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Yet again I wracked up $30+ in library fines, and we're broke. So irresponsible! Sigh

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Yep, Unfortunately, I am with Aubrey-$30 is nothing for those us truly skilled in racking up library fines...:glare:


I really do feel your pain!


Thanks...my worst fine was over $50, but I talked them down by half with my "poor single income family" sob story hahaha! But unfortunately, part of that story was "I'll never let it happen again", so I'm stuck. I just keep thinking of all the things I could buy for myself with $30 that I don't buy, and now it's like throwing money away. Thanks for the sympathy! I don't deserve it. :)

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I write due dates on our desk calendar. Would that help? Eventhough our library sends email reminders, there have been times my email provider has kicked the email back, and I did not receive them.


This has helped me tremendously.


I'm embarrassed to admit this...I knew they were due. I had my sister and two nephews here from out of state and it was a whirlwind of activity and still that's a lame excuse because there were plenty of chances for me to drop them in the night box. Thank you for the suggestion!

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:D Okay, not really, but I'm sure we should have a brick w/ our name on it!We rack up fees w/ each library trip it seems. However, we have a forgiving library so often my fees are reduced. Currently, we are looking for a little paperback book of Blue's Clues that I'm certain dd2 is hiding somewhere so she doesn't have to let it go! I've gotten better, but every once in a while I forget. Oh, and it doesn't help that we get email notification 2 days prior to a due date and then all of a sudden those emails stop! Computer glitch, I'm sure. But when you rely on those emails and then stop getting them suddenly...totally throws you for a loop. Anyway, I feel your pain. I'm just glad we are so well known at our local library b/c we are there 2x a week or more and most of the librarians extend such mercy to us!

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So sorry. I need to bring back To Kill a Mockingbird. Way overdue.

How many books? How late?

Isn't there a limit to what they can charge?



Well...only 26 items, which is low for us, but 3 of them were videos which are ONE DOLLAR A DAY and I was 8 days late on one of them, which I NEVER EVEN WATCHED (It was Adam Bede BBC style, and I really wanted to see it but my visiting sis wasn't into it).


I don't think the fines stop adding up, but if they get ridiculous it's my experience that they will drastically reduce them. I want to email them and ask but I've already done that once and I'm afraid they have it and my empty promises on file, LOL.

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I won't mention why I have been using my daughter's library card lately...



Oh - and not only is there a night box, but I can actually renew my books online...



So can I, but I think I had reached the renewal limit in this case. I thought of using my son's account, I don't have a problem doing that, but I have two items on hold (Friday Night Knitting Club and Wives and Daughters) that I've been waiting a long time to be available. They won't let me get them until I pay the fine. wwaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh

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:D Okay, not really, but I'm sure we should have a brick w/ our name on it!We rack up fees w/ each library trip it seems. However, we have a forgiving library so often my fees are reduced. Currently, we are looking for a little paperback book of Blue's Clues that I'm certain dd2 is hiding somewhere so she doesn't have to let it go! I've gotten better, but every once in a while I forget. Oh, and it doesn't help that we get email notification 2 days prior to a due date and then all of a sudden those emails stop! Computer glitch, I'm sure. But when you rely on those emails and then stop getting them suddenly...totally throws you for a loop. Anyway, I feel your pain. I'm just glad we are so well known at our local library b/c we are there 2x a week or more and most of the librarians extend such mercy to us!



I'm glad I'm not alone! Do you ask them to reduce it or do they offer? I think I will email them and try a different approach...instead of saying "will you reduce my fine?" maybe I'll say "can you hold onto my on hold books a bit longer than usual until I can get the money to pay my fine?". Maybe they'll take pity on me and offer to reduce it.

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Our all time high (three years ago) with all five of our library cards was just shy of $100. Yes. There it is. That (and eating beans and rice for a week) finally got my attention. We use another county's library and it's not always "easy" to drop books off. Well, now, I staple the library receipt to our BIG calendar a week before they're due. And, even if I have to make a special trip, it's cheaper than $100. Also, we no longer get dvd's from the library. Netflix works out to be cheaper than the late fees for us.

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Our all time high (three years ago) with all five of our library cards was just shy of $100. Yes. There it is. That (and eating beans and rice for a week) finally got my attention. We use another county's library and it's not always "easy" to drop books off. Well, now, I staple the library receipt to our BIG calendar a week before they're due. And, even if I have to make a special trip, it's cheaper than $100. Also, we no longer get dvd's from the library. Netflix works out to be cheaper than the late fees for us.


Oh my word, Amy...OUCH. Did you pay it all?! That must've left a scar! I'm so with you on the dvds...except I never stick to my resolve not to rent any more. I've vowed "never again!" many times only to decide "this time I'll be responsible". HA.


Thanks for sharing my pain!

