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Do you ever wish you had named your child/ren something different? Ds's name was a given (family name) and I love it, but dd's was just something we chose. It's pretty - Mary Catherine - but I also love names like Isabella and Madeleine (my grandmother's names) and ethnic names like Lucia. I guess I should've had more kids. :)

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While I really do like J's name, it was a compromise. I didn't like what DH had picked out, and he didn't like what I had picked out. We found out that the name DH liked was actually a family name, if spelled differently. So, J was named :)


Now, if we were able to have more children, and we have a feeling they would all be boys-they would have been named...Jakob and Joshua.


We did have either Paige Elisabeth or Sarah Elisabeth picked out for girls. This after DH says Emma (his Grandmother's name) is an old ladies name. Well, she WILL be an old lady, one day.

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Had I known the future, I would have named Ds1 Elijah.


The story: Our girl's name is Eliana. Has been for, well, forever. I also LOVE the name Elijah for a boy, but not as much as I love Eliana for a girl. We haven't used the name Elijah for a boy because there's always the chance that our NEXT baby would be a girl, and it would be odd and kind of redundant to have two children i na row name Elijah and Eliana, kwim? So we've held off an Elijah all this time. If I'd known having DS1 that the next two would be boys and we wouldn't be having a girl for a long time if ever - I'd have named him Elijah.

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I wanted to name my youngest Massimo, Giuseppe, Matteo, or Alessio, but dh but the ix-nay on those. Our last name is Italian, and any of those names would have sounded better than what we ultimately chose, IMO. I'm happy enough with ds's name, though.

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Sometimes I wish I had never given them second names! They started using them as their first ones, against our wishes, and NOTHING worked for years! :banghead: Even DH and I had given in at some point (though now we're back and stubborn, so they realized that at least within family, they'll have to "wear" their first names).


To make it even worse, those second names (and the first ones too, actually) are quite international and easily "anglicized". Imagine answering the phone and hearing, "Hello mrs. X, is Emily home?" when you gave birth to Giuditta. :banghead: If it were at least Emilia and Lucia - but NO, they always ask for Emily and Lucy.


Traitors. :angry::lol:


I wanted the next baby to have one name only, but since she needs an italianized Jewish name (in order to have a proper Hebrew name), and the ones we're considering aren't that, she'll end up with two names too.

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I wanted to name my third ds Wyatt..Wyatt Laine. Wyatt because I thought it sounded really manly and strong and Laine for my Aunt that recently passed, her name was Elaine.


My husband (now ex) wanted to name him Hunter, he won. Later I found out that Hunter is also another name for the Orion constellation and Orion was the name of a boy he fathered and gave up to the mother.


Needless to say I am not pleased with the motive of naming my son but I love my son either way. It's not my son's fault. You can't pick your parents.

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I just have too many names I love (mostly girl names, though). I need 50 more kids. :)


My middle guy is Luke and that turned out to be a quite popular name. I would pick a different name if I were having a boy now, but it really suits him so I don't regret it.


I don't want a top 100 name for my girl, but you never know what is going to become popular this year or in the years following. I know someone who chose Aiden as their really unusual name. It is now near the top with Hayden, Brayden, Jayden, and many various spellings of Aydin... You just can't plan that one. I love the names Lucia and Isabella, but Isabella was the #1 girl name of 2009, with Ella, Bella, and Isabelle also in the top 100.

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I don't regret my name choices. I love them all. But the girls' names are uncommon and sometimes that's annoying. Eliana gets called Elaina just about everywhere we go that they see her name before hearing it. And Annika gets called Monica sometimes if it's heard before seen. But I do love both names and wouldn't change them even if the general public gets confused.

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I love my kids names, the girls all have very lyrical traditional european names. The boys have strong biblical names.


Do any of you have a favorite name out of your kids names? I like them all but my middle DD is named Genevieve Audrey and it is still my most favorite name in the world.

