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Look, just have to stick up for the much maligned bikini bathing suit.

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There is all this hate goin' on for the two-piece.


Why I endorse the two piece


1) My booKs are just too old and a bikini top keeps them in place. A one piece would just be too disgusting.


2) It is sooo much easier to pee with a two piece. Not just for me but for my dd who has a thimble sized bladder.


3) It is easier to swim in one. Of course, you have to get the right one but once you do, any other type just feels like you are drowning. I don't care for the drag of extra fabric.


Sure, I don't look all that great but I am swimmin'. :tongue_smilie:




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I don't malign the tankini thing. Since nursing children, I have needed something with more support than any one piece I have ever seen. So, I have a STRONG bikini top - think sports type - which I wear a rash guard shirt over (this just makes it easy because I don't have to worry about the girls slipping around in there), and swim trunk bottoms which are the best thing for my wide hips. I DO appreciate the ability to use the restroom without the hassle.


Actually, our whole family has swim shirts. It's nice not to have to apply so much sunscreen.



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just my thoughts.... there's just no getting around the fact that guys are wired visually. While I no longer have the figure to create those thoughts in guys (imho), I'm not takin' any chances!!!! Tankini.... built in support, easy to take a potty break, but covers up well. Can't stand a one piece either, just for the inconvenience, but the Tankini rocks!!! Keepa swimmin:001_smile:

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I like tankinis...particularly if the bottom has a "skirt" to it (don't like to show the shape of my rear that much). But bikinis? No thank you...but that's a "to each their own" issue.


I have a tankini, which is very cute, and another two piece with a skirted bottom, also way cute. Neither are as comfortable as my actual bikini in the water. The skirted one flops up in the water and is heavy. The other one is a boy bottom but it bunches up in my inner thigh. That's not a good look either!

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Wear a bikini stop and a skirted bathing suit bottom. I don't really care what anyone else thinks about it.


eta: At a church beach party I'll wear a longer top, but it's still a two piece.


All of that said, in Hawaii, I'm NEVER wearing the scantiest swimsuit on the beach. ;)

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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Wear a bikini stop and a skirted bathing suit bottom. I don't really care what anyone else thinks about it.


eta: At a church beach party I'll wear a longer top, but it's still a two piece.


All of that said, in Hawaii, I'm NEVER the wearing the scantiest swimsuit on the beach. ;)

You'd be downright victorian in Greece :lol:

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There's a big difference between a tankini or a two piece that meets near the waist......and a little triangle binkini/thong type thing. I don't think that the teeny bikinis are okay. But something that meets near the waist is fine. But I also do not think that a dipping top that exposes nearly everything but the nipple is okay either....even if it is on a tankini.


My girls wear a rash guard and board shorts. They won't be allowed to wear a bikini (maybe a tankini that meets near the waist). I prefer the former because, aside from the fact that it is modest, I only have to apply sunscreen to their faces.

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I hate one piece suits anymore. They are so difficult - especially when they're wet. We just went swimming last week, and I swear it took me 10 minutes in the bathroom. Pulling the dang thing down, and then trying to shove everything back into that wet suit. I do like the ones with a longer top as no one really needs to see my middle and a skirt on the bottom to cover my thighs.

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They're usually *not* on most people...which is why I don't want to see them. LOL A true bikini swimsuit is basically a bra and panties in swim fabric. NOT too many people I want to see in that! :D But tankinis are a different breed and you *can* have the best of both worlds with a more tasteful choice, IMO.

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I hate 1 pieces! I have a long torso and if they are long enough then they are always too wide. I prefer tankinis for the modesty but just practically speaking, I don't like the ones I've tried. They are almost as hard to fit for me as a 1 piece because my chest is too small to find anything that fits and is supportive. Yes. Sadly, you can be small and in need of support. It's not fair. So, I have been opting for my bra and panty looking 2-piece because it fits the best, stays in place the best, and because of that is actually in a way more modest, and I could find it to purchase. I don't care what the haters think anymore. I won't buy my girls anything but tankinis or rash guard shirts and shorts because of bathroom needs.

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I am short but have a long torso (I have my dad's short little legs). Tankinis actually look *worse* on me than a bikini because my stomach looks flatter when it's all exposed than when I have a little strip constantly poking out.


You need a long torso suit. They are rather hard to find. I have always loved the one from Land's End except lately, I can't seem to find one I really like.


Is it just me or has Land's End selection changed dramatically in the last couple of years? They had a sporty tankini (In fact it was called the sport tankini) that was a tank top & shorts (nylon with a swim panty under). It looked like something you'd wear jogging. It was awesome and flattering on many body types.

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There is all this hate goin' on for the two-piece.


