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It's almost the weekend. Wanna play Doran, anyone?

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give me your favorite camping recipe

it involves air conditioning and hotel beds. Anything else I can help you with?


Our vacation dilemma

Take one. Make sure it doesn't involve tents. Or mosquitoes. Or s'mores.


How do you manage treats and snacks at your house?

Unfortunately, by eating them. By myself. When the kids aren't looking.


Ideas for helping a son, 7yo, who says, "I'm so stupid!"

Answer: "Hi so stupid! I'm Mommy, nice to meet you!"



and, of course, who can resist this one:


If you're a Christian who doesn't wear pants. . . . . .

Would you put some on, please!!!

Edited by HeatherH
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Come on, MariAnn!!!!!



How to clean a painted wall so it doesn't streak?

First, put some pants on it. Then it won't streak. Unless it's a Christian wall, then I'm afraid I just can't help you.




In the immortal words of Steve Martin, "That was wrong. Funny, but wrong." :D

Edited by newlifemom
forgot a word
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Come on, MariAnn!!!!!



How to clean a painted wall so it doesn't streak?

First, put some pants on it. Then it won't streak. Unless it's a Christian wall, then I'm afraid I just can't help you.


Is it bad to be connected to a public school district?


Only if you can't untie the rope.


I see others that are asking for it, Heather.....I'll be back in a little while.:D

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Fuming here - may I vent?


Well, I guess so - we don't want you to EXPLODE!:001_huh:



How do you make frozen vegetables palatable?


Ummmm, by cooking them?


State buying our house for a highway--any tips?


Purchase alot of traffic cones, and fluorescent orange pajamas.


What do meals do you freeze for later?


They get cold and old.

Edited by MariannNOVA
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What is a dough enhancer?


Winning the lottety?

A part time job?

A really generous Sugar Daddy?


And if you're a Christian who doesn't wear pants...


Do you find yourself sticking to the leather seats on the way to church on hot summer days?

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if you're a Christian that doesn't wear pants...

"Lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground..."




how do you get rid of ants in the house....

I tell them it's time to go home. Oh, I thought you were asking about other people's kids.




How do you make frozen vegetables palatable?

They are palatable. Broccoli freezer pops are my favorite.





Best tips for newlyweds...lay it on me.

Umm, err, well...I can't. My answer would be R rated.





Bread machine users- What is "dough enhancer"?

Aren't dough enhancers sold by that “Smilin' Bob†character?





How to clean a painted wall so it doesn't streak?

What a dirty naughty wall. It definitely needs cleaning.




give me your favorite camping recipe

My recipe includes: Dh and kids going on a camping trip and leaving home in peace and quiet:)





How do I make charts that go across the page

I think paper and a pen might work.





Quick and easy technique for washing outdoor windows?





Help! Spiders in the sand box

I can't help. I'm hiding in the house.

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What's 39 Clues?


One more clue than 38 and one less clue than 40.



Which pencil grips did you find most useful?


The ones that kept the pencils from falling out of our hands.:glare:


Once a month cooking


I am all for it, but what will my family eat the other 29 days?:toetap05:


amazon prime ?


MMMMMMMMMMMM, yummy. Don't overcook or it will get tough.


I'm a Hive Mind Royal Larvae--


Well, here's a hint - when you get those wings, don't go towards the LIGHT!


what to put on a resume if you haven't worked in 15 years?


Use a really big font.


Runners - how do you breathe when you jog?


I have found that in and out, in and out, really does the trick.


Runners, How do you start running?


One foot in front of the other........like walking but faster.


What small, simple thing do you do to save money? Let's share


:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5::ohmy: You were serious?:svengo:


Once or twice a month cooking?

OK, twice a month is making a little more sense, but then there are still 28 days to deal with.


I'm going to bore you with updates


Thanks for the warning:leaving:



There were go-go boots...



Aubrey, sweetie, you know that I love you........but I have mascara that is older than you.


