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For all of the people disappointed or confused, you have no idea how much I want to take your faces in my hands and show you what I see so we can all move on together!!!!




:lol::lol: I half expected this woman to show up at the church.



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Does anyone know if Claire & Charlie had baby Aaron in the church with them? That would seem strange to me, that Aaron's "soul group" would be people he didn't really know (except for his Mom, Charlie, and Kate, that is).


Yep, the baby was there. I thought it was a bit out of step with things, but then I would have probably been even more bothered had he not been there. Mixed feelings on that one!

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Yep, the baby was there. I thought it was a bit out of step with things, but then I would have probably been even more bothered had he not been there. Mixed feelings on that one!


It makes me wonder when he died? Obviously not in the plane crash. (?) but also obviously before he grew up...does that mean Claire died in childbirth? There was certainly nothing to elude to that...maybe I am just trying to make Lost make sense...

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Personally, I think the writers either ran out of real creative juices OR we are going to see a movie version of this whole thing down the road given the popularity of the series.......


I felt the ending was unfulfilling in relation to the creativity in other parts of the series. Disappointed.


Wasn't there an interview with the creators saying they knew the beginning and how they wanted it to end? I just can't accept this as the ending - incomplete.

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It makes me wonder when he died? Obviously not in the plane crash. (?) but also obviously before he grew up...does that mean Claire died in childbirth? There was certainly nothing to elude to that...maybe I am just trying to make Lost make sense...


I don't think it means he didn't grow up. It seems they all appeared at the age that made the most sense for their interactions together. For some of them, this was the age at which they died. For others, that wouldn't be the case. For example, there's no reason to think Penny and Desmond or Rose and Bernard didn't grow old before dying, but they were still the Lost age when all gathered together. Maybe Aaron's main, important, moment in his lifetime was linked to those people and his birth, and so he moved on as an infant. (That's what I'm telling myself to make sense of him being there as a baby. lol!)

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I liked it.

I think the plane at the end was the original plane wreck, not the Ajira one or two (NOT that it was the plane that flew out at the end).


I think the reason Ben stayed out was because the writers are Catholic (at least one is) and Ben said he still had some things to work out, so he chose to stay in a purgatory-like place and do that. It was huge for Locke to forgive him. He was definitely dead--we know that because of what Hurley said.


Didn't you love Hurley's face when he saw Charlie?


I liked that we saw Locke, not Flocke, in the sideways. I think that it was all of them meeting up, not just Jack's vision/purgatory/etc.


ON JK Live, the guy who plays Jack elaborated a tiny bit.


I didn't like Season 6 as much, but I'm the type of person who likes mystery, and thinks that the mystery is sometimes best in the beginning--I don't like most explanations in mystery books. I think of Stephen King movies, and how the monster who is revealed is always less scary and less awesome than the one we've been tantalized by--think of the reveal of the monster in "It"--totally lame.


Lost's ending wasn't totally lame to me, by any means, but my favorite seasons will always be the ones in the middle.


LOVED the reunions.




Makes more sense now. Took a stupid 2 hour web surf from 10:30 - 12:30 (I'm SOOOO tired this morning) and a nigh;t of "sleeping" on it (why oh why am I dwelling on this so much?


ITerry O'Quinn better win a Golden Globe and an Emmy this year!!!!


Sorry, but I've already awarded the GG and Emmy to John Noble on FRINGE for Walter/Walternate. :001_cool: But Terry O'Quinn would be my second choice :)

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Sorry, but I've already awarded the GG and Emmy to John Noble on FRINGE for Walter/Walternate. :001_cool: But Terry O'Quinn would be my second choice :)


Can you imagine a Walter vs Locke showdown??? Knives and red licorice! That would be great.

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No one has mentioned Kate and Jack reunion. You know, I kind of was glad for them. I had always though Kate and Sawyer had SPARKS, but Kate and Jack somehow felt right. I hated that stupid short black cocktail dress she was wearing though. Taaaaaackeeeeeeeeey. (how catty is that?)


Did anyone watch Kimmel? Any insights in the alternate endings?


BTW - here's the last Lost Untangled.

