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Really gross thread, but I need the humor...vomit stories!!!!

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I will start! Last night we headed out as a family to see Narnia. As we pulled into the fast food resturant (yes we fed them fast food :D) Ds5 was asleep. Not unusaul as we had been driveing for awhile. He really wasn't eating much and was very cuddly...but no fever!!!


Next we go to walmart for movie candy (yes we sneak it in :D) At the end of the candy aisle he looses it....all over!!!! So, I take him to the bathroom, and he immediately perks up. Still no fever...and this son is know to easily lose his stomach contents and then be fine.


We decide to continue to the movies, but I won't let him eat anything....just in case. But about 3/4 in he vomits again right outside the theater. So I separate ds to an area near an exit and just hold him. As we go home he is perking up.


We get all the kids in bed and one of the twins say's he's about to throw up...so i send him upstairs (he's a bit dramamtic most of the times, but just in case) with a throw-up bowl. 2 min later ds5 has thrown up again....all over his bed!!!! Why didn't I give hime the bowl? Sooooo....we bring him to a sick cot in our room, with the bowl this time (now twinA doesn't have it) and sure enough twinA throws up all over his bed!!!!!


So, he comes down on a sick cot at which point I notice ds5 is running a temp....hmmmmm what to give him? i go with tylenol, because of the upset stomach....within 5seconds of swallowing he throws it all up (at least he had the bowl this time) Out come the cool cloths and he finally falls asleep.


TwinA on the other hand begins throwing up in earnest...then it starts from the other end. This went on all night!!!! Needless to say, we fianally wake up and dd8 says..."My stomach hates me!!!!"


Can I hibernate?


Simka-who's looking at a ton of laundry!!!!

ps...both boys are fine now.

Edited by simka2
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I've got one for you...dd was 3 or 4 and had never (except for spitting up as a baby) vomited. Dh was working out of town and I was on the phone with him, for our evening chat. I mentioned that dd wasn't feeling well and that I was concerned that she may be heading in that direction. He said that I might want to talk to her about it, since it hadn't happened to her before and it might be scary.


We hung up and I had a chat with dd. (Keep in mind that she was very much into Bill Nye and all things related to the body at this time, so I explained things differently than some parents would:tongue_smilie:)


Shortly after our chat, sure enough, she vomits. She freaked out a bit, but not too much. She looked at me and said "So, that's partly-digested food? *sniff*....that's kinda cool.":lol:


To this day she does not like to hear, say or read the word "vomit", but I recently was given the ok on using "puke". :tongue_smilie:

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:lol: My kids could seriously join a professional puking team. They are expert pukers.


So last night dh had to fill in for someone at work on the night shift. (Doesn't all the fun happen when dh is not there?) We needed to run into town for essentials. Dd3 was fine all day. Within a minute of walking into the local grocery store, she says "Mom, my tummy hurts." I immediately take her out of the cart and rush her towards the door. She then pukes on me, herself, the floor, and my Uggs. I am most upset about the Uggs. She puked again in a pot next to her bed.


This morning, dd10 is complaining of an icky tummy and dd3 has problems with the other end. Party.


Sometimes I want to ask God "Stomach bug? Was that really necessary?"

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I've got one for you...dd was 3 or 4 and had never (except for spitting up as a baby) vomited. Dh was working out of town and I was on the phone with him, for our evening chat. I mentioned that dd wasn't feeling well and that I was concerned that she may be heading in that direction. He said that I might want to talk to her about it, since it hadn't happened to her before and it might be scary.


We hung up and I had a chat with dd. (Keep in mind that she was very much into Bill Nye and all things related to the body at this time, so I explained things differently than some parents would:tongue_smilie:)


Shortly after our chat, sure enough, she vomits. She freaked out a bit, but not too much. She looked at me and said "So, that's partly-digested food? *sniff*....that's kinda cool.":lol:



To this day she does not like to hear, say or read the word "vomit", but I recently was given the ok on using "puke". :tongue_smilie:


That is really funny!!!! There was another time when the 3 olders were 2,2,and 3. Dh went on a trip and they all caught something. I had to barracade us into the kitchen, just to clean the vomit!!! I didn't want them throwing up all over the carpet :D!

