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Does anyone else feel this way when they wake up in the morning?

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I'm generally fully awake and ready to go about 2pm. Unfortunately, ds is one of those dread morning people. We really think he must be a changeling.


I'm working to get to bed at a more decent hour (like before midnight) and try to be up by 8. It's tough and I'm still figuring out what works for us.

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I have the worst time getting up and going in the mornings. It takes until after I have had coffee and about two hours of being up until I feel like I want to face the day.


I hate feeling this way everyday. Is it just the way I am wired? Anyone else deal with a feeling of dread upon awakening?



I am definitely in the same boat with your first paragraph, right down to the coffee and two hours bit. But with the second paragraph, I don't exactly feel "dread" when I wake up. Is that the word you really mean? Is it like, "Oh no, I have to get up and do this whole thing all over again and I'd rather just sleep it off," kind of dread? Or something else? Are you okay once you finally wake up?

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Terri, you must be a later morning person. Dd's music teacher is a late riser; doesn't get up until 10 or 10:30 am. She schedules class at 6:30pm or 8:30pm and wonders why dd and I are sleepy. I'm definitely a morning person. Dd vacilates between early and late rising. If she wants to get on the computer she can be up by 6:30 am, but if it's some lesson she is dreading I have a hard time dragging her out of bed by 9 am. Fortunately dh is an early riser too.


If your dc are late risers, I'd say don't fight it. If you can, get up when you feel rested.


Oh, Jenny, don't tell me it's old age. I'm old and I'm getting up even earlier than before (5 am); it must be menopause with me. If I stay up past 9:30 pm I have to sleep until 7 am in order to feel rested.

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So not a morning person here. I wake up every morning thinking "really? I really have to get up and move and be human? Now? Not later? Ugh."


I wish I were a morning person. I wish I wasn't an insomniac. I wish my body would magically reset and tomorrow I'd be up and bright and chipper. My only consolation is that DH and DD are also night owls. My worry is that I'll never get DD to preschool on time.



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See my username??? HAHAHAHA


I'm NOT a morning person. I wish I felt awake and ready to start my day by 7 or even 8 lol. I drag myself out of bed at 8 or 9.

My hubby is an early bird... 2 of the 4 kids are early birds too.


My little guy is going to prek this coming year. I have to be in town (35 min away) by 8 each day.. ugh. I'm not sure how I'm going to make it through the year lol.

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Well, what is the saying? "Misery loves company!"


I am glad to know I am not alone :001_smile:.


I know what I NEED to do. I need to get up 2 hours before the children, so when they get up I am not in that "Ughh" mode. But that means going to bed at night :001_huh:.


Someone suggested to me eliminating caffeine, lowering sugar, and going to bed no later than 10:30. All 3 I would have trouble doing right now :glare:.


Back to the 'ol drawing board.


Thanks for letting me know I am not alone in this challenge!

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I need about 2 hours before I feel ready to tackle the day. Doodle though is usually up before I am and full of energy too. I felt a bit guilty when we first moved here and I discovered the school bus stops in front of my house. I didn't realize it for awhile because it always came and went before I managed to roll out of bed and shuffle my way to the kitchen.

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I now know I'm not alone. I'm an insomniac and I'm not a morning person....never been. I'm a night owl, who usually doesn't go to bed until 2am, and then if I can sleep, I could sleep all day. It catches me in cycles. There's times I can't sleep at all, and days I could sleep forever if the world was still enough. Ugh! I try to just go with the flow anymore. No use setting an alarm, my body ignores it anyways!! :)

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I have the worst time getting up and going in the mornings. It takes until after I have had coffee and about two hours of being up until I feel like I want to face the day.


I hate feeling this way everyday. Is it just the way I am wired? Anyone else deal with a feeling of dread upon awakening?


Have you always felt that way?! I think it's about having very little ones. I only have 2 kids, but once my youngest was about 3 and not jumping into our bed on a regular basis did I actually start to feel energetic and fully rested again. Hang in there!

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Me, me, me!!! Pick me! Right down to that "dread" word. Yes, I'm great once I wake up... a couple hours later. I'm a grump when I wake up and my brain is just frozen.


I have always been like that, though it's been worse the last year or so. I even called a doctor's office and spoke to a NP about it about 15 years ago. I told him I still felt like a teenager who just wants to sleep all day. He told me teenagers are like this when they're depressed so he assumed I was. Um... no. I'm fine for the other 14 hours I'm awake, trust me, it's just the first TWO or so. He didn't believe me. Again, that was about 15 years ago. Not much as changed.


