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How much sleep do you get?

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My body shuts off about 10pm, always has. However I have insomnia and don't sleep well. My body needs about 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night. I haven't been getting that lately and I'm kind of crabby. I usually get up around 7 - 7:30 am.


Last year I was having real issues with sleep and did my own mood/sleep study. The nights I did sleep for a solid 9 hours without waking up were the best.

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If I am sleeping I get 9-12 hours of sleep. That sounds like a lot until you factor in how often I do not sleep.


My sleep schedule is 11p to 8a. I'd dearly love to change it to 10p to 7a.


If I ever had 2-3 months of no insomnia I'd be getting enough sleep. Unfortunately that does not happen.

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I get about 7 hours a night, and a 20 minute nap at lunch. I'm usually asleep around 10 and wake up at 5.


My brain starts shutting off around 8, and my patience goes out the window by 9. Given those 2 things, I'd probably do better on 8-9 hours of sleep, but I can't go to bed earlier and I refuse to give up the blissful early morning hours.

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About twenty minutes. At least, that's what it feels like most nights. :glare:


I probably actually sleep five or six hours. I go to bed around 11, sleep until three, bolt awake, lay there for three or four hours, fall back to sleep for an hour or so (having those crazy dreams), roll out of bed and stagger to the coffee pot around eight. No wonder I feel like a zombie.

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because I do not function well without it, LOL! I go to bed around 1am - 3am.....and get up around 10am - 12am!


My family understands how important sleep is to me.....and will not wake me up.....well....maybe if the house was on fire they would, LOL!



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I usually get around 6-7 hours of interrupted sleep. I have to get up each night around 2 to check my diabetic dd.


If I actually went to bed before 11 every night I would probably feel pretty good. It's hard to do cause, you know, the house is so nice and peaceful by 9:30 - 10:00, I just can't make myself go to bed and miss all that quiet!

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I need 8-9 hours or I'm unpleasant. I usually have the lights out between 9 and 10 (often on the earlier end of that range!) and get up at 6 to have an hour or so before the kids are released from their rooms. We're all early risers around here, but they know not to make noise or open doors before 7/7:30.

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SOOOOO not enough. I go to bed around 11:30 ish. Night is the only time I have to hang out with DH and I have a hard time giving that up. I try to get up around 5 so I can have quite time in the house to clean/plan/prep. So about 5 1/2 hours...but then factor in that I have a 3 week old...ugh...night time nursing is cutting down on the little sleep I get.

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How much sleep do I get..? Not much.. and certainly not enough..


I try to get to bed by 10 pm.. I'd like to do to bed earlier but between getting the kids down and then chores and perhaps, gasp.. some time with my husband without children.. well.. 10pm is usually it..

I am awakened at least 3 times a night.. between my husband coming up to bed (which usually wakes me), or a child coming in at least once with a nightmare or something... I then wake up at 6 am when my husband's alarm goes off.. I often try to doze a but until 7..when my little alarm clock wanders into the room..


I do feel, that even if I happen to sleep all night.. I sleep so lightly that I am not really getting the rest i need.. however.. I've no idea how to change that..

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At what time do you get up/ go to bed?

Do you have the impression you are sleeping enough hours?



I fall asleep around 2:00am and wake up about 8:30am. It's just my body pattern. Some nights I need to take something to help me fall asleep. My doctor thinks I need 8 or 9 hours of sleep. I am totally functional with only 6 hours of sleep. However, once a week, I sleep for 9 or 10 hours. Maybe my body tries to catch up a little. And yes, I'm totally fine with the number of hours I sleep. I feel fine.

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