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yikes! bfing pain!! help please.

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I have not experienced this before. One brea$t is red and painful. It started this morning and I did not realize something was going on. DD is 7 weeks and has been nursing beautifully. No engorgement or any other issue. What is this? I have also felt extremely tired and achy. My head is killing me too. Help, please!


BTW, I have continued to nurse on that side in the hopes that it would relieve the pain.

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Feeling tired and the other symptoms sound a lot like mastitis. I got a bad case of that 2x. It might be in the early stage and even though you are able to bf from that side it still could be a clogged duct. What helped me the most was to switch positioning on that side. Do some different holds to make sure you are getting equal and all over drainage. Warm compresses are helpful too. Hope you feel better soon!

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Feeling tired and the other symptoms sound a lot like mastitis. I got a bad case of that 2x. It might be in the early stage and even though you are able to bf from that side it still could be a clogged duct. What helped me the most was to switch positioning on that side. Do some different holds to make sure you are getting equal and all over drainage. Warm compresses are helpful too. Hope you feel better soon!

I agree. I had it and continued to nurse for a week. Sometimes if you catch it early antibiotics will help. Because I waited I had to go to a surgeon to cut it out. Go to the doctor now before it gets really bad. I hope you feel better soon.

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Mastitis. Or at the very least beginning almost-mastitis. Dr. Sears says that flu like symptoms in breast feeding mothers are almost always actually mastitis. Do you have a fever? there


Keep nursing from that breast, and try to see if there is a clogged duct. You probably want to apply heat and really try to work on it manually.


I would also take ibuprofrin if you're feeling bad and call the dr. Mastitis responds well to antibiotics.


But, DON'T QUIT NURSING! The baby is really the best way to drain the duct; you just have to keep changing holds and try to get it drained from various positions.


Finally, :grouphug: Good job on the nursing! I know it feels awful right now, but mastitis does respond well (and pretty quickly) to antibiotics.

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I had mastitis SEVEN years after nursing my last kid; it kicked my fanny! So, YES, you can get it at any time.


Antiboitics can help within 24 hours. I'd call the on-call OB/GYN and get meds tonight. Hot compresses do really help. (Sorry, I didn't have a nursing baby so I can't comment on that one). I can't imagine how much it hurts to nurse right now.

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I agree - mastitis or the start of mastitis. I was still getting occasionally this with ds when he was nearly 2yrs old! I think he just had a bad latch.


Start by changing the way you hold him. Can you feel an area which is more sore than any others? You want to be feeding with pressure there, so sort of reverse your hold or bfing position so to sore spot is in his mouth where the non-sore spot usually is. Hard to explain, but it worked for me - I ended up in a head-to-toe direction next to him on the bed. You might try a hot compress before you feed him. And feed as often as you can for a while.


When I had the same issue with dd the homebirth midwife recommended a homeopathic remedy. I think it was belladonna, but double check that.


I never went to a doctor - managed to sort it out myself each time. But if the feverish feeling didn't abate after you tried everything for a day, I definitely would.


It really is miserable - hang in there!



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Blessedly, I never had mastitis, but as a nurse, I have seen too many patients who had it and didn't get on an antibiotic quick enough. It can get really really bad. Go to the doctor asap! And until you can see the doc, apply heat, take motrin, and keep nursing, just like everyone already told you. :grouphug::grouphug:

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I never had full-blown mastitis, but I did have some nasty plugged ducts that were trying to get there.


From many years attending LLL - point the baby's chin at the sore part while nursing. That's where they empty most efficiently. And massage it manually - in a hot shower is good.


And if it doesn't get any better by, say, tomorrow morning, get to the dr. to see about those antibiotics.

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Guest janainaz

Yep, mastitis. Ugh! I had it when ds2 was only 4 days old and my milk had come in. It was miserable. Go get antibiotics asap and you'll feel better pretty quickly (and don't stop nursing).

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You need antibiotics pronto! If it's just the beginnings of mastitis you want to head it off ASAP. Full-blown mastitis is miserable. Keep nursing and get to a doc. You'll feel better within 24 hours of starting the antibiotic.


Diane W.

married for 22 years

homeschooling 3 kiddos for 16 years

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Can anyone go with you to watch the kids or take you to an urgent care tonight? By tomorrow you will wish that someone would just knock you out and you will be in no condition to drive.


My respects to LLL but that technique will help with a clogged duct, not clear infection, and you have an infection my dear.


I agree with Christina. Twelve hours is a heck of a long time to let it go. Please try and get into to see someone tonight. I don't want to scare you, but I have just taken care of soooo many moms who had terrible mastitis. It's nothing to put off. :grouphug:

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My respects to LLL but that technique will help with a clogged duct, not clear infection, and you have an infection my dear.


This is not actually true. I had mastitis 12-13 times (possibly more, it's a long story) when nursing my first and only took antibiotics twice.


