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If your husband gave you a new wedding ring?

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I'm a moderator on a diamond/jewelry forum and have worked for a jewelry company on and off for a few years now. I've seen a lot of people upgrading their wedding sets, and honestly, I think it's much safer to pick it out with your wife. Make the process of shopping for it with you the surprise instead of the actual ring.


I find that people really fall pretty firmly into two camps on the whole, "new wedding ring" thing. I alternate between three different rings that I wear as wedding rings. The one from my actual wedding is certainly very special to me, but I like to switch things up. On the other hand, I know women who wear 3 ct rings on their right hand because they can't stand the thought of taking off the ring their DH bought when they were 19. If you don't know for sure which camp she falls into, I would present it as picking out either a ring for her to wear on her right hand, or as a replacement.


Maybe I'm just not very romantic. ;)

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I haven't read all the responses, but will give my 2 cents. I would never want to replace my wedding ring. Now if he got me something that I could wear with it, that I would like. But never would I want to replace my wedding ring. It means way too much to me. Maybe a slim anniversary band or something?


I think it really depends on your wife, her tastes, her preferences.

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On our 20th anniversary, I bought us both new bands from here. It had gotten to the point that DH never wore his band because it was either giving him a rash or cutting him at the gym, and I was never wearing my set because I'd already had to have the stone recut once (sapphire) for chipping it (yes, I know, that's a near impossibility, the jeweler said I'd hit the gemstone lottery)... getting bands was just easier.


And I discovered something: titanium reacts with absolutely NOTHING. And it weighs nothing, also. I had an inside joke of ours engraved on the inside, and now we both wear them constantly. It was completely worth it.


As a side note, I got down on my knee to ask him to marry me all over again (just like he had done to me way back when), and promptly put it on the wrong hand. Just like I did at our wedding. Maybe I'll get it right for our 30th... :blush:




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Maybe I'm just not very romantic. ;)

Actually, you sound like my wife - pragmatic. Problem is, if I asked, she would say no. She doesn't need one, doesn't want one, too expensive, yada yada yada. But if I just did it, she would love it, unless she is sentimentally attached to the current. She doesn't wear much jewelry, but I've given her a few rings over the past couple of years (jewelry store went out of business - score), and she's really appreciated them. I would never have guessed that when we got married.

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If my husband bought me that ring I would cry. I would LOVE a new wedding ring...not at all sentimental about the cheap things we bought when we got married. He needs a new ring to, imo and a surprise trip to the jeweler's to pick them out together would be what I would like. :001_smile:

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Yeah, I was thinking Talladega on the infield.


:lol::D:lol: Now, if that were me, I'd kill you! However, if she's as into it... then go for it! I think it's so romantic that you want to renew your vows with her. I definitely think you should "propose" to her at the party you were mentioning.


As for the ring situation, definitely have one of her friends feel out the situation. Women can become attached to things in such a way that she may feel saddened to give up her first ring. I know I would be devastated to have to part with my wedding band. I'd love an anniversary band to wear on my right hand though!

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I think, your wife is very blessed to have you and that you think of her like that. I think it's romantic and sweet. Don't be hurt if she doesn't want to 'replace' her original band, but my! I think I would cry (happy tears) if my husband popped up with another wedding ring on our 10th anniversary.

God bless you.

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That's what I thought... but you never know in cyber space! :)


Where would you want to renew them?

Haven't gotten that far. Ummm, maybe Morocco or Bueno Aires. But if you asked her where she would like to do it, probably in our church or her hometown.

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Yeah, I was thinking Talladega on the infield.


But what if Jeff Gordon came out and stole the ring and married her instead?


Seriously, I am so attached to my wedding ring that I cannot imagine upgrading it. It was $69 and custom designed to fit my engagement ring. My engagement ring was my great-grandmother's, directly from Ireland, and it is emeralds instead of diamond. All rose gold. In fact, the jeweler had to mix a new rose gold in order to get a perfect match. It was a lot of work for him. All that to say, I wouldn't want my rings upgraded.


However, I wouldn't mind a new ring to wear on my other hand.


(And I am way too shy to want another wedding. We only had 30 people at the first one, and that was about 20 too many.)

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Yeah, I was thinking Talladega on the infield.


Heh. I had to look that up to see what you were talking about. We watch UFC over here, not Nascar!


