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With all the stress I lost it on a poor cashier ;(

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So the last 2 weeks have been prety miserable. You can check my "hermit: and horsey threads.


So, in the mix of everything I'm taking my 4 kids shopping to get ready for our camping trip that we leave for tonight. I'm standing at the ALDI check out...in daze from all the drama of yesterday...and haven't noticed that 2 of my children are quietly sitting on the "pack up your stuff" shelf area. The cashier try to get my attention and about the 3rd time I hear her say, "Ma'am they're not allowed to sit there." Arbitrary rules that are not posted are one of my pet peeves, but normally I am capable of shrugging it off. Not today.


I told the kids to get down, turned the cashier and said..."If it's illegal for your store to post that rule, than I can make a case that it is illegal for you to enforce it. You can't post it, because it's seen as discrimination...so how do I know your not discriminating against my kids and I right now! I know you've been told it's a rule, but I would be careful about calling calmly sitting children on that rule."


Okay, I know many of you will disagree with what I did in some form of another, that's not the point!


My point is that I think I'm loseing all patience...


Anyone ever done anything similar?

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I am so normally a go by the rules, obey authority girl but once this Sam's employee wanted me to show my Sam's card, now mind you, at least three people walked by without showing theirs including my husband. So I dig through my purse and my wallet in a frenzy and finally find it. He then proceeds to hand me some kind of junk advertisement piece of paper at which I exasperatedly huff " I don't want that stupid piece of paper" like a two year old. My husband almost peed his pants laughing. I never act that way- I just cracked under pressure I guess.:lol:

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I am so normally a go by the rules, obey authority girl but once this Sam's employee wanted me to show my Sam's card, now mind you, at least three people walked by without showing theirs including my husband. So I dig through my purse and my wallet in a frenzy and finally find it. He then proceeds to hand me some kind of junk advertisement piece of paper at which I exasperatedly huff " I don't want that stupid piece of paper" like a two year old. My husband almost peed his pants laughing. I never act that way- I just cracked under pressure I guess.:lol:


:lol:Oh I needed that!

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It's OK-- you're human. We all do stuff like that once in a while.


I ignored some stupid employee at mcdonalds yesterday. There were 1000 kids (ok, a few less than that), in this indoor playground, and they ALL were climbing on the poles-- she chose to yell at ME and only ME about my one child climbing? (no rules posted that they couldn't do it either!) While all these other kids were doing it and they were obviously NOT my children (I'm not chinese!)


I was nice, but as soon as she left, let the kids do it anyway, When she came back the 3rd time, I asked her to find all the parents and tell ALL the parents, THEN I would listen... she tried to have us kicked out of mcdonalds for not following rules. LOL


I'm such a rebel. :P

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So the last 2 weeks have been prety miserable. You can check my "hermit: and horsey threads.


So, in the mix of everything I'm taking my 4 kids shopping to get ready for our camping trip that we leave for tonight. I'm standing at the ALDI check out...in daze from all the drama of yesterday...and haven't noticed that 2 of my children are quietly sitting on the "pack up your stuff" shelf area. The cashier try to get my attention and about the 3rd time I hear her say, "Ma'am they're not allowed to sit there." Arbitrary rules that are not posted are one of my pet peeves, but normally I am capable of shrugging it off. Not today.


I told the kids to get down, turned the cashier and said..."If it's illegal for your store to post that rule, than I can make a case that it is illegal for you to enforce it. You can't post it, because it's seen as discrimination...so how do I know your not discriminating against my kids and I right now! I know you've been told it's a rule, but I would be careful about calling calmly sitting children on that rule."


Okay, I know many of you will disagree with what I did in some form of another, that's not the point!


My point is that I think I'm loseing all patience...


Anyone ever done anything similar?


It happens - don't beat yourself up over it. There are limits, you know. And there isn't even enough bandwidth here for me to list all the times I've done it (in my younger ;) days).....I've mellowed :D.


Oh, wait, I did it about three months ago at DMV when I was trying to get my license renewed....... There was one incredibly helpful young woman and when I returned a day later with the forms she told me to bring, she wasn't there and the gentleman who was there told me flat out, 'No.' I went off on him...I walked out after telling him in no uncertain terms that I had been driving with an expired license for a year and no one cared, and it made my life infinitely easier to continue driving with an expired license and that was what I intended to do. I was very nice about it. I don't think he understood a word of what I said.:glare:


The young woman called me at my home the next morning and told me to come in that same day and come only to her window. I did. I gave her a Starbucks gift card.:auto:

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Well, I almost posted the same thing yesterday after being extremely rude to the guy at the Verizon store. I used to be nice and polite, but I'm turning into a nasty old bag.


