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Question about my dd-- WWYD?

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She is 9 years old and since yesterday at around 5pm (ish not exact) has had a horrendous headache. She was in tears over it yesterday and still can not really do anything. She has been laying in the reclining chair since she got up this morning. She says its a tiny bit better. We gave her tylenol and motrin (generics) yesterday but it didnt really help. She says its more in the back of her head. Do you think she should be seen? I called the nearest decent hospital (an hour and a half away) and they said they could not tell me anything over the phone. Could this be a migrane? Do 9 year olds get migranes? I get them about once a month and I get violently sick with them and am in bed for 2-3 days sometimes. She is describing something different than what mine are like- but I know they are not all the same either. Mine never started until after I had her (my 2nd child) :confused:




ETA: Her vision is not blurred or anything and she is not nauseated or anything. I know I have both of those before and during my migranes.



She is almost in tears now

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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I hope it turned out to be nothing serious but wanted to let you know that I have been getting migraines since I was 5 and my brother started at 3. So young children can def. get them.

Mine were severe when first getting my period and dealing with fluctuating hormones (@ 10) and have finally settled a bit now(32).

Hang in there!

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I hope everything turned out ok. I had a few horrible headaches in childhood that felt like awful pain/pressure in the back and top of my head and turned out to be severe double ear infections, although I experienced no pain in my ears. I am hoping it turns out to be something as treatable as that.:grouphug:

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In my house those base of the neck headaches are the result of sleepig wrong.

Hot and cold compresses on the back of the neck and massaging tends to do the trick after a couple days. Don't know why, but those are the worst crocks to work out and they are very painful.


Can you call your ped or family dr and ask what they think?


Hope all is well.

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It was just strep! The doctor said sometimes the strep bacteria grows in the part of the throat where there is a nerve center that puts extreme pressure on your head. So she has strep throat! Thank goodness thats all! :hurray:


:001_smile: Give her time to heal. Sometimes it takes longer to get over the strep than one thinks of when one is taking antibiotics.

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Ya I have been. She has been getting out of chores and resting (she is loving it :lol:) She is still having really bad headaches though but they are getting better slowly
Hope she continues to feel better! I am sure she will as the medicine takes effect!


I got headaches when I was young. The first really bad one I remember was when I was 7, but I'd had other headaches before then. I had them at least once a month. When I was 11 I had a killer migraine. My mom took me to the doctor, who LITERALLY said I was a dizzy blonde!!! :001_huh::glare::sneaky2: What doctor in their right mind would say that?! :angry: (Noone has ever figured out why I get headaches--still get'em as bad or worse than ever!)


So anyway, I'm glad your dd got a better doctor, and that it's something that will heal soon!

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