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What would you serve with a chicken pot pie?

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A pot pie is sometimes kind of bland in color so you want foods to brighten up the plate more. I agree with the green salad bcause it can add color and a crunchy texture in contrast to the texture of the pie. I might even do a small veggie plate even though those veggies would be in hour pot pie. My grandmother will not serve a meal without a relish plate -an assortment of pickles with green onions and radishes as garnish. A fresh fruit salad with bright colors like strawberries, blueberries, grapes, and cantelope would be nice IMO as a desert because it is light and colorful although my children would tell you brownies are the 'only' dessert. ;)

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My hubby likes mashed potatoes with chicken pot pie, because my recipe has a lot of gravy in it, and I don't add potatoes to the filling.


Usually we just eat that, but if I were serving it to company, I'd definitely add a salad like the others have suggested.

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We have chicken pot pie on a regular basis and I find it is a great dish to take to a pot luck or sick friend. I usually serve and take a big beautiful green salad or a spinach salad with sliced strawberries, purple/red onion rings, sliced almonds, optional crumbled turkey bacon and a poppy seed dressing. Dessert in summer would be mixed berries or melon. In fall and winter it might be the adult version of brownies, crustless fudge pie with a dollup (sp) of real whipped cream and a dusting of cocoa but any lighter dessert would do. I know, fudge pie and whipped cream isn't very light but the pieces are smallish and a little satisfies even the 4 young men I serve at my table or when I take it to sick friends or pot lucks. My grandma always served baked or twice baked potatoes and tossed salad with her chicken pot pie but those were the Betty Crocker days. I put diced potatoes in my pot pie and every other green, yellow and orange vegetable I have on hand in the freezer or vegie drawer. Yummy, let's make some but it's nearly 100 degrees here in GA and who wants to heat up the kitchen in this weather. Chicken taco salad sounds much better or chunky chicken salad with sliced grapes celery and roasted walnuts in a wrap or a croissant (sp). Oh well, you can't go wrong with your chicken pot pie no matter what you serve on the side or for dessert.

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Veggies lightly cooked or raw. . . i.e., green salad, fruit salad, etc, roasted green beans, things like that.


Personally, I like to have at least 3 or 4 items to serve b/c I like variety, and I also like to load up on fresh/raw veggies & fruits, so I usually add a couple veggie dishes to anything that "has it all". . .

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I know pot pie tends to have a lot of vegetables, but I like to get more than one serving at dinner.

To make it a complete meal I would have pot pie, a vegetable dish (steamed green beans would be my first choice, even though there are probably a few in the pie), and a big green salad.

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