I must say I am awfully tired of getting jerked around by cell phone companies. But that's no excuse for what I said to him.

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I've done it, too, but I always go back and apologize. I don't think it's fair to ruin someone else's day because I'm having a bad time, especially when they're just doing their job.


Aldi's shelf policy is not "arbitrary." They have it so kids don't run on the shelf, fall off and crack their heads. It is posted in our store, and kids still do it. I'm not sure how the rule is discriminatory. ??

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It happens - don't beat yourself up over it. There are limits, you know. And there isn't even enough bandwidth here for me to list all the times I've done it (in my younger ;) days).....I've mellowed :D.


Oh, wait, I did it about three months ago at DMV when I was trying to get my license renewed....... There was one incredibly helpful young woman and when I returned a day later with the forms she told me to bring, she wasn't there and the gentleman who was there told me flat out, 'No.' I went off on him...I walked out after telling him in no uncertain terms that I had been driving with an expired license for a year and no one cared, and it made my life infinitely easier to continue driving with an expired license and that was what I intended to do. I was very nice about it. I don't think he understood a word of what I said.:glare:


The young woman called me at my home the next morning and told me to come in that same day and come only to her window. I did. I gave her a Starbucks gift card.:auto:


LOL!!! Driving with an expired license for a year! How nice of you to get a gift card. I had a similar experience with DMV. It was awful. I won't even go to our local one any more.


I only lose it when on the phone. In person, I tend to hold it in until I get home. But, you don't want to be on the other end of the phone when you are the electric company and you've not come to inspect my back yard after a tree fell and knocked down a live wire and it's been 24 hours!!!! Ugh. I was NOT nice!


Now that you've had a little time, could you go back and apologize? I bet it would make her day. I know I wish I could!!! (Although I'm still angry that it took this long to get someone here!)

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LOL!!! Driving with an expired license for a year! How nice of you to get a gift card. I had a similar experience with DMV. It was awful. I won't even go to our local one any more.


I only lose it when on the phone. In person, I tend to hold it in until I get home. But, you don't want to be on the other end of the phone when you are the electric company and you've not come to inspect my back yard after a tree fell and knocked down a live wire and it's been 24 hours!!!! Ugh. I was NOT nice!


Now that you've had a little time, could you go back and apologize? I bet it would make her day. I know I wish I could!!! (Although I'm still angry that it took this long to get someone here!)

Oh same here, I go off on the phone. Especially when companies "lose" paperwork, or try to tell me "you aren't an authorized user" (like AT&T).


I would try to apologize too.

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That's not that bad. I've had customers YELL and SCREAM at me. Once I had to refuse an alcohol sale because a lady didn't have her ID and I took the six pack out of her cart. You'd think I'd molested her 2 yo. or stolen her purse for the racket that set off!

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That's not that bad. I've had customers YELL and SCREAM at me. Once I had to refuse an alcohol sale because a lady didn't have her ID and I took the six pack out of her cart. You'd think I'd molested her 2 yo. or stolen her purse for the racket that set off!


Pleasing customers isn't easy. My husband just bought some company logoed shirts and decided to go with the colors black and blue - because that's how he feels at the end of the day supporting his clients.


We have a great group of clients, of course, he was being funny, but there is a little truth in it. :D

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LOL!!! Driving with an expired license for a year! How nice of you to get a gift card. I had a similar experience with DMV. It was awful. I won't even go to our local one any more.

Which is how mine came to be expired - I didn't get anything in the mail and I had no intention of going into one of those places. Awful is definitely the word I would use.


I only lose it when on the phone. In person, I tend to hold it in until I get home. But, you don't want to be on the other end of the phone when you are the electric company and you've not come to inspect my back yard after a tree fell and knocked down a live wire and it's been 24 hours!!!! Ugh. I was NOT nice!


Now that you've had a little time, could you go back and apologize? I bet it would make her day. I know I wish I could!!! (Although I'm still angry that it took this long to get someone here!)