Edited by LaissezFaire
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I don't regret my dc's names, but I wish our last name was different because I'd loved to have named dd Harper. But, it would sound dumb with our last name, so it was nixed. Another name I liked for dd was Lucy, but that was nixed, too. So I named the dog Lucy. Maybe the next dog will be Harper. LOL

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I love my kids' names. They all have good Irish names that aren't common here. All of their names are easily said when seen in writing, but I did Americanize a couple of my girls' spellings so they wouldn't have to spend the rest of their days explaining pronunciation. The only complaint I could possibly have is people tending to hear a more common name instead of what was actually spoken.

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I had always wanted to name my son Oliver. I love that name. My husband put his foot down on the name battle, and my son's name is Caden. Yep, the most popular boy name of 2007.

Yeah, I regret it. He would have made a great Oliver.

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I loved ds10's name when I gave it to him. Now, because it's the most (or almost) popular name every single year since he was born, I'm wishing I had chosen something different. It does fit him though and he doesn't mind that there are 3 other kids with the same name in his TKD class. :)

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Ds15's name was not common when we named him, but became common about 5-10 years later. He has only met a few people with his name in his age bracket but we hear it a lot in the younger group. Had I known, I may have chose something else. He likes his name though, so it is fine.


DD11's name is not complicated but is mispronounced Often. Here name ends in '...ana' and most people pronounce it 'auna' not 'ana' with a short 'a' sound in the first 'a'. She uses many different variation of her name so it is fine and she doesn't care what people call her. The only time she gets annoyed is when other people correct someone who is saying it wrong...lol. I still really like her first name, but I do wish it wasn't so difficult for people to say correctly. I would probably use it for a middle name now if I was renaming here. She uses her middle name a lot too, just to avoid confusion, but since we used the boy spelling of a gender neutral name, she still runs into issues there. LOL


The weird one is dd3's name.


When I was a teenager, I loved the name Jade until I was in my young 20s. I was adamant I would name my dd that when I grew up. Then over time I started to think of it more as a stripper name and the name Jayden was becoming popular so I nixed the name.


Our adopted dd3's birth middle name was Jayde. LOL

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My husband is Italian (Ciavo = cha-vO which is 1/2 of our last name) and the tradition in his family is to name the first born son after the paternal grandfather. My FIL didn't want us to use his given name, he was born and raised in Esperia, Italy and his given name is Benedetto. When he came to America he preferred Benedict and that's what we named our son. I like Benedict, but would have preferred Benedetto.


If we ever had a girl we were going to name her Esperia, nickname Perry, but we didn't so...

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My husband is Italian (Ciavo = cha-vO which is 1/2 of our last name) and the tradition in his family is to name the first born son after the paternal grandfather. My FIL didn't want us to use his given name, he was born and raised in Esperia, Italy and his given name is Benedetto. When he came to America he preferred Benedict and that's what we named our son. I like Benedict, but would have preferred Benedetto.


If we ever had a girl we were going to name her Esperia, nickname Perry, but we didn't so...


Oooh, Esperia. What a beautiful name!

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My husband is Italian (Ciavo = cha-vO which is 1/2 of our last name) and the tradition in his family is to name the first born son after the paternal grandfather.


My husband's family has that tradition as well. Everyone is named John or Frederick. Lucky for us our son was born on a John cycle, or the nth-generation tradition would have died with him. :D (No offense to any Freds out there!)

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I don't regret my dc's names, but I wish our last name was different because I'd loved to have named dd Harper. But, it would sound dumb with our last name, so it was nixed. Another name I liked for dd was Lucy, but that was nixed, too. So I named the dog Lucy. Maybe the next dog will be Harper. LOL



My kids are all named family names and I love them all. None of them are overly popular - except Lucy. And that seems to only be popular as a dog name. I know way more dogs named Lucy than children.

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Do any of you have a favorite name out of your kids names? I like them all but my middle DD is named Genevieve Audrey and it is still my most favorite name in the world.


Yes. My daughter who died at birth was named Lydia Clare. I love all my children's names, but I think Lydia Clare is the most beautiful and I'm sad that I don't get to use it much. In addition to loving everything about the sound and solidity of that name, I also like that it has the initials "L.C.", which are my mother's initials, and also sounds like "Elsie", which was my grandmother's name.

