy. You'll notice there's no latin, minimal writing, no history, etc. Normally in May I do a May Term topic (something we haven't gotten to the rest of the year). This year we're awfully, awfully busy working on the house, so I'm just doing a Moving Beyond the Page lit guide for the book Poppy with her as her fun thing. The rest is stuff we either aren't finished with or that, like I said, I'm not willing to drop this year like the math. For the calvert spelling, well she just enjoys that. It's making her typing faster, so it's doubly good.


My tentative plan for this summer is to do a country study, the BJU science4, a bug collection, tidbits of Apologia zoo (birds) as they apply, ludre latine1 (review work), and get going with some consistent paragraph writing. (obviously math and spelling are always there, never disappear in our house) If we do all that (haha, big IF), then we'll do for fall: Colors, ludre latine 2 with LC2 (going to start over, had a messy year with it because I got prego), Wordsmith Apprentice (no-brainer for me with the baby coming), calvert spelling (no time for SWR), and something that I fashion for american history. In theory I'd like to continue the paragraph writing from this summer and have her do a weekly current events summary from God's World News. If that doesn't happen 1st semester, then 2nd will be fine. Alternately it could be summaries from her history. I don't care, just so long as she's writing paragraphs, kwim? And I'll probably throw a few lit guides in there, possibly from MBP again, since they have books that correlate to american history. I'm just now dabbling in the MBP guides and I like that they have activities for all the modalities and include writing assignments. We focus on the basics in our house and are looser on gravy/content subjects (history, etc.). I always have a big bugaboo each year. This year it was math facts, so we really focused on getting our math where I wanted it to be. For next year my focus is paragraph writing. The baby is due in September, so I'm trying to do my serious teaching this summer and then just let her apply those skills come fall/1st semester.


Well that's more than you wanted to know! lol So here's her checklist for today. And as I said, don't be impressed. She could just as easily get only half of it done, lol. Nuts, she DID only get half of it done yesterday. (Life intervened and we spent the rest of the day running errands instead of finishing our school work.)


Tuesday, May 6, 2008


___ Breakfast, vits, feed critters


___ Practice piano 30 minutes, sing


___ Big Truths for Little People ____ (read and copy verse)


___ Write upper and lower case alphabet in pre-cursive (see Mommy)


___ BJU Math ____


___ Math Shark, 15 minutes


___ Calvert Spelling lesson ____


___ PE, snack


___ Shurley Grammar lesson ____


___ Writing Tales-final Silent Couple


___ BJU Music 2 ___


___ Poppy


___ Read ch. 1 and 2, write answers to questions using complete sentences


___ Do sentence combining worksheet orally


___ Discuss and then write comparison paragraph about 3 ways you are similar to a character in the book.


___ Make Poppy and Mr. Ocax puppets.


___ Birds-p. 26-31a (first half)


___ Start Scavenger Hunt, p. 20

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She will be doing:


Math-U-See finish Delta/ start Epsilon

Shurley Grammar 6 (she is finishing 4 now and it says to skip 5)

Latin for Children B


Spelling Power

A Reason For Handwriting E

Apologia Elementary Science (Birds and Fish)

Mystery of History Ancients


She will be a young 4th grader but will be keeping up with her 5th grade brother, hence some of her stuff looks a bit ahead.

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and this is what i have (tentatively) planned for 08-09.


History, literature, geography - TOG yr 3 UG (supplement with geo. songs)

Grammar and writing - FLL 4 and WWE

Spelling - either AAS or Spelling workout

Latin - Latina Christiana 1

Math - Saxon 5/4

Science - Apologia Elem Sci. - Botany and Zoology? maybe

Botany with R.E.A.L. Science Life?

Vocabulary - Wordly wise?

Penmanship - ZB book, copywork

Art - ArtPac, art appreciation with postcards and dvd's and bio's

Music - Piano lessons, voice lessons?, music apprec. with classical kids cd's

Religion - Community Bible Study

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We go year-round, so here is what my newly 9yo dd is doing:


Singapore Math (finishing 3B)

Henle Latin (adding some Lingua Latina this summer)

Elementary Greek 2

Classical Writing (beginning Homer, so we'll pump up the grammar a bit here)

First Start French

SOTW 3 (five chapters to go! :w00t:)

MP Christian Studies 2 (alternating with Famous Men of Rome)

Nature study and science topics as they arise


We have Artistic Pursuits, too, but it's really been hit-or-miss. :glare:


Outside the home, she takes biweekly dressage lessons and hopes to begin volunteering with the Humane Society this summer. :001_smile:

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My oldest son just turned 9. Our plans for the fall (so far...always subject to change!)


Math Mammoth 3

Just Write (finish 2, start 3)

Prima Latina

Flashkids Grammar

Flashkids Spelling

Tapestry of Grace yr2 unit 3

Noeo Physics or Easy Classical schedule

Explorer's Bible Study or Positiveaction.org


My goal for the year is to get him reading more of his own history and science work, and to continue building his writing skills.