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:lol: My kids could seriously join a professional puking team. They are expert pukers.


So last night dh had to fill in for someone at work on the night shift. (Doesn't all the fun happen when dh is not there?) We needed to run into town for essentials. Dd3 was fine all day. Within a minute of walking into the local grocery store, she says "Mom, my tummy hurts." I immediately take her out of the cart and rush her towards the door. She then pukes on me, herself, the floor, and my Uggs. I am most upset about the Uggs. She puked again in a pot next to her bed.


This morning, dd10 is complaining of an icky tummy and dd3 has problems with the other end. Party.


Sometimes I want to ask God "Stomach bug? Was that really necessary?"


I know!!!! :lol:

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Many years ago, my husband was away with the military. My 6yo daughter, 1 yo son, and I went to visit friends over an hour away, on a cold wintry Valentine's day. Being a good homeschooling mom, she had a Valentine themed lunch for us, all red foods: Hot dogs with ketchup, red juice drink, red apples, and red velvet cake for desert.


Did I mention that my daughter had a tricky stomach since she was a toddler and had had a bout of gastritis? We never knew when something would hit her the wrong way. Being young and naive at the time, it never occurred to me to suspect red food coloring.


Anyway, we had a perfectly lovely time. Until we got half way home. With no warning, my daughter erupted like a volcano...all over her little brother, all over the light blue interior of the car. Red.


We pulled over into a deserted parking lot in a not so nice part of town and let her finish. I wiped down what I could with baby wipes. We drove home. It was 10 degrees. We had to turn on the heat in the car. Need I say any more?


We got home, I bathed the children, tucked them in bed and went outside after midnight to clean out the car with a bucket of hot water and disinfectant. I took shower myself. Then I sat on the sofa with a cup of hot tea, put in an old movie and sobbed my heart out.

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Alright, I'll go ahead and embarrass myself. A few years ago we were flying home from CA. I started to get a headache on the flight. By the time we landed and were waiting to get our luggage, it was a full blown migraine. I made it to the car and it was all downhill from there. On the drive home I started throwing up in a Target bag. My kids, my mom, and dh all in the car. It wasn't pretty and surely was not giving the car a pleasant smell. We stopped at a store for aspirin and I got out of the car, only to throwup all over the parking lot. My kids were horrified. Get back in the car and continue to FILL up the bag. Everyone in the car started to look sick as well. All of my pride went out the window. I'm sure dh was not finding his wife throwing up in a Target back for an hour ling drive attractive. Sadly, this was not the last time this happened:(

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CAUTION: Graphic scene of vomiting







OK, one time when I was pregnant...I threw up everywhere in our front yard as I was getting out of the car (I had horrible nausea). We starting walking towards the house. A huge flock of little black birds swooped down from an electrical line and started eating all the vomit. My husband was like, "YEAH! That was AWESOME!" :hurray: Men are so gross.

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CAUTION: Graphic scene of vomiting







OK, one time when I was pregnant...I threw up everywhere in our front yard as I was getting out of the car (I had horrible nausea). We starting walking towards the house. A huge flock of little black birds swooped down from an electrical line and started eating all the vomit. My husband was like, "YEAH! That was AWESOME!" :hurray: Men are so gross.



:lol::lol::lol: This was awesome!!!!

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We thought my three year old was over the flu, so my husband let him use his work laptop to play a computer game as he usually did.


Turns out he wasn't over the flu after all and heaved all over the keyboard. :eek: He had to tell the boss--who didn't laugh--and then the insurance claims guy, who did laugh because he hadn't heard that one before.

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Oh, we just had the week of vomit at my house.


It started with ds7. It has been a while since we've eaten sausage (I don't buy it.;)). Dh brought some home, I cooked it, and ds7 ate 1/2 the pan without me realizing (50lb kid - tons of greasy sausage:glare:).


I wake at 4 am to the smell...:ack2:...ALL over his bed (which has books, clothes, stuffed animals, etc...) I had to wash everything about 3x just to get the smell out.