Edited by BikeBookBread
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I think the debris at the end was just showing the scenery that was used - like one final look around to the place they called home for 6 years - I did not take it to mean anything story-wise...


Yes. Definitely.


:iagree: I also agree with whoever was wondering if the debris at the end was was the Ajira plan Frank etc. were on. I do not want to believe it but I do :glare:


No. Definitely not.


I don't think it means he didn't grow up. It seems they all appeared at the age that made the most sense for their interactions together. For some of them, this was the age at which they died. For others, that wouldn't be the case. For example, there's no reason to think Penny and Desmond or Rose and Bernard didn't grow old before dying, but they were still the Lost age when all gathered together. Maybe Aaron's main, important, moment in his lifetime was linked to those people and his birth, and so he moved on as an infant. (That's what I'm telling myself to make sense of him being there as a baby. lol!)


Yes. I think Christian said something about how their time together was the most important time in their lives - that's why, even though they all died at different points in their lives - some aging far more than others - that's why they are at the age at which they knew each other. (quite possibly the longest ugliest sentence ever - sorry - LOL)

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I liked everything but the last 15 minutes. I hate that the resolved the flash sideways as not being real. What a waste of time.


I am totally surprised to hear this sentiment on these boards! What could be more real than a tearful reunion with loved ones in the afterlife? How do we know what that would look like? I experienced it as being very real, and as being their reward for all the pain and separation they experienced throughout the series.


That said, I didn't see Libby, and I wonder what the rest of Richard's life was like. Did he age through a natural lifespan, or did he become an old man by sundown? Because that would be horrendously unfair. And I think about Kate and Sawyer having to live out lifetimes without Jack and Juliet before their reunions in the flash-sideways, and I am so sad for them.

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Baby Aaron was there, so why wasn't Sun and Jin's daughter??? That didn't make sense to me.


She was never on the island and wasn't a part of the story of those on the island (except her conception I guess). She didn't know anyone on the island except Sun and I think she met Kate at one point. Aaron was born on the island and a part of all of their lives. Very different characters....

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Baby Aaron was there, so why wasn't Sun and Jin's daughter??? That didn't make sense to me.


Perhaps their daughter had a different soul group that was more relevant to her life experience. After all, most people there didn't have their parents with them. (I would assume that their daughter grew up and had a life. Her parents were a relatively small part of that.) Aaron was a pivotal character in some of these relationships... even as a baby.

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Makes more sense now. Took a stupid 2 hour web surf from 10:30 - 12:30 (I'm SOOOO tired this morning) and a nigh;t of "sleeping" on it (why oh why am I dwelling on this so much?




Sorry, but I've already awarded the GG and Emmy to John Noble on FRINGE for Walter/Walternate. :001_cool: But Terry O'Quinn would be my second choice :)


Oh, I have to agree with you on Walter. His struggle just to get through his daily existance really strikes a chord with me and his ability to communicate his emotions just by the look on his face is unparralled.

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I missed that! But I think Kate got off the island because of her comment to Jack when they were reunited... something about really missing him, and the impression was a long separation. (I took that to mean she had lived a long life outside of her experience on the island.)



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Did anyone watch Kimmel? Any insights in the alternate endings?

Yes. They were spoofs. ;)


I'm way behind the game here. Interesting theories. I was disappointed but not devastated at the ending. I've said all along that I didn't want the show to end with them all being dead in some way. But I guess we all die sometime huh? lol

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Wasn't there an interview with the creators saying they knew the beginning and how they wanted it to end? I just can't accept this as the ending - incomplete.


The more that I think about this, the more I'm convinced that what they "knew" was that the series would end with Jack lying in the same place and closing his eye. The rest of it - Jacob & MIB, purgatory in a "flash-sideways" was determined as they went.

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I kinda had a hunch about the alternate sideways storyline because of reading something the actor who played John Locke said in an interview. They asked him what his most memorable twist in a TV series had been, and he answered when Bobby Ewing showed up after being dead for an entire season of Dallas. Then he said something like, "That's what we do in LOST".


