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I'm with you all the way - I,too, need to drop a solid 50 lbs (although I am starting out at a lower weight to begin with, but at 5'1" I have less space for the excess tonnage ;-).

I am just watching portions, etc. and upping my veggies. Down 11 lbs since late June when I got the full-size doctor scale for my b'day. If I'd exercise I'd lose more faster.


Am dieting more to show my dd, 5'6" and 190 lbs, how to do and and that it works than anything else. We have a contest to see who can lose the most before Christmas!


Good luck to you and your daughter, too!! Congrats on the 11 lbs so far! That's an average house cat that you are no longer carrying around with you lol.


I did join a gym with my hubby. We can only manage to make it over there twice a week as of now, but I think it is DEFINITELY helping!


Thanks everyone :)

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Thank you everyone, for your support and encouragement!


Today was my 6th results weigh in.


Status Report:


8/26/10, Week "0"

Weight: 237 1/2 lbs

BMI: 37.2

Height: 5'7"


9/2/10, Week 1

Weight: 235 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.9

Weekly Change: -2 lbs

Total Loss: 2 lbs


9/9/10, Week 2

Weight: 234 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.8

Weekly Change: -1 lb

Total Loss: 3 lbs


9/16/10, Week 3

Weight: 231 3/4 lbs

BMI: 36.3

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 5 3/4 lbs


9/23/10, Week 4

Weight: 229 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.9

Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 8 lbs


9/30/10, Week 5

Weight: 226 3/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 10 3/4 lbs


10/7/10, Week 6

Weight: 226 1/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -1/2 lb

Total Loss: 11 1/4 lbs


Goal: 58 lbs. 11 1/4 lbs down, 46 3/4 lbs to go.




My husband has lost a total of 9 1/4 lbs so far. (He had a 1/4 lb gain this week).




Please see my weight loss page on my livejournal site for fun weight loss picture updates:






I would, of course, have hoped for more than a half pound loss this week, but I had my daughter's birthday party (definitely indulged!) and a neighbor's birthday party, and only made it to the gym once this week when I wanted to go more often (but my little guy got sick and I couldn't take him to the play room at the gym) and so on. But it's better than nothing, right? And still two more sticks of butter gone, at least!

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You are doing so well - keep up the hard work, because work it is.


Enjoy your first 10# sticker. I know you earned it last week but I missed your update.


Thank you! And, Oh!!! I can't believe I forgot to mention that part! I am actually going to TOPS meetings (although I'm using the WW diet plan) and they gave me a charm bracelet today for reaching 10 lbs lost last week!


From here on out, they give out charms for the bracelet every 5 lbs, which I thought was pretty cool.



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Thank you everyone, for your support and encouragement!


Today was my 7th results weigh in.


Status Report:


8/26/10, Week "0"

Weight: 237 1/2 lbs

BMI: 37.2

Height: 5'7"


9/2/10, Week 1

Weight: 235 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.9

Weekly Change: -2 lbs

Total Loss: 2 lbs


9/9/10, Week 2

Weight: 234 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.8

Weekly Change: -1 lb

Total Loss: 3 lbs


9/16/10, Week 3

Weight: 231 3/4 lbs

BMI: 36.3

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 5 3/4 lbs


9/23/10, Week 4

Weight: 229 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.9

Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 8 lbs


9/30/10, Week 5

Weight: 226 3/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 10 3/4 lbs


10/7/10, Week 6

Weight: 226 1/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -1/2 lb

Total Loss: 11 1/4 lbs


10/14/10, Week 7

Weight: 224 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.2

Weekly Change: -1 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 13 lbs


Goal: 58 lbs. 13 lbs down, 45 lbs to go.




My husband has lost a total of 10 3/4 lbs so far.




Please see my weight loss page on my livejournal site for fun weight loss picture updates:



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Thank you everyone, for your support and encouragement!


Today was my 7th results weigh in.


