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I am so sad today

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No one has died and no one is sick. There is nothing really bad or tragic to report. But I am so sad today. Today, ds's new adult size diapers arrived. sigh.


He'll be 11 in September. The youth size was getting snug on him. I placed the order and knew that they were coming. But when I saw then on the porch I just wanted to cry.


I know I should be grateful that his health is good and that he's such a sweet kid. I am actually grateful for those things. But today that gratitude is mixed with sadness. In that box, I can see my son's future and all of the limitations that go with it.


I don't really have any requests besides to have some happy vibes and prayers sent my way. Thanks for listening.

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I can't imagine how hard that is...wanting sssooo many wonderful things for your child....and LOTS will be possible!! I say, let yourself be sad for what won't be for a day....then go to bed thinking about all the wonderful things that ARE possible!!! :grouphug: <----and I hope you feel HIS arms around you the most!

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Awww-you guys made me cry a little--which is a good thing. I cried so much the first year of ds's life. The doctors thought his condition was fatal for awhile(which it isn't). I was fearful for ds and for dd whom I was carrying at the time. I cried so much that I think I filled my quota. I rarely cry now although I might feel like it. I feel emotionally constipated at times; which is a gross way to describe it:glare: Thanks for the kind words and prayers. It is greatly appreciated.

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You are a shining example of one who loves well. Your sadness is only an indicator that your heart is full, and needs to let some out. Hugs to you mama. You're an amazing woman.


Hug your boy.... he'll always be your little boy.


I could not have said what this poster said any better myself! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Just hug him and love him!

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:grouphug:Thinking of you, as you consider your hopes and dreams for your ds, weighed against the realities that you face. Blessings to you as your pour love into this young man.I am praying for your today:grouphug:

:iagree:((HUGS)) What an amazing woman you are!! May you never stop dedicating yourself to your lovely ds -- I cannot imagine the daily struggle you face -- but want to encourage you in that I am praying for additional joy and strength for you. :grouphug::grouphug:

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