So I figured the sideways plot wasn't reality. I suppose that's why I wasn't shocked or disappointed (LOST, yes :lol:) with the ending. I sorta was expecting it.


BTW, our family started watching on netflix in February, and I KNOW I would've never sat thru watching one episode per week with commercials (though the Target LOST commercials last night were a scream!). We watched the last season on hulu, which only had 30 second commercials, and even that drove me batty. But we've not watched commercial TV for 25 years. We got the rabbit ears out to watch last night's finale.:D

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(though the Target LOST commercials last night were a scream!).


I loved the Target commercials! I think they missed a big marketing opportunity by not getting more companies to do ads like that. It could have been like the Super Bowl of series. As it was I muted most of the commercials.

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So LOST ended up NOT being about Light vs. Dark....but about Reality vs. Fantasy?:confused:


No, it is ALL about Jack. Sigh. About an hour in, I had this eerie sense that it was going to be all about Jack, the hero treatment, the winning of the girl (despite the previous seasons of Jack/Kate being either ambiguous or creepy or apathetic toward each other--never bought some soul-searing love between them), the saving of the day, the WHATEVER.


So, I turned off the tv and went to bed. LOL. It's really strange that I was able to let it go with 90 minutes to go. I now wish I had stopped watching after season three. I get how lots of people loved the reunions (I did wake up this morning and read a synopsis of the rest, BTW) and whatnot--I liked the ones that I saw, but I absolutely despise that it all comes back to Jack.


I am on board with the "what a waste of my time" group. I have learned my lesson. I am off serialized television that is still currently filming and will only watch shows that are complete and come with high recommendations.


I still cannot get over how laughably bad I thought it was.

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(though the Target LOST commercials last night were a scream!). .

I loved the barbecue sauce one, after showing the wild boar.


I am going to have to watch again (I only saw parts of last night's) but I sort of knew I would be irritated by it. Then again, I missed a few seasons, so I'm hardly a devoted fan. Too confusing!


Did Frank's plane crash with everyone on it, or was that a flashback to the beginning?


I liked how Jack couldn't find his son but that was just fine with him -- ?!

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I think it's interesting that the sideways resolution is the only thing that's getting any attention today. I would certainly agree that the ending was a cop-out if the sideways resolution was supposed to be the answer to all the big mysteries, but it wasn't. The island story and the mythology of the show had its own on-island resolution. The sideways story turned out, in the end, to be self-contained. I see it as a comment on some of the major themes of the show--the idea is that they were brought to the island to do this specific job, and they did it, but what was bigger than that was the way they found redemption through these relationships with each other. That's what sticks around when people are finished fumbling around in the dark, pushing buttons, trying to save the world. People are deeply flawed and terribly incompetent and universally, well, lost, but our need to love and be loved is what saves us. It is hokey, but LOST has always been a hopeless romantic kind of show. The more I sit with it, the happier I am with it, really. I want to go watch it again now.

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Any ideas about Jack referring to his son a few times? He went to the concert to meet his son, right?

Threw me....:001_huh:


That's the part that drove me nuts last night. This morning, I decided to let it go (har har).


It never actually happened. It's been suggested that "having a son" in his "purgatory life" was Jack's way of working through his own Daddy issues before moving on.

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:lol::lol: I half expected this woman to show up at the church.




Now, That would have been a Great Alternate Ending....The Lost Exorcist.



"Carol Anne, Go into the Light."

"There is no death. It is only a transition to a different sphere of consciousness."


Carol Anne-There are other people in here, and a Polar Bear! Hey, that guy is pretty cute, maybe I will stick around a bit....





When I was Googling to find Tangina's name, I found this line from the movie, and it got me thinking about how similar the ideas were....:lol: maybe the idea for Lost wasn't all that original after all.


