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I wish there was a forum for 6-8 grades only


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I think people who put their grocery carts in the dumpster are worse than criminals!


If you wear shoes in other people's houses, that's just shocking!


On the other hand, who would want to see/smell your ugly feet!


How about politics? Everybody loves a friendly political discussion. We could talk about health care, immigration, & the weather.


What else?


Oh, I know. I'm looking for a good history curric...



I'm pretty sure I just made this the "suggestion box."

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I think people who put their grocery carts in the dumpster are worse than criminals!


If you wear shoes in other people's houses, that's just shocking!


On the other hand, who would want to see/smell your ugly feet!


How about politics? Everybody loves a friendly political discussion. We could talk about health care, immigration, & the weather.


What else?


Oh, I know. I'm looking for a good history curric...



I'm pretty sure I just made this the "suggestion box."


I love you!!!


I was lying in bed wondering which of these would get noticed by a Mod...

"kittens are horrible so everyone should use an apostrophe to pluralize"

"my DH is a meanie"

"Go Republicans"

"Go Democrats"

"Go Whales"

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So - I posted way back at the beginning that a new sub-forum would be great, and I haven't read through all the replies, so maybe this was addressed already -

But - although I would enjoy a sub-forum - a lot of those K-5 people may want us middle school people for advice..... I mean - we've been there done that - used a lot of the curric. they are considerring, etc.

Just a thought.....

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I would enjoy the option as the mom of a middle school and high school student. ( I spend most of my board time on the hsboard or the general now, and the K-8 is an occasional pop-in for me.)


The current board often is filled with questions that we just haven't addressed in years here, not to mention specific curriculum questions and opinions that I've never seen.


Now I do believe an experienced btdt voice is an asset, but my experience with pre-k - grade 5 is just outdated.


I do remember this discussion/wish from a few years ago, and it was shot down. This is still the best homeschool board hands down imho;).

Edited by Tammyla
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I don't really understand all the concern about wanting btdt voices.


1. Several of the logic stage mamas are going to the highschool boards to ask for just that--couldn't grammar stage mamas who *really* want that older voice just go to the logic stage boards if they need to do so?


2. While I see the need for & value of older voices in the mix, I do not see how the needs of elem stage parents trumps the needs of logic stage parents. Hopefully, there will always be older voices in the mix. But as it is, we've already given the parents who theoretically have the most years of experience a separate board. I still see some of them on the elem boards, though, & apparently, others still know where to find them. ;)


Esp because WTM materials--SOTW & FLL are primarily aimed at elem kids, I think the logic stage can be...so uncharted. I expect that SWB will be working to fill that void, but in the mean time, I don't want to accidentally point an elem mama *away* from SOTW by mentioning something I'm thinking about using for the logic stages, kwim? (I realized after my post about Sheinkin that he could be seen as competition for SOTW, which he's totally not--apples & oranges & all that.)


Oh, & I think some books are totally racist. Go meat-eaters!!! One of the amendments totally protects the right to carry weapons. But people who exercise that right are just a bunch of vegetarians. ;)

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I'd be... across the board next year :lol:


Hopefully at some point I'd know enough of what I was doing to not need the input so desparately.


Yeah, & here's the thing--some topics, I love discussing. I lurk on the curric boards sometimes hoping a really fun topic (for me) will come up. If there's something less interesting, but I think I know something & I have the time, I'll skim through the thread, & you know what? It's usually already been said. (And if it hasn't, then it's the opposite of what everyone's saying, & I have to decide how flame-proof I am, which is usually nil. Fire completely scares me, so I usually move on to a less volatile topic. Unless, of course, I really, *really* care. Then...well I run around the living room yelling, "Help! Somebody put me out!) :lol:


Oh, I forgot my point. MCT, for ex, will always have people jumping in those threads to explain, help, proseletyze. (Drat. I can't spell it.) PR & TOG have really wonderful people explaining everything. (Sorry, I'm a faces person; names have always eluded me.)


