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My son just said "I wish I didn't live with you."

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He's not quite five yet. He continued with:


"I wish I could live at Uncle Matt's house. They have better food than us. They have Oreo cookies!"


I'm feeling pretty good about my diet, but apparently my son isn't :lol:


(And yes I do still buy them treats but I confess we don't keep as many in the house now that my husband and I are both dieting)!

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I wanna live at Uncle Matt's, too :lol:!


haha, well, yes, sometimes so do I. But that won't help my weight loss efforts much! :D


I just started WW two weeks ago. I've lost 3.7 lbs so far! I totally hear you on the no goodies in the house because mommy might snack a little too much!


Your little boy is cute!


Congrats on your weight loss so far! :)

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My kids love the canned chicken soup they get at their grandmother's house. CANNED CHICKEN SOUP?!?!?! I make the best, from scratch, chicken soup and have been complimented on it by many people. Ah well . . .


<whistles innocently and doesn't volunteer the fact that today she gave her kids canned chicken soup and toasted cheese sandwiches for lunch>



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lol! My daughter has said she wants to live with her aunt and cousins next door. She would be in for a rude awakening, cause I'll bet Aunt Letisha wouldn't make pink frosting cinnamon rolls every day just for her;)


The above mentioned SIL has an almost 3 year old who recently expressed angrily that she wanted to come live at my house. So SIL opened the door and let her go! They made up before she got all the way over here, though:)

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If it's any comfort, as he becomes a teen, you'll share the same wish.


And the chicken soup comment is very familiar. I have always made my own tomato sauce (gravy for the Italians!). My boys will not eat pasta anywhere else. My daughter, however, came home from a friend's house raving about the dinner they served her and asked me if I've ever heard of RAGU!! Geez.

Edited by bzymom
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my boys feel deprived. They think their friends, the ones with candy, chips, cookies, etc., have it made, with all the GOOD stuff in the house. They don't like that the junk we allow are Cherrios, pretzels, pasta. We buy ice cream a couple of times per month and I do buy other treats, but the Oreos and such will be enjoyed at their friend's houses.


Every Christmas I give each of the kids a bag of treats. They will get their annual box of poptarts, Cocoa Puffs, candy, chips, etc. They love it and they polish it off quickly.

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LOL! My son (6) has said that and also added - "I'm not going to visit you when you're OLD!" :glare: along with - " You're the meanest Mom I've ever had!" and the all time gut puncher - " I wish I didn't have you for a mother!" But the one thing I can always count on when he's calmed down is a snuggly apology and an "I love you Mommy" :001_smile:

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LOL! My son (6) has said that and also added - "I'm not going to visit you when you're OLD!" :glare: along with - " You're the meanest Mom I've ever had!" and the all time gut puncher - " I wish I didn't have you for a mother!" But the one thing I can always count on when he's calmed down is a snuggly apology and an "I love you Mommy" :001_smile:


Which reminds me of the time my daughter was about 5- I wasn't homeschooling then but was a stay-at-home-mom- and she got mad at me for something and told me: "I wish Daddy could stay home and YOU would go to work!"




Kids. Gotta love 'em.

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my boys feel deprived. They think their friends, the ones with candy, chips, cookies, etc., have it made, with all the GOOD stuff in the house. They don't like that the junk we allow are Cherrios, pretzels, pasta. We buy ice cream a couple of times per month and I do buy other treats, but the Oreos and such will be enjoyed at their friend's houses.


Every Christmas I give each of the kids a bag of treats. They will get their annual box of poptarts, Cocoa Puffs, candy, chips, etc. They love it and they polish it off quickly.


Hey! I do that too! Last year I think she was more excited about the Fruit Loops than the actual toys.


For the most part, I'm a strict vegetarian (no meat, dairy, eggs...but I bend on the dairy/eggs part for holiday meals) and it drives my kid nuts because I usually don't buy junk food. However, I think she will be grateful when she is 30 and has great eating habits :001_smile:

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Which reminds me of the time my daughter was about 5- I wasn't homeschooling then but was a stay-at-home-mom- and she got mad at me for something and told me: "I wish Daddy could stay home and YOU would go to work!"




Kids. Gotta love 'em.


I have heard that one..... Daddy is just much more fun.

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Every Christmas I give each of the kids a bag of treats. They will get their annual box of poptarts, Cocoa Puffs, candy, chips, etc. They love it and they polish it off quickly.


My husband is very hard to buy for and he doesn't like many sweets, but there are a few things he really likes. Sometimes we'll do gifts like 10 boxes of Captain Crunch cereal or a case of Girl Scout thin mint cookies.

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When my husband got divorced from his ex, he got the kids. When we told her that we planned to get married she had a list of instructions about the kids that I was told I had to follow. The list began:


1. Each child is to have his or her OWN box of poptarts


I can't remember the rest of the list! I hadn't bought poptarts in over a decade! Needless to say, THAT wasn't going to happen.


Later, our own son, Fox, at age two began to tell us "I'm going to live with my REAL family" where apparently he could eat peanut butter sandwiches all day long and never pick up his toys.

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My middle dd has said she's going to live with Granny and Pa when she turns 13 since she was little. Probably about age 4 she started letting us know she'd be gone when she's 13. I cheerily agreed and told her to let Pa know. He nixed that idea pretty quickly. She is persistent though - I think we're heading for summers at Granny and Pa's soon though...

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