We have not received calls from telemarketers in ages - I think that living in the hotel for four months and not being here definitely helped. When we did return home, we got new phone service and instead of getting an unlisted phone number, we put the phone listing in our dog's name (he does get alot of Welcome to the Neighborhood junk mail as a result) BUT we do not get telemarketer calls anymore. Prior to that, dh was convinced that there was a 'note' next to our phone number that if a woman answers, HANG UP!:D

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So the last 2 weeks have been prety miserable. You can check my "hermit: and horsey threads.


So, in the mix of everything I'm taking my 4 kids shopping to get ready for our camping trip that we leave for tonight. I'm standing at the ALDI check out...in daze from all the drama of yesterday...and haven't noticed that 2 of my children are quietly sitting on the "pack up your stuff" shelf area. The cashier try to get my attention and about the 3rd time I hear her say, "Ma'am they're not allowed to sit there." Arbitrary rules that are not posted are one of my pet peeves, but normally I am capable of shrugging it off. Not today.


I told the kids to get down, turned the cashier and said..."If it's illegal for your store to post that rule, than I can make a case that it is illegal for you to enforce it. You can't post it, because it's seen as discrimination...so how do I know your not discriminating against my kids and I right now! I know you've been told it's a rule, but I would be careful about calling calmly sitting children on that rule."


Okay, I know many of you will disagree with what I did in some form of another, that's not the point!


My point is that I think I'm loseing all patience...


Anyone ever done anything similar?

Well, yeah, a little while earlier on a different thread. Since I didn't want to be banned, I kept out the cuss words.


I am finding I am not a nice person anymore. I'm also finding I really don't give a cr*p one way or another about what people think. I can't even think of a reason why I should care that I don't. It is just so much BS.

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I have snapped at people when I was having a bad day. I usually feel awful afterward, though, and have actually returned and apologized.


I know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of random venom after working for several years as a flight attendant. I've been called many interesting names just because there was a mechanical, bad weather or a lost bag. One time, a gentleman in first class informed me that his wife was ignoring my question of "May I get you anything to drink?" because "She doesn't speak to servants."

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I have snapped at people when I was having a bad day. I usually feel awful afterward, though, and have actually returned and apologized.


I know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of random venom after working for several years as a flight attendant. I've been called many interesting names just because there was a mechanical, bad weather or a lost bag. One time, a gentleman in first class informed me that his wife was ignoring my question of "May I get you anything to drink?" because "She doesn't speak to servants."

:001_huh: She must not get much work out of them if she can't tell them what to do. :lol::lol:

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Our Aldi's actually DOES have this sign posted.

It's actually really a pain because I have to take the baby out of the "old" cart but the cashier has already piled food in the seat of the "new" cart so where am I supposed to put babe while I bag my own groceries? It's not like I don't have a hand on her or anything. But ya, ya, I get why they don't want kids up there-everything is a liability these days. Vent over LOL


But I totally get where you're coming from. ;)

Edited by Ann in IA
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Ummmm, I was black listed from my old pediatricians office by an on call doc. :lol: Nuf said. :lol: I know it was a misunderstanding, but the doctor wouldn't listen to my side, so she black listed me. She even canceled my appointment for the following day. LOL, I still think it is funny.

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My stress point hit one day when I got a call from a somewhat hesitant man. I had been getting "hesitant" don't get around to the point from a politician we sorta not really knew, so I was frustrated. I had our newly adopted child screaming at my leg while another whiner was in the house and at the same time trying to make dinner. Why I picked up the phone in the first place :confused:. I said in a snippy teenager voice, "what do you want?!?!" He was calling to tell me I had won our towns human rights award. Needless to say, I ate some humble pie.



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Oh I'm guilty of this one too. I had a lab that was harassing me for some tiny charge ($5-7) that I'd ALREADY paid. It was an electronic payment that had cleared from my account. When I called to try and clear it up, the girl I spoke to was SO incredibly rude and insulting and pretty much refused to be of any assistance. I said something along the lines of, "I guess I can't expect any help from someone with barely a high school education and a flip chart!" and slammed the phone down.


Thankfully I was able to query my bank and they handled the rest of it for me. I felt guilty for a long time over that though. I probably would have called and apologized but I didn't get her name and had to work through a complicated phone tree to get to her.

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Ummmm, I was black listed from my old pediatricians office by an on call doc. :lol: Nuf said. :lol: I know it was a misunderstanding, but the doctor wouldn't listen to my side, so she black listed me. She even canceled my appointment for the following day. LOL, I still think it is funny.

i am dying to hear this story!!!

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