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DH: "Honey, what should I serve the kids for breakfast?"

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Me: "Just make them some toast with either a nut butter or eggs."


Later...... "What did you finally give the kids for breakfast?"


DH: "I did what you said... I made toast with peanut butter and eggs."


Me: "Together?" :confused::001_huh:


DH: "Yes."


Me: "Oh, okay." :tongue_smilie:



***I only share this little interaction to let you know that 10 years ago I would have flipped out over this, i.e., "What in the world? I did not say together. Who eats peanut butter and eggs together?! Bla, Bla, Bla...."


Today, I just :chillpill:. He made it, they ate it - who cares? It makes for a much happier marriage. Now if I could only feel that way about him mixing whites and darks in the laundry....



Have you mellowed out in your marriage? If so, how?

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:lol::lol::lol: Wow, you're that pregnant and managed not to say snarky things? You're an amazing wife :lol: Your DH is hilarious, and so are your kids. Mine would have flipped out if he handed them that. Thankfully, he's a great cook, and they prefer his fancy omelets to my plain scrambled eggs :glare:


ETA: To answer your follow-up question, I think I have, but only a tiny bit (I'm pretty tightly wound to begin with!). I finally learned that some things do not NEED to be said, even if that little voice in your head is screaming them. This morning we had a couch delivery, and DH paid the guys to take the old, heavy couch out. I wanted them to put it in the garage, because I want to see if I can Freecycle it, and bulk pickup isn't until Monday. DH wanted to leave it in the side yard until pickup day. Today I asked him to have the guys take the couch to the garage, and he said he'd tell them to leave it in the driveway. I asked why, and he pointed to the angle of our stairs down to the garage. I said, "OK" and kept on walking, without pointing out that the garage is connected to...the driveway! After the guys left, I asked where the couch was. It's in the garage :D

Edited by melissel
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That is funny. Good response. Something you can all laugh about for years. My dh go to breakfast for the kids is pancakes. They love it. Yes, I have chilled through the years. Now if something comes up that I would have had a meltdown over. I calmly express my feelings but trust his judgement completely.

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I have definately mellowed and it is much better.


How so? I just don't argue with him as much. If I think he is wrong, he will figure it out on his own. Mind you, I am not this easy going all the time, but more so than I used to be.


Also, I like to think that after 22 years, I don't annoy him just to have something to do. Generally, we communicate well, and don't let things build up, just enjoy being together.



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Ok, is that toast with peanut butter and a side of eggs, or toast with eggs and peanut butter? If it's the latter, then I can't believe they ate it! :lol: If it's the former, then I'm not sure why it would be considered strange...


peanut-butter-on-toast.jpg img_1207.jpg


(can't find a picture with a toast, peanut butter and egg sandwich)


Oh yeah ... I think I have mellowed but I need a little more tweaking in that department (especially when it comes to bathing suits and teenage girls - at least according to my DD (but that's another thread)).

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I'm trying to chill, but dh is getting crazy. Saturday we had an argument over whether I was angry or not. :glare::lol:



We've done that. He will say I look angry. I will say, "I'm not angry, I'm just not smiling. That's my face. The same one I had 11 1/2 years ago when we met." He will continue to comment that I look angry. Then I start getting angry.

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Definitely mellow after 24 years... Proof?


DH, about to start a load of wash: Does the detergent go where it says detergent, or where it says bleach?


Me (with perfectly straight face and not a HINT of sarcasm): Where it says detergent.


DH: Thanks.


Of course, after he left the room, I stabbed myself in the forehead with a fork...:001_rolleyes:

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We've been married 15 years and I've definitely chilled. When I'm tempted to think crazy, I remember that Elisabeth Elliot says to concentrate on the 85% of the husband that you like and to leave the other 15% alone. It helps a lot!



Now those are words to live by. But, I might venture to say it is more like a 50/50 split. LOL. Just joking.

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That's hilarious. No way would my kids have eaten it though!


I am WAY more mellow now than even a few years ago. I made a conscious decision not to argue about things that don't matter. So, when I know I'm right and DH is wrong (:tongue_smilie:), I state my position once and if he insists he is right, I let it go.


Just the other day he then asked me if I agreed with him and I said "No, but I'm saving my arguments for something I consider important." :)



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