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S/O: What FB posts do you just shake your head at?

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Well, SOOOOORRY!!!, but my status today is:


"If you TRULY, MADLY, DEEPLY love the WTM board as much as I do and it has made you a better wife, mother, teacher and lover then you shall immediately cut and paste this status into YOUR status. If you don't then you are anti-WTM and I'm tellin' SWB on you!" :001_huh:




Okay, I may just post this. :lol:


ETA, there's only one mistake I can see. The punctuation, grammar and spelling will be understandable to the literate. This may be a no go *snort*

This drives me BONKERS! It happens here at WTM too. Seems like passive/aggressive is the way to go these days! LOL


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I had one FB friend who would post a bunch of vague "Uh, so much drama!" type posts, then when a bunch of people would ask "What's wrong?" she'd respond "If you don't already know the details, then please don't ask. I only tell my really close friends the details about my life. They don't have to ask."


Oooookay then. :huh: Nice to know I'm on the "B list".


ugh...there is a 15 yo girl on my DS's friend list that does this. She used to be in my GS troop when she was in about K-5 grades and I cannot reconcile that little cutie with the carp she writes about now.

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OH!...and I HATE farmville. I don't care how many chickens you need, how many bricks you have, and on and on. Now there is petville and loserville (okay, maybe not yet...but soon). I hate to go look at my homepage only to see a bunch of farmville...or go to my messages to see a bunch of "farmville gifts." Blech.


You can block the application so you don't see the requests or get gift requests. It should be near the bottom of the gift requests. Saved my sanity that little button did.

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This one just popped up in my feed:


In the Bible it says, if you deny me in front of your peers, I will deny

you in front of my father, at the Gates of Heaven. This is a simple

test. If you love God, and you are not afraid to show it post this to

your page! ♥

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I just thought of another one that makes me nuts! Someone might have posted it, but anyway, it's the ones that say something like it's husband week. If you have the best husband, and he blah blah blah, repost this. It's always someone's week. But I've never heard of hard-working homeschool mom's week. :glare:

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This one just popped up in my feed:


In the Bible it says, if you deny me in front of your peers, I will deny

you in front of my father, at the Gates of Heaven. This is a simple

test. If you love God, and you are not afraid to show it post this to

your page! ♥


Yeah, I got that one. Guess what? I didn't repost, so there! :D

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I just thought of another one that makes me nuts! Someone might have posted it, but anyway, it's the ones that say something like it's husband week. If you have the best husband, and he blah blah blah, repost this. It's always someone's week. But I've never heard of hard-working homeschool mom's week. :glare:



It's NAKIA WEEK. If you like Nakia then repost this to your status. If you don't then you're a hater. SHAME ON YOU!!!

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It's NAKIA WEEK. If you like Nakia then repost this to your status. If you don't then you're a hater. SHAME ON YOU!!!


I double dog dare you to post that as your status. If you don't, I don't love you anymore, and I'm not your friend. And I will pray that your armadillo gets leprosy.

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I double dog dare you to post that as your status. If you don't, I don't love you anymore, and I'm not your friend. And I will pray that your armadillo gets leprosy.



What I won't do to protect my armadilla' friends. :lol:


Please don't dare me to make meth or anything. I don't want my house smellin' like cat pee!

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I've actually experienced the opposite. I get to know a lot more about the lives of people I am friends with but rarely get to see due to busy lives, so then when I do see them in person I can say (as I did at the grocery yesterday), "How did Max's soccer tournament go?" rather than, "So whatcha' been up to?"


I also don't buy the oft-floated idea that if these people were truly my friends/important to me, we'd make time to get together regularly. I am nearing 40 and have made hundreds of friends in my life. They are not all my best friends but that doesn't mean I don't like them a lot and want to know what they are up to. I believe they feel the same way about me. People can be important to me without being in my immediate, daily sphere of life. Facebook has served an important function for in that respect.




I've moved so many times since high school and college and FB has served as a great way to reconnect and stay in touch with people who live in other states and countries. It's been amazing for me.


That said, the posts that make me crazy are the vague, "Ugh....." type comments and the day-to-day woe-is-me complaining/attention seeking from certain acquaintances.

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My turn to join in...


There's really just one other thing that bugs me. Well, I guess it's a combo. Part of it is when someone accepts your friendship/you accept theirs and you think that you ARE friends and you hope to connect with them. What really happened was that they (or you) are too nice to not accept the friendship and you really DON'T connect. Because, for me, I like my friends. If I am your friend on fb, it's because I really am. So, if you are on and I am on, I'm going to say hello and see if we can chat just a minute or two... cause I love to chat (it's been a great love of mine since childhood!). But, when you are on and never respond (as in never, ever) I wonder, "Why did she accept my friend request if she was going to ignore me??" And all that is said to end with, my true friends will answer messages or chat for just a moment with me... the others that just "dont" are "friends" from the teen years and we probably just don't have that much in common anyway....


So, there, now that I've aired it, I am going to let it go!

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My turn to join in...


There's really just one other thing that bugs me. Well, I guess it's a combo. Part of it is when someone accepts your friendship/you accept theirs and you think that you ARE friends and you hope to connect with them. What really happened was that they (or you) are too nice to not accept the friendship and you really DON'T connect. Because, for me, I like my friends. If I am your friend on fb, it's because I really am. So, if you are on and I am on, I'm going to say hello and see if we can chat just a minute or two... cause I love to chat (it's been a great love of mine since childhood!). But, when you are on and never respond (as in never, ever) I wonder, "Why did she accept my friend request if she was going to ignore me??" And all that is said to end with, my true friends will answer messages or chat for just a moment with me... the others that just "dont" are "friends" from the teen years and we probably just don't have that much in common anyway....


