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Next Door Neighbor Cut Down OUR Privacy Hedge While We Were Out! (rant)

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Please make it native Honeysuckle.


Asian honeysuckle is invasive and should not be encouraged. The Asian honeysuckle is what you see strangling bushes and shrubs everywhere. It like saying your are going to plan Kudzu. If you don't know about invasive species of plants, please read up on how they affect the native plants and animals.


Thank you - and yes, I would research first, and talk to my friends who have organic farms and my dd29 who is my go-to person for all those kinds of questions.....but your point is a good one......thank you.:)


eta: I think this is the one I want -- native to VA. THUM-420.jpg Lonicera sempervirens 'John Clayton'

Common Name: Coral Honeysuckle

Lovely, fragrant pale yellow flowers exploding from June all the way through November. This plant was selected by the VA Native Plant Society for excellent repeat bloom, clean foliage and compact form. Named for colonial botanist, and found on the grounds of a 17th century Abington church in Glouchester, VA. Although perhaps not as vibrant as other cultivars, this beauty blooms steadily and still grabs the attention hummingbirds and butterflies. Bright orange-red fruits in late summer and fall.

Edited by MariannNOVA
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That is lovely. I've seen a beautiful native red honeysuckle. The problem with native honeysuckle is that it is a slow grower.


It is, isn't it....lovely, I mean. And as for slow growing, that's okay -- I love the history of the John Clayton --thank you for your wise advice on this. I think I will ask for this for Mother's Day. Thank you again!



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DH measured today - they cut down a 74 foot length of shrubs that were 8 feet high!


This kills me. They had to WORK, and work HARD to do this. And at no time did the lil ole lightbulb not come on and one of them think, gee, this probably isn't a good plan? I mean, seriously! ONE of them must have the slightest shred of sanity...


And as for wanting to see the AGA......she couldn't spell AGA if I spotted her the vowels.:lol::lol::lol:

Oh my. :rofl::smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:

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Have they tried to talk to you again? No - and they definitely should not try to speak to us. I am expecting the green card from the certified letter today so they will have been served with the No Trespassing order, and unless they want to spend Mother's Day baking a cake with a file in it, I suggest they heed the order.


I am sidelined with some kind of stomach bug since last night - hit me all of a sudden like a ton of bricks - thought I was fine this morning, but I cannot stray far from the.......ummmmmmm facilities. I am going to send the kids on a treasure hunt for the camera cable-- the photos are on there - i just need the cable, which seems to be the ONE thing in life I am unable to keep track of.



Any pictures yet?

just need the camera cable.
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AuntieM: Thanks for the kind words. Yes, the debris was quite, ummmmm substantial. DH took a vacation day today, rented a uhaul trailer yesterday, hitched it to my hummer, and was out there this morning making trips to the dump. He made four trips to get it all out of here! I have photos of it on the ground and in the trailer. It's bad b/c I start to seethe all over again as we have to go through this.


I would imagine that bby now they know there is a restraining order against them - the green card should be here tomorrow, I take that to the police department (and I LOVE ALL the running around I've been forced to do b/c of this) and then the next step is filing to take them to court as soon as the replacement hedge or fence is up - we just have to have incurred all the expenses caused by their destruction.


I cannot even focus on the fact that there was honeysuckle intertwined in the forsythia -- honeysuckle brings me back to dd29's infancy -- I LOVE honeysuckle.....and I heard that st*p*d b**** telling dh that she got rid of all 'viney weeds too ' and we should thank her for that. Honestly, I will cry if I think about it.


No, my kids don't want to go outside - in some way I think they feel as violated as we do.

Well, whoever buys this house is gonna get a KILLER KITCHEN! The custom cabinets arrive next week, the AGA gets installed, the Sub-Zero has been running for 4 weeks, and the Bosch $1500. d/w will get hooked up. THANK HEAVENS I DID NOT GET THE $1600. wall mounted farm house sink.



OH - and HE says to DH - 'I know you won't be able to get these trimmings out of here right away, but if you rent a trailer, it should only take a couple of trips.' Yes, that's what he said!


DH and I are sitting here yelling, "WHO DOES THIS?!?!?! WHAT WERE THEY THINKING??!?!":blink:


You totally have to keep us updated. You know what you should do!?!? Take them on People's Court!!!:boxing_smiley: (I love People's Court).




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DH and I are sitting here yelling, "WHO DOES THIS?!?!?! WHAT WERE THEY THINKING??!?!":blink:


You totally have to keep us updated. You know what you should do!?!? Take them on People's Court!!!:boxing_smiley: (I love People's Court).





Well, today we received the green certified mail card so they have the no trespassing letter which is quite clear in stating that coming on our property will result in their arrest, possibly a jail term up to 12 months, and a fine of $2500.


Suffice to say, we have not seen hide nore hair of them. DH and I were saying at dinner that if they didn't like the owners before us, they REALLY DO NOT LIKE US!

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I hear you! :bigear: Looked on Saturday at WalMArt (and what a zoo that place was) -- no cable. Will send kids off to look AGAIN today and then we will try Radio Shack - which should solve the problem. I have family members who are waiting for pix too -- of the same travesty.


