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At what age did your dc begin RightStart A?

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I started all 3 of mine with A for 1st grade. For Kinder, I wanted them to have fun, colorful, worksheet math to start homeschooling with me. We all love Rightstart and we've kept up a good routine so we are right on track for rhetoric level math now.

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Guess I'll be the odd one here. I started at 5 but it didn't go well. He was not ready for sit down work. So I waited until he turned 6.


Yes, he's doing RS level A at 6 yrs old. He was not ready earlier. That's when I pulled out my trusty WTM book and reread the Kindy section. I felt better after reading that a formal math program is not necessary in K.

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I borrowed both A and B from a friend. I'm doing B w/ my 6 that just finished K in school. His brother almost 4 sat in on the first few lessons and loved it, but now I pull out the A book since B became too hard for him. We aren't going to really do A, but if he wants to 'do' math like his brother I'll pull out A and just do something easy and fun for him.

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My goal is to start Level B half way through 1st grade. I have started both my olders in Level A when they were official K age (5.5yo for both). We do 15 min/day for 2-3 days/week which usually equates to about 1.5 lessons/week.


Ds stalled out when I hit my first trimester, so he'll be going faster when we start schooling again in July.

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Guest aquiverfull

Well I haven't actually started yet, but in August I plan to begin RS A with a 4 and 5 year old. I'm going to play it by ear and not rush anything. We'll just take it day by day and see how it goes.

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We started A a couple of months ago and my daughter just turned 5 last week. We're doing 1-2 lessons a week and we're at around lesson 20 now. We are taking it very slow. I think we could have waited a bit longer though and it would have worked out as well. I'm going to schedule it so that we complete A so that she starts B when she's 6 and in 1st grade.

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I started my oldest in RS at 4 yrs 10 mos with B and took it slowly. She probably could've done A the year before but I don't believe in starting formal math until K5.


My DS will start A this fall at 4 yrs. 9 mos. We'll see how it goes. If it turns out he isn't ready for formal math yet, I'll shelve it and try again 2nd semester. OTOH, if it turns out A is too gentle a pace, I'll switch him to B.

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My son began at a little over 3 1/2 yrs old. May sound odd, but this child was already reading quite well and could recognize numerals up to 100. Once he really began trying to count everything, I decided to begin RS A since they discourage counting (but I wasn't sure what I should do with him otherwise). We take it slowly and as far as he's concerned its like playing games (which much of it is). Just wanted to offer another perspective. if you plan to use it, then I say go ahead and get it and take a look at it--you may decide that you can go ahead and incorporate the early games and rhymes into your days with your child.

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Well if you get it, don't be afraid to start right away even if she just turned 4. (I wish I had started at 4, instead of 4.75.) Just go slow and see how it goes, feel free to stop it and try again a few months later.


Introducing the abacus early will help her think of numbers the right way (in her head and not using fingers).

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I started my dd when she was 3.5, but she had problems recognizing a quantity of 5 objects without counting so I switched to Singapore Earlybird math with her and went back to RS a year later.

My son is almost 4 and we are going to do RS level A with him in a year. Right now I am doing Russian math for 3 years old with him. It is similar to Singapore Earlybird math, but has more drilling and critical thinking activities(what doesn't belong to the group, mazes etc). I tried MEP 1a with him but after 20 pages he was struggling with it. He was not ready for that level:)

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