He gets better and then it's round 2. dd5. Oh yeah....we had spaghetti the night before. I wake at 4am to her crawling into bed with me with a sick tummy. I roll over...wake again at 7am...spaghetti ALL OVER the living room.:ack2: She continues....as round 3 begins. ds4. He dry heaves for ever, sobbing. (poor kid) He downs a cup of water (probably as I'm cleaning up after dd5) and projectile vomits the entire cup of water all over my couch (PTL it has a washable cover!!!)


I *finally* get all the laundry caught up (I lay down towels under every sick child to catch any...leaks) and ROUND 4 - ME!!! ugh!!!!

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CAUTION: Graphic scene of vomiting







OK, one time when I was pregnant...I threw up everywhere in our front yard as I was getting out of the car (I had horrible nausea). We starting walking towards the house. A huge flock of little black birds swooped down from an electrical line and started eating all the vomit. My husband was like, "YEAH! That was AWESOME!" :hurray: Men are so gross.



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I have 2 puke stories.


Story #1 from childhood. We went on a field trip in the school bus that took an hour to drive to or more. On the way home a girl pukes after eating watermelon in the back of the bus, the pink puke rolls up and down the isle in the grooved treads the whole rest of the trip.


Story #2 on the 2nd day of my honeymoon. We went on a day long boat ride (7hrs round trip) to a snorkeling site. About 1.5 hours into the trip I started getting sea sick. I continued to puke for the rest of the trip and almost ended up with hypothermia to boot because the crew advised me to get into the water at the snorkeling site to steady my stomach. It didnt, I just puked in the water next to myself and then I couldnt get warm again! I had never been sea sick before this trip nor after...it was because the sea was really bad that day. Very high waves! By the end of the trip the entire boat full of people were all puking...on themselves and each other. The crew (not sick themselves) just kept passing buckets and hosing down the deck. My poor DH got a crash coarse in taking care of me!:lol:

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Well in our NC house, the kitchen and family room were right next to each other. Over the years, both cats, our dog, my brother's dog (who was living with us) and my nephew (also living with us) all, yes all, all 2 cats, 2 dogs and 1 kid, all at different times stood on the LINOLEUM and threw up onto the CARPET!


Literally front feet (or only feet in the case of the kid) on the linoleum, head hung over the carpet. None of them could take a simple step backwards????


Oh and the best was, as the 3yo nephew walked away from towards the family room I heard my brother say "What's the matter are you okay?" Just as the puke starts flying. Does he run to his child? Does he run to get a towel for my carpet??


NO! He stands there, eyes wide dry heaving at the sight of it all with me screaming "GO AWAY! GET OUT BEFORE I HAVE TO CLEAN UP AFTER YOU TOO!"


And he did! Took off for the other end of the house living his puke covered crying child behind! And that is just one of the reasons we call my brother "Ironguts"! LOL!


Oh and I'm sure if we'd lived there when my son was old enough, he probably would have puked in that same spot too!

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Last Christmas, we had a puking incident that I handled like a pro. The details still makes me chuckle because I'm never that quick on my feet and assertive.


DD, who was 9 at the time, was recovering from feeling poorly. She was on the tail end of it so I felt she wasn't likely to make anyone else sick, and no one else was sick so we headed out to a Christmas show at a large church. It's a huge production, cost a small fortune to attend, and I knew the kids would love it.


So, right around intermission time, my then 2 year old said he was hungry. Having nothing to give him, he and I headed down to the coffee shop in the church lobby. I was hoping for something to tie him over. While waiting in line, he suddenly tells me, "My tummy hurts." Uh, oh! That's what DD said when she needed to throw up. In an instant, I turned him side ways and he puked all over the tile floor. If I hadn't reacted so fast, he would have gotten the person in front of us in line!