If you can clear the duct and keep the baby nursing like crazy on it, the infection can subside on its own. If you can't get the duct cleared, then yes, you'll need abx. But matryoshka's advice is the standard. If your breasts are big enough, you can also dunk the affected one in a bowl full of hot water--as hot as you can stand without burning yourself--and keep massaging and nursing, dunking, massaging and nursing. Sorry, I know it's weird, lol! But it helps because you can put the baby right on the breast.


If you truly can't get to a doc tonight, then do all of this as often as you can. In the morning, if you're not feeling better, get in to the doc.


:grouphug: I'm sorry, I know all too well that it's a special kind of misery :(

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I have had mastitis many times. It does hurt and makes you feel awful! Try to massage the sore spot while nursing on that side. Express milk while laying on your belly in the bathtub.


I've done it both ways ... with antibiotics and without. I wouldn't mess around without antibiotics since your baby is so young. I wouldn't want to risk abscess and interference with feeding an infant.


I didn't get antibiotics for it when my babies were 12+ months and got well on my own by getting the duct cleared.

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Ireally have no one who can help so I will have to go in the morning. I am following all recommendations here in the meantime but will see doc early tomorrow. I wish baby would go to sleep so that I can collapse for a couple of hours. At least she's nursing like a champ. Thank you for all of the helpful replies.

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thank you for the f-ups.

i did see doc and am on meds now but i still feel awful. i think the fevers, aches in body, and throbbing head are almost worse than the swollen painful breast! and i swear i have been faint a couple of times today.

theanti-b is dicloxacillin. i hope it helps soon. it's hard enough to be alone with tthe dc and newborn. sorry for griping.

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I'm sorry you are feeling miserable. I had chronic mastitis when I was pumping for the twins. I think I had 5 or 6 flare up in 8 months. It was bad. You probably don't want to hear that once you get it, you are more likely to get it again, BUT now you know what to watch for. After the first 2 bouts with it, I didn't have to go into the dr., they just called in the script.

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thank you for the f-ups.

i did see doc and am on meds now but i still feel awful. i think the fevers, aches in body, and throbbing head are almost worse than the swollen painful breast! and i swear i have been faint a couple of times today.

theanti-b is dicloxacillin. i hope it helps soon. it's hard enough to be alone with tthe dc and newborn. sorry for griping.


When I had mastitis, the ER doctor sent me home with the wrong antibiotic. Fortunately, when I followed up with my gynecologist the following morning, I was able to get a prescription for Keflex, which he said is the best one for treating mastitis.

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thank you for the f-ups.

i did see doc and am on meds now but i still feel awful. i think the fevers, aches in body, and throbbing head are almost worse than the swollen painful breast! and i swear i have been faint a couple of times today.

theanti-b is dicloxacillin. i hope it helps soon. it's hard enough to be alone with tthe dc and newborn. sorry for griping.


I'm glad you got in to the doctor! Doxycycline is one of the meds we give moms with mastitis in the hospital, in IV form. I hope you get better really quick!!

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thank you for the f-ups.

i did see doc and am on meds now but i still feel awful. i think the fevers, aches in body, and throbbing head are almost worse than the swollen painful breast! and i swear i have been faint a couple of times today.

theanti-b is dicloxacillin. i hope it helps soon. it's hard enough to be alone with tthe dc and newborn. sorry for griping.


Well, that is good news, at least! If I remember correctly, the abx usually helped within 24 hours :grouphug:


You probably don't want to hear that once you get it, you are more likely to get it again, BUT now you know what to watch for. After the first 2 bouts with it, I didn't have to go into the dr., they just called in the script.


This is true, but yes, you'll also know what to watch for. I got to the point where I would think to myself, "Huh, that's weird, I feel the tiniest bit dizzy. Oh crud!" But then I could start taking care of myself, searching for the plug and addressing it, and could almost always head it off at the pass. I really, fervently hope you do not need to get that good at spotting it!

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just wanted to say that I think I am getting better. thank you for all of the advice and encouragement. the meds seem to be taking care of it and I do not feel like I am going to pass out anymore. hooray. :)


I'm so glad to hear it. As if life with a newborn isn't hard enough! :grouphug:

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Glad you are beginning to feel better. I can't imagine going through that alone.


The best way to get rest during mastitis is to take the baby to bed with you. Create a safe sleeping surface and hunker down. Plus, this encourages frequent nursing, which will help with the plugged duct.


This was the advise that saved me when my first born was just a few days old. I think I would have given up nursing otherwise. I did take antibiotics, but baby nursed the whole time!! I snoozed--he nursed. We made it.

Edited by Laurel T.
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Glad you are feeling somewhat better! Mastitis totally knocked me out the first time I had it, I spent two days in bed.


I had it three times total, and luckily never needed antibiotics. Following my doctor's advice, I waited 24 hours to see if the fever broke on its own, and since it did, I didn't need the medication.

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