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Can I get a group WAHOO?

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No more diaper laundry?! That's what I'm looking forward to... some day. :thumbup1:


There you go - no more diaper laundry..... less water used..... less electricity.... 'tis good!!!


Enjoy the less laundry - i'd rather have THAT than more money! :D

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:001_huh: I knew there was a disadvantage to using cloth.


You wouldn't believe what even the basics go for on craigslist. Sell those babies (uh, the diapers, I mean, not the kids) and go get yourself a manicure. Or a pretty journal. Or a new frying pan. Whatever works for you!

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I know it's not the same as getting your kid accepted at college or anything like that, but I feel like jumping for joy because . . .


my last baby . . .


is potty-trained!


No more diapers, EVER!







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Oh, I'll be doing this dance very soon myself! So I feel your joy! :lol: My fourth boy made me think he was going to potty train himself this week... then he got the croup and felt yucky... then suddenly he was scared of the potty! :confused: But we are so close I can almost taste the freedom! How many years straight have you been diapering? I haven't had a break for over 8 years now! :w00t:

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