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Can you separate an actor from his/her politics & personal life (e.g. Mel Gibson)?

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I can separate a celebrity from his politics as long as they don't use their celebrity status to advance their political agenda.


IMO, celebrities should not use their status to push a particular agenda. Their field of expertise is not politics, but entertainment, so I have a hard time taking them seriously. I find myself wondering if they're just "playing a role". I feel that entertainers should entertain and leave the politics to the politicians.

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I was talking about movie quality (ie: having a plot) more than 'celeb' issues. At least Cary Grant could act, as opposed to say, Tom Cruise, who has three, perhaps four, facial expressions he cycles through: the smile, the stare, the...uhhh....ok, make that two facial expressions. :D




You forgot the clenched jaw glare. ;)

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FWIW I watch NCIS Los Angles for Linda Hunt, I think she's brilliant. Her Hetty makes the show and I find her far more interesting a character than the mothership NCIS' Gibbs.

She's the biggest reason I watch that show! :lol:

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He is NOT! He is funny looking! And a bad actor to boot! :001_tt2:
:iagree: However, I quite enjoyed his performance in Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans, though I'd had my doubts going in. A bit of serendipitous casting, that.
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IMO, celebrities should not use their status to push a particular agenda. Their field of expertise is not politics, but entertainment, so they should entertain and leave the politics to the politicians.


That's what I was saying, but they elected the (bad) actor Governor and then President anyway. He should have stuck with Bonzo movies :D


Bill (who can't wait to be rid of another actor-guvernator :tongue_smilie:)

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When a person, whether I agree with them or not, becomes needlessly cruel or condescending or outright lies about what OTHERS believe in order to bolster their position that's when I can get into trouble separating.




I'm cool with folks having wildly different views than myself, but it's the attitude of the delivery that irks me.

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You forgot the clenched jaw glare. ;)

I call it 'the stare'. Same look. Different music. Or do the eyebrows move that much? I haven't seen a TC movie since...he was married to Kidman? I walked out on that one he made w/her, Top Gun with cars, whatever it was called...


No, thats wrong. Wolf rented Mission Impossible years ago.

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IMO, celebrities should not use their status to push a particular agenda. Their field of expertise is not politics, but entertainment, so I have a hard time taking them seriously. I find myself wondering if they're just "playing a role". I feel that entertainers should entertain and leave the politics to the politicians.



As much as I'd like to agree and point to people like Reagan, Schwarzenegger and Fred Grandy, I don't think that politics is only the realm of professional politicians. I LIKE it when non-politicos take up an active part in politics -- up until they start losing their unique point of view and start becoming more and more like professional politicians.


If we say we want a country to be run by those representing a variety of walks of life, then why should actors be excluded from that variety? I don't think it's quite reasonable to say an actor or celebrity can't talk about their politics, but YOU can because you're not an actor/celebrity. Agree with them or disagree with them, but to say they shouldn't they be allowed to express their opinions, too, is simply unfair.

Edited by Audrey
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I'm cool with folks having wildly different views than myself, but it's the attitude of the delivery that irks me.


Yea, like when the musket-toting Charton Heston lost it in 2000:


For the next six months, Al Gore is going to smear you as the enemy. He will slander you as gun-toting, knuckle-dragging, bloodthirsty maniacs who stand in the way of a safer America. Will you remain silent? I will not remain silent. If we are going to stop this, then it is vital to every law-abiding gun owner in America to register to vote and show up at the polls on election day....


So, as we set out this year to defeat the divisive forces that would take freedom away, I want to say those fighting words for everyone within the sound of my voice to hear and to heed, and especially for you, Mr. Gore: 'From my cold, dead hands!


What a nut! :lol:



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IMO, celebrities should not use their status to push a particular agenda.
Why not? We're free not to listen, or to disagree.


I feel that entertainers should entertain and leave the politics to the politicians.
I couldn't disagree more.
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Oh, come on... Valley Girl is a classic! :D
Totally OT, but I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Deborah Foreman... though it was My Chauffer, not Valley Girl that did it for me... well, and even then it mostly because of Penn & Teller. Never mind. Though at least I've brought it back on topic as Penn is rather opinionated. :)
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And he was really good in Racing With the Moon and Moonstruck.


And Raising Arizona... though there's no moon theme there.
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Totally OT, but I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Deborah Foreman... though it was My Chauffer, not Valley Girl that did it for me... well, and even then it mostly because of Penn & Teller. Never mind. Though at least I've brought it back on topic as Penn is rather opinionated. :)


I love Penn Jillette!

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Hey - is the wifey in Raising Arizona the same actress that does the voice of the mom in The Incredibles? Something about her face in this photo makes me think it is. (see how much attention I pay? :tongue_smilie:)
Yup. It's Holly Hunter.
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I like Nic Cage. I glad to see in his new movie he has different hair, his hair has been intolerable in the last few movies.
Generally I don't. Both he and Gwyneth Paltrow are enough to keep me away under normal circumstances.
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Yup, Holly Hunter. She was amazing in the Piano.



I loved her in the TV series that they just canceled - 'Saving Grace'. It never fails - the shows I watch are canceled:confused:.


