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What do preteen boys like to "play" with or do in the backyard?

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I'd love, love, love to have a really solid zip line in our back yard for the kids. Any time we've been to homes where they have a good one, it's always been such a hit.


A rock-wall is another great idea (and the materials for assembling one are so much more readily available now than they were just a few years ago).

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I have four boys, but my oldest is only 8. I'll 3rd the zip line. They love it and so do the older boys that visit. Same with our trampoline. It's huge with a net and they love that thing and it's a big hit with older boys that visit as well. They just don't get sick of it. We only have warm weather for about 4 months out of the year, and still they are on the tramp in the dead of winter. Not inexpensive, but worth every penny, except it was a gift from grandma. :D

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We think of them for toddlers, but I'll tell you, the thing that was always sure to keep a certain segment of the middle school boys I taught busy for HOURS was if we took them to a sandbox. But it had to be a big, epic sand sort of place, so perhaps not backyard sized.

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Our guys play Blongo Ball (or Ladder ball...google it). Nerf is always used here...daily. One went and bought pvc pipe and discovered that if you just blow the nerf dart through the pipe, it goes much farther and harder! Four square is an old game that still lots of play if you have pavement/cement to play on.

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Is there a website for ideas/designs using PVC pipe? I mean do you glue them together or what? I'm not crazy about my 7yo using PVC glue, whatever that might be. Or are they fastened some other way?


I like the idea - sounds great!


We never glued the pipe, we just bought the connectors. The only problem if if you build a marshallow shooter and a child takes it apart, make sure you have saved the building instructions.

Edited by elegantlion
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We never glued the pipe, we just bought the connectors. The only problem if if you build a marshallow shooter and a child takes it apart, make sure you have saved the building instructions.


what instructions, from where? I am obviously a complete idiot when it comes to this. What connectors? Some special PVC connectors you get at the store?



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