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S/O Is it okay if we say aw crud, I forgot all about cursive?

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I get the creepy crawlies at the word CRUD. I think it is way grosser worse than crap. I hate either coming out of a kids mouth.


However, I prefer to say "crabapples" and "crumbs".


Mostly because they sound steampunk. :D



Ok... I was going to edit my weird wording up there (as I did NOT mean to type that), but I found it really funny... so I am leaving it!

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I prefer to TRY not to use any substitutions at all. At first, I hadn't thought about it; but I have two reasons why I think it's not appropriate (for me).


1) my oldest stepdaughter, when she was 7, used substitutions ALL THE TIME. To me, it sounded absolutely grotesque. Since I don't consider substitutions G rated, I choose not to use them.


2) Substitutions are called so for a reason. If you are thinking (or your hearer/reader) is thinking the real thing, that may be an issue. I mean, what *is* the reason you're using the substitution? If you thought it was okay to use the real thing, you'd just do so. Subbing isn't any different, imo.


But I do have a 3rd reason also as I'm writing these out. I don't want to offend or stumble anyone else. Though that is THEIR responsibility, there is no reason I need to make it harder for anyone.


So those are the reason *I* am trying to get rid of all such things. I do pretty well, but I'm far from perfect. Sometimes I wish I could cut out my tongue <sigh>.

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I don't object to either word you used. Everyone on this board is an adult (with the exception of a few upper-level high school students). Actual vulgarity (such as the words used in Carlin's 7 words you can't say on TV skit) would be understandable for people not to want to read on the boards, but the substitutions for the words are not offensive IMO.

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I'd rather hear crap than crud, but I'd much rather hear anything except an F bomb.


Boy do I agree with you on that. It seems to be our neighbors favorite adjective. I'm not sure if they can get through a sentence without using it at least twice. Just seems to be an all purpose word with them - whether mad or happy.


I like good grief, too. Holy moley gets used quite often. Both dh and I use crap - just doesn't register as a swear word in this house, and my dh is a stickler for bad language.

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I hate the word crap. My dh and dds use it when they want to annoy me or make me laugh (depending on what mood I'm in and how they use it :) They're even trying to teach it to our parrots. I much prefer crud but usually just say darn.
I actually say "dangflabbit" sometimes now because DD has rented 3 whole seasons of Hannah Montana from Netflix.:lol:


How is this: "Dangflabbit, I forgot all about cursive!"

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Crap is not a bad word. Know how I know that for sure? My MOM told me it wasn't and she's never been wrong about anything- EVER. :lol: For some reason people at my church were unaware of this fact. :eek:


I think we should send our moms over there and straighten them out... :tongue_smilie:

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My husband and I don't particularly like the use of curse words. I find them degrading and kind of simplistic. In this world of great vocabulary we think there are many more considerate words to use that mean the same thing. Cuss words are simply a lazy way of communicating and to me shows how little the English language means to people. There are so many other words to be used, why is it necessary to curse at all.

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Dh and I are former Sailors. Aw Crud is downright angelic compared to what we say:tongue_smilie:. I seriously thought my kids' first words would be some sort of curse words. FWIW, I was raised strict Southern Baptist and will be teaching SS in a Lutheran church this year. When I hear someone slip up and use an expletive, it melts my heart. Makes them seem more real to me. I figure, if you already thought it, you may as well just let it out.

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My husband and I don't particularly like the use of curse words. I find them degrading and kind of simplistic. In this world of great vocabulary we think there are many more considerate words to use that mean the same thing. Cuss words are simply a lazy way of communicating and to me shows how little the English language means to people. There are so many other words to be used, why is it necessary to curse at all.

I don't know. I think many curse words are part of the vibrant fabric of the English language. Most them have interesting histories behind them. And, sometimes, they express the exact idea/feeling that I want to express in a way that no other word would. Any word over used in one's vocabulary can become lazy, sloppy, and meaningless - it isn't limited to a few words that some people find offensive.

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