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I hope this little boy is found safe.

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My stomach drops every time I see this thread back on the first page. I open it hoping for a happy ending, but fearing the worst. But I am glad for the reminder to keep up with the latest updates, so keep posting even if it does make my heart skip a beat.


As far as the latest news, that woman *has* to know more than she is sharing. And to start an affair with your husband's friend within day of your child going missing???? :confused::tongue_smilie::confused: Oh, I can't even type the rest of what I am thinking on a public message board!

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Is she trying to cover her backside for a sanity plea? She starts off with some inappropriate behavior which could have been unhappiness or mental illness or just stupidity. Then whatever the situation is with Kyron. But since that has all come out, she's doing more and more stupid stuff (sexting, hitting on other people, agreeing to things no mother would, etc). If she can make herself look crazy enough, erratic enough, impulsive enough, etc.....

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To me, it just seems like this woman is falling apart but I would probably be falling apart if the world thought that I had kidnapped my son, wanted to kill me dh and had lost my baby. I think that is defiantly territory for making bad decisions. It's almost like they are setting her up though, assassinating her character with things that have nothing to do with a missing little boy.

I agree. If she's innocent, then her life is pretty much destroyed now. If she's guilty, then all of this is just a DISTRACTION from LOOKING FOR THE BOY!!! Reading the comments to some of these recent articles, and there's people saying "There's something the police aren't telling us about this step-mom, we the public deserve to know!"


NO YOU DON'T! If you want to be involved in the investigation then *look for the boy!!!* Don't go digging through court papers and such to try and do a "trial by media". That is NOT justice and it does NOTHING to help this little boy! Leave the investigating to the police!




Wow, maybe I should tell you all how I *really* feel. :tongue_smilie:

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To me, it just seems like this woman is falling apart but I would probably be falling apart if the world thought that I had kidnapped my son, wanted to kill me dh and had lost my baby. I think that is defiantly territory for making bad decisions. It's almost like they are setting her up though, assassinating her character with things that have nothing to do with a missing little boy.



Reading all this articles on her, I'm just wondering if anyone thought that she may be tipped over the deep end by all this.

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  • 4 weeks later...
The dad keeps talking to the media and saying how terrible his wife is and how she isn't cooperating and how she must have stashed the boy somewhere, but no one else is saying anything and the police have made no arrests or statements for a long time.


He is long gone in my opinion and all of the filth coming from the dad is only serving to tarnish his son's memory. It makes me wonder if the dad had something to do with it since he seems so willing to accuse anyone of anything. He doth protest too much, as they say. It's so very sad.


Wait a minute. I haven't read all the posts on this thread, but what about the fact that his wife attempted to hire the landscaper to murder him. Doesn't he get to be a bit upset at her? Also, she has failed lie detector tests, not that's everything, but it doesn't mean she's w/o guilt at all. The news report yesterday was that the police (or whoever) would release more information Wednesday, as in tomorrow. Plus all that stuff about her friend the gardener that left work the day of his disappearance for a long period of time w/o explanation. :confused:

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Ok, I have not been following this case closely since the beginning and I am having a hard time trying to go back and figure everything out now. Can someone succintly give me an brief outline and timeline of events with all of the major people involved. I am totally confused as to who was liveing with whom, how many SOs were involved, where the children lived, etc. Makes the Jon Benet case look like a walk in the park.

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Ok, I have not been following this case closely since the beginning and I am having a hard time trying to go back and figure everything out now. Can someone succintly give me an brief outline and timeline of events with all of the major people involved. I am totally confused as to who was liveing with whom, how many SOs were involved, where the children lived, etc. Makes the Jon Benet case look like a walk in the park.



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Just horrible. I have been following this story for a while.


The other day I read an article where a man claims to have seen Terri and Kyron in a white truck on the day he disappeared and she stopped in the woods and met a man and they headed into the woods. The man had a shovel.


He heard a gunshot later.


Do you think there is any credibility to this? It seems that if there were, they would have sent people to look by now.



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The other day I read an article where a man claims to have seen Terri and Kyron in a white truck on the day he disappeared and she stopped in the woods and met a man and they headed into the woods. The man had a shovel.


He heard a gunshot later.


Do you think there is any credibility to this? It seems that if there were, they would have sent people to look by now.

According to MCSO, this was investigated and found to be "not relevant to the investigation."
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The latest news I have read is that some of the stepmom's friends have been called in to testify before a grand jury.
Other family members and members of the gym where Terri works out have also been called.


Tomorrow evening MCSO will reveal more about their suspicion that there was another adult in Kaine's white truck (that Terri Horman was driving) at the school on the morning Kyron disappeared. Given that searchers have been canvassing door to door near where Terri's friend Spicher was working and showing pictures of Spicher, I'd lay odds that it will be she.

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According to MCSO, this was investigated and found to be "not relevant to the investigation."


What a weird story. How do you see people getting out of a truck, taking things out of the trunk of a car, and walking into the woods while driving by?? He must have been driving very very slowly indeed. He even got hair color and descriptions of everyone.


Freaks come out of the woodwork with "information" in these kind of stories all the time.

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What a weird story. How do you see people getting out of a truck, get hair color and descriptions while driving by?? He must have been driving very very slowly indeed.
And this was alleged to have taken place five days after Kyron's disappearance. It's almost certain Terri Horman was under surveillance at that time.
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