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autism quotient?

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Facebook has this app that's going around on my friends sites, called the "Autism Quotient Test." I looked it up and it is not just something off the wall, apparently this test has been around for a while in other places.


Anyway, many of my "friends" have taken the test and all scored in the average range, even the one who has a definite aspergers diagnosis. However, I scored high enough to be on the very edge of the spectrum.


My question is, if you are familiar with this test, is it a bunch of baloney, or does it have any validity?

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Facebook has this app that's going around on my friends sites, called the "Autism Quotient Test." I looked it up and it is not just something off the wall, apparently this test has been around for a while in other places.


Anyway, many of my "friends" have taken the test and all scored in the average range, even the one who has a definite aspergers diagnosis. However, I scored high enough to be on the very edge of the spectrum.


My question is, if you are familiar with this test, is it a bunch of baloney, or does it have any validity?

It's considered a valid screening test. It's not a diagnostic test.


I score high too, although I think it's because I have social anxiety issues.

Screening Adults for Asperger Syndrome Using the AQ:

A Preliminary Study of its Diagnostic Validity in Clinical



The Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ):

evidence from Asperger Syndrome/high-functioning autism,

males and females, scientists and mathematicians.


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I also score just a bit over the edge into Asperger range, but I'm quite confident that I would not actually be diagnosed. I'm very introverted and logical (solid INTJ), and I think that skews the results. However, my husband (also an INTJ) scores a bit higher than I do, and we're both pretty sure he's slightly Autistic.

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I score a 35. According to the test information the average score for women is 15. I think be introverted and having social anxiety issues skews the results for me. But, I'm probably in the high functioning side of the spectrum. for various reasons I have no interest in an actual label.

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I get that it was a screening test. I was annoyed with the statement at the end about it being predictive (or I can't remember what it said since I took it a week ago.) Basically, since most introverts will score high on the test, it seemed to imply that introversion was a disease. I am sick of that mentality. Our church constantly blames my boys' tendency toward introversion as a product of unhealthy homeschooling rather than their natural temperment. Hello!!! Hasn't anyone ever met an introvert at school? Or are they all on the Autism spectrum.


Okay, stepping off my soap box here. Need to be a little less sensitive:).

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I get that it was a screening test. I was annoyed with the statement at the end about it being predictive (or I can't remember what it said since I took it a week ago.) Basically, since most introverts will score high on the test, it seemed to imply that introversion was a disease. I am sick of that mentality. Our church constantly blames my boys' tendency toward introversion as a product of unhealthy homeschooling rather than their natural temperment. Hello!!! Hasn't anyone ever met an introvert at school? Or are they all on the Autism spectrum.


:iagree: It is causing needless worry among those who are scoring high. I have had students ask me about the test as have my colleagues at the local liberal arts school.

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I didn't remember what my score was when I did it before so I re-did it.

It does not surprise me that my score came up high (38) though.


ETA: Just because autistic people would score high on the test does not mean that scoring high on the test makes you autistic. I realize *y'all* get that, but.... And even if it did, then maybe that suggests that some of the criteria for spectrum disorders is a bit off. Seriously, not everything is a disorder. Sometimes it just is what it is.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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I get that it was a screening test. I was annoyed with the statement at the end about it being predictive (or I can't remember what it said since I took it a week ago.) Basically, since most introverts will score high on the test, it seemed to imply that introversion was a disease. I am sick of that mentality. Our church constantly blames my boys' tendency toward introversion as a product of unhealthy homeschooling rather than their natural temperment. Hello!!! Hasn't anyone ever met an introvert at school? Or are they all on the Autism spectrum.


Okay, stepping off my soap box here. Need to be a little less sensitive:).


Well, I scored a 25 (I took the one on Wired, not facebook, are they different?) and I'm an ENT who sort of splits between P and J (P being my tendency, J being a lot of learned life skills).


And to the Lady Gaga post. ;) Being an I/E depends upon where you get your energy. Does being with people drain you or give you energy? It gives me energy. That doesn't mean I'm the life of the party or anything.