Why I endorse the two piece


1) My booKs are just too old and a bikini top keeps them in place. A one piece would just be too disgusting. Many bathing suit companies (Land's End, LL Bean come to mind) offer built in support in their very stylish one piece suits so this wouldn't even have to be an issue.:)


2) It is sooo much easier to pee with a two piece. Not just for me but for my dd who has a thimble sized bladder. I've never had this issue with a one piece? Interesting.:)


3) It is easier to swim in one. Of course, you have to get the right one but once you do, any other type just feels like you are drowning. I don't care for the drag of extra fabric. This statement is amazing to me. I did a little research and couldn't find ANY photos of olympic swimmers in two pieces! You'd think they'd have caught on to this concept by now since they surely don't want to "feel like they are drowning" while trying to secure a gold medal.


Sure, I don't look all that great but I am swimmin'. :tongue_smilie:





For the record, when I was a tall, lanky teen and enjoyed prancing about in a bikini, I used to use the excuse of "Oh, I'm too tall to wear a one piece, a two piece just fits me better." all the time. I'm going to let you in a little secret...I was so totally and completely full of banana oil.:tongue_smilie:

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Well...I *would*...if I weren't perfectly happy in a bikini top. :D


Okay, what I meant was that if you wanted a tankini to look good on you, that's what you'd look for. Since they're pretty hard to find, it's a good thing you don't really want one. :D


Even LE doesn't seem to offer as many in long torso sizing as they used to in tankinis. I guess they don't see the point. I sure do. Try finding a bikini top in an A cup. :glare:

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I personally wear a tankini and a skirted bottom. I am a very modest person, and more comfortable that way. (Ironically, I am currently at my heaviest weight, but I'm also the happiest I've ever been with my body that was designed to have babies! :lol:) I also don't wear shorts, low cut tops, etc. for my own comfort.


DD wears a rash guard and bikini bottoms. This is not only for modesty, but also because she burns very easily. Poor thing is even paler than I am, and I didn't think that was possible! So I want as much coverage as I can get.


I understand that some people see no problem with bikinis, but for me and mine, we favor modesty. And this is not for religious reasons, just because I think it is prudent to dress modestly. I don't make any judgments of those who do wear bikinis! (OK, ok. If I see a 13 year old girl in a string bikini I do think "What were her parents thinking?" But... I keep it to myself!! :D)

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I desperately want a two-piece. One-pieces are *WAY* too annoying to take off and put back on when one needs to use the bathroom!! I ran into this after I became pregnant. Peeling off a soaking wet one-piece and then pulling it back on is such a pain! I really want a tankini.


That being said..I would never go for a string bikini. Bikini top and skirt bottom, sure, but not string bottoms...I'd feel waaay too uncomfortable.

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For the record, when I was a tall, lanky teen and enjoyed prancing about in a bikini, I used to use the excuse of "Oh, I'm too tall to wear a one piece, a two piece just fits me better." all the time. I'm going to let you in a little secret...I was so totally and completely full of banana oil.:tongue_smilie:


So will you be wearing one of those Olympic swimsuits?

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You need a long torso suit. They are rather hard to find. I have always loved the one from Land's End except lately, I can't seem to find one I really like.


Is it just me or has Land's End selection changed dramatically in the last couple of years? They had a sporty tankini (In fact it was called the sport tankini) that was a tank top & shorts (nylon with a swim panty under). It looked like something you'd wear jogging. It was awesome and flattering on many body types.


I got the ruffled swim mini skirt from LE. It really is cute. I like the skirt part because it doesn't look like underwear but the skirt part still feels heavy and floats up in the water.

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Another bikini wearer here.... I don't prance around though...:) When I'm in the water no one can really see me....and when I'm out of the water I put on a cover up....or if I'm with people who I feel close enough to I am soaking up the sun.


One pieces are definitely not modest on me....the choices are to see half of my rear or all of my belly.....tankinis are ok....I wear one in some situations....but I hate the feel of them.

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Let's hear it for the bikinis! I have some really great sporty ones -- much, much more comfortable and easy to wear than a one piece.


One of the things I love about traveling to Hawaii is how everyone seems so easy-going about everybody being half-nekkid. I love to see everyone so comfortable with their bodies. And, I must say, I don't notice the men and boys leering at the women. Maybe they're just accustomed to it?

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Really loving this thread.


I've wondered recently if people have different attitudes if they live in a much cooler climate and don't lounge at the beach or pool to keep cool (in other words, I'm not talking of those who live further north than me and swim for sport or instruction). Around here, especially on the weekends, half the children you see are wearing some sort of swim apparel and many adults as well. I think sometimes desensitization works quite well. I see more attractive men running around in my neighborhood than I do at the beach.


I'm normally really modest. It's only when I'm swimming or having a baby that makes me forget.

