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Dead squirrel: WWYD?

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My children found a dead squirrel in the street the morning, should we save it and cut it up later (freezer?)


the new people across the street (3boys) were grossed out. DH said not to worry our 3 girls would teach them how to be boys LOL


Seriously should we have a funeral today or a lesson later this year?




We are doing SOTW should he be our mummy? --he got ran over--so I don't think he had a disease--

Edited by Lara in Colo
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T'would fit nicely in a crockpot, no? :lol:


I'm sure some of us country gals are wondering why she's burying perfectly good protein? :lol:


j/k! I will eat venison and even catfish, but I won't eat rabbit or squirrel or snake or turtle.

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Yippppe! And then you can maybe study plague!





Seriously - I no longer get anywhere near road kill or any dead wild life for that matter. Rabies, plague, etc etc etc. So not fun.



ETA - animals which get run over may be just particularly dumb or slow, but can also be ill, neurologically impaired etc which makes them act in ways which gets them killed on the road.

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T'would fit nicely in a crockpot, no?


Taxidermy = new toy.


:lol: Oh! You guys arer killing me!


But, as to the original question. . . around here, we just grab a shovel and dump it in a trash bag or into an empty lot. I suppose burying would be the proper thing to do, if you're up to digging....

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My children found a dead squirrel in the street the morning, should we save it and cut it up later (freezer?)


LOL! This is one of those, "You know you're a homeschooling mom when..." situations.


The dead chipmunk we found years ago was carefully observed as it decayed. It's skull was later boiled.


The dead baby hare my cat brought home was tucked away in a freezer for 2 years before I finally decided we weren't going to get around to skinning and dissecting it.


So, "You know you're a homeschooling mom when finding dead animals makes you giddy with delight."

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My best friend and housemate in college carried a trash bag in her backpack so that she could transport a dead squirrel home for skinning. One day when we were riding our bikes home (on a winding mountain road) she found the perfect specimen. She brought him home and skinned him in front of the fire, and then she put the rest of him in the chest freezer on the back porch. She did whatever one does with an animal skin. For all I know the body is still in that freezer--23 years later.


That's my roadkill squirrel story. :ack2:

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My children found a dead squirrel in the street the morning, should we save it and cut it up later (freezer?)


the new people across the street (3boys) were grossed out. DH said not to worry our 3 girls would teach them how to be boys LOL


Seriously should we have a funeral today or a lesson later this year?




We are doing SOTW should he be our mummy? --he got ran over--so I don't think he had a disease--


uhm... I think I'm with the boys across the street! :ack2:


Ya'll are so much manlier than me! :D


(leaving the roadkill homeschool lessons to my DH, one of many ways he earns the 'D')

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My best friend and housemate in college carried a trash bag in her backpack so that she could transport a dead squirrel home for skinning. One day when we were riding our bikes home (on a winding mountain road) she found the perfect specimen. She brought him home and skinned him in front of the fire, and then she put the rest of him in the chest freezer on the back porch. She did whatever one does with an animal skin. For all I know the body is still in that freezer--23 years later.


That's my roadkill squirrel story. :ack2:

IN 1978 on Christmas Day the men of the family spotted a stoat, they went on a stoat hunt and found and killed it. Then Dad decided that it would be great to stuff it (no rabies or plague concerns :D ) so Dad put it in the freezer to store it until he got around to learning about Taxidermy. Then in 1982ish when I was at school, my bunny died and Dad thought I might like the skin (Mum used to cure skins) so he skinned it. When I got home he told me and I bawled as much about the skinning as the dead bunny :lol: So that went in the freezer too. Dad died in 1990 and Mum died in 1994, DH and J and I moved into their home, and guess what was still in the freezer. :lol: Yep, a 16 years dead stoat and a 12 years dead bunny hide. They went in the rubbish.

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