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Dd9 admitted that she saw her big Christmas gift

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Yes, her surprise will be spoiled and that's the lesson you get for looking in your parents' closet at Christmastime.


My 7yo saw the Lego Star Wars Dictionary in Dad's closet--so when I wrapped it, I put it in a towel first so it's all squishy and disguised. She'll be sweating until the last second, heh.

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I tell my kids (lightly) not to go looking in the closets.


But if they do, and lose the element of surprise, that's their problem.


I know a number of families where it's an unspoken tradition to go seeking out the presents before Christmas. No one gets bent out of shape over it.

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And next year be certain to tell here where you are going to hide it so that she has the choice of looking again and having no surprise or not...my kids NEVER wanted to know what they were getting--at least that is what they said. I put them under a blanket behind a chair in my bedroom and decided I was not going to fight it. Their choice.




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My sister used to open her wrapped presents that Mom hid in a closet. The year Mom found out was the year my sister put up a long nylon stocking on the mantle for Santa...and she found a stick in it the next morning. I won't say she quit snooping...but she was more careful!


I was blissfully unaware of all the drama when I was a kid. (And I'd rather be surprised on Christmas morning.)

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My brother was playing fetch/catch with our dog once when we were little and stumbled upon all his gifts hidden under my parents' bed (when he dived to rescue the dog toy that had been flung underneath). He also burst into tears and was heartbroken.


Of course he still got the gifts. It was an accident. His distress was more than enough "learning experience"!

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I don't know what other option you have, unless you have an "alternate big gift" in mind, and you could buy that one and return the first one.


But if the gift she saw was something she really wants, I'd just wrap it up and give it to her. It's disappointing that she saw it, though.


And that neighbor kid is a little tattletale. :glare:



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What did she say? What did you say? It sounds like a discussion is in order. If it were me, I'd talk about the surprise element being gone and ask her specifically if she looked for it on purpose or if it was an accident. If it was on purpose, tell her the consequence of that action is losing the suprise. If it was an accident, tell her she should *always* check with you before going into closets around the holidays. She truly might not have thought about where her presents may or may not be hidden.


I keep presents in my closet and the kids know. I really don't know if any of them have purposefully sought them out before Christmas.

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The neighbor girl tattled on dd, telling me that she had found her present in my closet. Dd9 immediately burst into tears. I haven't scolded her or anything. I figure she had a natural consequence of not having a surprise. So it's ok to just wrap it up and have her open it on Christmas anyway?


I would. My dd15 did this one time. She not only saw her own gifts, but also told her younger sister what her gifts were . She spoiled Christmas for herself and her sister, and had to deal with her sister's tears and her Daddy being upset since he loves to surprise them.


She hasn't done it again, as far as I know. It ended up being pretty unpleasant for her, even though she didn't get into "trouble."

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I don't know what other option you have, unless you have an "alternate big gift" in mind, and you could buy that one and return the first one.


But if the gift she saw was something she really wants, I'd just wrap it up and give it to her. It's disappointing that she saw it, though.


And that neighbor kid is a little tattletale. :glare:




I totally agree. What a brat. :D I think I'd probably say, "Well, ____ isn't a very good friend, is she?"


That might be rubbing salt in a wound....:lol:

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I always found my gifts because I was too curious... (my parents called it nosy :)) and my mom was always disappointed. I still don't like to be "surprised"; I like to know what I'm getting... My mom is fine being surprised..




For people who like surprises, this is a terrible situation, on the other hand there are people like me who hate surprises. My mom tried very hard to hide my gifts from me and I tried equally hard to find them. Knowing in advance what my gift was didn't ruin Christmas for me at all. In fact it made it much nicer. I was perfectly fine waiting once I knew but I really hated the not knowing part.

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I would assume this will be her only Christmas memory as an adult, and try to handle it accordingly. I would take her out for hot chocolate, and tell her that as an adult, sometimes I know exactly what I am going to get (because DH goes by the list) and other times there has been a surprise, and that either way I have had lovely Christmas mornings. I would try to make this a funny Christmas memory for her.

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One year, I was probably the same age as your dd, I saw my main gift too. My mom, with my oldest sister's consent, wrapped my gift and put my sister's name on it and put my name on my sister's main gift. I was shocked when they handed me a little package and my sister a big one. I was even more shocked to unwrap an electric shaver! My sister pretended to be over joyed with her giant Holly Hobby. After about 15 minutes, we swapped back. I did make my "ruined" Christmas surprise fun after all.

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