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Not started school yet?


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Are we the only ones here who haven't started school yet? Today the local kids went back to school and my boys are going stir-crazy. They need school. I'm hoping to start by September 20th (we finished last school year mid-July). I'm getting the whole year organized at once because when the school year starts I won't have time to plan. It is frustrating because we all want school to start. At the same time I do find some satisfaction hearing my son beg and plead for school to start. I'll have to remind him of that when he starts whining mid-year.

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Are we the only ones here who haven't started school yet? Today the local kids went back to school and my boys are going stir-crazy. They need school. I'm hoping to start by September 20th (we finished last school year mid-July). I'm getting the whole year organized at once because when the school year starts I won't have time to plan. It is frustrating because we all want school to start. At the same time I do find some satisfaction hearing my son beg and plead for school to start. I'll have to remind him of that when he starts whining mid-year.


Nope, you are not alone. We are kinda on the same boat here :). We are finishing some things from last year still (it was a difficult year for personal reasons), while also adding certain things to meet our Provincial Learning Outcomes (we had our first Field Trip on Sunday :D) and I have a program that I purchased in order to keep Adrian busy for now. We will be starting officially at the beginning of November.

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We pretty much school year round (just more lightly in the summer), so we are still finishing our year when others are just beginning. We won't start our new school year until the new calendar year; January. Hey....it works for us. :001_smile:


This is exactly our situation! I am trying to finish up A Beka by December/January so we can start MFW ECC. So excited!

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I was just coming online to post this! We moved August 27th, and I decided it would be futile to start before Labor Day. Now, I'm wondering what planet I was on that I thought I could start before September 10th! Tomorrow, I will finish unpacking and getting the house in order. And Thursday-Sunday will be spent getting a schedule together and reviewing/making lesson plans. Monday, we will OFFICIALLY start school.




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We haven't started properly either. That is to say, we're gearing up to our full schedule. It seems that almost every term I have to tweak (or in this case, completely revamp!) our schedule so I tend to spend a week or two "getting into" the new schedule.. doing more and more of it each day until I'm up and running. I'm aiming to be doing it all by the end of next week.

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We won't start until the end of September or early October. I tweaked our schedule to accommodate a late start this year. That way our only big break started right around the time our new babe was due. Of course he finally showed up 11 days late.. :tongue_smilie: but I'm still waiting until he's about a month old to start back up.

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We school year round with no real start date since we will just move up a level whenever we finish the previous level. So, we could be "starting" math in January, reading/phonics in June and History in October.


We have been on a little bit of a break and taking things easier over the summer but I was hoping to gear up again this week. Instead I'm waiting until next week since this week is already too insane. I'm wading through HUGE piles of laundry from our weekend camping trip; dd16 has a new cheer coach who decided they needed to be whipped into shape and her new schedule is causing problems with her dance and work schedules that we set up over the summer, her first game is Saturday afternoon; ds is starting soccer this week and dh is assistant coach so we're getting schedules and uniforms together for the first game Saturday morning; there's absolutely no food in the house and we all had to get up at 6:30 this morning to drive dd to school so we're all tired and cranky.

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We are in the middle of moving house. Or rather, we've spent this week house hunting and will be moving over the next 2 weeks, so I guess we'll start beginning October. Oh dear, I just didn't think it was a good idea to start school and then move -too disruptive. In the meantime we have been doing lost of "readiness" exercises to fill in the gap.

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We were supposed to start Oct. 3, but it has now been backed up to Sept. 20, due to some changes in our family schedule.


We have started Science and History (WP TWAM and SOTW 1) along with other "practice" for starting school. Practice includes a little reading by my dd, writing and math each day. New curriculum gets cracked on Sept. 20.


Regular read-alouds are daily year round, so they don't count as school here.


We're still trying to recover from our absolutely insanely busy summer!

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We did school over the summer and are currently breaking.


We will officially be starting kindergarten probably Oct 4th. Waiting for a few last items, then I'll take some time to get everything organized, read through, learn about what's expected of me, get books from the library, etc.

But I'm considering everything we did over the summer as part of this school year so we can end in May/June. :D

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So glad I found this thread - as a new homeschooler that tried to start school this week and realized we (I) are not ready, it's reassuring to know that I do not have to schedule a "tradtional" year. I guess it hasn't sunk in yet - that whole "flexibility" part of homeschooling. The best time to start is when we are all ready (kids are but mom is struggling to get it together).

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No, we haven't started here. DH is home and there is major construction going on in the lower level of the house (our classroom 'was' there and our new classroom will be there) so we are waiting.


DD11 is doing some history, twins are doing some literature combined with science and we are doing co-op.....but we had a year of upheavals and we ended late. It will all work out.

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Guest A Joyful Mother...

It is SO comforting to know that we are NOT alone in starting school late! We are called to NC as missionaries and thought that by Sept. we would have moved already. Nope. Still in VA. I am JUST NOW looking at Curriculum.


Anyone hear of Epi Kardia? Anyone know if used My Father's World?


Great to have this support! Excited to start living in this community! = )

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We are starting Friday- first day of co-op. Then "officially" start on Monday at home. Tuesday my 10 and 16 yo have academic classes at Tutoring Center and we are off. Still need to purchase some curriculum. DS 16 is still finishing up ancients (reading 80pgs a day to finish the Iliad by Tues when we switch over to Moderns).

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