Status Report:


8/26/10, Week "0"

Weight: 237 1/2 lbs

BMI: 37.2

Height: 5'7"


9/2/10, Week 1

Weight: 235 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.9

Weekly Change: -2 lbs

Total Loss: 2 lbs


9/9/10, Week 2

Weight: 234 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.8

Weekly Change: -1 lb

Total Loss: 3 lbs


9/16/10, Week 3

Weight: 231 3/4 lbs

BMI: 36.3

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 5 3/4 lbs


9/23/10, Week 4

Weight: 229 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.9

Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 8 lbs


9/30/10, Week 5

Weight: 226 3/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 10 3/4 lbs


10/7/10, Week 6

Weight: 226 1/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -1/2 lb

Total Loss: 11 1/4 lbs


10/14/10, Week 7

Weight: 224 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.2

Weekly Change: -1 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 13 lbs


Goal: 58 lbs. 13 lbs down, 45 lbs to go.




My husband has lost a total of 10 3/4 lbs so far.




Please see my weight loss page on my livejournal site for fun weight loss picture updates:




This is awesome. I was heading down in early Sept., but the miscarriage, which wouldn't end kind of derailed me. Thanks for the encouragement to get back 'on the wagon' as it were.

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So, today was my 8th results weigh in.


Status Report:


8/26/10, Week "0"

Weight: 237 1/2 lbs

BMI: 37.2

Height: 5'7"


9/2/10, Week 1

Weight: 235 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.9

Weekly Change: -2 lbs

Total Loss: 2 lbs


9/9/10, Week 2

Weight: 234 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.8

Weekly Change: -1 lb

Total Loss: 3 lbs


9/16/10, Week 3

Weight: 231 3/4 lbs

BMI: 36.3

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 5 3/4 lbs


9/23/10, Week 4

Weight: 229 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.9

Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 8 lbs


9/30/10, Week 5

Weight: 226 3/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 10 3/4 lbs


10/7/10, Week 6

Weight: 226 1/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -1/2 lb

Total Loss: 11 1/4 lbs


10/14/10, Week 7

Weight: 224 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.2

Weekly Change: -1 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 13 lbs


10/21/10, Week 8

Weight: 221 1/4 lbs

BMI: 34.6

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 16 1/4 lbs


Summary: Goal- to lose 58 lbs. 16 1/4 lbs down, 41 3/4 lbs to go.




My husband has lost a total of 10 1/4 lbs so far (he gained 1/2 lb this week).




Check out my fun weight loss picture updates. Go ahead, you know you want to see the sperm whale's brain (yeah, I lost that). :D




Thanks again for your support and encouragement, all!

Edited by NanceXToo
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I think it's awesome. You're what my old college buddy Lindsay used to call "my hero of the day". :D


Seriously though, three pounds in a week, and when it's not water weight at the beginning of a new health routine, but after you've already been at it several months? That's some hard work showing itself. Go you!

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OK do you guys care if I bump this? SOMEONE needs to celebrate with me because this was my first week ever losing 3+ lbs and I am quite excited about it (see my post immediately above this one).


Any takers...? :P



:thumbup: Nance, you are doing a great job.


I read this post for the first time tonight. I had a baby in Jan. and am just now down to 179 (approx. 40 pounds lost). I still have 10 more to go for Baby #4, 20 more for Baby #3 and 5 to lose from a miscarriage, so I have a lot of weight to lose to reach my goal weight. Altogether I've gained approx. 200 lbs with my pregnancies, and I've lost approx. 165. I just said all that to encourage you. I have noticed a pattern with my weight loss. One week each month I would show a higher weight (or less loss that I expected). I know you were disappointed the week you lost less than 1 lb. If you keep track, you might notice a cycle of weight loss. Knowing my cycle really helps me from getting discouraged.

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:thumbup: Nance, you are doing a great job.