My other son, then 7, was with us. I asked him if he thought he could find Daddy. He didn't (it's a big church). So, I looked around and found an usher. I pointed him out to my older son and told him to go get him. He did. The usher came over; I told him my son had thrown up and told him I didn't want to just leave it like that. He got a chunk of napkins from the coffee shop. I took a few in case DS puked again and then said, "My husband is sitting at _______. He has dark brown hair, a goatee, and has two girls ages 9 and 1 with him. Get him and tell him to meet me at that bathroom." Then I quickly walked DS to the women's bathroom, leaving the mess on the floor for him to deal with. The poor guy; I think he thought I was going to mop it up with those napkins but I knew DS would be puking again momentarily. I walked DS straight pass the line at the bathroom and into the first open stall. All the women understood. Meanwhile, DS7, stayed outside until I turned and couldn't find him and all of the women directed him inside.


My somewhat confused husband was on his way to the bathroom when DS was done puking. The usher was with him; he looked like his head was spinning. Guess he's not used to a fast-thinking mama telling him what to do.


We went straight to the car, handed DS something to puke in, and went home where he continued to vomit.

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Setting: Bunk beds Twin A on top bunk Twin B on bottom. Ladder goes down the middle of the beds not at the bottom or top but right in the middle of both mattresses.


Twin A starts down ladder in middle of night and tells Twin B "My tummy..." as hurling starts, through ladder onto Twin B who until then was asleep in her bottom bunk. Twin B goes to mom and says "Sister spit on me"...Mom notices rank smell and discovers the vomit.

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Oh, another one that sticks out in my mind was when I was about 5. My great grandma made jello with cottage cheese in it. Who does that? I unknowingly ate it..it immediately came back up. I have never eaten cottage cheese since.


EWWWWW. And I'm not even talking about the puking part!


Actually that's probably one of those things that looks the same both before and after it's been eaten/puked up.


Again I say EWWWWWW! And I love cottage cheese.

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Setting: Bunk beds Twin A on top bunk Twin B on bottom. Ladder goes down the middle of the beds not at the bottom or top but right in the middle of both mattresses.


Twin A starts down ladder in middle of night and tells Twin B "My tummy..." as hurling starts, through ladder onto Twin B who until then was asleep in her bottom bunk. Twin B goes to mom and says "Sister spit on me"...Mom notices rank smell and discovers the vomit.



I'm sorry...I'm laughing so hard I'm crying!!!! :lol: I can so relate!!!

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When my kids were little...


My younger one wasn't feeling well. I went and sat on his bed to feel his head, etc. He sits up, and does something that if it weren't so gross, would be amazing.


I had a hole in the side of my pajama pants, you know like a tear along the outside seam.


Well, he vomited straight into it. No vomit anywhere, not on the bed, sheets, himself...only directly through the 3-4 inch hole and down my leg.


So, I put my hand around the bottom of the pats leg, and waddled over to the bathroom to clean up.

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I have too many stories to tell, but here are two:


When I was pregnant (the first time) the only thing I could hold down was soup. We were at DH's parents house and all they had was ramen, so I made myself some, and shortly after we left to go to the movies. As soon as we got out of the car, I threw up the soup and marveled at how it came out just like it went in, noodles intact and all.


This happened earlier this year. My then seven year old caught a stomach virus and threw up in almost every room in the house in one day. I tried to get her to run to the bathroom when she felt sick. I gave her an empty trashcan to use when she felt sick. I guess she was too sick to care. :glare: So finally she got better, or so we thought. A couple of days after she started getting up, and she returned to a normal diet, she threw up all over my bathroom. All over the oversized rug, the tile, the walls in the potty room (water closet), the outside of the toilet. When I saw the mess I broke down in tears. I was so tired of cleaning puke, and I was several months pregnant. I put DD in the shower and had a good cry while I cleaned it all up. It took about an hour until I felt the bathroom was sanitized.

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I went back and read this thread. I just have to say that I felt like I was tempting fate after reading each story. I'm going to be praying for our intestinal health for the rest of the day.



I'm just amazed at what we live thru as mommies!!!! A friend just delivered her 1st 2 days ago...and I was like "see what you have to look forward to!"

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Oh I have a million of these.......lets see..


DS2 looks at me and doesnt say a word, just pukes straight into my face and hair. It was in my eyes and mouth. He thens says "sowy mommy" That was the grossest.


DS2 projectile vomited in my moms van..it made up 2 rows into the front seat.