I want to move to a farm with no neighborhood kids


You don't like goats?

Edited by MariannNOVA
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What's 39 Clues?


One more clue than 38 and one less clue than 40.



Which pencil grips did you find most useful?


The ones that kept the pencils from falling out of our hands.:glare:


Once a month cooking


I am all for it, but what will my family eat the other 29 days?:toetap05:


amazon prime ?


MMMMMMMMMMMM, yummy. Don't overcook or it will get tough.


I'm a Hive Mind Royal Larvae--


Well, here's a hint - when you get those wings, don't go towards the LIGHT!


what to put on a resume if you haven't worked in 15 years?


Use a really big font.


Runners - how do you breathe when you jog?


I have found that in and out, in and out, really does the trick.


Runners, How do you start running?


One foot in front of the other........like walking but faster.


What small, simple thing do you do to save money? Let's share


:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5::ohmy: You were serious?:svengo:


Once or twice a month cooking?

OK, twice a month is making a little more sense, but then there are still 28 days to deal with.


I'm going to bore you with updates


Thanks for the warning:leaving:



There were go-go boots...



Aubret, sweetie, you know that I love you........but I have mascara that is older than you.


I want to move to a farm with no neighborhood kids


You don't like goats?


You are hilarious!

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Here's a reason to feel guilty


:w00t: Trust me, I can come up with plenty of those on my own.


How do you Count Summer Learning?

The same way we do the rest of the year: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, .....you get the idea, right?


My compost pile is hot and steamy (I'm very excited!)


Well, okay then....................:leaving:Oh, TMI!


Do you like to be called Mr/Mrs Lastname?


No, it gets confusing if Mr or Mrs Lastname are in the room......my own name is just fine, thank you.


Speaking of UPS, does your driver ever honk?


Only on 'Pretend You Are A Goose Day'


? about Three Cups of Tea


Good grief - I thought you people used Singapore Math! One more than two, one less than four.


Dead squirrel: WWYD?


Our hound would say have it for dinner. Let me look that up in Granny Clampett's Cookbook!


how often do you clean BEHIND and UNDERNEATH


Ummmmm, 'behind' and 'underneath' WHAT?


Uh oh, opened up Pandora's Box today


Well, now you've just gone and done IT, haven't you?


How do you read to a wiggly toddler with a short attention span?




Anyone here in the radiology field?


Turn out the lights - they will be the ones who glow in the dark.


Help!! I have no idea what I am doing.


Join the club!:glare:


Do moles play dead?


Probably only when they get tired of playing LIVE.


"Have a New Kid by Friday" by Kevin Leman-has this worked for anyone?


WOW - it doesn't take nine months anymore?


DD has strep. Should I worry about PANDAS?

Only if they were playing together during the incubation period.


Tell Me I'm Just Being Paranoid


I'll take this one: 'You are just being paranoid.'


How are our posters in Central Asia??


My guess is that if you used enough Sticky-Tack, they are still up there.


How can we make more money?


I do not know, but when you get the answer, would you please post it here.


Just dropped my Cuisinart blender base under running water



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Do you stay friends if your kids don't get along?


Sure, why not? We're already married.


If you're a Christian that doesn't wear pants...


well, no wonder they're called "pews"!




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and, of course, who can resist this one:


If you're a Christian who doesn't wear pants. . . . . .

Would you put some on, please!!!


I am so glad you posted this! I laughed so hard when I saw the title to that thread, but I didn't want to offend anyone. Sometimes it's so hard to come up with a good title.



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OMG Mariann! Totally almost peed my pants too!!!! This is my new desktop background.


And, I have to say, I read these threads to laugh . . . and to make sure none of you are quoting me.:leaving:

As soon as I saw this cat, I knew IT was the ONE! And, Thank you:D


Best tips for newlyweds...lay it on me.

You answered your own question:blush:


THAT was funny!