I read this post for the first time tonight. I had a baby in Jan. and am just now down to 179 (approx. 40 pounds lost). I still have 10 more to go for Baby #4, 20 more for Baby #3 and 5 to lose from a miscarriage, so I have a lot of weight to lose to reach my goal weight. Altogether I've gained approx. 200 lbs with my pregnancies, and I've lost approx. 165. I just said all that to encourage you. I have noticed a pattern with my weight loss. One week each month I would show a higher weight (or less loss that I expected). I know you were disappointed the week you lost less than 1 lb. If you keep track, you might notice a cycle of weight loss. Knowing my cycle really helps me from getting discouraged.


Thanks guys :) Your comments mean a lot and your checking in/reading along is motivational!



Thanks for your words of advice! I am keeping track of my losses of course but I will pay attention and see if I notice any patterns like you mentioned. Congrats on your loss so far and good luck with the rest of your goal!


Now keep your fingers that I lose at least 1 1/2 lbs this week, everybody, I'd love to be out of these 220's already :D (I probably just jinxed myself saying that and it'll be another one of those lose-less-than-a-pound weeks haha).


I have an adult birthday party to go to tomorrow night so I'm sure I will indulge too much there. But I did NOT indulge in the cupcakes and cookies that looked sooooo good at my oldest daughter's back to school night/open house thing last night, so that's something, right? (OK I licked a little frosting off my fingers after I unwrapped my son's cupcake but that doesn't count! :P) And I plan to go to the gym Monday and Wednesday and eat well the rest of the week, so hopefully it'll be a decent week for me. :)

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Well your doing better then me... I am the exact same weight as you but only 5'2", and I am pre-diabetic. I actually have Metabolic Syndrome. I've been promising myself to lose the weight too. But when you cooking for a family my size, it's hard to make myself "special" food. Which also costs more, and we don't have "more" to spare :( So I'm cheering you on.. with a bit of guilt, but I am still rooting for you :)

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Thanks, everyone, for all these recent comments :) I appreciate all the encouragement and support!


Well your doing better then me... I am the exact same weight as you but only 5'2", and I am pre-diabetic. I actually have Metabolic Syndrome. I've been promising myself to lose the weight too. But when you cooking for a family my size, it's hard to make myself "special" food. Which also costs more, and we don't have "more" to spare :( So I'm cheering you on.. with a bit of guilt, but I am still rooting for you :)


Lisa, I've found that my family can adapt to eating pretty much what I eat for dinner- I buy leaner beef, we eat a lot more chicken, if your family likes fish, that's good, too. I switched from white rice to brown rice and they got used to it. We eat more veggies, ;ess processed foods, things like that. Potatoes are good for all of us, but I'll use 0 cal butter spray on mine. I might use lower fat ingredients. Mainly with Weight Watchers it's about portion controls, not special foods. I weigh and measure everything before I eat it.


Some things we do differently, like the family might use regular bread, and butter, and when the kids were little, they had whole milk, whereas I'd use for me I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray, light bread, and 1% milk (now that the kids are older, they drink 1%, too. But really you don't have to make as many special accommodations as you might think.


I do buy myself special low fat treats- and I buy less junk overall for the house.


If you decide to give it a shot, I'll be rooting for you :)

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So, today was my 9th results weigh in.


Status Report:


8/26/10, Week "0"

Weight: 237 1/2 lbs

BMI: 37.2

Height: 5'7"


9/2/10, Week 1

Weight: 235 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.9

Weekly Change: -2 lbs

Total Loss: 2 lbs


9/9/10, Week 2

Weight: 234 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.8

Weekly Change: -1 lb

Total Loss: 3 lbs


9/16/10, Week 3

Weight: 231 3/4 lbs

BMI: 36.3

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 5 3/4 lbs


9/23/10, Week 4

Weight: 229 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.9

Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 8 lbs


(I'm out of the 230's!!!)