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I haven't planned out everything for fall yet, but here is basically what we'll be doing...


Singapore Primary Math 4A and 4B with IP and CWP

R&S 4

CW Aesop


SWO F and part of G

Some assigned literature for her to read and discuss with me as well as some read alouds with siblings


TruthQuest AHYS 2 and 3 - part reading aloud, part reading independently, with narration and lapbook

Science - an Apologia book and some other unit studies

Critical Thinking - BTS 2 and more MindBenders

Music - piano lessons, +???

Art, Spanish?? and Geography still to be decided

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DS turns 9 in June


1. Saxon Math 54

2. BJU English Skills 4

3. BJU Reading 4

4. Bible Grapevine New Testament once we finish up Grapevine Biblical Holy Days & Feasts

5. Language Japanese, Hebrew, Greek maybe

6. A novel of some kind we are in the middle of Hobbit.

7. Spelling: Purpseful Design

8. State History: A Abeka My State Book & Joy Dean SH Teacher Manual

9. Geography Blackline maps

10. Co-op one day

11. Violin


Thinking about.....


Science: Physics Level 1 grade 4-6 Gravitas Publication


TOG Year 3 1/2 & 4 with SOTW Year 4 - I have to figure out how to blend it. We've used SOTW for 3 years. I'm a little afraid of this.


Handwriting: ???


Art: Draw Write Now, not sure which book


Science Kit / Project of some kind.

My son wanted this added to my post.... :auto: and :iagree:.

He likes these smile guys.

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E-M History Pockets

BJU Math 4



LC I (or we might go for Latin Prep I)

Apolgia Zoology/Nature Studies


And about 20+ library books a week!


We'll do a few outside things - Awana, art class, co-op, choir. Lots of free time to play.


Edited to clarify: She was 9 in January, so she'll be a 4th grader next year. And I'm rethinking the History Pockets - too much paper stuff, which she's not all that thrilled with anymore. I'll probably just go with some extra library activity books, like the "Lewis and Clark for Kids" and that whole series, as a fun add-on to expand our American history studies. I'll probably go way overboard with that, and I'm even toying with the idea of using 4th-6th grades to do Year 3 & 4, slowly. We do well when we go slowly! It's taken us 3 years to do SOTW 1 & 2, but we've been able to meander, so it's been enjoyable.


We'll step up science and do 2 Apologia books next year. We do a good bit more for science via nature studies.


Also, I think we'll go ahead and do LCI in 4th, then LCII in 5th, and then see where we are. Or I might just spread it out over 4th-6th, so we can keep up our leisurely pace, especially considering she's asking for Spanish. LC is not thrilling, but it works and I already have all the dvds, teacher's books, etc. from my older two.


We just do a reading list smorgasboard, but I usually come up with a little something here and there to go with that. Or else we just read. I had thought about DiTHOR, but I can't justify the price. I'll just use homemade stuff to expand our literature studies (which aren't really all that deep yet, anyway!)


And an update on GWG - I loved it at the beginning of the year, but I love it even more now!

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My 9yo (will be in June) is special needs - so she's WAYYY behind you guys.


HOping to have her up and reading better and ready to take on MUS ALpha. Although i may attempt to start it when I get in a few weeks.


Otherwise hoping she does okin BJUP 2nd stuff!

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Let's see ds turned 9 in February and roughly this is what I've planned so far for 4th grade:


Singapore 4a/b, IP, & CWP

History Odyssey Ancients Level 2

My own literature study guides that I'm still working on for books not included in HO

R&S 4 or FLL4

Writing Tales 1 or Writers Express


Vocabu-lit 4

Word Roots Beginning

RSK Biology

LfC A or Lively Latin

Maybe some fun beginning Spanish stuff

MCP's Maps, Charts, and Graphs D




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My dd turns 9 in September.


We'll be using:



WWE (Yay! Can't wait to get this!)

RightStart math



Ambleside Online

Scouts -- as a Juliette or in a troop, we don't know which



Irish Dance, which currently consumes our life and should probably have topped the list. Right now she sort of doesn't want to mess with Oireachtas next fall, but she doesn't want to quit her ceili team after Nationals in July. (And to think a year ago I would have had no idea what that sentence was about -- ceili? oireachtas? huh?)

Oh, and all the cool ideas I'll get from the new edition of LCC!

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I've not yet read other responses, but will go back and do so!


Our year flips in about February, and my son turned 9 on Easter.


Math: Math-U-See Gamma and Delta (new to MUS and flying through Gamma atm)

English: Rod & Staff 4, plus outlining (Remedia Publications, atm)

Vocabulary: Words Are Wonderful, bks 1-2

History: Mystery of History 1 (ancients) with lots of supplements. Awaiting WP ig for QAW

Bible: Christian Liberty Press, Studying God's Word (started in Bk E and will continue as far as MOH 1 goes. Book F at least, probably at least part of G as well by the end of it.)

Science: ARRRRRGGG! Oh, um... a utilities and experiments co-op, and scouts. Dunno if I'll add an actual curriculum to that mix yet or not.