Tangina: There is no death. There is only a transition to a different sphere of consciousness. Carol Anne is not like those she's with. She is a living presence in their spiritual earthbound plain. They are attracted to the one thing about her that is different from themselves - her lifeforce. It is very strong. It gives off its own illumination. It is a light that implies life and memory of love and home and earthly pleasures, something they desperately desire but can't have anymore. Right now, she's the closest thing to that, and that is a terrible distraction from the real LIGHT that has finally come for them. You understand me? These souls, who for whatever reason are not at rest, are also not aware that they have passed on. They're not part of consciousness as we know it. They linger in a perpetual dreamstate, a nightmare from which they can not awake. Inside the spectral light is salvation, a window to the next plain. They must pass through this membrane where friends are waiting to guide them to new destinies. Carol Anne must help them cross over, and she will only hear her mother's voice. Now hold on to yourselves... There's one more thing. A terrible presence is in there with her. So much rage, so much betrayal, I've never sensed anything like it. I don't know what hovers over this house, but it was strong enough to punch a hole into this world and take your daughter away from you. It keeps Carol Anne very close to it and away from the spectral light. It LIES to her, it tells her things only a child could understand. It has been using her to restrain the others. To her, it simply IS another child. To us, it is the BEAST. Now, let's go get your daughter.

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When I was Googling to find Tangina's name, I found this line from the movie, and it got me thinking about how similar the ideas were....:lol: maybe the idea for Lost wasn't all that original after all.


Tangina: There is no death. There is only a transition to a different sphere of consciousness. Carol Anne is not like those she's with. She is a living presence in their spiritual earthbound plain. They are attracted to the one thing about her that is different from themselves - her lifeforce. It is very strong. It gives off its own illumination. It is a light that implies life and memory of love and home and earthly pleasures, something they desperately desire but can't have anymore. Right now, she's the closest thing to that, and that is a terrible distraction from the real LIGHT that has finally come for them. You understand me? These souls, who for whatever reason are not at rest, are also not aware that they have passed on. They're not part of consciousness as we know it. They linger in a perpetual dreamstate, a nightmare from which they can not awake. Inside the spectral light is salvation, a window to the next plain. They must pass through this membrane where friends are waiting to guide them to new destinies. Carol Anne must help them cross over, and she will only hear her mother's voice. Now hold on to yourselves... There's one more thing. A terrible presence is in there with her. So much rage, so much betrayal, I've never sensed anything like it. I don't know what hovers over this house, but it was strong enough to punch a hole into this world and take your daughter away from you. It keeps Carol Anne very close to it and away from the spectral light. It LIES to her, it tells her things only a child could understand. It has been using her to restrain the others. To her, it simply IS another child. To us, it is the BEAST. Now, let's go get your daughter.


I believe they had rope too, didn't they? :lol::lol: Oh my, now I will not be able to get that voice out of my head today.

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I think it's interesting that the sideways resolution is the only thing that's getting any attention today. I would certainly agree that the ending was a cop-out if the sideways resolution was supposed to be the answer to all the big mysteries, but it wasn't. The island story and the mythology of the show had its own on-island resolution. The sideways story turned out, in the end, to be self-contained. I see it as a comment on some of the major themes of the show--the idea is that they were brought to the island to do this specific job, and they did it, but what was bigger than that was the way they found redemption through these relationships with each other. That's what sticks around when people are finished fumbling around in the dark, pushing buttons, trying to save the world. People are deeply flawed and terribly incompetent and universally, well, lost, but our need to love and be loved is what saves us. It is hokey, but LOST has always been a hopeless romantic kind of show. The more I sit with it, the happier I am with it, really. I want to go watch it again now.

:iagree:This is a fabulous synopsis. I'm really going to miss this show and how it made us think and discuss deeper life themes.

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I think it's interesting that the sideways resolution is the only thing that's getting any attention today. I would certainly agree that the ending was a cop-out if the sideways resolution was supposed to be the answer to all the big mysteries, but it wasn't. The island story and the mythology of the show had its own on-island resolution. The sideways story turned out, in the end, to be self-contained. I see it as a comment on some of the major themes of the show--the idea is that they were brought to the island to do this specific job, and they did it, but what was bigger than that was the way they found redemption through these relationships with each other. That's what sticks around when people are finished fumbling around in the dark, pushing buttons, trying to save the world. People are deeply flawed and terribly incompetent and universally, well, lost, but our need to love and be loved is what saves us. It is hokey, but LOST has always been a hopeless romantic kind of show. The more I sit with it, the happier I am with it, really. I want to go watch it again now.


