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OK someone needs to celebrate with me!

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You guys are probably sick of my "personal" thread with the million pages of updates, or maybe the updates just get lost in the end pages, but I'm pretty psyched about today.


I had my Week 20 weigh in (I can't believe I've stuck to Weight Watchers for 20 weeks already!)...


And I lost 2 lbs this week, for a total of 28 1/2 lbs gone. (That's like an average two year old child- lost!) :D


20 Weeks ago, I was pretty dejected about weighing close to 240 lbs (237 1/2 to be exact).


I've now gone from weighing 237 1/2 lbs to weighing 209 lbs. I'm out of the 230's, out of the 220's, and, as of today, out of the 210's, too! I'm well on my way to being out of these stupid 200's altogether!


My BMI has gone from 37.2, to 32.7 so far.


I feel a lot better, physically and emotionally, than I did five months ago.


I'm just about halfway to my initial goal (I want to lose at least 60 lbs total) so wish me luck with getting rid of the rest of this weight. :)

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I had my Week 20 weigh in (I can't believe I've stuck to Weight Watchers for 20 weeks already!)...


And I lost 2 lbs this week, for a total of 28 1/2 lbs gone. (That's like an average two year old child- lost!) :D


20 Weeks ago, I was pretty dejected about weighing close to 240 lbs (237 1/2 to be exact).


I've now gone from weighing 237 1/2 lbs to weighing 209 lbs. I'm out of the 230's, out of the 220's, and, as of today, out of the 210's, too! I'm well on my way to being out of these stupid 200's altogether!



I'm just about halfway to my initial goal (I want to lose at least 60 lbs total) so wish me luck with getting rid of the rest of this weight. :)


Congratulations! That is so awesome and so encouraging for me. I've had 2 weigh-ins with WW and have lost 4.8 lbs. so far and started at just about the same weight you were.


I was hoping to average 2 lbs. a week to be out of the 200's by week 20, but it looks like I've set my expectations too high. According to the charts, I'm supposed to be 141, so I have quite a ways to go. Sorry, didn't mean to turn this into a ME post. I just wanted you to know I am encouraged by your weight loss. Keep up the good work!

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Thanks so much everyone! I REALLY do appreciate the support, it really helps!


Great job! Keep going! I just joined Weight Watchers Online. Only 3 lbs so far for me, but I'm on the way!


Congrats on taking that (HARDEST) first step of actually joining and making it through the first day, and on your loss so far! That's 12 sticks of butter you've lost so far ;)


Awesome! Are you doing the new program now or did you stick with the old program?


Hi Dawn, I kind of bounced back and forth a little bit to be honest. I started the new plan but didn't make it through a whole week because of some planned "off days" (holidays/celebrations and so on), then I was kind of off track for a week or two and struggling to get back on (but amazingly still lost a pound), then I got back on and decided I'd use the more familiar old plan for a week to get back into the swing of things, and now this past week I've used the new plan. I plan to stick with the new plan now.


Congratulations! That is so awesome and so encouraging for me. I've had 2 weigh-ins with WW and have lost 4.8 lbs. so far and started at just about the same weight you were.


I was hoping to average 2 lbs. a week to be out of the 200's by week 20, but it looks like I've set my expectations too high. According to the charts, I'm supposed to be 141, so I have quite a ways to go. Sorry, didn't mean to turn this into a ME post. I just wanted you to know I am encouraged by your weight loss. Keep up the good work!


Congrats on your loss so far! It IS possible you can lose 2 lbs a week average- I've done it in the past- it seems to be getting harder and harder to lose "fast" these days lol- but I've found that it's better NOT to have expectations of how much you can lose in a week. It varies so much. There are times I'll lose 1 lb, times I'll lose 3 lbs, occasional gains, you just have to keep going and tell yourself that ANY loss is a "good loss" and another step in the right direction. And I've found it's better NOT to want to weigh a certain amount by a certain date (which might seem overwhelming or which might cause frustration if it doesn't go as planned)- I figure time's going to pass no matter what I'm doing, so I may as well be using it to make these healthy changes- and sometimes to just celebrate real life along the way. :)

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