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CraigsList concern....wwyd

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I posted something on craigslist. I posted it for MUCH less than it's worth just so I could get rid of it quickly (however, the price is more than I asked at the yard sale where no one chose to pay for it). Someone offered to pay me about double to get it quickly.


Anyway, I just feel funny about it.


I figured I'd meet them in public, not have them come here; but would you do it at all?


Sometimes I feel funny about fairly normal things. At the same time, I hate going against my gut feelings.

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I would think the offer was fishy, too, because when one buys something from Craigslist, one gets it quickly anyway. Plus, most people either pay the asking price or try to negotiate a lower one. The reason for offering a doubled price just doesn't make sense to me.


Listen to your gut feelings, above all. (I am in the better safe than sorry camp.)

Edited by RoughCollie
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One time I saw an ad for a Singer Featherweight for $40 on craigslist. On ebay, these go for around $300. I emailed the seller within hours of the listing going online and by that time she had already had offers for 3x her asking price. I guess people just wanted to increase their chances of being able to buy it.


Could this be the same type of situation?

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Kathy, oh, well, I guess that could be a reason. Thanks.


I'll just be careful.


I think one reason I'm a little more worried is because I've had my address and directions to my house on CL all weekend for the estate sale. I don't want to get hurt or my kids hurt or whatever because sometimes people in this world are CRAZY (2 Tim 3:1-5).

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Yes, that is weird. Why would they offer double? It's not like it's an auction or you said lots of people want this. Why wouldn't they just say "I want it." and pay the asking price? I would at least make sure my dh was around if the person came to my home. I don't know....I'm wondering if there is some way you can e-mail that person and find out something more.....like....why do you want to pay DOUBLE?? Just weird, inho...........

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Kathy, oh, well, I guess that could be a reason. Thanks.


I'll just be careful.


I think one reason I'm a little more worried is because I've had my address and directions to my house on CL all weekend for the estate sale. I don't want to get hurt or my kids hurt or whatever because sometimes people in this world are CRAZY (2 Tim 3:1-5).


If you choose to sell it to them, meet them in the parking lot of a fire or police station.

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We just moved and sold a lot of stuff on craigslist. Three of our items had that response (and they were also being offered at a "just get rid of it" price). Most likely, it's just someone who really wants whatever you're selling, knows that you'll get tons of offers, and knows that double the price is still MUCH MUCH better than they can find anywhere else. They want to make sure they're the ones that will get it. Most likely, anyway! :)

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Yep, I'd do it. Especially since you said you listed it for MUCH less than it's worth anyway. They probably figured you'd have a bunch of people contacting you and wanted to make sure that they were the one to get it and probably had more budgeted for that particular item than you were asking, so they figured they'd increase their chances.

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I had something like that happen to me as he buyer. I was buying a bunk bed, had set up a time to get it, at his earliest convenience. And he emailed an hour before saying he had bids and was I willing to pay $150 more. So it went to someone else. Not exactly what I think should be done when you've already commited it to someone. But not many people will pass up the extra $.

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One time I saw an ad for a Singer Featherweight for $40 on craigslist. On ebay, these go for around $300. I emailed the seller within hours of the listing going online and by that time she had already had offers for 3x her asking price. I guess people just wanted to increase their chances of being able to buy it.


Could this be the same type of situation?


:iagree:I've done the same thing.

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This has little to do with your post, but lots to do with CL. I learned the hard way to set up a dedicated yahoo account for CL. Several months after I listed something for sale on CL I started receiving e-mails (with pictures!) from men expressing that they are "clean" and wanting to "hook up" with me. :confused: I swear one picture looked like it was taken inside a jail or other institutional facility.


Mind you, the items I had for sale were treadmill, china plates, and a sofa. Nothing that would indicate I was lookin' for whatever these men are offering.

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I posted something on craigslist. I posted it for MUCH less than it's worth just so I could get rid of it quickly (however, the price is more than I asked at the yard sale where no one chose to pay for it). Someone offered to pay me about double to get it quickly.


Anyway, I just feel funny about it.


I figured I'd meet them in public, not have them come here; but would you do it at all?


Sometimes I feel funny about fairly normal things. At the same time, I hate going against my gut feelings.


I THINK I have heard--but can't recall where, so take it FWIW--that sometimes scammers do this and then don't show up or suddenly "can't meet" at the time intended, and then ask you to take payment PayPal and/or ship the item to them (which of course you should never, ever do). I'd probably agree to meet them somewhere safe and public but nearby and simply be prepared for a negative experience. Then, if the transaction goes well, hooray! If not, you were on your guard anyway.


I hope your buyer is legit!

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I have no idea. CL is like nothing else I have ever seen. I have sold items at pretty close to original retail price and had people call and say they would take it sight unseen and then show up, pay cash and take the item no problems. Other times I have had an item listed for two months and then get three calls on one day on the old listing. I have made arrangements to buy something before and then had the item sold out from under me and the person didn't even bother to email and let me know. It reallys seems to be a free for all with no established ettiquite. Whoever shows up first with the most money seems to win. So yes, I have heard of people offering more to be sure they get the item. I have also seen people post ads saying if you bought such-and-such item and decided it wouldn't work for you and you would like to sell it please email me. So who knows. I would arrange for public meeting and take cash only.

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If you choose to sell it to them, meet them in the parking lot of a fire or police station.


:iagree: Great idea, and an honest person would be happy, too. They are bringing cash after all....we are coping with a Craig'slist murder out here. Horrible.

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Most likely, it's just someone who really wants whatever you're selling, knows that you'll get tons of offers, and knows that double the price is still MUCH MUCH better than they can find anywhere else. They want to make sure they're the ones that will get it. Most likely, anyway! :)




A higher offer wouldn't concern me. I would just arrange to meet them in a public place (police station is fine, but I think any public place would do)...

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I would go with what another suggested and go to a police station or fire station to sell the item. If anything less than savory was planned then they will either back out or not show up.


Make it a station that's busy too if you can :)

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WHen we were stationed in Europe, the Stars and Stripes had articles about this scam. IT involves saying they will pay you more since they really want it but will be sending you a money order, cashier check. something like that. You get it, put it in the back, send the item to them (or in your case, give it to them) and ten days or later, the amount of the cashiers check or money order is charged back to you since it was a high quality fake. Like others said, meet somewhere like a police station and only take cash.

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WHen we were stationed in Europe, the Stars and Stripes had articles about this scam. IT involves saying they will pay you more since they really want it but will be sending you a money order, cashier check. something like that. You get it, put it in the back, send the item to them (or in your case, give it to them) and ten days or later, the amount of the cashiers check or money order is charged back to you since it was a high quality fake. Like others said, meet somewhere like a police station and only take cash.


Huh, I wonder if people might do this as a way to exchange counterfeit bills too? I always think of counterfeit bills as something you only see on TV, but just last week a girl at our local Starbucks told me that they'd had a bunch of counterfeit bills ($50s, I think) come through, so their managers cracked down on accepting larger denominations. Pamela, get one of those marking pens!!!

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Ditto all of the above advice; plus have someone (big and male) whom you trust staying at your house while you conduct the transaction. Since you mentioned that your home address has been on CL all week, you don't want to meet one half of a theft ring while the other half is emptying your house.

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