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Good gift or not?

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We've stopped exchanging gifts between cousins (mostly because *we* have eight kids, lol) and I suggested a while ago instead of drawing names (which leaves us buying 8 additional gifts with a "directed" cost of $25-$30 PER gift to our budget - can you say ouch?) that we exchange "family" gifts. In other words our family gets his sister's family a gift and his brother's family a gift.


The suggestion didn't go over well because apparently the age span between my nieces was too great for them to share a gift?


Well this was 3-4 years ago. I WANT to buy them a gift. But I don't want to spend a lot nor are we into name brand stuff, electronics, etc.


So I tried to think of something I could send - the same, to both families.


Did I do okay?




Then we added separate packets of mint cocoa mix & homemade biscottis dipped in chocolate.


We didn't have much to spend on "extra" gifts, but at least everyone knows we were thinking of them?


And quite frankly, I LIKE getting them something, it just can't be a big something. :)


So? Anything else I should add to the package?

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What a lovely idea. Very thoughtful, and puts the focus of gift-giving firmly back where it should be: "Thinking of you with love."


(Instead of "Thinking of you with $25-30/ea. worth of mandatory love." :D )


I know we would thoroughly enjoy receiving a gift like that for our family, and would be touched that you thought of us.



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I think it's great!


:) We actually just bought the bigger set of mugs for our own family - to replace the kids' old, beat-up plastic cups, some of which have lasted since baby days. Those are great mugs, and the colors are fun, and now the kids have cups that can do cold milk in the morning and hot tea in the afternoon.


And, even if I didn't have firsthand knowledge of the coolness of those mugs, I think a group present that everyone can enjoy is thoughtful and festive.

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I like them too and woudl be happy to receive them.


I find it difficult when people complain about gifts. My dad and his wife in past years have made it perfectly clear when they dont like a gift I have sent..even when I sent it with a sense of humour. One year I sent, among other things, a little hand made hand painted gnome for my dad's vegie patch. He told me that really wasn't his thing and even acted kind of offended- hey it's a joke, ok? Another year I sent some outdoor incense to keep away the mozzies- no, that wasn't ok either. I honestly would rather they not tell me. I am sending token gifts- I see them every few years, I send gifts 3 times a year (Xmas, b'day, Father's day) and you want to complain about the gifts? Do you know how hard it is to buy for your father 3 times a year when he is so fussy and you see him every few years? And my brother and I also get literally told off if we forget his wife's b'day and Mother's Day. Um, we are adults in our 40s here- its lucky we remember you and our mother 3 times a year EACH, but your partners too? Not once have I bitten back though because really it's just silly and they cant help being silly old people.


My brother and I also stopped exchanging gifts for each other's family...it just became easier not to (even before he had 6 kids) and we know there is a love under there anyway. I often think though..if I wanted to give them a famiyl present, with such a big range of ages..what woudl I give them? And I have thought...a magazine subscription of some sort. Something everyone can just browse through and get something out of- the pictures for the littlies, all of it for the olders and adults.

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My dad and his wife in past years have made it perfectly clear when they dont like a gift I have sent..even when I sent it with a sense of humour. One year I sent, among other things, a little hand made hand painted gnome for my dad's vegie patch. He told me that really wasn't his thing and even acted kind of offended- hey it's a joke, ok? Another year I sent some outdoor incense to keep away the mozzies- no, that wasn't ok either. I honestly would rather they not tell me. I am sending token gifts- I see them every few years, I send gifts 3 times a year (Xmas, b'day, Father's day) and you want to complain about the gifts? Do you know how hard it is to buy for your father 3 times a year when he is so fussy and you see him every few years?

Send him a book of manners next.

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