DD puked in her loft bed and it trailed all down the wall to the floor. It was the most disgusting brown nastiness I have ever seen. It stained the wall and the carpet. I oxy cleaned and shampooed...you name it, never got the stain out, had to repaint. UGH


DS4 feels sick and has a bucket on his lap, but instead pukes all over my aunts couch just minutes after Thanksgiving dinner and there are prob 30 ppl in the livingroom. Lovely. this began this years 9 day puke fest. WOOT


last year (the first time DS ever puked) we are in the car about to go into the airport and he covers his mouth and says hes gonna be sick. I AM SO quick that I whip out the designated van barf bucket from the stow and go and get it to him before he gets a drop anywhere in the van. GO MOM


My DD was 5 she was sititng on my sister who was laying down reading her a book and she proceeds to vomit all over her chest and face.


DH is driving the kids to church and proceeds to puke all over our new Impala WHILE DRIVING and doesnt wreck. That was totally awesome...he said his stomach gave him no warning. :001_huh:



This one is kinda funny......our first year of marriage we lived in a trailer and had HORRIBLE ants. I sprayed the heck out of the place with RAID. My DH grabs an orange soda from the pantry, drinks it, and then proceeds to barf it right back up. He said it tasted horrendous. Apparently I had gotten the RAID spray all over the soda's and he drank what was on the can lid, so I basically poisoned my poor DH :eek:

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You know those car beds little boys would die for? We bought one at a yard sale a few years ago. My oldest (5 yrs. at the time) sat up in his bed one night and vomited in every crevice of that detestable bed. We had to take the thing apart to clean it. I have since bribed my children with bunk beds in order to get rid of it!


Also, with this pregnancy I've had projectile vomiting. :ack2: One morning I was standing in front of the toilet thinking "I can hold it back..." Nope. It went everywhere!

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Two vomit stories from this fall -


1. We are on the way home from the State Fair because DS says that he really doesn't feel well. DS falls asleep on the way home and DH stops at the outlet mall so I can quickly look for a couple of things. DS wakes up while I am shopping and tell DH that he is hungry. DH goes to Taco Bell and gets the child a bean burrito. By the time I get back to the car, DS has consumed almost all the bean burrito :eek:. We are still 2 hours from home. Burrito makes a reappearance on the way home. DH compliments me on the ability to un-do my seat belt, turn around in my seat, grab the trash can and catch the vomit in under 5 seconds :lol:


2. While schooling, DS says tummy hurts and then starts hurling. All I care about is that he doesn't vomit on his spelling book (bad MaMa). I snatch that spelling book, grab trash can, and ALMOST get the vomit before it hits the floor. Thank goodness for tile floors. DS is also impressed that I am able to get the spelling book so fast.


I think I have a theme to my vomiting stories. :tongue_smilie:

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2. While schooling, DS says tummy hurts and then starts hurling. All I care about is that he doesn't vomit on his spelling book (bad MaMa).


One day one of mine said he wasn't feeling the best, and noting nothing definitively wrong I sent him to school and told him to call home if he threw up or started running a fever. I got the call all right--after he heaved all over the table in the library.:001_huh:


Do animal puking stories count? My mom had a new red carpet laid in her porch and the next day came home and discovered her black lab had chewed it up and consumed a large amount. He lived through the ordeal but had red carpeting coming out both ends for several days.

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My youngest used to be very sensitive to smells.


One day at the grocery store and older lady was leaning in and talking very close to his face (he was 1 1/2 or 2). I saw the look on his face and said, "Oh, he needs a little air, could you back up?" She gave me the Iamolderandknowmorethanyouyouoverlyprotectiveyoungnonothing look and leaned in a little closer...


Well, her breath must not have been pleasant...


Luke vomited. Thankfully, he missed her, but she started to ream me out for bringing him in sick and I tried to reassure her he is just very sensitive to smells and not ill... she did not take that well :lol:

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My youngest used to be very sensitive to smells.


One day at the grocery store and older lady was leaning in and talking very close to his face (he was 1 1/2 or 2). I saw the look on his face and said, "Oh, he needs a little air, could you back up?" She gave me the Iamolderandknowmorethanyouyouoverlyprotectiveyoungnonothing look and leaned in a little closer...