I think the older people will be here for the topics they love, no matter how the board is split up. BUT there would be a wealth of information, easier to access, for elem mamas going into the logic stage, new hs'ers starting at the logic stage, etc, if there were a separate forum.


Y'all know there are days--usually after something big has died down--when the boards just don't offer the adrenaline rush we'd like. It's those days when I poke around the highschool boards, afterschooling boards, accelerated boards--shoot, I even go to the foreign language boards when I'm desperate. These are places I should totally not be! :lol: Someone save those people from me! (And don't even get me started on killing time on the for sale boards. Jeepers, the books I've bought because nothing was going on over here!)

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Maybe if there was a way to tag the threads for the different stages/grades (either way, it doesn't matter to me) so people with older students would know where to look.


THis! I think a GRAMMAR or LOGIC tag would be helpful to apply to the thread. That way you can skip over a thread nit relevant.

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THis! I think a GRAMMAR or LOGIC tag would be helpful to apply to the thread. That way you can skip over a thread nit relevant.


But it still doesn't solve the problem of the pace of the board. I'd have to wade through five pages of posts in order to see the last couple of days. And I would probably miss things.

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I love the elementary homeschoolers but I don't like having to search through 100+ threads on elementary homeschooling to find one thread about middle school. There is such a big difference between homeschooling K and homeschooling 7th and 8th. Why, oh why can't we have our own little forum????






ETA: I changed the thread title to reflect the idea of a logic stage forum and not just a middle school forum.


Is anybody offended by this? If so, you could really do us a favor by flagging it. I tried, but the bold-faced warning about ONLY using the flags for spam or harassing posts intimidated me. :D

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I would very much like a different forum (sub forum, whatever). I will not post more, in case I offend someone ;)


You know...there are some names...the mere presence of which...can shut down a thread...unfortunately...that also often results in the banning of said person, so...I won't mention the name.


I'm sweating from getting *this* close to the line. Somebody stop me! :svengo:

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I only have the one child and now that we are at the logic stage, I have no interest in posts about phonics or beginning math. I also don't visit much here, because it is hard to wade through all the posts to find the stuff just about logic stage.




This is my situation exactly! I would REALLY appreciate a section devoted to 6-8th grade topics.




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I don't really understand all the concern about wanting btdt voices.


1. Several of the logic stage mamas are going to the highschool boards to ask for just that--couldn't grammar stage mamas who *really* want that older voice just go to the logic stage boards if they need to do so?


2. While I see the need for & value of older voices in the mix, I do not see how the needs of elem stage parents trumps the needs of logic stage parents. Hopefully, there will always be older voices in the mix. But as it is, we've already given the parents who theoretically have the most years of experience a separate board. I still see some of them on the elem boards, though, & apparently, others still know where to find them. ;)


Esp because WTM materials--SOTW & FLL are primarily aimed at elem kids, I think the logic stage can be...so uncharted. I expect that SWB will be working to fill that void, but in the mean time, I don't want to accidentally point an elem mama *away* from SOTW by mentioning something I'm thinking about using for the logic stages, kwim? (I realized after my post about Sheinkin that he could be seen as competition for SOTW, which he's totally not--apples & oranges & all that.)


Oh, & I think some books are totally racist. Go meat-eaters!!! One of the amendments totally protects the right to carry weapons. But people who exercise that right are just a bunch of vegetarians. ;)


:lol: I agree about the points you made. :)

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Yeah, & here's the thing--some topics, I love discussing. I lurk on the curric boards sometimes hoping a really fun topic (for me) will come up. If there's something less interesting, but I think I know something & I have the time, I'll skim through the thread, & you know what? It's usually already been said. (And if it hasn't, then it's the opposite of what everyone's saying, & I have to decide how flame-proof I am, which is usually nil. Fire completely scares me, so I usually move on to a less volatile topic. Unless, of course, I really, *really* care. Then...well I run around the living room yelling, "Help! Somebody put me out!) :lol:


Oh, I forgot my point. MCT, for ex, will always have people jumping in those threads to explain, help, proseletyze. (Drat. I can't spell it.) PR & TOG have really wonderful people explaining everything. (Sorry, I'm a faces person; names have always eluded me.)