9/30/10, Week 5

Weight: 226 3/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 10 3/4 lbs


10/7/10, Week 6

Weight: 226 1/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -1/2 lb

Total Loss: 11 1/4 lbs


10/14/10, Week 7

Weight: 224 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.2

Weekly Change: -1 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 13 lbs


10/21/10, Week 8

Weight: 221 1/4 lbs

BMI: 34.6

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 16 1/4 lbs


10/28/10, Week 9

Weight: 218 lbs

BMI: 34.1

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 19 1/2 lbs


(I'm out of the 220's!!!)


Summary: Goal- to lose 58 lbs. 19 1/2 lbs down, 38 1/2 lbs to go.




My husband has lost a total of 11 lbs so far (he lost 3/4 lb this week).




Check out my fun weight loss picture updates here:




Thanks again for your support and encouragement, all!

Edited by NanceXToo
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So, today was my 10th results weigh in. And I said I would post my results each week- good or bad. You all have encouraged and supported me through 9 consecutive losses. Today, I will need support and encouragement through my first GAIN.


It was a tough week. Last Thursday was our weigh in day and we did fine the rest of that day. But Friday and Saturday, we went camping, and indulged plenty in grilled and campfire treats! Sunday was Halloween, and we took the kids to a Halloween party and trick-or-treating and indulged in that stuff, too. Monday, we had relatives come visit (bearing baked goods no less) and had lunch with them and went out to dinner with them.


For that reason, I did not get to the gym on Monday. I did not get to my Tuesday night exercise class due to a bad episode of sciatica.


Tuesday and Wednesday were the only other days we ate like we were supposed to, and Wednesday was the only day we worked out.


At today's weigh in, I gained 1 1/2 lbs. But it was to be expected (and a sneak peek at my home scale a few days ago had me up more like 4 lbs!!! So it could have been worse)!


Anyway, I am back on track now and hopefully I take that gain plus some back off this week.


Status Report:


8/26/10, Week "0"

Weight: 237 1/2 lbs

BMI: 37.2

Height: 5'7"


9/2/10, Week 1

Weight: 235 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.9

Weekly Change: -2 lbs

Total Loss: 2 lbs


9/9/10, Week 2

Weight: 234 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.8

Weekly Change: -1 lb

Total Loss: 3 lbs


9/16/10, Week 3

Weight: 231 3/4 lbs

BMI: 36.3

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 5 3/4 lbs


9/23/10, Week 4

Weight: 229 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.9

Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 8 lbs


(I'm out of the 230's!!!)


9/30/10, Week 5

Weight: 226 3/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 10 3/4 lbs


10/7/10, Week 6

Weight: 226 1/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -1/2 lb

Total Loss: 11 1/4 lbs


10/14/10, Week 7

Weight: 224 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.2

Weekly Change: -1 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 13 lbs


10/21/10, Week 8

Weight: 221 1/4 lbs

BMI: 34.6

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 16 1/4 lbs


10/28/10, Week 9

Weight: 218 lbs

BMI: 34.1

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 19 1/2 lbs


(I'm out of the 220's!!!)


11/4/10, Week 10

Weight: 219 1/2 lbs

BMI: 34.4

Weekly Change: +1 1/2 lbs

Total Loss: 18 lbs


Summary: Goal- to lose 58 lbs. 18 lbs down, 40 lbs to go.




My husband has lost a total of 9 3/4 lbs so far (he gained 1 1/4 lbs this week).




Check out my fun weight loss picture updates here:




Thanks again for your support and encouragement, all!

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Keep going, Nance. Your overall momentum is up so don't get discouraged at a little blip.


Thanks, Jean :)


I have to say- it was kind of a big deal for me that I WENT to my meeting today. In the past, no matter how well I was doing overall, I've been known to totally skip meetings/weigh ins due to knowing I'd just gain and being kinda depressed about that and wanting to bury my head in the sand and not let it be "official" LOL. Which I know is kind of stupid.


There are changes I need to make that aren't just about losing weight on a given week- but a whole mindset, really. I need to get out of the "all or nothing" mindset I've been known to have (like if I'm not eating well, I'm also not exercising, drinking my waters, going to meetings, etc).