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Our all time high (three years ago) with all five of our library cards was just shy of $100. Yes. There it is. That (and eating beans and rice for a week) finally got my attention. We use another county's library and it's not always "easy" to drop books off. Well, now, I staple the library receipt to our BIG calendar a week before they're due. And, even if I have to make a special trip, it's cheaper than $100. Also, we no longer get dvd's from the library. Netflix works out to be cheaper than the late fees for us.


PS now I'm totally craving beans and rice! I think I'll make some even though it's 11:30 here and it's just gluttony to eat this late...

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PS now I'm totally craving beans and rice! I think I'll make some even though it's 11:30 here and it's just gluttony to eat this late...


:lol:Beans and rice is not gluttony!


And, in response to your previous post, no I had to pay the fine over three weeks - otherwise, we'd have been a complete mess. I am happy to report that I'm no longer funding major library building projects.

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Hi Ladies,


I just had to jump in here! I work part time at a small library. (And honestly, it is such a great job for a book loving homeschooling mom!). But I gotta tell you - it is far more embarrassing when I misplace a book at home! Wanna watch me go banannas - watch me when I can't remember where we last had that book on the list (and we are allowed 25 items per person!).


Seriously though, I know a couple of you mentioned the email reminders, and yes when they are working properly, they are truly a great help. If you don't have it (or aren't aware of it) it is called Electronic Library Friend, so ask your library staff. Before I began working, one thing I did was to take the library slips with the due dates and put them in my lesson plan books. I found that was good for me especially if the books were being used for something we were studying.


I am glad for those of you who have had the kind library people to forgive fines. Many libraries do want to work with people.


On the lighter side, consider all the books the library can buy with your fines (books to add to your studies:lol:.



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:lol:Beans and rice is not gluttony!


And, in response to your previous post, no I had to pay the fine over three weeks - otherwise, we'd have been a complete mess. I am happy to report that I'm no longer funding major library building projects.


Well at least you learn from your mistakes; way to go!!


Is it gluttony if I add tons of cheese and sour cream?

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On the lighter side, consider all the books the library can buy with your fines (books to add to your studies:lol:.




It does help to think of it that way, Pam. I figure $50 or so a year in fines isn't so bad considering we check out hundreds of books a year between the six of us!


How did you get your job at the library? How many hours do you work? What sort of qualifications did you need to be hired? Hope you don't mind my curiousity!

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Our library has late fees, but if you just return the book they'll usually drop it. I've never had to actually pay late fees for library books returned late. I do have a debate going on that I say I returned a book with all the others, and they say I didn't... I write down the titles as I put them in the night drop box! But that doesn't mean nothin to them!


Now on the other hand... renting DVDs from an actual rental store!!! Oh my, I seem to forget I even rented them at times. Just today I returned on that I've had about 3 months or so now... two months in the house, one month riding around with us in the van, which includes MANY trips past the rental store without any stops or drive-bys to drop it in the night box! Pure lazy, huh! No excuse especially once it's in my van!


I've just decided I don't need to rent movies or borrow library books. I'd rather buy a book used, and watch movies at the cheap theater or on TV.


Anyone have an issue with the library where you returned something and they say you didn't? What'd ya do?

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Wow! I feel lucky on this one. The most I have ever had is $6 and that is about 3 weeks late. Also we are not charged to check out movies, so the late fees are the same. I am not sure what our fees are, but I know they are cheap.

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Anyone have an issue with the library where you returned something and they say you didn't? What'd ya do?


Yes, this has happened to us too many times. I think maybe because we turn in so many items at once, sometimes something gets lost in the shuffle. Usually, they say they will search for it, and in most cases they find it and admit their mistake. I hope you have similar luck!

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Anyone have an issue with the library where you returned something and they say you didn't? What'd ya do?


I've always been given the benefit of the doubt. Most of the librarians know me, so maybe that helps. Usually, they will find the item on the shelf anyway.


I also have them check my items in while I wait. There have been a few that never got checked in even with that method, but I'm sure it would be more if I didn't have them check them in in front of me.


I also print out a list of everything I have out on each card. I highlight the items I return so I can check online the next time. This way I can see if something doesn't get credited to my account.

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Okay, Professional Library Fine Accruer, fess up! What's your highest fine? :bigear:


I think it was over $200. I was working for the Children's Museum & doing research for an upcoming exhibit when I found out I was pg w #1. Between AM sickness, the nearly hr drive, & being run off the rd to work one day, I quit.


And I forgot about the books. On both accounts. (The other one was $120 or so.)


But wait. It gets worse. We then moved, & one book got accidentally packed w/ our stuff. When I discovered it a year later, I was scared.


So I held the book ransom. You know, on some planet, that might have been a good idea. IF I'd contacted the library & said something shady, like, "Hey. I've got your book. If you ever want to see it again..."