I think the older people will be here for the topics they love, no matter how the board is split up. BUT there would be a wealth of information, easier to access, for elem mamas going into the logic stage, new hs'ers starting at the logic stage, etc, if there were a separate forum.


Y'all know there are days--usually after something big has died down--when the boards just don't offer the adrenaline rush we'd like. It's those days when I poke around the highschool boards, afterschooling boards, accelerated boards--shoot, I even go to the foreign language boards when I'm desperate. These are places I should totally not be! :lol: Someone save those people from me! (And don't even get me started on killing time on the for sale boards. Jeepers, the books I've bought because nothing was going on over here!)



I'm researching high school right now. I'm also having to wipe my palms down continually to keep them from dripping on the keyboard.


I may decide to go the creepy route and just teach dd how to sew and find a good man. Or perhaps I should marry her off? Anyone have a well behaved son looking for an ill educated wife? ETA, maybe this should go on the for sale board?


Whatever you do, don't flag that.

Is anybody offended by this? If so, you could really do us a favor by flagging it. I tried, but the bold-faced warning about ONLY using the flags for spam or harassing posts intimidated me. :D

I'm almost offended.................. except that the mods scare me.

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Is anybody offended by this? If so, you could really do us a favor by flagging it. I tried, but the bold-faced warning about ONLY using the flags for spam or harassing posts intimidated me. :D


I tagged it. If I get in trouble - please remember I have thin skin and will need therapy for at least 6 months.


ETA: I have never read the rules regading placing tags so I am claiming ignorance. I will read them after work.


BTW - I sent a PM to the Mods about our request. The response at this time is they will discuss it.


Yeah Mods. Thank you.

Edited by The Dragon Academy
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I'm really new to Homeschooling and this board. I have a 5th grader at home and I'm considering taking my younger children home next year. I have loved learning about teaching ideas for all their ages in this forum. However when I'm trying to sort out curriculum choices and teaching ideas for each child's unique needs it would be helpful to have the Logic stage in a different place than the Grammar stage. I'm trying to keep all these ideas sorted in my head and maybe I'm just easily distracted, but having separate places to search, think and share would really help me.

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Y'all know there are days--usually after something big has died down--when the boards just don't offer the adrenaline rush we'd like. It's those days when I poke around the highschool boards, afterschooling boards, accelerated boards--shoot, I even go to the foreign language boards when I'm desperate. These are places I should totally not be! :lol: Someone save those people from me! (And don't even get me started on killing time on the for sale boards. Jeepers, the books I've bought because nothing was going on over here!)
:) I love it!
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I'm researching high school right now. I'm also having to wipe my palms down continually to keep them from dripping on the keyboard.


I may decide to go the creepy route and just teach dd how to sew and find a good man. Or perhaps I should marry her off? Anyone have a well behaved son looking for an ill educated wife? ETA, maybe this should go on the for sale board?


Whatever you do, don't flag that.


I'm almost offended.................. except that the mods scare me.


:lol: Ok, really. We are going to finally start school now. But y'all are cracking me up!

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I tagged it. If I get in trouble - please remember I have thin skin and will need therapy for at least 6 months.


ETA: I have never read the rules regading placing tags so I am claiming ignorance. I will read them after work.


BTW - I sent a PM to the Mods about our request. The response at this time is they will discuss it.


Yeah Mods. Thank you.


Tagging is fine; flagging is not--it's like pulling the fire alarm. If there's a fire, good. Otherwise, look out.


I have thin skin, too. I'm so glad to know the mods are thinking about it so I can go back to being good. All this rebellion...shoot, I need therapy w/out being banned. :svengo:

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I'm not supposed to be here. HEE HEE! :coolgleamA:

Almost all of the parents that I generally go to with questions about logic-stage kids now hang out on the HS board, so that's where I am most of the time as well, even though I have a middle-schooler and a 3rd grader.