And I need to keep in mind that this isn't about what happens on any given day or week or weigh in and to just stay the course. I usually tend to have a VERY hard time getting back on track once I've gone off, and a "Well I already did bad for this meal, so may as well not bother today"/"I already did bad today, so this weekend's ruined"/"This weekend's ruined, so why bother this week" kind of mindset and before I know it, I'm TOTALLY off plan, gaining even more, and getting even more discouraged/depressed- it's a horrid cycle, that I'm trying REALLY hard to break.


So the fact that I did really well the last two days after four days of being off plan, and the fact that I went to my meeting today knowing I'd gain... those were positive steps for me. Even though gaining isn't fun lol.

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Nance, how are things going this week?


I actually weigh in again tomorrow morning and will be giving an official update then! I've been back on track most of this week, except for a little bit of cheating Saturday night (I had pizza and a mixed drink with my sister-in-law when she came by to visit heh) and on Sunday (it was my son's birthday).


But the rest of the week I've done well, and I worked out a few times... I'm not expecting a huge loss this week but I should lose something, and I plan to just keep plugging away!


Thanks for checking in with me, and I'll update again sometime tomorrow. :)

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At week 2, you lost 1 pound.


At week 6, you lost 1/2 pound.


At week 10, you gained a bit.


It could very well be water retention and not actual weight gain. I hope your weigh in tomorrow goes well.


Hmm...that is a good observation and interesting that I seem to slow down every four weeks... but also interestingly, that hasn't even been around my 'time of month' which is what you might think, right? (I'm assuming that was what you meant?)


Week 2 of my diet was on 9/9 and and Week 6 was on 10/7, but my time of month didn't start til the 22nd and the 23rd on those months. So it's not even right before or during, it's more like right midway between cycles, which is kind of weird!


Sorry if that was TMI lol.


Results post to follow in a minute or two.

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Today was my Week 11 weigh in:


Status Report:


8/26/10, Week "0"

Weight: 237 1/2 lbs

BMI: 37.2

Height: 5'7"


9/2/10, Week 1

Weight: 235 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.9

Weekly Change: -2 lbs

Total Loss: 2 lbs


9/9/10, Week 2

Weight: 234 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.8

Weekly Change: -1 lb

Total Loss: 3 lbs


9/16/10, Week 3

Weight: 231 3/4 lbs

BMI: 36.3

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 5 3/4 lbs


9/23/10, Week 4

Weight: 229 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.9

Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 8 lbs


(I'm out of the 230's!!!)


9/30/10, Week 5

Weight: 226 3/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 10 3/4 lbs


10/7/10, Week 6

Weight: 226 1/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -1/2 lb

Total Loss: 11 1/4 lbs


10/14/10, Week 7

Weight: 224 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.2

Weekly Change: -1 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 13 lbs


10/21/10, Week 8

Weight: 221 1/4 lbs

BMI: 34.6

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 16 1/4 lbs


10/28/10, Week 9

Weight: 218 lbs

BMI: 34.1

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 19 1/2 lbs


(I'm out of the 220's!!!)


11/4/10, Week 10

Weight: 219 1/2 lbs

BMI: 34.4

Weekly Change: +1 1/2 lbs

Total Loss: 18 lbs


11/11/10, Week 11

Weight: 218 1/4 lbs

BMI: 34.1

Weekly Change: -1 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 19 1/4 lbs


Summary: Goal- to lose 58 lbs. 19 1/4 lbs down, 38 3/4 lbs to go.




Soooo.... I didn't TOTALLY take off that 1 1/2 lb gain I had last week (why does it go on so much faster than it comes off?!), but there's only 1/4 lb of that gain left, and I'm still down over 19 lbs overall, so, I'm getting there!




Check out my fun weight loss picture updates here:




Thanks again for your support and encouragement, all!

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Hmm...that is a good observation and interesting that I seem to slow down every four weeks... but also interestingly, that hasn't even been around my 'time of month' which is what you might think, right? (I'm assuming that was what you meant?)


