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There is a motorcycle group called the Patriot Guard Riders which basically exists to peacefully counteract the Westboro protests.



I have no idea if they would be invited or attend a funeral like this one, since it isn't military, but one can hope -- or hope that someone participates in a similar way. Or that the Westboro group decides NOT to attend..or something keeps them from attending (for example, delayed flights).


The fact that they plan to protest it is just plain wrong.

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It's just bad form. (To put it mildly)



There are those not taking it though. I saw a video where they were protesting at a funeral and a couple hundred bikers came by with their hogs, American flags and patriotic music blaring. The were a human wall between the funeral and the protesters. I wanted to hug them.

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There is a motorcycle group called the Patriot Guard Riders which basically exists to peacefully counteract the Westboro protests.



I have no idea if they would be invited or attend a funeral like this one, since it isn't military, but one can hope -- or hope that someone participates in a similar way. Or that the Westboro group decides NOT to attend..or something keeps them from attending (for example, delayed flights).


The fact that they plan to protest it is just plain wrong.



Yes them! I couldn't remember the name! :)

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What was it I posted on my FB yesterday??



So... the US Supreme Court says you have the right under the first amendment to protest military funerals..... but I invite you to start your protest in my front yard and see if your first amendment right is better than my second amendment right.



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The so called Christians at the Westboro Church have stated they are going to protest the sevice for the seven siblings who died in the house fire.


Excuse me but.................WTH????


The only reason you (and we) know about that is because every time Westboro says "boo" the media lap it up. I think that the attention the media keeps giving them is bordering on unethical journalism. It is completely irresponsible to keep giving these louses free marketing!! That is what they're doing by reporting on their "threats" to picket!! The only way Westboro is going to keep making money is to keep getting people riled up enough so they can sue!!


They are worst scum of this earth and if I'm wrong and there really is a hell, when I go there, I'm going to spend my free time watching them squirm and rot. It'll be worth the stay.

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Yup, that's what it's really all about. Wherever they can be most inflammatory, that's where they go.


One day they'll end up in the most inflammatory spot possible.


A lakeside view for the rest of eternity. :glare: They make me so angry, I'm shaking.


Let's pray that these parents will be well insulated by our mighty God and those who love them.




I wonder if they were blocked by a line of Amish buggies on one side and motorcycles on the other?

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They really, really need to be ignored by the media- totally ignored. This way no one would know they are coming and they wouldn't get the publicity they want. They are pariahs and should be treated as such.


:iagree::iagree: If we ignore them, hard as it is (and it is SOOOO hard, I know...), they'll eventually go away. God has a plan in place for blasphemers, no worries. But giving them attention is what they want. That and money.

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That's just crazy!!! Good grief!! Can they get any more insane?


Probably. They are feeding and thriving on the attention turned toward them and are hoping to profit from people being angry at them. They want people to pay lots of attention and get angry, because then people sue them, threaten, and "harass" them.


The more crazy they get, the more attention they get.

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Yup, that's what it's really all about. Wherever they can be most inflammatory, that's where they go.


One day they'll end up in the most inflammatory spot possible.


:lol: Well said!!


I just do't get it at all. Deranged.

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Yes, it is sickening. It strengthens my desire to smack the sh*t out of every one of them.


I still don't understand, even after reading the ravings that were linked. It just breaks my heart that those parents have to bury 7 children and deal with this crap.


Nothing they do can be understand by anyone other than them. They are insane and nothing but a sick cult set out to mock the name of Jesus. It disgusts me.

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Is there any way the family can get an order of protection or anything based on harassment. I know the federal gov. Can't do anything because of free speech issues (as much as I want these people to fall in very deep hole somewhere the supreme court made the right decision),but certainly at the county or city level there is something.


I was thinking the same thing. Why can't they take in the flyer where Westboro is threatening to harass them and get a restraining order?

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