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Movie recommendation for 13 yo girl slumber party

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My daughter just turned 13, and is having a few girls over to spend the night for her birthday. I was hoping to get a list of good movie recommendations that were appropriate for her age, and that would be acceptable to a bunch of homeschooling moms as well. She probably wants one that is not animated, but is light and on the funny side. (There will be a 10 year old there as well). Thoughts?

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13 Going on 30 with Jennifer Garner

Freaky Friday with Jamie Lee Curtis



ETA: if you are unsure about what is appropriate, maybe let the moms know what you are showing. As a conservative home school mom, I would not want my girls to watch some of the suggested movies above.

Edited by MissKNG
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I agree with the first list. Also would add:


Princess Diaries

any LOTR *

any Narnia

either National Treasure

Nancy Drew

any Pirates *

Pride and Prejudice


These are movies my 13 yo girl enjoys.


And for those other moms, what I always do is get all the possible movies out and have the moms go through them when they drop their kids off. If one mom says no to a movie, it comes out of the pile, the next mom never sees it. It usually whittles the movies options from 8 to 4. Then we let the kids decide what they want to watch. That's what I do for a slumber party. When we invite friends over for movie night, we choose the movie and when invite friends, we say what movie we will see. That way they can choose to come or not based on the movie.


* these movies are the ones most likely not to pass muster with our friends. Some moms will pass them but some moms won't.

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Thanks so much for these suggestions! The party is later this week, so I will keep watching for ideas. I was planning to ok the movies with the Mom's as they arrive- I know there is no "typical" homeschool mom. But I wanted our list of potentials to have minimal rejections. I love the idea of letting the mom's take out the movies that are objectionable and letting the girls choose from the ones that are left. The more conservative moms are not letting their girls spend the night, though, so we should be able to find a few that are ok with everyone who is staying. My daughter is highly sensitive, so movies like LOTR and pirates are out already. But this is a great list. (Not like the one I got when I looked for suggestions in a google search).

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The Tooth Fairy

The Game Plan

both with the Rock and both very cute


I'll agree with Nim's Island, Enchanted, and Princess Bride. We also like G Force, Spy Kids, Sky High, Cheaper by the Dozen, Herbie Fully Loaded, Hotel for Dogs, Lemony Snicket, Nanny McPhee, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Wizard of Oz, 5 Children and It, Water Horse, Ice Princess, The Sound of Music.


I wouldn't do Pirates or LOTR either. My dd is just too sensitive for those.

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The girls may have seen some of the movies listed, esp Enchanted (which we enjoy). Perhpas they have not seen an older one, such as Princess Bride. That's another family fav. I also wonder if an even older movie might be fun. All my kids Love Singing in the Rain. It's a very funny movie! Surprisingly so. It's held up well. I think it gets funnier each time we watch. ;) :)


LOTR would be out for my 10 yr old (she just turned 11). She also can't watch some Harry Potter. She can read them, but she won't watch some of them.

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Thanks again for all these suggestions! Princess Bride is one of our favorites. My husband and I can probably quote it through.


A question for i.love.lucy- I was surprised to see you mention Lemony Snicket, and also mention your daughter was too sensitive for LOTR or Pirates. I watched Lemony Snicket with my husband (because my dad wanted to take my kids to see it) and we couldn't believe how horribly depressing it was. We saw a little of the humor, but some of it was just stuff that we thought shouldn't be joked about. I agree with his warnings, and we heed them. :-) Did your daughter actually enjoy that movie?


For dansamy- you wouldn't *believe* the suggestions we got from people doing a google search. Most of them even *I* wouldn't want to see. I guess most people think "slumber party" = "horror movies". I had no idea!


I will look up these movies, and I'm sure we'll come up with a great list. Some of these I haven't even heard of. Thanks again!

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My youngest two always want to do horror movies when they have sleep-overs. I have no idea why. So I find ones that are PG or PG13 that I have already seen or at least the teens have seen and given input on and then check with the parents. My teens are surprisingly good at reviewing appropriateness of movies for the youngsters and they are always in agreeance with each other and we have yet to be vetoed on any of our choices. When in doubt though, always check.

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Thank you for all of your suggestions! We ended up with 10 acceptable movies, and there were 4 girls who were staying over. (The more conservative Mom's picked up their girls at 9pm). I had each of the 4 girls pick two movies that they did not want to see and give them to me. They ended up with a choice of Nancy Drew and Crissa Stands Strong (American Girl). Both were fine with all of the girls, but they chose the Crissa movie since two of the girls had already seen Nancy Drew.


Now I have 8 movies that I want to see with my daughter before we have to return them next week! :001_unsure: We'll see what happens with that. I'll probably put them on a list and get one per week for the entire summer or something.


The party went very well. But I'm glad it's over!

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A question for i.love.lucy- I was surprised to see you mention Lemony Snicket, and also mention your daughter was too sensitive for LOTR or Pirates. I watched Lemony Snicket with my husband (because my dad wanted to take my kids to see it) and we couldn't believe how horribly depressing it was. We saw a little of the humor, but some of it was just stuff that we thought shouldn't be joked about. I agree with his warnings, and we heed them. :-) Did your daughter actually enjoy that movie?


I don't remember if I put a disclaimer on my post...we are not ultra conservative when it comes to movies. We're kinda movie buffs around here. For example, my ds has watched all of the Indiana Jones movies (except #2 for the cult aspect) since he was 4. Mild movie violence doesn't bother me too much, it's the very dark and evil themes like Harry Potter got in to, or the very very dark spirituality of the LOTR movies that scares my kids. And me to, quite frankly. I also dislike movies with snotty, sassy, smart mouthed and disrespectful kids a la Wimpy Kid. Won't be seeing that one.


For being a pretty sensitive kid about other things, dd keeps movies at a nice arms length and doesn't get so engrossed in them that she forgets they are fictional stories. I can't remember her ever being scared by a scene in a movie but we limit PG to what I know will be the most appropriate and ALWAY pre-screen all PG-13 (she pretty much doesn't watch any of those but a select few).


I think she enjoyed Lemony Snicket so much because she has read several of the books and enjoyed them for what they were, that kind of funny, strange fantasy...she appreciated it's quirkiness somehow. So then she enjoyed seeing how that was brought to life on film.


I'm so glad the sleep over went well!! My dd is in the other room watching Chrissa right now! I think she'll love it. And for her birthday in 2 weeks we hope to catch Despicable Me in the theater that serves dinner. No big sleepovers around here. One kid for sleepovers is all I can do!:tongue_smilie:

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