I may also post them under a neew thread as this one is becoming ridiculously long.


Check back tonight!:)

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I hear you! :bigear: Looked on Saturday at WalMArt (and what a zoo that place was) -- no cable. Will send kids off to look AGAIN today and then we will try Radio Shack - which should solve the problem. I have family members who are waiting for pix too -- of the same travesty.


I may also post them under a neew thread as this one is becoming ridiculously long.


Check back tonight!:)


Can you take a pix with a different camera that you have a cord for...or maybe a cell phone?

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Thanks for thinking of us!


The holes for the posts have been dug - waiting for the fence panels to be delivered and installed. The kids do not want to play outside - not on the driveway and not in the yard -- if the neighbor is there (and he usually is working on his lawn :glare:) they have vetoed playing outside. I am hoping that the fence will make a difference for as long as we remain here.


For me and dh, we are emotionally GONE from here. When lacrosse is finished, we will begin seriously looking at where to go next. I am sure that other couples approach THAT issue in a much more well-adjusted way than dh and I do, but for two well-educated individuals, we are just spastic when it comes to choosing a place in NoVa to live.:tongue_smilie:


I have been busy with dd29 and her ivs and tx for heavy metal chelation, standardized testing prep for our three, lacrosse (which has totally taken over our life), trying to get everything in order for the kitchen reno to be complete, selecting things for the two bathroom re-do projects, a close friend is having throat surgery on Friday......and deciding where to move next.:tongue_smilie: I think I do better with having to keep tons of balls in the air than just one or two.


FYI, the fence will go on OUR side of the hacked up shrubs so the Scissorhands family can look at their chop job and we will look at the nice new fence.


And, the pix are on my camera - I just have to find someplace with that darn cable for the camera -- just too busy lately.:willy_nilly:

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FYI, the fence will go on OUR side of the hacked up shrubs so the Scissorhands family can look at their chop job and we will look at the nice new fence.




I think that is a great idea!


I'm so sad for your dc loosing a safe & private play space. I know my kids would be the same way. I bet they are driving you up the walls now that they are inside more:tongue_smilie:. :grouphug:

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They will probably just dig up the stumps and claim that bit of your property as their own.


This is what I would be afraid of. Fence lines tend to set property lines


Well, we have a survey that we paid for prior to having the holes dug for the fence posts. But, yes, I agree with you, fence lines tend to morph into property lines -


Once the fence is up, I imagine I will not be able to see what, if anything, they are doing on the other side of the fence although it IS our property.


To be honest, I have to say that I don't care -- although, I guess at some level I do care.


I feel awful that the kids do not want to go play outside -- THAT was one of the reasons we bought this house - the front yard and backyard.


Dh and I just want to get the projects done and move --

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I'm so sorry Mariann! With all the other things you have going on, this is just not what you need. I was incredulous when I read this the first time. I would feel EXACTLY as you do. My heart would already be gone. What a bummer. It sounds like your kitchen is going to be FABULOUS!

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I'm so sorry Mariann! With all the other things you have going on, this is just not what you need. I was incredulous when I read this the first time. I would feel EXACTLY as you do. My heart would already be gone. What a bummer. It sounds like your kitchen is going to be FABULOUS!


Oh, you are so nice! Yes, the kitchen is going to be fabulous -- one of the top TWO that I have done over the years, for sure! I intend to enjoy it to the max for as long as we are here.


But, yes, like you said, I am emotionally out of here already and so is dh - which is surprising b/c he tends to hold on much longer than me, but he is already searching neighborhoods in other places and tossing around different schedules in his head to be at one office or another to make his commute less heinous if we decide to go further out (which I think will not happen).

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I hope everything gets better for you, Mariann.



Hey, D.A.:)


I pm-d you yesterday before we went off on our marathon 'play lacrosse, drive all over northern virginia' marathon.


I'm handling this better than I was two weeks ago, I'm happy to say.

Trying to keep it in perspective - I mean, I will get to cook in a great kitchen till we finish the bathrooms, windows, lower level great room, closets, and landscaping, KWIM?;)

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This is what I would be afraid of. Fence lines tend to set property lines


I would take this very seriously if you are planning on selling. I had a friend who put up a fence within their property line which gave the neighbors more room (we're only talking inches) and yet when people were interested in the property it became a MAJOR issue. They ended up taking out the fence and moving it back to the right property line just to sell the house. You wouldn't think it would make such a huge difference but it does. I'm surprised your fence company didn't tell you about that. When we put in our fence they were very exacting about it being right where it should be because of those issues. Your neighbor could turn into a raging lunatic and demand that you come over and 'trim and maintain' 'your' property. Do you really want to deal with that? Ask around about this and I think you'll find that it would be wiser to put the fence right to the property line.


My recommendation: Have the hacksaw crazy neighbors dig up the stumps (they started it-let them finish!). If need be, take it to small claims. Once the stumps are gone then put in the fence.