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Try finding one in an H!!! :lol:

I really never considered that it might be hard for smaller women to find tops to fit. Guess we are all just out of luck. :tongue_smilie:


I had a girlfriend once upon a time who was an F up top and a size 8-10 on the bottom. She went to a seamstress and had a bikini made. It didn't cost her any more than a well made suit (around $60-80). It lasted her for years, and she never fell out of it or looked "unsupported" or sleazy.




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I had a girlfriend once upon a time who was an F up top and a size 8-10 on the bottom. She went to a seamstress and had a bikini made. It didn't cost her any more than a well made suit (around $60-80). It lasted her for years, and she never fell out of it or looked "unsupported" or sleazy.





You know... I never even thought of this!!!


I'm an H up top, and currently a 12 on bottom.. (getting close to that 10, woo hoo!!) Finding stuff to fit top and bottom is ridiculous!


Thank you... I'm actually going to look into this before next summer.

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And, I must say, I don't notice the men and boys leering at the women. Maybe they're just accustomed to it?


The funny thing is... if we lived in Europe or something, where they don't care as much about nudity and such, I'd probably be all about letting DD out in less than a rash guard and bottoms. (Well... probably not, since I won't be going to a nude beach anytime soon... :lol: and she wouldn't be going without me.)


But the thing is, OUR culture has turned it into a sexualized thing. Men and boys feel free to ogle women (girls!) in bikinis because through things like the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue and other media outlets they have been taught that it is sexy. I bet the men from Hawaii are just used to it and think nothing of it because they see it all the time. To them it isn't sexy anymore, just everyday attire!

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...I just couldn't resist adding a European perspective...:D


Our dds are 6 and 8...and only wearing "normal bikini-bottoms" as are almost all of their little friends (lake-shore, beach, public pool...).

I have to admit, that I don't see the need of covering up what is not there:lol:...


And, to push this even further, I would even have a feeling of "sexualizing" my girls, if I made them wear attires clearly meant for women...


I understand the situation is different in the US...so who knows how we would handle it there...


(btw. this is coming from someone who would describe herself as very conservative...as most people around me would agree;))

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I've wondered recently if people have different attitudes if they live in a much cooler climate and don't lounge at the beach or pool to keep cool (in other words, I'm not talking of those who live further north than me and swim for sport or instruction). Around here, especially on the weekends, half the children you see are wearing some sort of swim apparel and many adults as well. I think sometimes desensitization works quite well. I see more attractive men running around in my neighborhood than I do at the beach.


I'm normally really modest. It's only when I'm swimming or having a baby that makes me forget.



I don't know....I grew up in Florida, and now I live in South Carolina. I know all about being hot. (Weather-wise! ;)) And I'm not a fan of the bikini. I think there is a very small percentage of women who can wear them and look ok in them. Either they look too "good" in them, or they really do not. I'm all for women being proud of their bodies...but they just shouldn't be surprised if people make comments (in front or behind their backs.)


I'm very grateful for the invention of the tankini. It's the best of both worlds, I think. Nice coverage, easy in the bathroom.


I was also disapponted in Land's End this year. I ended up buying this:



It's ok. Not exactly high fashion, but it's great for chasing little ones around the beach and not having to worry about my parts hanging out. And it's very snug....the "girls" are not going anywhere.

Edited by Mrs. Frankweiler
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Another Momma here whom LOVES her bikinis :D


I started wearing them last year-never wore one *before* children. Trust me, a one peice is *awful* on me. I am long thru the torso and only 5'2 (on a good day, lol) and the "ladies" are a 34D. I wear a size 8 or 10 currently, so not the tiniest woman on the block either. Um, you see more in a one piece than you will in my bikinis ;)


I am a sun worshiper but do have a takini (which I really don't like) that I wear when we go to the water slides or the lake.

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Another Momma here whom LOVES her bikinis :D


I started wearing them last year-never wore one *before* children. Trust me, a one peice is *awful* on me. I am long thru the torso and only 5'2 (on a good day, lol) and the "ladies" are a 34D. I wear a size 8 or 10 currently, so not the tiniest woman on the block either. Um, you see more in a one piece than you will in my bikinis ;)


Oh, sounds like we are built in a similar manner and :iagree:. :D

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I do look pretty good in a bikini, and right now I'm pregnant and hunting for a bikini so I can show off my belly. My dh and I both think pregnant bellies look awesome, and the tankini riding up does not. My friend even took very tasteful, semi-nude pictures of me when I was pregnant with dd. They are beautiful. My friend told me I was her most modest poser, as I didn't show anything obvious and my long hair covered nipples :)


Another friend pointed out recently that my breast was hanging out my tankini top. Apparently it got loose. I tossed it. No biggie. I have narrow shoulders and wear a B cup. I also have a natural tan.


