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What's for breakfast?

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2 cups of coffee, a glass of diet pepsi, and a tea biscuit with peanut butter. I'm such a health nut. :tongue_smilie:


kids: dd13 will prolly have cereal & grapes & ds11 will likely have pb toast & grapes. Much better. ;)


dh: doesn't believe in breakfast. leaves here at 4am and consumes vast amounts of coffee on the way to, and at, work. Usually eats lunch. When he remembers.

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2 cups of coffee, a glass of diet pepsi, and a tea biscuit with peanut butter. I'm such a health nut. :tongue_smilie:


kids: dd13 will prolly have cereal & grapes & ds11 will likely have pb toast & grapes. Much better. ;)


dh: doesn't believe in breakfast. leaves here at 4am and consumes vast amounts of coffee on the way to, and at, work. Usually eats lunch. When he remembers.



Well, let's see. Your coffee and pepsi all had water in them- so you've got 3 serving of water out of the way. Peanut butter is a protein, and wheat is a vegetable, right? :lol:


My dh has nothing but coffee for breakfast too, and drinks it all day long. I tell to drink water. He say I am! That coffee's got water in it. :tongue_smilie: He's goofy.

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Refried beans heated up and wrapped in a tortilla with some Monterey Jack cheese. Decaf green tea on the side. This will be followed, most likely, by a shake of vanilla yogurt (full fat, of course), banana, chocolate sauce, and chia seeds.

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I am sure you have eaten already but we had oatmeal with apples and cinnamon. Then a bit later a Toasted Nuts and Cranberry Luna Bar with a cup of Orange Dulce tea from Mighty Leaf.



Apples dunked in yogurt is really good if you haven't tried it before. Rasperry yogurt is my fave for this.

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I had two fried eggs, fried ham, fried mashed potatoes (leftovers we had to use up) and a slice of whole wheat toast with butter.


This is more or less my new normal since I read the study from UAB about eating fat in the morning to change the metabolism. I've lost 8 lbs since reading about it without doing anything other than changing when we eat what. I'm hooked. (I have wondered if my scale is wrong, but hubby's lost weight too - yet the cats and boys are still the same.) It sure beats my old normal (toast and/or English muffin or bowl of cereal) in taste and it's definitely more filling!

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dh: doesn't believe in breakfast. leaves here at 4am and consumes vast amounts of coffee on the way to, and at, work. Usually eats lunch. When he remembers.


sounds like my hubby :D


I usually have maple cream of wheat or peanut butter toast. I am *not* a morning person and then having to cook :001_huh:

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Dd15 is having scrabled eggs on sprouted spelt toaast and a green smoothie.

Ds14 is having two piece of white bread with butter, and a green smoothie.

I have had my green smothie. After I have dropped my kids off at their camp, I will be having some of th raw berry pie I made last night :)

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