:iagree: Brilliant synopsis.

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I don't think it means he didn't grow up. It seems they all appeared at the age that made the most sense for their interactions together. For some of them, this was the age at which they died. For others, that wouldn't be the case. For example, there's no reason to think Penny and Desmond or Rose and Bernard didn't grow old before dying, but they were still the Lost age when all gathered together. Maybe Aaron's main, important, moment in his lifetime was linked to those people and his birth, and so he moved on as an infant. (That's what I'm telling myself to make sense of him being there as a baby. lol!)


I think part of our seeing Aaron as a baby is that we as viewers wouldn't have recognized him as Aaron otherwise--recall that he was 3 in the episodes that took place after Kate et al left the island, which was NOT in the sideways but in the regular, real timeline. I think it was just the writers helping out the viewers.

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I'm still upset about the resolution of the sideways timeline. After they PROMISED about no purgatory/they're not dead, I think it's just...stupid for them to make the sideways world be a purgatory. :thumbdown:


It would have been infinitely more satisfying to me had the bomb split reality into two timelines: one on the island and one where 815 lands in LA. Everyone would still be alive and would have a chance at a happy life. I pictured something along the lines of that movie Sliding Doors.


I'm not upset about the on-island resolution. It was to be expected.


I just still really hate the ending of the sideways timeline. I liked the reunions and the restoration of their memories and I wanted them to be able to live happily ever after, avoiding mistakes they made in the other reality. I didn't want them to be dead. :glare:


Oh, I think the wreckage of the plane during the credits might be their way of saying, "It has all happened before. It will all happen again." Maybe there's a new set of candidates running around on the island....

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I don't think it means he didn't grow up. It seems they all appeared at the age that made the most sense for their interactions together. For some of them, this was the age at which they died. For others, that wouldn't be the case. For example, there's no reason to think Penny and Desmond or Rose and Bernard didn't grow old before dying, but they were still the Lost age when all gathered together. Maybe Aaron's main, important, moment in his lifetime was linked to those people and his birth, and so he moved on as an infant. (That's what I'm telling myself to make sense of him being there as a baby. lol!)


That does make sense b/c I was wondering why Penny & Desmond's son wasn't there and why Jin & Sun's daughter wasn't there - your theory would answer that...

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Just finished it. Came here & read every post in this 14p thread.


And now I want to know how I'm going to explain to my kids that I missed the first 1/2 of their childhood watching LOST & the 2nd 1/2 serving time for....


Forget the spiritual meaning for a minute: this was BAD WRITING, people! You don't have one guy swoop in & *tell* you what it all means in the last 10 min. And you don't have a cast party & call it an ending.


What about Walt? What about stealing all the babies/pg's ending in death? What about *Jacob made me do it*? What about the Others & the Other Others?


Dh is pretending this episode didn't even happen. That Hollywood was hit by a giant blackout/flash forward thing & now we'll just never know. He's in utter denial.


Me? I think the writers of the show are just pretty faces. The real writers are ghost writers, & there was some kind of coupe down at the LOST factory.


There should really be laws against writing this bad. We need to make a citizens' arrest & boycott all LOST products until they fix this. :thumbdown:

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Just finished it. Came here & read every post in this 14p thread.


And now I want to know how I'm going to explain to my kids that I missed the first 1/2 of their childhood watching LOST & the 2nd 1/2 serving time for....


Forget the spiritual meaning for a minute: this was BAD WRITING, people! You don't have one guy swoop in & *tell* you what it all means in the last 10 min. And you don't have a cast party & call it an ending.


What about Walt? What about stealing all the babies/pg's ending in death? What about *Jacob made me do it*? What about the Others & the Other Others?


Dh is pretending this episode didn't even happen. That Hollywood was hit by a giant blackout/flash forward thing & now we'll just never know. He's in utter denial.


Me? I think the writers of the show are just pretty faces. The real writers are ghost writers, & there was some kind of coupe down at the LOST factory.