Here in South Florida, I see everything from string bikinis to speedos for men. I swim in the Masters Swimming program and my coach told me to get all in one tight suits. Men wear speedos, really tiny. I wouldn't mind my son swimming in speedos as long as he looked pretty decent, and my daughter? Well.. I wasn't allowed to wear a bikini until I was 14. My dd has bikinis already that people give her. But gosh, as someone else mentioned, she's got nothing to show yet :)

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I think there is a very small percentage of women who can wear them and look ok in them. Either they look too "good" in them, or they really do not. I'm all for women being proud of their bodies...but they just shouldn't be surprised if people make comments (in front or behind their backs.)




I don't understand..."too good?" Perhaps I'm missing something here. A woman somehow shouldn't wear a bikini if she looks good in it, but also shouldn't wear one if she doesn't?


I don't wear a bikini because I'm "proud" of my body. I'm just IN my body. There it is, all the time, and I'm not ashamed of it, and don't think that showing some of it is the same as flaunting it somehow. I do understand why people have a problem with a woman being deliberately sexually provocative in her swimsuit, but I'd say that's rarely the case. And I really don't see a one-piece as being much more modest than a lot of bikinis. It's still tight and wet.


What would a woman have to wear swimming to prevent others from seeing the shape of her body? I'm thinking I may not want to know the answer to that...

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I hate 1 pieces! I have a long torso and if they are long enough then they are always too wide. I prefer tankinis for the modesty but just practically speaking, I don't like the ones I've tried. They are almost as hard to fit for me as a 1 piece because my chest is too small to find anything that fits and is supportive. Yes. Sadly, you can be small and in need of support. It's not fair. So, I have been opting for my bra and panty looking 2-piece because it fits the best, stays in place the best, and because of that is actually in a way more modest, and I could find it to purchase. I don't care what the haters think anymore. I won't buy my girls anything but tankinis or rash guard shirts and shorts because of bathroom needs.


:iagree: I'm at a good weight for my height and everything is fairly toned except for my midsection. After 7 babies, that just isn't going back down even at sub-120lbs. A tankini that fits my top and bottom the right way squishes all my loose skin up and over the bottom in a classic muffin top. Definitely not an attractive look. It's the same reason I go for low-rise pants. Anything that hits me at or just below the waist cuts me in half. I just look better in a bikini than in any other style. Where's the shrug icon when I need it? :::Shrug:::

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I have a nice skirted two-piece suit this year. It throughly obscures my genitalia. It's easy to pee in. It's cute. I love it.


I do not care what people think of my suit (or my shorts, or my miniskirts, or my sports bra that I go powerwalking in). It is HOT here in the summer. I wear as little as I can get away with, and if somebody is having such a serious failure of grace and Godliness that they openly sitting in judgement upon my outfit, well then, I feel a passing sense of pity for that person, wish them well in their struggle against their yetzer hara (evil impulse, "sin nature," it's hard to translate but you get the idea), and then I dismiss them from my mind and go my merry way.

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I thought this thread was for people who like the bikini? There are already enough threads for those who don't. . .



And on every one of those anti-bikini threads, there's always a certain crowd who picks on the bikini-haters and basically accuses them of being judgemental, horrible people. I can only imagine the melee that would ensue if someone said, "I thought this thread was only for people who didn't like bikinis." Everyone has things they don't like. Around here it looks like if you state an opinion, you can be sure that there's someone who's going to not agree with it. And, let's be honest, when you come across someone who disagrees with you, you're going to form an opinion, or judgement, on that person. (Not YOU specifically, Jean....I'm talking people in general.)


And, for the record, I admire those who can wear whatever they want and not worry about what people think about it. That's a wonderful attitude to have. Gee whiz, we're all homeschoolers. We all have a little of that "I don't care what people think" mentality, or we probably wouldn't be doing this. However, others can wear whatever they want, and I (and you!) can have an opinion (or judgement) on whatever I want. You've probably made a judgement about me...that's fine. It's human nature, but I don't think you're a terrible person.


Also, when I said a person looks "too good" I meant that sometimes we'll go to the beach for good, clean, family fun, and I feel like I have to shield my 10-year-old son's eyes from the onslaught of exposed mammaries...and I'd say the majority of the time those breasts are poorly concealed by a bikini top. Maybe you have no problem if your children see whatever is out there, and, hey...to each his own. You may also believe the more exposure one gets, the less it will be a big deal. I'm sorry, but I don't agree with that. Some people feel that way about alcohol...let the kids see the drinking while they're growing up, and as adults it won't be a big deal. I know some alcoholics who'd say that line of thinking backfired terribly. And finally, I don't think seeing a human body should become "run of the mill" anyway.


Like I said, everyone has their opinion...good for you for proclaiming yours' so well. Just don't be all surprised when I proclaim mine. That would be hypocritical.



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