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Lady Gaga

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I've had it! The egg thing has finally sent me into orbit!


What is the deal with this woman and why does everyone seem to think she is so wonderful? She's weird, she does strange things and people call her a genius. It seems like a case of The Emperor's New Clothes to me. She tells people how wonderful she is so often that everyone believes her at this point!


Hey, I'll admit that her music is catchy, but revolutionary? On par with the Beatles or the Rolling Stones? NO WAY! Meat dresses and egg arrivals don't equate to genius musician. She's a master marketer, I'll give her that.


Come on. Tell us how you really feel. Don't hold back! :lol:


I mostly listen to Christian music so I guess I shouldn't comment on how good or bad she is musically but she certainly is strange.

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I cannot stand Gaga. I'm afraid if I say anything more that I'd get banned from the forum. Might get political and bring morality into all of this. Gaga doesn't... so someone should, right? Racing away as fast as I can.



Her Bad Romance video was...disturbing. I have to admit, though, that I find myself humming the acapella version when I go to the grocery store.:lol:

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She's in my car CD player, censored version. ;)

My kids love Telephone. I love Speechless.


My cousin posted a video of her playing Speechless....I thought it was excellent and her voice is AMAZING in my (unqualified) opinion. However, at some point she inserted the F word and that just turns me off. Why do that? The song is awesome....she just ruined it with that.

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I like her. I think she's nuts, but I like her.


I'm not even sure I'd go so far as to say I like her, specifically. I do very much like a couple of her songs, and I think she's talented.


But, yes, she's playing a character. She has made that very clear. I guess I don't understand why anyone cares so much?


If you like her, great. If not, don't watch or listen. Why on earth would it matter if she comes down to the stage in a big, plastic egg?

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My cousin posted a video of her playing Speechless....I thought it was excellent and her voice is AMAZING in my (unqualified) opinion. However, at some point she inserted the F word and that just turns me off. Why do that? The song is awesome....she just ruined it with that.

Yeah, that's why I don't mind having the censored versions of Lady Gaga's albums; the profanity is often pointless, intended only to shock.


I'm sure I'm in the minority, but for some music, I prefer the profanity be left in. Pink's song F'ing Perfect has a genuinely positive message. She's using the F word for emphasis rather than to insult or denigrate. And I happen to like the message, so I used that song as an opportunity to talk to my kids about how words can mean different things in different contexts. Then I told them that they can sing that song as loud as they want in the car, but I don't want to hear them using the F word anywhere else. They were okay with that. :D

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I like her as well, I don't really listen to her music unless it's on youtube, but I find her very talented. Not very many people can pull off stuff acoustically like she can.


This is just not true... there are tons of artists that are amazing live (no computers to alter their voice). They write songs that blow anything Lady Ga Ga writes out of the water. But, they are not commercial enough. It's like junk food, if all you do is eat McDonald's & Wendy's, then you have no idea that there is real food out there, and that it actually tastes good, when given a chance.

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I'm sure I'm in the minority, but for some music, I prefer the profanity be left in. Pink's song F'ing Perfect has a genuinely positive message. She's using the F word for emphasis rather than to insult or denigrate. And I happen to like the message, so I used that song as an opportunity to talk to my kids about how words can mean different things in different contexts. Then I told them that they can sing that song as loud as they want in the car, but I don't want to hear them using the F word anywhere else. They were okay with that. :D



I don't know this song, but I just asked my 15 y.o. about it. She says she dislikes Pink because even though her songs can have a positive message, they're ruined by pointless and random cussing.

So, your dc are allowed to sing the "f" word in the car but not anywhere else? If I gave one of my dc permission to do that it would only open the floodgates...but I know kids are all different~like I said, my one dd won't listen to her.

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So, your dc are allowed to sing the "f" word in the car but not anywhere else?

Yep, as long as I don't believe the message of the music is inherently negative. They seem to be fine with that limit. I've never once heard them trying out profanity in everyday speech. I suspect that in their heads, profanity doesn't translate very well from singing to talking.


Neither DH or I swear, ever, except maybe me when I slam my hand in a door. But we both believe that words are just words, and there's nothing inherently wrong with any words. Words are just tools. It is how/when/why they're used that can be problematic, and we talk about that with our kids. We hope our attitude toward words will help defuse the power and allure of "bad" words.


On the other hand, while we're fairly casual about profanity in music, as long as the message of the music isn't negative, we're very particular about screen time. We don't allow them to watch video programming with casual use of profanity, or even schoolyard insults (stupid, idiot, etc.). In that case, it isn't the language, but the accompanying models of behavior that are objectionable.

Edited by jplain
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I don't know this song, but I just asked my 15 y.o. about it. She says she dislikes Pink because even though her songs can have a positive message, they're ruined by pointless and random cussing.

So, your dc are allowed to sing the "f" word in the car but not anywhere else? If I gave one of my dc permission to do that it would only open the floodgates...but I know kids are all different~like I said, my one dd won't listen to her.


I would not allow my ds to listen to a song with the F word in it. I had enough trouble allowing 'Gives you He**' to be played....this was during the darkest days of my divorce when I allowed things I normally don't....had to conserve parental energy to make sure ds was fed and sheltered. :D Anyway, I also love Pink, but have to watch what I play of hers because of the random profanity.


Love her Family Portrait song.

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I kinda adore her. People who are saying she's no Madonna and no Bowie and all that sound like the people who were criticizing them back in the day as well. Everyone's entitled to their opinion though, obviously.


I know someone in academia who, for awhile, was posting these hilarious critical theory papers and things about Lady Gaga on Facebook. Like, if you think that Tarantino send up in the Telephone video is interesting, you should see what people who are trying to dissect it as a serious piece of art say about it.

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So, your dc are allowed to sing the "f" word in the car but not anywhere else? If I gave one of my dc permission to do that it would only open the floodgates...but I know kids are all different~like I said, my one dd won't listen to her.


We don't listen to a lot of current pop. But we are big musical theatre fans, and both of my kids are performers.


We listen to a lot of music that isn't what one would call "clean." For example, two of my 12-year-old son's favorite albums these days are the Broadway version of "American Idiot" and "Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson." Both are sprinkled with profanities, and he's allowed to sing them as long as he is not in public.


I don't have a moral issue with profanity, but I do understand that many people are bothered by it. So, we consider it just good manners to keep a lid on language when other people might hear it.


Honestly, I don't actually use a lot of profanity in my daily speech. I'm not above a quick word or two when I drop something on my toe, but I don't say things just for the heck of it. I do, however, sing along with both of the above-mentioned albums and others, too.

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I couldn't put my finger on why I didn't like the egg thing until I read this



The Grammy awards are not about her, they are about all the musicians nominated, to do something that effectively removes all attention from others right onto yourself is just childish and selfish. Read the link though, they say it so much better than I can.

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Wow, generalize much?

Yes, sorry that I did. I take my words back, if possible. I guess, I mean to say - that they do tend to be more extreme than the average Jo. But then that's to be expected. Not all artists. More, the Madonna, Lady Ga Ga, Amy Winehouse, Boy George, Freddie Mercury, and even someone like Sarah Brightman - they do tend to be more "out there" if you KWIM than the average. But again, to be expected. I love them all and embrace their whackiness, if that's what one chooses to call it. I don't mean it as an insult. I actually mean it as a compliment. :D

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