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How do I teach dc how to tie their shoes?


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This is really embarrassing b/c my ds 8 1/2 and my dd 7 still do not know how to tie shoes. This winter my dc both have been playing basketball and for the first time I bought them shoes with ties. I think my ds would be pretty embarrassed if his shoe came untied and he had to run to me to fix it. So, I think it's beyond time for them to learn right? (In the summer they wear crocs or flip flops and in the winter dd has slip on boots and ds has slip on leather shoes.)


Did you have a "trick" or "method" to teach dc to tie? How long did it take them to be able to tie?


Thanks for any tips:001_smile:

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None of mine could tie theirs until dh came into our lives. I tried teaching them the way that I do it, but they didn't get it.


When I started seeing dh, he taught them a completely different method and they picked it right up. Of course, part of the fun was that they were enthralled with him after living most of their lives with no dad (late dh passed when they were still tiny).


I will try to describe his method:

Cross both strings and tuck one under then pull tight

make a loop with each string in each of your two hands

cross those loops, tuck one under and pull tight


In my opinion this method comes untied easier than mine, but none of them can do mine. So, they usually double tie them....cross the loops over and tuck one under, pull tight again......and this keeps them tied.

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None of mine could tie theirs until dh came into our lives. I tried teaching them the way that I do it, but they didn't get it.


When I started seeing dh, he taught them a completely different method and they picked it right up. Of course, part of the fun was that they were enthralled with him after living most of their lives with no dad (late dh passed when they were still tiny).


I will try to describe his method:

Cross both strings and tuck one under then pull tight

make a loop with each string in each of your two hands

cross those loops, tuck one under and pull tight


In my opinion this method comes untied easier than mine, but none of them can do mine. So, they usually double tie them....cross the loops over and tuck one under, pull tight again......and this keeps them tied.


I tried teaching mine "rabbit around the tree" but they never could get it. My sister showed them the way described above and DD has been fine ever since. DS has a lot of trouble with multi-step anything so we just go with velcro.

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My kids happened to watch an episode of Little Bill where Bill was learning to tie his shoes, and they just picked it right up. It was kind of funny because we hadn't even really been working on it. Then, a couple of days after watching the show my son just tied his shoes without really even thinking about it.

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My ds just learned to tie his shoes by watching a Blue's Clues video. It has a cute little song sung by Randy Travis that he attached to and finally got it!


do you happen to know which season it was from? we have 1-5 on netflix


ETA: i saw that it is episode 38 from season 5, but season 5 only goes to 30 on netflix! :(

Edited by happyhappyjoyjoy
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do you happen to know which season it was from? we have 1-5 on netflix


ETA: i saw that it is episode 38 from season 5, but season 5 only goes to 30 on netflix! :(


Check your library. The title of the episode is called "Morning Music". My library only carries so many, but actually has this one. I am getting it for DS and I will see if he will watch it with DD.


There is a Golden Book out there that teaches how to tie shoes. DH learned from it and a "shoe" his parents made from a shoebox. I bought DS this book, but I don't think it is explained in a way *he* understands. I tie my shoes with 2 bunny ears, and I have tried to explain it, but it just does not come out understandable apparently.

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do you happen to know which season it was from? we have 1-5 on netflix


ETA: i saw that it is episode 38 from season 5, but season 5 only goes to 30 on netflix! :(


Boo. We have Netflix also so that would have been great. I looked at the youTube videos and will try that. They have one on there that is the fastest way I have ever seen! It was crazy and funny. Thanks to all of you!

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This site has lots of tying methods and explains why some knots come undone easily. I almost posted this question last week. My 6.5 year old wants to learn, and I've tried to show him with no success. I printed these instructions out, and I'm going to see if he can just follow them. He's good at following written instructions. Worth a try, right?



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This is really embarrassing b/c my ds 8 1/2 and my dd 7 still do not know how to tie shoes. This winter my dc both have been playing basketball and for the first time I bought them shoes with ties. I think my ds would be pretty embarrassed if his shoe came untied and he had to run to me to fix it. So, I think it's beyond time for them to learn right? (In the summer they wear crocs or flip flops and in the winter dd has slip on boots and ds has slip on leather shoes.)


Did you have a "trick" or "method" to teach dc to tie? How long did it take them to be able to tie?


Thanks for any tips:001_smile:

Here is what my mother did with me and I did with Dd...

Using a pair of the child's own shoes you take one and give the other to the child.

You show the child how to lace the shoes and how to tie step by step. They follow your lead in "monkey see, money do."

When it came time to make the loop to tie the lace my mother would say "Here is the rabbit hole." While wrapping the lace around the loop she would say, "The rabbit runs around the tree." As she would put the lace through the hole she would finish with "And the rabbit jumps in the hole!"

Another idea is to make a shoe by tracing a copy of the child's shoe on cardstock or construction paper. Punch holes and use yarn to lace/tie the shoe.

My kindergarten teacher had us do this for the first couple of weeks back in 1970.

By the end of two weeks everyone in the class could tie their shoes. :D

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Another idea is to make a shoe by tracing a copy of the child's shoe on cardstock or construction paper. Punch holes and use yarn to lace/tie the shoe.



This is great for practice. My DS 7.5 is in the process of learning. He has a hard time getting his fingers to what he knows they should while dealing with the shoe and his knee and.... you get the point.


Having something to practice on other than one's shoe on one's foot makes it much easier to figure out!


I'm glad that my DS is not the only one unable to tie his shoes though! A friend's son was only 4 when he learned, and so I figured DS was way behind - mostly because I was lazy and just never taught him!

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i have teaching (well, trying to teach) my DS5 with a sort-of book thing that has laces and instructions in it. He gets very frustrated but is learning veerrrry slowly.


What I really should do is just buy his next pair of shoes with laces instead of velcro and that will force all of us to get on the stick with this. But I mentioned this to DH before I bought DS's LAST pair of shoes, DH was all, "Oh, no, don't buy laces until he learns to tie them first!" I think we all need the motivation of actual shoes, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Check your library. The title of the episode is called "Morning Music". My library only carries so many, but actually has this one. I am getting it for DS and I will see if he will watch it with DD.



It is at the very end of Bluestock DVD. About an hour and 6 minutes in, in case anyone is going to try this route.

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We let my five year old pick out any shoes she wanted with ties with the knowledge up front that to have those shoes she would have to learn how to tie them herself. She opted for Sketchers Twinkle Toes that were covered with silver sequins. I taught her using the make the ground/here's the tree/have the bunny run around the tree and into the hole method. For a couple months afterward, she would tie one shoe and I would tie the other. I would just sit there with her and walk her through it until she got it. Then I started having her tie both shoes. It works a lot better if you allow extra time before you're leaving to go anywhere so it's not stressful waiting for the kid to finish tying.


She's been tying her own shoes now since the end of October.

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