Week 2 of my diet was on 9/9 and and Week 6 was on 10/7, but my time of month didn't start til the 22nd and the 23rd on those months. So it's not even right before or during, it's more like right midway between cycles, which is kind of weird!


Sorry if that was TMI lol.


Results post to follow in a minute or two.


My high weight in my cycle (this is based on weight loss from my first three) didn't coincide with my time of the month. It was more like the early part of my third week. Since I fluctuated in monthly cycles, I assume it had something to do with water retention, but I never really figured out what caused it. For me, it was enough to know I would have "low" weights and "high" weights each month. I measured my weight loss month by month instead of week by week (keeping track day by day, but not "counting" it until I'd gone a full cycle). So if I was 175 at my low weight one month and 171 at my low weight the next month, I would consider it a 4 pound loss for the month. I didn't worry overly much if I only showed a 1 or 2 pound weight loss as I passed through the high weight week as I knew I would adjust downward 2-3 pounds the following week. This was with my normal weight loss after pregnancy, not necessarily dieting. If I was exercising and dieting, the numbers were a bit different but the pattern remained the same.

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You have inspired me! I joined Weight Watchers today and I start walking with a neighborhood friend on Monday morning. :)


I'm at my highest weight ever (including pregnancies!). Seeing your journey has been the incentive I needed to get started on my own. Thank you!


That's great, congrats on getting started! That's the hardest step, just getting motivated to START. Even when you're at your highest weight (for me, anyway), just knowing I've STARTED makes me feel instantly better about myself.


Thanks for this post- it will help inspire ME to be on track today since I sort of blew it for dinner last night (two words: Chinese buffet).




Good luck with your weight loss program!

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Today was my Week 12 weigh in:


Status Report:


8/26/10, Week "0"

Weight: 237 1/2 lbs

BMI: 37.2

Height: 5'7"


9/2/10, Week 1

Weight: 235 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.9

Weekly Change: -2 lbs

Total Loss: 2 lbs


9/9/10, Week 2

Weight: 234 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.8

Weekly Change: -1 lb

Total Loss: 3 lbs


9/16/10, Week 3

Weight: 231 3/4 lbs

BMI: 36.3

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 5 3/4 lbs


9/23/10, Week 4

Weight: 229 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.9

Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 8 lbs


(I'm out of the 230's!!!)


9/30/10, Week 5

Weight: 226 3/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 10 3/4 lbs


10/7/10, Week 6

Weight: 226 1/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -1/2 lb

Total Loss: 11 1/4 lbs


10/14/10, Week 7

Weight: 224 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.2

Weekly Change: -1 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 13 lbs


10/21/10, Week 8

Weight: 221 1/4 lbs

BMI: 34.6

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 16 1/4 lbs


10/28/10, Week 9

Weight: 218 lbs

BMI: 34.1

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 19 1/2 lbs


(I'm out of the 220's!!!)


11/4/10, Week 10

Weight: 219 1/2 lbs

BMI: 34.4

Weekly Change: +1 1/2 lbs

Total Loss: 18 lbs


11/11/10, Week 11

Weight: 218 1/4 lbs

BMI: 34.1

Weekly Change: -1 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 19 1/4 lbs


11/18/10, Week 12

Weight: 215 3/4 lbs

BMI: 33.8

Weekly Change: -2 1/2 lbs

Total Loss: 21 3/4 lbs


Summary: Goal- to lose 58 lbs. 21 3/4 lbs down, 36 1/4 lbs to go.




Soooo.... I've gone from 237 1/2 lbs to 215 3/4 lbs.

My BMI has gone from 37.2 to 33.8.

I'm getting there!


P.S. My husband has had a few rough weeks but this week he lost 3 3/4 lbs! He's down 11 1/2 lbs total now and his BMI has gone from 38.1 to 36.3.




Check out my fun weight loss picture updates here:




And thanks again for your support and encouragement, and for letting me continue to be more "accountable." :)

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Thanks, Leav!