There should really be laws against writing this bad. We need to make a citizens' arrest & boycott all LOST products until they fix this. :thumbdown:


Okay girly....why don't you write us a Real Ending! :lurk5:

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Just finished it. Came here & read every post in this 14p thread.


And now I want to know how I'm going to explain to my kids that I missed the first 1/2 of their childhood watching LOST & the 2nd 1/2 serving time for....


Forget the spiritual meaning for a minute: this was BAD WRITING, people! You don't have one guy swoop in & *tell* you what it all means in the last 10 min. And you don't have a cast party & call it an ending.


What about Walt? What about stealing all the babies/pg's ending in death? What about *Jacob made me do it*? What about the Others & the Other Others?


Dh is pretending this episode didn't even happen. That Hollywood was hit by a giant blackout/flash forward thing & now we'll just never know. He's in utter denial.


Me? I think the writers of the show are just pretty faces. The real writers are ghost writers, & there was some kind of coupe down at the LOST factory.


There should really be laws against writing this bad. We need to make a citizens' arrest & boycott all LOST products until they fix this. :thumbdown:


I agree with everything except the last two sentences, this country already has too many laws. :lol:

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Forget the spiritual meaning for a minute: this was BAD WRITING, people! You don't have one guy swoop in & *tell* you what it all means in the last 10 min. And you don't have a cast party & call it an ending.


What about Walt? What about stealing all the babies/pg's ending in death? What about *Jacob made me do it*? What about the Others & the Other Others?


Dh is pretending this episode didn't even happen. That Hollywood was hit by a giant blackout/flash forward thing & now we'll just never know. He's in utter denial.


Me? I think the writers of the show are just pretty faces. The real writers are ghost writers, & there was some kind of coupe down at the LOST factory.


There should really be laws against writing this bad. We need to make a citizens' arrest & boycott all LOST products until they fix this. :thumbdown:


Yes!! How many writing books explain SHOW, DON"T TELL? Every.single.one.I've. read! By the time they showed the empty coffin and Christian began to talk I was glad the Benadryl was kicking in.

Edited by elegantlion
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Yes!! How many writing books explain SHOW, DON"T TELL? Every.single.one.I've. read! By the time they showed the empty coffin and Christian began to talk I was glad the Benadryl was kicking in.


Given how many dozens of people over the past two days I've heard saying stuff like, "so I guess they all died in the crash?" or "so the island was purgatory all along?" despite Christian's rather explicit explanation to the contrary, I can't imagine how much confusion there would be without that explanation.

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Given how many dozens of people over the past two days I've heard saying stuff like, "so I guess they all died in the crash?" or "so the island was purgatory all along?" despite Christian's rather explicit explanation to the contrary, I can't imagine how much confusion there would be without that explanation.


There are many ways to arrive at that destination without using a blatant monologue.

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I agree with everything except the last two sentences, this country already has too many laws. :lol:


Skip the *law* part & fill in *boycott* & you'll still have my gist. We might even stay out of jail if we stick to that! ;)

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Given how many dozens of people over the past two days I've heard saying stuff like, "so I guess they all died in the crash?" or "so the island was purgatory all along?" despite Christian's rather explicit explanation to the contrary, I can't imagine how much confusion there would be without that explanation.


It's not just the explanation that was a problem (but a BASIC writing class tells you not to do THAT)--it was the content of the explanation.


Imagine, for ex, that Hamlet cut from the duel between Hamlet & whatshisname w/ the poisoned swordtip, & instead of everything from the point when they face off to the end,


Shakespeare just brought everybody out to hug, smile, & dance to some 70s disco like the last scene of a Shrek movie?

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Okay girly....why don't you write us a Real Ending! :lurk5:


Ds knows how much we love LOST, & he's been holding his breath for the day he gets to watch it all. I just "spoiled" the ending for him this morning. Even *he* is outraged & disappointed.


He suggested I call the writers on the phone & politely ask for a redo. :lol:


The sad part? All thr the finale last night, I thought I had an inkling of where they were going w/ it, & I was so impressed. So, yeah, I could write *something* else. Whether or not it would stand up under the pressure of lost fans is another question, though! :lol:

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