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Sentences you can't believe you just said?

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"You pooped? Great! How big was it? Was it soft or hard? Oh, nevermind, just let me come see it" Said to my child who suffers with constipation.

Oh, my! That brought back many memories of the months we dealt with my son and his constipation issues. After the pediatric gastro specialist had us keeping a chart I even got to add the following: Was it grey or brown? What shade - dark or light???"

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"Take that leash off your brother."

"The dog doesn't need a leash right now, we are inside"

"cats don't like leashes"

"if you put that leash on another thing I'm going to loose it!"


Said to 3 year old in a public bathroom during "that time of the month" : "no mommy didn't poop in her pants"


And of course:


"Why are your hands in your pants.... again"

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Once my oldest ds had my middle ds on his back and they put a hole in the gameroom wall with middle ds's backside.

While freaking out, I said, "Great, now I get to call dh and tell him that there is a butt hole in the wall."



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"Whatever you're doing, cut it out!"


Truly, I often say this. :)


I say that so often! :blush:


I've also said:

Please quite sawing your sister's head off (it was a plastic sword).

Quit licking the floor! (said in the middle of Walmart on a busy Saturday) :eek:

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So how many of you have said this?


"Yes, mommy has to go poop, and please do not say anything about it when we get there." I used to say that to my girls all the time when they were younger and not potty trained and had to go into the public bathroom stalls with me. I didn't want them to announce to the world that mommy had to poop! :lol:

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"Can we please just get through school without making Mommy go all Linda Blair?"


"Put down that book and go play."


"No, we don't eat food that's fallen on the floor even if you blow on it."


"We pee IN the potty, not ON the front of it."


"Please stop torturing Pooh Bear."


"You may not hit your sister with anything other than a sword."

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