Well, her breath must not have been pleasant...


Luke vomited. Thankfully, he missed her, but she started to ream me out for bringing him in sick and I tried to reassure her he is just very sensitive to smells and not ill... she did not take that well :lol:



You win!!!:smilielol5:

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DD2 went through a long phase of barfing up food when she didn't like it.

She esp hated mashed potatoes. We were at Dh'd GM house for Thanksgiving and for some reason he turned into this super strict dad and forced her to eat the potatoes. GM is the type who has her hair washed and set once a week and it had been done that morning. DD2 proceeded to barf all over her plate and splattered GM's plate, table area, clothes and hair. GM calmly finished her dinner and gracefully never said a word. (she still likes us too)



When dd2 was a baby (20mo) she was ill and I was 8mos pregnant with DD3. After bath she leaned over on me and barfed all over my front. I'm too big to move with any speed and the smell got to me, so I barfed on her right back! So here we are, a crying baby, a tired pregnant momma, sitting in, and covered with, barf. Fortunately I always placed a towel on the floor while I dried my children after bath so I didn't have to clean the carpet.


When I was 11 I had the stomach flu and barfed all over my bed in the middle of the night. I can still see my kitten, all surprised and offended that I had barfed on him, while goo dripped off of his ear.



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My DC tend to be vulnerable to upset tummies so our house tends to have a far share of vomit episodes. DS sleeps on a top bunk and can never seem to make it out of bed before he vomits. Changing a sheet full of puke on a top bunk in the middle of the night is always fun...NOT!!


On one of those occasions when he did make it to our room, we had just gotten a brand new comforter set for our bed. It was expensive for our budget and we got a super good deal. Anyway, DS woke me up to tell me his tummy hurt and I sat up just in time to see *that* look on his face as he started to throw-up all over the new comforter. I was not going to let him ruin the comforter so instead I cupped my hands and reached out to catch it.:tongue_smilie: I was successful in saving the linens but it was so disgusting!!


Another time, middle DD, who wears hearing aids, was sick and leaning over the toilet. I was trying to hold her long hair back so she wouldn't get it in her hair. I accidentally hit her hearing aid and "plop!" it landed in the toilet full of puke. Without thinking I reached in and grabbed it before it had a chance to sink. Poor DD, I left her bent over the toilet and ran to our bathroom as I disassembled the aid and ear mold, wiped off the outside, rinsed the ear mold, removed the battery and had it in the Dry 'n Store before it took the time to register I stuck my hand in a toilet full of puke! :tongue_smilie: Then I thought about the potential cost:



$3,000 for the aid + $1,000 for the FM boot (owned by the school district) + $150 for ear molds + $400 for the audiology office visits (2 @ $200 each)

and I decided it was worth reaching into a little vomit and started praying that the Dry 'n Store did the trick and the aid still worked. I left it all night and PTL it was fine in the morning!


Then there was youngest DD who vomited for the first time when she was around two YO. She did not understand what was happening and would get the most pitiful look on her face and ask, "Mommy, why my mouth do dat?" She was so cute and it was so hard to explain to her why she was throwing up.


I hate it when the kids are sick!!

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When my kids were little...


My younger one wasn't feeling well. I went and sat on his bed to feel his head, etc. He sits up, and does something that if it weren't so gross, would be amazing.


I had a hole in the side of my pajama pants, you know like a tear along the outside seam.


Well, he vomited straight into it. No vomit anywhere, not on the bed, sheets, himself...only directly through the 3-4 inch hole and down my leg.


So, I put my hand around the bottom of the pats leg, and waddled over to the bathroom to clean up.


Tazzie, our 5 yo, was known as The Woof Man as a baby. His middle name really is Wolf, which is how it started...until we discovered the boy loathed clean shirts. No matter what the deal was, he would puke all over a clean shirt in a matter of minutes. We got to the point where we only changed shirts as we were walking out the door. I can remember ppl visiting and all of us with puke somewhere on our shirts...try explaining that one to much older relatives :001_huh::lol:

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