So, I don't know what it is with me, but I'll have a good weigh in on a Thursday- and I'll leave there feeling totally motivated...


and then it seems like without fail by Friday/Saturday I'm having a hard time STAYING motivated and wanting to eat stuff I shouldn't be eating!


This resulted in me eating pizza last night and going 6 "points" over my allotted number of 'points'. Which is probably okay because some days I eat a bit lower, but I'll just find myself SO easily tempted, and then the last three days or so before I go again, I'm scrambling to exercise a bit more, eat a bit less, and make sure I have a good weigh in.


Sometimes it just seems like I've been doing this forever and that I'll have to KEEP doing this forever. Don't get me wrong... I love the results I've been getting... but it is so tough to just stay motivated and focused after a while, sometimes!

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Guest Cindie2dds


Sometimes it just seems like I've been doing this forever and that I'll have to KEEP doing this forever. Don't get me wrong... I love the results I've been getting... but it is so tough to just stay motivated and focused after a while, sometimes!


You've lost over 21 pounds! :hurray: That's amazing, Nance! Give yourself a huge hug. You should be very proud. Weight loss is never easy. Where's a dancing banana when you need one? :D

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Thanks, Cindie :)


Well, today would have been my Week 13 weigh in, but of course there was no official meeting or weigh in today due to it being Thanksgiving. I did weigh myself at home. My home scale is not entirely accurate, but it's usually within 1/4 - 1/2 a pound of what the TOPS scale say (sometimes it's a tad under, sometimes a tad over, sometimes right about the same).


Basically this week I seem to have maintained (although it's possible I gained up to 1/2 a lb due to the scale differences. I'm gonna go with the "maintain" haha).


Status Report:


8/26/10, Week "0"

Weight: 237 1/2 lbs

BMI: 37.2

Height: 5'7"


9/2/10, Week 1

Weight: 235 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.9

Weekly Change: -2 lbs

Total Loss: 2 lbs


9/9/10, Week 2

Weight: 234 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.8

Weekly Change: -1 lb

Total Loss: 3 lbs


9/16/10, Week 3

Weight: 231 3/4 lbs

BMI: 36.3

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 5 3/4 lbs


9/23/10, Week 4

Weight: 229 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.9

Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 8 lbs


(I'm out of the 230's!!!)


9/30/10, Week 5

Weight: 226 3/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 10 3/4 lbs


10/7/10, Week 6

Weight: 226 1/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -1/2 lb

Total Loss: 11 1/4 lbs


10/14/10, Week 7

Weight: 224 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.2

Weekly Change: -1 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 13 lbs


10/21/10, Week 8

Weight: 221 1/4 lbs

BMI: 34.6

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 16 1/4 lbs


10/28/10, Week 9

Weight: 218 lbs

BMI: 34.1

Weekly Change: -3 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 19 1/2 lbs


(I'm out of the 220's!!!)


11/4/10, Week 10

Weight: 219 1/2 lbs

BMI: 34.4

Weekly Change: +1 1/2 lbs

Total Loss: 18 lbs


11/11/10, Week 11

Weight: 218 1/4 lbs

BMI: 34.1

Weekly Change: -1 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 19 1/4 lbs


11/18/10, Week 12

Weight: 215 3/4 lbs

BMI: 33.8

Weekly Change: -2 1/2 lbs

Total Loss: 21 3/4 lbs


11/25/10, Week 13

Weight: 215 3/4 lbs

BMI: 33.8

Weekly Change: +/- 0

Total Loss: 21 3/4 lbs


Summary: Goal- to lose 58 lbs. 21 3/4 lbs down, 36 1/4 lbs to go.




Check out my fun weight loss picture updates here:




And thanks again for your support and encouragement, and for letting me continue to be more "accountable." :)




Today, of course, will not be a "diet day" but my goal is to be right back on track tomorrow and doing well all week so I can show a loss next week. :)





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