I've tried juice right when I wake up for possible low-blood sugar. Nope. Big glass of water for dehydration? Nope. Going to bed earlier? Nope. More sleep? Nope. Less sleep? Nope. Coffee... eventually it works but if you want to know something really crazy? I sometimes am not together enough in the mornings to remember to fix myself coffee. :lol:


Someday I'll ask another doctor, perhaps. I think it's just me.

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It could be an adrenal problem - your cortisol level peaks at certain times. If it is off, then it can peak later in the morning and you don't have energy until then. I take an adrenal supplement (a health food store has them) in the morning. IF you have an adrenal problem then caffeine is not the way to go - it actually depletes cortisol by stimulating your body to have an adrenalin-high which then wears off later (much like sugar can cause bloodsugar levels to plummet after a while).


It could also be something else since fatigue is a symptom of a number of things.

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See my username??? HAHAHAHA


I'm NOT a morning person. I wish I felt awake and ready to start my day by 7 or even 8 lol. I drag myself out of bed at 8 or 9.

My hubby is an early bird... 2 of the 4 kids are early birds too.


My little guy is going to prek this coming year. I have to be in town (35 min away) by 8 each day.. ugh. I'm not sure how I'm going to make it through the year lol.


Wow. This. My kids are 9, 5, 4, and 4 months. I feel this way every.single.morning. My husband and two of my kids are early birds also.


My 4 year old also is going to pre-k and my biggest dread is getting her there on time! It starts at 7:40. If she didn't have special needs, I wouldn't send her. But I see no other choice.

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I can't imagine why someone with 6 kids, including a newborn, might be tired every day!! :D


I can tell you that I felt that way every day of my life until I was 30. And then I went gluten-free, and the great curtain of fatigue and depression was lifted from my weary body and I became a human who could crack a smile in the morning. I still enjoy sleeping in, but I no longer have the fatigue or "dread" I used to have.

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I can't imagine why someone with 6 kids, including a newborn, might be tired every day!! :D


I can tell you that I felt that way every day of my life until I was 30. And then I went gluten-free, and the great curtain of fatigue and depression was lifted from my weary body and I became a human who could crack a smile in the morning. I still enjoy sleeping in, but I no longer have the fatigue or "dread" I used to have.


This too. Once I went GF it was so much easier to get up in the mornings. Like I physically could move where before I felt like I'd been hit by a mack truck every morning. Still hate mornings.

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I'm sure some of it is having a newborn! I have never been a morning person. Lately though I've started doing some cardio exercise. (Not very much since I'm just getting started!) I try to do it within the first hour of waking up. It had make a big difference in my energy level and outlook on the day.

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I am a morning person and love to get up before everyone else. But going to bed/sleep by 10pm probably has something to do with it.

Chronic tiredness is so widespread we think it is normal.

I think everyone is wired differently but really, it does take some discipline for me to go to bed at a reasonable hour. But the pay off on the rest of my life is enormous so it is worth it.

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Do you get up before the kids or with them? Although I am never keen to get up (ds3 is still a terribly restless co-sleeper), I find that actually facing the day is immeasurably easier if I wake up first, and have time to have coffee, tidy up a little and perhaps check e-mails and eat before people start talking to me and making endless demands on me.



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I spent years feeling that way. I was in a literal fog for hours every morning. I could not drag myself out of bed--I spent 45-60 minutes each morning sitting in bed, leaning against the pillows, trying to wake up enough to get up. Then I'd walk around in a fog for hours.


I spent YEARS like this.


Turns out I was anemic.


I highly suggest getting some blood testing. Request that they check BOTH your hemoglobin AND your ferritin as they measure iron two totally different ways. It's common to have borderline or lowish hemoglobin (which many drs will tell you is within acceptable limits) while your ferritin is totally bottomed out. Have them check your thyroid too.


Aggressive iron supplementation absolutely changed my life.


Iron is one mineral, though, that you really do need tested. Too much is just as bad as not enough, so if you're going to take supplements you have to plan for yearly blood tests.

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I agree with strider, I had the same experience and am just pulling out of it.


A vitamin D deficiency can also affect your energy levels. Maybe it's time for an old fashioned overall physical exam. As moms we spend so much time caring for our kids that we can easily neglect our own health. We need to put that oxygen mask on ourselves first, iykwim, so we can fitly persevere in parenting.

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