Well, for our 10th anniversary (which just passed like 2 weeks ago btw) we went to a dude ranch for five nights, with our two younger kids, and I was able to live with that, so, who knows, maybe your wife will like "Talladega on the infield." LOL. And while we were away, we had a patio installed- which I've been wanting for like the past three years.


That was a good 10th anniversary for me!


I definitely would have wanted the patio (or having my upstairs bathroom remodeled; hopefully that'll be next! :D) over an expensive ring. Or, cough, a tablesaw. :P


But like we all said, you know your wife better than we do!

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I definitely would have wanted the patio (or having my upstairs bathroom remodeled; hopefully that'll be next! :D) over an expensive ring. Or, cough, a tablesaw. :P




But you could use the tablesaw to remodel the upstairs bathroom...

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So...how to figure out if she's attached to her ring with asking if she's attached to her ring. Hmmm? :001_huh:


Can you force a loss? I mean, does she ever take her current ring off? If so, you could swipe it and see how she reacts. I don't know...just a thought.


And I love the ring - it's unique, like every relationship. It's beautiful. Maybe you could get her a chain/necklace at the same time so if she is sentimental over her old ring, she can wear it close to her heart and sport the new one on her finger.

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Can you force a loss? I mean, does she ever take her current ring off? If so, you could swipe it and see how she reacts. I don't know...just a thought.




But, no, I don't think we have to be practical or pragmatic all the time. I'm a pretty pragmatic sort. I still like jewelry and flowers.

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Can you force a loss? I mean, does she ever take her current ring off? If so, you could swipe it and see how she reacts. I don't know...just a thought.

Now that's devious. :001_smile:


And I love the ring - it's unique, like every relationship. It's beautiful. Maybe you could get her a chain/necklace at the same time so if she is sentimental over her old ring, she can wear it close to her heart and sport the new one on her finger.

Thanks, I too like the metaphor. Pieces or our lives melded into one complete, beautiful, but imperfect whole. I'm thinking of asking artist to customize one with four diamonds to represent our family.

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I think the wedding ring is beautiful. Dh just replaced ours recently, as it was our tenth year anniversary. He's replaced his numerous times, as he lost them :D His family owns a jewelry store :)

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I think the ring is gorgeous and I would be over the moon if i were surprised with it. The ring is so interesting that it looks like you put effort into finding it rather than settling for a plain band.


Strangely, I'm only sentimental about jewelry he's bought for me that I hadn't seen or picked out before hand, so our original wedding set didn't count. I know it's what we used to exchange vows, but it just seemed like another *thing* that we needed in order to get married.

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Instead of replacing her original wedding ring, is there enough room on her finger for another ring? - as in one on one side of the engagement ring, and one on the other. A channel set diamond ring might complement what she has very nicely - but then again I have no idea really. :lol:

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Mr. HH upgraded my engagement ring on our 10th. I went from a 1/3 carat solitaire to a honkin' huge ring with a 1c center stone and and diamonds all over the band totaling 2.5c. I LOVE it. He got a motorcycle. For our 13th, he decided my plain gold $29 Wal-Mart band looked sad and pitiful next to my new ring and bought me a diamond band that matches. It's .75c all together. We're not rich by any means, but he saved and got a really good deal on the big ring.

I still have my original rings and maybe one day I'll pass them on to Indy when he wants to get married, or maybe I'll pass it on to a grandchild. BTW, dh is on his 5th bands. He broke the first one, lost the second and bent the third and fourth, but they were all cheap bands. For our13th (when he got me the new band), I bought him a really, really nice ring with a warranty. He hasn't had a problem with it yet and it's been 2 years and it doesn't have a dent or scratch on it.


Now, having said all that, I do not like the band you posted. It's way too masculine IMO. If that's your wife's style, well then, I guess it's okay, but if you just think it's unique, I'd say no. Find out if she's sentimental about her ring first. You could ask her friends to find out, or make something up. Take your ring off and tell her you can't find it. Talk about replacing it with another band. See what she thinks. If she says that's a good idea, then broach the idea of replacing her ring. Casually.


And FWIW, I know you don't want to hear it, but I think you're very sweet and romantic.

