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Where did you meet your (non-spouse) best friend?

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Ok...for most of us, our best friend is our spouse, so I don't want to hear where you met your spouse.


Where you met your (non-spouse) best friend?


Ummm....I raised them. They are my adult children. Also, my SIL is my very BFF because we love eachother, and really are more like sisters. We have been friends over 30 years!


I have had some other friendships over the course of my adult life...but people are weird...and well..I am kind of weird.....so....



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Married into it...:) My SIL would have to qualify as my best friend, and she's my dh's brother's wife. The first time I met her was at my own wedding...I think. Possibly at a bowling alley, but I can't remember if that was before or after the wedding?:lol:


What's funny is that we really didn't become that close until around 8 years into it.

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It's interesting... Other than DH, I don't have a best friend. DH didn't either, until just recently. I have long-time friends (going on 27 years with the one I was closest to in high school), but we're not besties anymore. Too much distance, too much change over the years. I guess if you define best friend by who you want to call first with good or bad news (after DH), that would be my mom, especially since I had kids and I have a greater understanding of her life. In 20 years, I could see DD and I having a similar relationship.


Maybe that's a follow-up question: How do you define best friend? What makes one old friend your "best" while another is just "old"? :)

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At a homeschooling park day. She had just moved to the area and, being the shy person that I am, I forced myself to go talk to her and welcome her to the group (because I know how hard it can be to break into an established group.) Our kids were similar ages and we started a few clubs together (science, book clubs, etc.) Then I signed up under her as an Usborne consultant, then we became exercise partners. I see her 5 - 6 times a week. I think she knows me better than dh does. If she ever moves, I will be devastated.

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I have different best friends for different aspects of my life.


My best friend from highschool.


My best friend from having babies together and doing the toddler thing together - at church.


My best friend - at church. I was a million years pregnant with #4, dh was deployed and I was in charge of snacks for 300 kids for vbs for a week. We had been in a bible study together and I asked for help cutting up TONS of fruit on a Sunday afternoon. This amazing woman - with no kids - came and cut fruit for hours. When I complained of my feet hurting, she offered me her super comfy Merrell sandals. We've been super close ever since.

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She needed a ride to freshman orientation for college and the school gave her our name. 12 hours in a car up and back, plus the days at the school, gave us a good basis for our friendship. We saw each other again once school started, became roommates at Christmas, and have been best friends ever since. :)

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My bff and I met 28 years ago our freshman year in highschool. We were in band together and also PE. We had a mutual dislike of both band and PE, but we really liked eachother. We were best friends throughout high school and have stuck together most of our lives. We were maid/matron of honor in each other's wedding and even though we live about 35 miles apart, we e-mail every couple of days and get together for park days (her 2 older kids are a quite bit older than mine, but she had a johnny-come-lately who's the same age as mine, so they play together) every couple of months.

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Well, I have several best friends - so here goes...


My mom - ummm... birth. Seriously, I talk to her everyday, several times a day. We shop together, vacation together, etc.


My two childhood best friends. One lived next door to me since we were 2 years old. We are sisters. We don't remember a life without each other. The other I met when I was 12 and in 7th grade. We both ended up with a lunch hour with no friends in it. We met each other and she has been one of my dearest friends for 26 years.


My sister-in-law who passed away 7 years ago. She married my husband's brother. We were very, very close. She will always be in my heart as my best friend and sister.


Then there are the best friends in my life everyday that don't live out of state (my childhood friends live out of state). I have 2 very close homeschool friends that I met at a homeschool park day. I have come to depend on them and love them very much in a short year and a half. Going through the death of my child has made me cling to all of my friends, but these two ladies in particular are what keeps me sane. Along with a 3 hour weekly phone call to my friend I met when I was 12 and a "I need to cry hysterically" phone call to my friend I met when I was 2. I love my friends. Don't know where I would be without them.

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First day of new school, 8th grade, September, 1983. Some from the music class i was in was showing me where to go next, which was lunch. I ended up sitting down at that table with them, not knowing where you sat that day is where you sat the rest of the year!! I ended up becoming bffs with the then bff of the girl from the music class. The music class girl moved away at the end of that year. We're still best friend's 17 years later.


And she's my son's aunt and godmother.

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