I struggled with some of the questions. Can I guess people's intentions? Yes, I can read people like a book in that regard. Do I understand people's motivations? Not in the least.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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I took the test and scored a 41. This only confirms my suspicion that I may be an Aspie. I know that it is not a formal dianosis but I will probably never go to a doctor to get one anyway. Also, in my case it only further confirms what I have suspected since the first time I read a description of Asperger's.

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Facebook has this app that's going around on my friends sites, called the "Autism Quotient Test." I looked it up and it is not just something off the wall, apparently this test has been around for a while in other places.


Anyway, many of my "friends" have taken the test and all scored in the average range, even the one who has a definite aspergers diagnosis. However, I scored high enough to be on the very edge of the spectrum.


My question is, if you are familiar with this test, is it a bunch of baloney, or does it have any validity?


IMO there isn't enough definition for many of the questions. I scored 14 but there were some questions that were just too vague. I found myself trying to analyze the percentage of time the situation might be true. For example, would I rather go to the library or a party. Well, it all depends on what kind of party, who will be there, and if the library is really good (I've been in some rather horrid libraries) etc. How can one really even answer that question :glare: There were 5 or 6 of those questions that I felt were too vague or situationally dependent for me to definitively answer. So if I added in points for those 5 or 6 I would be 20-21. I'm a solid INTJ - Does that make me a weird introvert? :tongue_smilie:

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For example, would I rather go to the library or a party. Well, it all depends on what kind of party, who will be there, and if the library is really good (I've been in some rather horrid libraries) etc. How can one really even answer that question :glare:

For most Aspies, I think that would be a pretty easy question. ;) It was a no-brainer for me.

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For most Aspies, I think that would be a pretty easy question. ;) It was a no-brainer for me.


I would rather do neither. Parties are not my thing considering they involve being around other people. But libraries have this horrible smell and also contain people. Was there a "stay home and be introverted" option?

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IMO there isn't enough definition for many of the questions. I scored 14 but there were some questions that were just too vague. I found myself trying to analyze the percentage of time the situation might be true. For example, would I rather go to the library or a party. Well, it all depends on what kind of party, who will be there, and if the library is really good (I've been in some rather horrid libraries) etc. How can one really even answer that question :glare:


HA!! This is SO your "N" part of the INTJ coming out, it made me laugh.

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HA!! This is SO your "N" part of the INTJ coming out, it made me laugh.


LOL! Really, I spent most of the test analyzing the questions, wondering when they would be applicable in my life, and once I decided on a response I tried to determine the type of person who would have answered the opposite from me and then that helped me determine whether I was answering appropriately :D (does that sentence even make sense?!)


I love these online tests - makes for a spot of fun in the afternoon.


BTW, my bil just arrived from Maui last night bearing 2 beautiful pineapples! They are quite tasty esp. when dipped in Nutella. I guess that's one bright spot about losing my sister and her husband to the islands.

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I just took this test on facebook in the past day or two. I was really annoyed with the questions, because it seemed like a lot of the questions were about introverts, which makes it seem like there is something wrong with being introverted. I hate it when people think there is something wrong with being introverted. Some of these things are personality traits, not a disease.


I'm also with the person who asked, "Well, what kind of party?" Some parties feel like a waste of time, others I just get bored and want to go home, and others are actually fun. It all depends.


Anyway, I scored a 23, and I am generally an INFP.

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LOL! Really, I spent most of the test analyzing the questions, wondering when they would be applicable in my life, and once I decided on a response I tried to determine the type of person who would have answered the opposite from me and then that helped me determine whether I was answering appropriately :D (does that sentence even make sense?!)


I am always missing those "which one of these is not like the other" questions on tests for the same reason.


BTW, my bil just arrived from Maui last night bearing 2 beautiful pineapples! They are quite tasty esp. when dipped in Nutella. I guess that's one bright spot about losing my sister and her husband to the islands.


I am going to seriously miss the pineapples. :(

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