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I love my kids' names. My 2nd dd's nickname (a shortened version of her actual first name) is a very popular girl's name now, but at least it's a nickname. She can use her official first name if she wants to be "different."


DS's name is very common, but it was my grandpa's name and it suits him nicely, so... I certainly can't think of anything I'd rather have named him! LOL (I just wish it weren't quite so common)


But, I'd also love to have more girls, so we could have a Genevieve, Gwendolyn, and a Clara.


Oh - and three more boys so we could have a Luke, an Andon, and an Owen.



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I am thoroughly pleased with our choices for dc's names. What I regret a bit is how I wrote them on their birth certificates.


My dh's family has a "title" (one for boys, a different one for girls) which is added to the front of everyone's names, but don't have middle names. So, yes, they have 2 given names, but their second name is actually their first name, with the first name being a title they rarely use. Clear as mud?


I saw how confusing and complicated it was for dh having 2 first names, but no middle name. I would try to explain, saying, "You know, it's like Jean-Paul, or Mary-Ann", but without the hyphen, and with no middle name, we would always get calls and items addressed to only his title, which was especially confusing when he lived with his brother (having the same title but different 1st/2nd names).


To me, the obvious solution for my dc was to add a middle name, so it would be clear that the first two names were a composite 1st name. We didnt really want them to have middle names, though, so I used another traditional formality of adding "son of (father's name)" as the middle name. Yes, my son's birth certificate reads the equivalent of (not his real name, but as an example):

Sir Robert son of Sir Steven Smith

My ingenious plan was to use the middle initial "S", so on all his documentation his name would be: Sir Robert S. Smith, and going by Robert only. Dh was a little reluctant, but in the hospital, I had to fill out the birth certificate, I asked him if my plan was OK, he kind of shrugged and figured, I'm the mom, whatever. Then dd was born, and I had to keep consistency, so I did the same for her (with "daughter of..." as her middle name).


Then along comes BIL's first child (dh's brother, so faced with the same naming problem). What did he do? He used the title as the middle name. Duh! So, instead of Sir Robert son of Sir Steven Smith, his son is simply Robert Sir Smith. This serves the purpose of maintaining the family title, and providing the child with a middle name, and ensuring no one confuses the title with his first name. Why didn't I think of that!!?? I'll tell you why, because I make everything more complicated than it needs to be, and get hung up on little details. I never considered using the title as a middle name, because that's not where it belongs, it goes before the first name. I foolishly thought I could force American convention to adapt to dh's family tradition, instead of doing the opposite, as BIL did. Live and learn.


I have thought about changing their names legally, but never did. Now we have immigrated to Canada, with their names on all kinds of official paperwork, so a legal change would involve a lot of logistical work and money now. Oh well.


So now I'm blessed with the upcoming birth of a new dd, God willing. I have to decide if I will do the same crazy long name for her, for the sake of continuity, or go the easy route like BIL. Hmm...

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The name for ds was set before we decided if we were getting married. Dh told me very boldly that if we had kids and it was a boy it would be named for his father, who died when dh was a boy. Who can argue with that? Plus ds is the 4th generation first born son with the same middle name. He is officially listed as (full name)the II on his birth certificate.


I love names, I love coming up with names for my characters when I write, and our pets always get about three names. Our dog is Daytona Grace with multiple nicknames.

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Well, DS has a Bible name, and we are Pagan, so that causes some eyebrow raising. LOL And of course people that don't know tend to (understandably) make assumptions. What can I say? I just love the name, and especially that it means "peace". I do have moments, though, where I wish I'd picked something different!

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I love names, I love coming up with names for my characters when I write, and our pets always get about three names. Our dog is Daytona Grace with multiple nicknames.


Sounds like our cat, Annabel Lee, aka Annie, Squooshy McGoosh, Baby Annie Marie, Princess Anne... mostly she answers to Kitten. :D

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