Latin: Getting Started with Latin

Sign Language, various books and websites

Logic: Dr. Dooriddles completion, then Red Herring, Critical Thinking Press

Reading: history readers, book club choices, free reading

Art: hope to obtain How to Teach Art to Children, and some Draw and Write through History, and maybe some History Scribe.

Music: online free theory workbook, and piano lessons et al taught by Mom. (I'm a musician myself and making my own curriculum here.)

Typing, email pen pals and memory work.

Handwriting, daily journal. Twice weekly some dictation and copywork, memory work.


Plus lots and lots of learning via cub scouts. We are new den leaders for a homeschoolers multi-aged den, and we all know that the leaders' kids do EVERYTHING! :lol:


We aren't doing spelling this year, as ds tested at grade 8.7 with Spelling Power last month. We'll wait until he finishes the WAW and begin next year, Feb 09.

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This fall, he'll be doing:


Math: Sadlier-Oxford 5th

Grammar: Abeka Language B (the K12 just doesn't "do it" for us)


Composition: K12

Spelling: K12

Vocabulary: K12

History: K12 Post U.S. Revolution

Science: K12 5

Art: K12 4

Music: Piano & K12

Bible: Veritas Press Chronicles-Malachi

Latin: LFC B


Activities: Webelos Scouts and Swim Team (if we are stateside, if we move overseas, there may be some additional activities, and Rosetta Stone Italian)

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Singapore 3B (u.s. edition)/4A (standards edition), CWP 2

SOTW Vol 2 with CD's - no activity guide, just some reading and timeline

R&S 4

Lively Latin

Writing Tales 1

Real Science 4 Kids Chem (and we'll see about bioligy and physics)

Elson Readers 4 and teacher's manual

Touch typing

fiddle and guitar lessons


gosh - did I forget anything?

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Things we've done:


Junior Master Gardener, through our arboretum, but 4-H might also provide it, or you can do it yourself, with a group or alone....


Junior Master Horsemen, through 4-H, but I believe you might be able to create your own group for this, as well....


"All About Fall" class at our arboretum - lots of city/state/national parks will provide programming of various sorts for small groups.


We've done various sorts of classes through our local library branch: Extreme Explorerers, once a month, which covers various history and science topics; Poetry workshop for homeschoolers; Book Clubs; Library Skills classes; they're doing a class on outlining right now; they've had in various science presenters....


They're doing a "Growbiz" class through 4-H right now, but it could also be done in later summer, early fall, I think..... It combines junior achievement with gardening.


4-H Archery program (and others, such as cooking, etc.)


We did a few Junior Achievement classes last year; they will work with you to do the programming if you have a group.....


We try to visit any area history museum/art museum exhibits related to the time periods we're studying during a given year. We often invite a group to go along, too!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My dd turns 9 tomorrow, May 19. She has finished all her grade 3 books, except math which we will finish in June.


She is already in 4th grade books and math will pick up in July....we've decided to homeschool year round with more little breaks and a day off more often through the year. I believe in a long Christmas break to keep our focus on the meaning of CHRISTmas.


Language: Abeka core, LLATL orange, supplemental Progeny Press guides (would like to review Rod and Staff maybe)

Math: Saxon core and only math program

History: Abeka core, looking for supplemental.....ideas?

Geograpy: Abeka core, looking for supplemental.....ideas?

Science: Abeka core, supplemental Apologia Bothany and Astronomy

Bible.....Bible and kids devotional books, plus weekly bible study at church

Spelling/Vocabulary: Abeka, reviewing BJU and/or Rod and Staff

Health series: Abeka



Art, Music, Latina Christiana 1, Night Owl Creations unit studies on Colonial Life, Wilderness and Tour of Europe, state notebook that's required in 4th, Explode the Code and etc.......there's always a little more here and there.


She loves to read and is advanced. More often than not there is a book in her hands. We are planning on making a prairie dress like LIW. We bought the fabric the other day.....I haven't been sewing YEARS! We will also do a Little House unit study on our own and pick/choose from Primer as supplemental.


I would like to be more creative with different publishers. We've always used Abeka which some like and some don't. Eventhough it may be textbook heavy...one can adapt that even to balance it. And, it is very thorough, so the child is getting everything. Saxon math is the only math she likes. Ironically she did not respond to Abeka math.


There is so much more like ancient writings and classic authors I'd like to use. How many hours do we have again in any day. :confused:




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My son will be 9 in September.


Here's his schoolwork:


English - IEW Writing & Grammar / Natural Speller / Handwriting Without Tears Cursive Success

Math - Teaching Textbooks Math 5

Science - Rainbow Science Year 1

History - Sonlight Core 4 w/ Story of the World Volume 4

Art - How Great Thou Art's I Can Do All Things


He's a Blue Belt in Tae Kwon Do, so he's taking classes there 3x a week. He's also a buddy for the Little League Challengers (baseball for special needs children), so he volunteers there every weekend in the fall and spring. He's also involved in an art co-op with our homeschool group.

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