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I would take this very seriously if you are planning on selling. I had a friend who put up a fence within their property line which gave the neighbors more room (we're only talking inches) and yet when people were interested in the property it became a MAJOR issue. They ended up taking out the fence and moving it back to the right property line just to sell the house. You wouldn't think it would make such a huge difference but it does. I'm surprised your fence company didn't tell you about that. When we put in our fence they were very exacting about it being right where it should be because of those issues. Your neighbor could turn into a raging lunatic and demand that you come over and 'trim and maintain' 'your' property. Do you really want to deal with that? Ask around about this and I think you'll find that it would be wiser to put the fence right to the property line.


My recommendation: Have the hacksaw crazy neighbors dig up the stumps (they started it-let them finish!). If need be, take it to small claims. Once the stumps are gone then put in the fence.



Have you been talking to the little voice inside my head? B/c what you wrote is EXACTLY what it has been saying to me!


:svengo: UGH!!!!! I KNOW YOU ARE RIGHT!


A couple things though: they are already raging lunatics -- so no need to worry that they will 'turn' into raging lunatics --:glare:


I will have the fence guys remove the stumps and 'that' $ for labor will also become part of our claim in court.


Thanks for being a voice of reason -- it's amazing that all the other voices in my head were quiet enough so that I could hear you!:lol:


Thanks - I needed that!

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From someone who has been through legal issues with neighbors and "adverse possession" which you need to research in your state, I can tell you it's legal suicide to put the fence inside of the old hedge stumps. Besides losing the ability to use that strip of land for your own, think about it - you're "giving" it to your neighbors. Not only did they get rid of a hedge they disliked, but somehow they cajoled you into giving you the land!


Seriously - DON'T do this. This is from property line disputes 101...........and when I said in the title, to put it ON the line, I mean on your property with the outside of the planking touching the line..........just looking out for you.......

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From someone who has been through legal issues with neighbors and "adverse possession" which you need to research in your state, I can tell you it's legal suicide to put the fence inside of the old hedge stumps. Besides losing the ability to use that strip of land for your own, think about it - you're "giving" it to your neighbors. Not only did they get rid of a hedge they disliked, but somehow they cajoled you into giving you the land!


Seriously - DON'T do this. This is from property line disputes 101...........and when I said in the title, to put it ON the line, I mean on your property with the outside of the planking touching the line..........just looking out for you.......



THANK YOU! You are right - I know -- I have called the fence folks -- yes, you and the previous poster slapped me back into the real world, and I am taking care of it. Again, Thanks! I owe both of you a starbucks gift card!;)

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Whew! I'm so glad you are calling the fence company and fixing it! I wouldn't want anyone to have to go through what my friend did. It was a migraine inducing nightmare for her...expensive too. I'm glad you are going to court too. Those people need to do the right thing!

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I was watching this thread with a lot of interest (and feeling totally betrayed that we still have no photos:D) and then when I thought you were going to put the fence in the wrong place, it was so upsetting to me that I decided I couldn't read the thread any more........Thank you for reconsidering - you're doing the right thing!

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I was watching this thread with a lot of interest (and feeling totally betrayed that we still have no photos:D) and then when I thought you were going to put the fence in the wrong place, it was so upsetting to me that I decided I couldn't read the thread any more........Thank you for reconsidering - you're doing the right thing!


It's like one of those grade B horror movies - "Don't follow the scary sound into the dark basement." "Don't follow the scary sound into the dark basement." She opens the door and a%2520scream.jpg.

Why do they always follow the scary sound?


At least Mariann wisened up and listened to the voices that said "Stay in the safety of the light."

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You have all been a wonderful shoulder through this (and goodness, I feel like such a wuss - this is really in the big scheme of things, so not worth getting one's knickers in a twist)




yes, I do understand legal ramifications that can turn into a true nightmare, and I thank you in the most heartfelt way for sharing that invaluable info with me -- you spared me from cutting off my nose to spite my face!


Oh, and as for the pix -- I will get to them -- I seem to always need to let ONE ball drop and I'm afraid THAT is the one that is not the squeaky wheel.


Thanks -- if you ever visit NoVa, Starbucks (or chai) is on me!


ETA: And, I called DH to tell him about my phone call to the fence company, and 'adverse possession,' and his response was: 'the women on your homeschooling board talked some sense into you, huh?':lol:

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with the way people are nowadays.

We have a neighbor I am praying out of our neighborhood.

She thinks everything I do is her business.

She is always snooping out her windows on the side of the house and the front.

I usually stick out my tongue.

She never comes outside and she is about 45 yrs old. Nothing wrong with her.

When we cut our grass, the next evening she has her husband out there doing theirs.


I hope you take these people to small claims court.

Sounds to me like they wanted to be able to see what was going on in your yard etc.

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Sounds to me like they wanted to be able to see what was going on in your yard etc.[/QUOTE]


Talk about a waste of their time! We have got to be the DULLEST people on the planet -- our kids are usually playing 'pioneer people' or 'star wars people' in the yard - could not be more predictable or dull! :lol:


Everyone knows the real action is in the KITCHEN!!!!!!!!!!:lol:


Thanks, and I do hope your nosy neighbor moves!:001_smile:

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