It's very difficult to have a real conversation about serious topics (not just "Tell me about CLE math...") on the K8 board. It moves too fast, and potentially good discussions tend to end up on page 7 before many people even have a chance to look in. On the HS board, you can post a question and know that everyone will see it because it will still be in the first 3 pages or so for the next day or two. The threads tend to be longer and more conducive to real discussion and conversation, so that's where I hang out. I don't think having a separate Logic Stage board would really take that much traffic away from the Grammar board, because I don't think that many logic stage parents are hanging out there now anyway.



I was thinking about the difference in deep conversation this weeked. I appreciate the convo there b/c it feeds me as a teacher, deeply; however, I also enjoy the more materials focused convo on the K-8 as it feeds my need for good stuff! Ew. I sound kinda like an addict. :001_huh:


I like the idea of keeping the K-8 board together as one, but adding icons to designate G, L, or R stages. Those little icons down at the bottom of the page when you're typing a reply and/or new message? Right there - add a G, L, and R! Those show up with the topic headings, so it would be easy to tell which grades the thread applies to.
I like this, especially if we could use the search tool to separate the icons.


Yeah, & here's the thing--some topics, I love discussing. I lurk on the curric boards sometimes hoping a really fun topic (for me) will come up. If there's something less interesting, but I think I know something & I have the time, I'll skim through the thread, & you know what? It's usually already been said. (And if it hasn't, then it's the opposite of what everyone's saying, & I have to decide how flame-proof I am, which is usually nil. Fire completely scares me, so I usually move on to a less volatile topic. Unless, of course, I really, *really* care. Then...well I run around the living room yelling, "Help! Somebody put me out!) :lol:


Oh, I forgot my point. MCT, for ex, will always have people jumping in those threads to explain, help, proseletyze. (Drat. I can't spell it.) PR & TOG have really wonderful people explaining everything. (Sorry, I'm a faces person; names have always eluded me.) I will always come back to talk about PR and TOG! Some things just run through your veins and bring joy to talk about! PR and TOG do that for me! I even get pms and emails about them and could never school and only talk about them all day! For some time, I will also have a kid on every forum anyways :willy_nilly:


I think the older people will be here for the topics they love, no matter how the board is split up. BUT there would be a wealth of information, easier to access, for elem mamas going into the logic stage, new hs'ers starting at the logic stage, etc, if there were a separate forum.


Y'all know there are days--usually after something big has died down--when the boards just don't offer the adrenaline rush we'd like. It's those days when I poke around the highschool boards, afterschooling boards, accelerated boards--shoot, I even go to the foreign language boards when I'm desperate. These are places I should totally not be! :lol: Someone save those people from me! (And don't even get me started on killing time on the for sale boards. Jeepers, the books I've bought because nothing was going on over here!)

Aubrey, you're crackin' me up today!




I'm researching high school right now. I'm also having to wipe my palms down continually to keep them from dripping on the keyboard.


I may decide to go the creepy route and just teach dd how to sew and find a good man. Or perhaps I should marry her off? Anyone have a well behaved son looking for an ill educated wife? ETA, maybe this should go on the for sale board?


Whatever you do, don't flag that.


I'm almost offended.................. except that the mods scare me.

:lol: ...for sale board....hahahahaha


This thread was the perfect "lunch break" for me today!


I'm voting FOR the split into grammar and logic stages.

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to split the boards this way:



High School.


Junior High is so much about gearing up for high school that I think it deserves its own board. Most parents aren't "freaking out" about how to do "higher level academics" til about mid-6th grade anyway - lol.


I could live with K-5 & 6-8; but I'd think the difference between 5th & 6th is a giant step; but gr 4 to 5, not much of a jump really.


Lisaj, graduated 1; one in Christian Hi Sch; three at home learning in gr 2,5,8

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I love the elementary homeschoolers but I don't like having to search through 100+ threads on elementary homeschooling to find one thread about middle school. There is such a big difference between homeschooling K and homeschooling 7th and 8th. Why, oh why can't we have our own little forum????






ETA: I changed the thread title to reflect the idea of a logic stage forum and not just a middle school forum.





Now, start one! We'd fit right in.

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