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I have been married for 25 years, and you have hit upon what I would like to do to celebrate the milestone. I would like to replace my plain gold wedding band with an art band. If you think your wife would like it, I think it's a great idea. BTW, no particular attachment to my wedding band, here.



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If my husband gave me a new wedding ring... it would end up in the drawer with my 'old' ring. I hate rings, including my wedding band. Gasp!


It's a beautiful ring, but would your wife like it? It doesn't really matter what we think. I do think you better be feeling really confident before you ask that question again. ;)

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If my husband gave me a new wedding ring... it would end up in the drawer with my 'old' ring. I hate rings, including my wedding band. Gasp!

Surprisingly, she does wear rings and I've gotten approval from good art dealer friend and will pass through her mother. We both love and buy art and have near similar tastes. With this in mind, I'm fairly certain she'll like it, but it is dangerous none the less. Nothing else though. Wedding ring in the drawer, what a romantic you are.


Anyway, gotta go or it won't matter what I give to her.

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So our 10th anniversary is coming up and now that we're stinkin' rich (not really) I'm thinking I'd like to give my wife a new wedding ring to replace the cheap weddingrings.com band we bought when we got married.


I'm interested to hear thoughts and what the consensus is with this one. It's a little out of the ordinary, but unique.


As well as my dh's intentions might be, I would not want a new wedding ring... I'd make sure you know her feelings on that first! Maybe an anniversary or mother's ring might fit the bill? You are good to ask opinions, although you most likely got more than you bargained for! :D

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Thinking about it. I want to throw a party in September as an "anniversary/I quit my job and my wife is so wonderful because she's supporting the family and letting me homeschool the kids/summers over" party. I was think of asking her to marry me again at the party.


I don't know if I have the guts for that. I'm a weak-kneed, lilly-livered pansy.


For some reason this made me laugh. Afraid she is going to change her mind and say no?


As far as the original question - I think the ring is very pretty but I like "different" and artistic. The ring doesn't have any meaning for me unless you create an event to go with it. Otherwise it is just another pretty piece of thoughtful jewelry.

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I haven't worn my wedding ring in years. It is somewhere in the desk I think :confused:....maybe.


I like the ring you picked for occasional wear but not everyday like a wedding ring.


As far as replacing my ring, Dh knows not to surprise me as we don't like similar things. I like unique, he likes the mass produced items. He has given me the okay to spend as much as I want to replace it, but I doubt that I ever will.



I am a little tainted when it comes to my wedding mementos though.


Dh would prefer that I wear one but the ring from our wedding day doesn't mean anything to me. I never really even liked the first one. We kinda 'ended up with it' and neither dh or I picked it out. I wanted a very simple wedding and when everyone found out my plans...they all wanted to change my plans. Now days, I could say I wanted a 'green wedding' and have it be trendy. I gave in to everyone, and as it ended up, the only thing I picked out that day was my underwear and a cheap pair of clearance shoes to match a dress I hated too. I don't have any attachment or fond memories of anything (aside from the marriage) that day.


Just to clarify, I am not as ungrateful as it sounds....things happened like...my mil insisted on providing her home for a reception and said she would decorate it. I am a very simple girl and really like simple things. She purposely used the left over flowers from my dh's grandmother's funeral (who died a week prior in the same home), and left the RIP stakes in them. Not only tacky in concept, but bazaar arrangements for a wedding. That is only one of the niceties of the day.

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  • 8 months later...
Honestly? I mean, really? (no hard feelings, now) I think the ring you linked to is very masculine and well, not very attractive at all, but then I have no idea what your wife's taste in jewelry is.


That said, I'm with Mrs. Mungo - I would be too sentimental to want a new wedding ring. I'd be extremely content to get the ring she linked to wear on my right hand, though.:)


:iagree: A new ring for my right hand would be great but I would never replace my wedding ring. But I also love my wedding ring! And I would also want something a little more feminine. But that's me. :D

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I think the band is beautiful . . . just be sure she's open to the idea of replacing the ones you have. Us girls can be sentimental. ;) I'd never, ever want different ring(s).


FWIW, for our 10th anniversary, dh bought me diamond studs that are each larger (and equally good quality) than the diamond in our engagement ring, but I'd never trade it in. It is *the one* he gave me on *that day* and that's what I want. So, if she's not interested in changing bands, maybe she'd be interested in a different but also special piece of jewelry.

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