And I loved Cage in 'Guarding Tess'. And I don't care how off the wall Shirley McLaine is - I love her movies.

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I loved her in the TV series that they just canceled - 'Saving Grace'. It never fails - the shows I watch are canceled:confused:.


And I loved Cage in 'Guarding Tess'. And I don't care how off the wall Shirley McLaine is - I love her movies.



Were you watching Flash Forward too? :lol:

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I love Penn Jillette!


I saw Penn and Teller back before they were Penn and Teller (1981?) when they performed a show called "The Asparagus Valley Cultural Society" in North Beach (San Francisco).


Now if I'd only known they were...<gasp>...Libertarians, I might not have enjoyed myself so much :lol:



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I saw Penn and Teller back before they were Penn and Teller (1981?) when they performed a show called "The Asparagus Valley Cultural Society" in North Beach (San Francisco).


Now if I'd only known they were...<gasp>...Libertarians, I might not have enjoyed myself so much :lol:





But, if they were Librarians, you may have loved them even more! :smilielol5:

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http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0175880/ MAGNOLIA To those who have not seen it, I vigorously contend that this film alone makes Tom Cruise an amazing actor. He simply keeps choosing big action flick films that are absolutely moronic but this gem will take your breath away . It is not a feel good film nor is it one which makes you want to crawl away to live in a cave (well almost) but if you really are interested in themes of identity, sin and redemption without the candy coating this is your flick. No easy answers, no glib platitudes just some really damaged people trying to grasp at a chance for their lives to have some meaning.

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Now if I'd only known they were...<gasp>...Libertarians, I might not have enjoyed myself so much :lol:
That reminds me of a Kids in the Hall sketch. A theme in the show was "career ending moments."


Jam tasting contest

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As much as I'd like to agree and point to people like Reagan, Schwarzenegger and Fred Grandy, I don't think that politics is only the realm of professional politicians. I LIKE it when non-politicos take up an active part in politics


Yabbut, you know there are the totally clueless out there who vote for actors because " I rilly, rilly liked Gopher!" :tongue_smilie:

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Were you watching Flash Forward too? :lol:


No, I can't take credit for that. :D


Let's see - I killed NYPD Blue, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Saving Grace, any show that follows The Closer (which I really think will be next if my current run survives)..... I mean, this streak dates back to my mother letting me watch Hill Street Blues and Murphy Brown...:tongue_smilie:

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Yea, like when the musket-toting Charton Heston lost it in 2000:


For the next six months, Al Gore is going to smear you as the enemy. He will slander you as gun-toting, knuckle-dragging, bloodthirsty maniacs who stand in the way of a safer America. Will you remain silent? I will not remain silent. If we are going to stop this, then it is vital to every law-abiding gun owner in America to register to vote and show up at the polls on election day....


So, as we set out this year to defeat the divisive forces that would take freedom away, I want to say those fighting words for everyone within the sound of my voice to hear and to heed, and especially for you, Mr. Gore: 'From my cold, dead hands!


What a nut! :lol:




yea, like when Penn lost it this past year.



PENN: The collaborative opportunity in Haiti, when you talk about Hugo Chavez, and some of the other people who are demonized [think Castro], and you know, when some of these countries accuse us of an occupation -- where I believe this was strictly a humanitarian action by the United States military, and an incredible one – I’m a little sympathetic. Because every day, this elected leader is called a dictator here, and we just accept it! And accept it. And this is mainstream media, who should – truly, there should be a bar by which one goes to prison for these kinds of lies.

What an idiot. :tongue_smilie:



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Natalie Portman, on David Letterman several years ago, went off on a *friend* of hers who was voting for Bush. She went on and on about the fact that this *friend* is a mom, with baby puke on her shoulder acting like she knew what she was talking about. I'm guessing that someone in the real world, baby puke and all has a few more real life experiences than someone who grew up in Hollywood and has never done anything other than act. I still can't stand her. I only watched The Other Boelyn Girl to see her get her head chopped off! (jk - kinda)




lalalala I'm not listening. Not Natalie Portman. I always liked her. I'm bummed she's that clueless.

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Natalie is no lightweight. Nor was she born or raised in Hollywood.

http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000204/bio She is attending Harvard. Elitist maybe, stupid NOT.




You have to admit what she said about her "friend" was not very smart or logical either.



Natalie Portman, on David Letterman several years ago, went off on a *friend* of hers who was voting for Bush. She went on and on about the fact that this *friend* is a mom, with baby puke on her shoulder acting like she knew what she was talking about.

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No, I can't take credit for that. :D


Let's see - I killed NYPD Blue, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Saving Grace, any show that follows The Closer (which I really think will be next if my current run survives)..... I mean, this streak dates back to my mother letting me watch Hill Street Blues and Murphy Brown...:tongue_smilie:


:lol::lol: As much as I loved Terminator, I don't it was you that killed that show. But I will warn my dh about The Closer, it's his favorite.

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I dunno, it depends upon who this "friend" is. She's friends with Britney Spears, for example. Just sayin'.
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