Some day I am going to start a thread that is 'the weird thing I think the thread says when I look at it very quickly' :001_huh:

Edited by MariannNOVA
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Here's a reason to feel guilty


:w00t: Trust me, I can come up with plenty of those on my own.


How do you Count Summer Learning?

The same way we do the rest of the year: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, .....you get the idea, right?


My compost pile is hot and steamy (I'm very excited!)


Well, okay then....................:leaving:Oh, TMI!





Do you like to be called Mr/Mrs Lastname?


No, it gets confusing if Mr or Mrs Lastname are in the room......my own name is just fine, thank you.


Speaking of UPS, does your driver ever honk?


Only on 'Pretend You Are A Goose Day'


? about Three Cups of Tea


Good grief - I thought you people used Singapore Math! One more than two, one less than four.


Dead squirrel: WWYD?


Our hound would say have it for dinner. Let me look that up in Granny Clampett's Cookbook!


how often do you clean BEHIND and UNDERNEATH


Ummmmm, 'behind' and 'underneath' WHAT?


Uh oh, opened up Pandora's Box today


Well, now you've just gone and done IT, haven't you?


How do you read to a wiggly toddler with a short attention span?




Anyone here in the radiology field?


Turn out the lights - they will be the ones who glow in the dark.


Help!! I have no idea what I am doing.


Join the club!:glare:


Do moles play dead?


Probably only when they get tired of playing LIVE.


"Have a New Kid by Friday" by Kevin Leman-has this worked for anyone?


WOW - it doesn't take nine months anymore?


DD has strep. Should I worry about PANDAS?

Only if they were playing together during the incubation period.


Tell Me I'm Just Being Paranoid


I'll take this one: 'You are just being paranoid.'


How are our posters in Central Asia??


My guess is that if you used enough Sticky-Tack, they are still up there.


How can we make more money?


I do not know, but when you get the answer, would you please post it here.


Just dropped my Cuisinart blender base under running water






Mariann, I know how you can make more money. Become a comedienne. I laughed so hard!

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give me your favorite camping recipe

it involves air conditioning and hotel beds. Anything else I can help you with?


Our vacation dilemma

Take one. Make sure it doesn't involve tents. Or mosquitoes. Or s'mores.


How do you manage treats and snacks at your house?

Unfortunately, by eating them. By myself. When the kids aren't looking.


Ideas for helping a son, 7yo, who says, "I'm so stupid!"

Answer: "Hi so stupid! I'm Mommy, nice to meet you!"



and, of course, who can resist this one:


If you're a Christian who doesn't wear pants. . . . . .

Would you put some on, please!!!



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Well, on the CVS Test Results thread I had a very strong urge to say "Praise God!":D (as a joke) but I held back in case Carrie didn't see it as funny.





I'm admitting it here but I do not in any way want to cause her grief due to my evil sense of humor.


Oh, Carrie sees it as very funny! :D:tongue_smilie:


Then again, I'm seeing cereal crunched all over the carpet, toothpaste all over the bathroom, and a completely unreasonable amount of dirty laundry as wonderfully hysterical right now. Nothing's going to bring me down for quite a while! ;)


"What do I do with Swedish style meatballs?"

You eat them, ya?


"Playing with poop..."

Is that an art or science credit?

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Heh. Separated at birth, methinks.


y'all had fun last night, didn't you!


MariAnn - you are hereby commissioned to start or contribute to one of these threads weekly.


You've been warned.

:bigear: okay.


Oh, Carrie sees it as very funny! :D:tongue_smilie:


Then again, I'm seeing cereal crunched all over the carpet, toothpaste all over the bathroom, and a completely unreasonable amount of dirty laundry as wonderfully hysterical right now. Nothing's going to bring me down for quite a while! ;)


"What do I do with Swedish style meatballs?"

You eat them, ya?


"Playing with poop..."

Is that an art or science credit?



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