So, there, now that I've aired it, I am going to let it go!


Oh, I agree with you. I've had some requests from what I privately call "Friend Collectors". I accept them, send a note saying, "Hi, how's it going, this is what I'm doing these days" and they never respond. Irritating. Several of them have now been defriended and I doubt they've even noticed because they had 400+ friends to begin with. Who can keep up with that many!


My other pet peeves:


*Brags, especially if they're disguised as complaints. Like, "Oh my Mercedes is in the shop." or "Oh, my family was soooo cramped in our 3500 sq foot home" or "I want to go to Europe again but my husband can't get the time off from his fabulous high-paying corporate lawyer job because we just got back from Bermuda".


*fishing for compliments. One of my friends put up the other day, "Mary Jane Johnson wants to be a good mom." The only thing that made my eyes roll more than the status itself were the comments she got on it. And really, I'd give her the benefit of the doubt and assume it was sincere if she wasn't ALWAYS putting stuff up to either fish for compliments or really vague things that make people question her (and she never ever answers either).


*Posting every. last. detail. of your life. I do not need to know that you're on your 4th load of laundry for the day, that you're on the way to scrub your toilets, that your sinuses are clogged or that last night's Mexican isn't sitting well in your GI system. KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.


*The "Let's leave the men clueless and post things that sound suggestive but really aren't!" games, the latest one being to proclaim where you like to keep your purse by saying something like, "I like it in the car in the garage" or "I like it on the kitchen table". Really, how does that promote breast cancer awareness? It doesn't. Nor do I want to know your bra color. And if you use symbols to make breasts in your status update, you may very well be hidden from my feed for a long time.


*oh and if you're 40 yrs old and using the spelling "boi" to refer to your teenage son, you are on permanent hide.


Whew, that felt good.

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*oh and if you're 40 yrs old and using the spelling "boi" to refer to your teenage son, you are on permanent hide.



Ewww, that made my skin crawl! There's something ... perverse? maybe that's not a good word ... about using the word boi to refer to your own child. Blech!


Last night my dd was trying to get me to be friends on fb with one of the boys on her soccer team. He's a lovely young man who immigrated from another country; he's extremely polite and always makes time to talk with me and my littles when he sees us. I like him a lot, and he's 18 so technically he's an adult but ... wow, I felt skeezy just considering being fb friends with him! I declined. :o



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Ewww, that made my skin crawl! There's something ... perverse? maybe that's not a good word ... about using the word boi to refer to your own child. Blech!


Last night my dd was trying to get me to be friends on fb with one of the boys on her soccer team. He's a lovely young man who immigrated from another country; he's extremely polite and always makes time to talk with me and my littles when he sees us. I like him a lot, and he's 18 so technically he's an adult but ... wow, I felt skeezy just considering being fb friends with him! I declined. :o




I know the feeling! My 17yo sister wants me to friend her boyfirend. He's an 18yo college kid.:glare: I would totally get the perve vibe if I friended him.

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I also cannot stand when people post pictures of their wounds! GROSS!


Yes, this! I do not need to see your ds's surgery pics, thankyouverymuch.


Last night one of my FB friends posted via Blackberry that she was on so-and-so road and there was a terrible accident; she proceeded to take about a dozen photos of the accident and post them to her FB. Why???

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I also really dislike the realllllly needy stuff that people put in their statuses. Unfortunately, my dh is one of them. I mean, really, you'd think that he won't ever get his quota of "Like!"s or thumbs up or "Good job" on the littlest things. What drives me crazy the most is that he posts all these plans and aspirations and things he's going to do that sound so great, but he rarely follows through. I don't even read his page very much anymore. :(


On one hand, it has reminded me that his love language is Words of Affirmation and I need to keep giving to him, but on the other...when you get to the point where you are making YOURSELF a group or whatever for people to become a fan of, I think you're beyond help.

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Agree, cannot stand the duck lips at any age. They are are just worse on mature women.


I also loathe the 'keep the men in the dark' games which I also think are a mockery to cancer survivors.


I also cannot stand when people post pictures of their wounds! GROSS!




LOL! I am so guilty of this.

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...over dramatic 'woe is me' everyday. Negativity on a constant daily basis is a downer. Everybody deals with that stuff, why do I have to pat someone on the back everytime one of her kids won't do their homework, or whenever she's got a headache?


YES! Put on your big girl panties and deal with it.


The other thing that REALLY annoys me is when someone says something like, "Enjoying a great dinner with the family. I love spending quality time together!" Um, but you aren't; you're on facebook right now. I don't personally consider it great family time to be sitting on facebook, typing away. I like to interact with my children and spouse during dinner, but that's just me. This is not to say I don't like facebook - I get on it every day almost. I just don't consider it family time. :001_huh:

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My current fb status is, ‎"A verb is a word that does an action, shows a state of being, links two words together, or helps another verb." And the funny thing is, people are actually commenting on it!! :D



Mine was

If you TRULY, MADLY, DEEPLY love the WTM board as much as I do and it has made you a better wife, mother, teacher and lover then you shall immediately cut and paste this status into YOUR status. If you don't then you are anti-WTM and I'm tellin' SWB on you!
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