But not me. I don't like to get in trouble. So I held the book ransom, but I didn't say so.


Around that time, there was a report in the news of some guy who got arrested for not paying overdue fines at some library. (I was scared to answer the door. My dad really enjoyed that, too.)


Finally, in an act of utter despair, I went to return the book. I was going to drop it in & not even ask for a reduction in fines in return. I was too guilt-riddled.


I made dh drive so we could get away fast...just in case, you know. (Should I be confessing all this on a public board?) But they'd closed the main branch. The branch I'd first gone to as a wee child. The branch that I'd gone to w/ my gr-grandparents, with the pond INSIDE the bldg. (No, not that one. I'd hate to get too specific, in case they're still looking for me.)


So I was ready to give up & race home, but there was a sign indicating their new location, & dh insisted on driving me there. (I didn't know where it was, & I'd offered to drop the book in the book drop at the closed location. It was locked, though.)


We get there, & there's no night drop. I have to actually walk. in. the. building. I'm ducking my head, afraid there's going to be a most-wanted wall or something, but I made it in, deposited my book, & jumped in the car while screaming, "DRIVE! DRIVE!!!!"


But that's just *one* story... :D

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Our all time high (three years ago) with all five of our library cards was just shy of $100. Yes. There it is. That (and eating beans and rice for a week) finally got my attention. We use another county's library and it's not always "easy" to drop books off. Well, now, I staple the library receipt to our BIG calendar a week before they're due. And, even if I have to make a special trip, it's cheaper than $100. Also, we no longer get dvd's from the library. Netflix works out to be cheaper than the late fees for us.



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Let me preface my comments by saying our library is *awesome*!


But the $1.50/day fine on DVD's (which we can keep for 5 days - which those of you who can do the math know does not equate to a weekly visit) kills us. Luckily, they upped the block limit from $5.00 to $10.00 (which we still reach - on several cards - at least once monthly.)


I think we've about decided that it will be cheaper in the long run to just buy the DVD's we're interested in. But at least we're supporting the library this way!

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Yep, Unfortunately, I am with Aubrey-$30 is nothing for those us truly skilled in racking up library fines...:glare:


I really do feel your pain!


One time I went out of town for vacation with family for 10 days and forgot to return the 3 videos due the day b4 we left, and bingo. I got to pay $100 in fines, I was not happy and never checked out another video again.

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Aubrey I can top you by $50.00. :D:D whopping $250 (all that money that I could have used for my homeschooling :glare:)


I had to pay this for 2 years because I couldnt' afford it. I buy as much as I can before I would borrow books.




I started buying instead of librarying, too, until dh & I moved to Dallas. Our library there didn't charge late fees at. all. (Of course, I didn't find this out until after another unfortunate incident.)


Now that we've moved *away* from there...I'm scared. Very scared. Movies are $1/day late, & I forget what books are, but if you check out 40+ & forget them for a couple of days...that adds up, too. :blink:

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I want you all to know that I have just placed our library books and cd's by the back door, all due today. Thanks for this thread, you've saved me some money!


Oh, and my highest fines were $35, years ago when I lived in San Diego. That library had a food pantry amnesty day. Once a year, if you brought in food for the pantry, they'd forgive the fines. I think it was one box or can for every dollar you owed. I wish more libraries did this.

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I consider library fines to be donations. :D We borrow no fewer than 30 books each visit. I can't imagine not being a library felon. I admit, I am extra -careful with new books that I know others are waiting to read. It's not like we mean to keep them so long, but sometimes books tuck themselves into bed linens, between sofa cushions, under piles of of other books in the bathrooms, and many have found their way into our own bookshelves for a time...wanting to be a part of our print-loving family, I think.


My library system seems to enjoy collecting my fees. They have explained they buy new books with them. I've joked that perhaps they need to name a wing after our family.

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We, too, use other cities' libraries as the one in the town closest to where I live just doesn't cut the mustard. Thank goodness for the Tex-Share card!!! And, um, yes, I believe the new central library in Austin will have a wing dedicated to my family....because of the amount of late fees. :blush: And, um, yes, I can renew on-line.

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One time I went out of town for vacation with family for 10 days and forgot to return the 3 videos due the day b4 we left, and bingo. I got to pay $100 in fines, I was not happy and never checked out another video again.


Oh my word...I feel ashamed for complaining after reading this! Yikes! You have my heartfelt sympathy.

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I emailed the library. Their reply was "We have forgiven $17.30 in fines as a courtesy. This is an exception to our policy, and your account does show a history of forgiven fines". Boy, that hurt my pride. But, hey, I'll take it! Woo-hoo! I sense that this will be their last extension of courtesy, so I'd better be more careful from now on. Y'all have scared me with your stories of $100+ fines! Thanks for the support, ladies! You're all awesome.

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