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People getting divorced and adopting

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I read that they (as a couple) had already started the process, including having the child with them. At this point she is changing to a single parent adoption, as she is getting a divorce. I really don't see why it would matter.


If a couple adopts a child and then divorces, the child isn't returned. As an adoptee, I'm just glad I was adopted and loved!

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How is it in the best interest of the child to be left with parents who for whatever reason have elected to give up the child for adoption? In other words, I think single parents in many instances can do a remarkable job raising children and I do not think a single status should be a red mark against him or her.

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Perhaps she (and the adoption agency/bio-mom) believes that a child is better off with one loving parent than in an orphanage or foster home?


(It is a sentiment with which I agree.)


Why would this even be an issue? Most people don't have their OWN children taken away just because they are getting divorced. Why would they be denied the ability to adopt just because of a divorce?

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I was just reading about Sandra Bullock getting divorced but at the same time she will be adopting. How is that possible? How is that in the best interest for the child?

Would we, (the non-famous) be able to do that??:confused:


She has had physical custody of the baby since January. It wouldn't be in the child's best interest to be uprooted just because of the divorce. Since the adoption isn't final yet, she's changing it to a single parent adoption.

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Many women are what I call single inside relationships, where their husbands pay the bills but don't really interact. My parents were in a situation like that so it didn't make much difference to our every day lives when they split. We only had one person parenting us already. Sandra Bullock is rich enough to pay her own bills.



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Why would this even be an issue? Most people don't have their OWN children taken away just because they are getting divorced. Why would they be denied the ability to adopt just because of a divorce?



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They, as a couple, began the adoption process before his infidelities were revealed. The baby has been with her since January. As far as I can tell she is simply changing her application to a single parent one.


I don't see the problem. I'm all for single parent adoption.


ETA: After reading the response below mine I believe I see the OP's point. Sorry if I implied that you (OP) were anything other than supportive of single parent adoption.

Edited by Pretty in Pink
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Each state has different laws regarding adoption. In ours, when we did a private adoption of our son, he came to our home after parental rights were signed away. His birthmother had 10 days to change her mind (some states allow more, others less). At the end of 10 days we went to court. But that was just preliminary. The adoption was not considered finalized for another 6 months. During that 6 months we had to be followed by a social worker and submit reports to the judge for review. At the end of 6 months we received an offical decree from the court finalizing the adoption.


I suspect that something similar is true for Sandra. I did read a report that said Jesse has signed away his parental rights as part of the divorce which allows her to proceed with the adoption with out him.

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Sandra Bullock did not intend to be a single parent when the process began. Sadly, her world was turned upside down. She did not ask for the situation. Besides, she can definately afford to raise a child, and I believe that she will be a very loving mother. I also heard that Jesse will be in the child's life.

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I was just reading about Sandra Bullock getting divorced but at the same time she will be adopting. How is that possible? How is that in the best interest for the child?

Would we, (the non-famous) be able to do that??:confused:


What, specifically, is your concern?


1) The transition of divorce and the stress the child would be adopted into?

2) The fact that the child would be in a single parent home?

3) The possible discrepency of what wealthy and/or celebrity can do vs. the average citizen?

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I was just reading about Sandra Bullock getting divorced but at the same time she will be adopting. How is that possible? How is that in the best interest for the child?

Would we, (the non-famous) be able to do that??:confused:


According to People magazine she and her husband started the adoption process 4 years ago and brought the baby home in January. They didn't start divorce proceedings until well after that.


I think it would be in the best interest of the child to remain in the home he has known for most of his short life. He wasn't just placed in the middle of what could be a stressful situation for his adoptive parents. He's been there awhile. :)



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