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I think this is one of those things where you will find a wide range of opinions. In my circumstances, I do use splenda sometimes but I do not let my child consume it. I figure it's OK for me to make that decision for myself, knowing that it might not be the healthiest decision, but I should probably stay on the safe side when it comes to my daughter. Just like I wouldn't hand her a beer. I do not necessarily think it's "bad", but just to be on the safe side. It's hard to make these types of decisions. BUT, that being said I do not judge anyone who does give it to their child. Their judgement on the subject is probably as good as mine. This is kind of like the whole H1N1 vaccine thing. Some people felt very strongly that it was very important for their child to get the vaccine and others wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. With the limited information available everyone just had to use their own best judgement.

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Thanks so much.

I am very, very picky/careful about artifical ingredients.

I would never give this to my children!! :)


I wondered if anyone knew any research or had any facts about the "badness" of it. -or had any negative experience...


It is really hard to drink my coffee black. I am just trying to avoid sugar for right now as I try to get my body back in balance.


I appreciate the feedback!



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Thanks so much.

I am very, very picky/careful about artifical ingredients.

I would never give this to my children!! :)


I wondered if anyone knew any research or had any facts about the "badness" of it. -or had any negative experience...


It is really hard to drink my coffee black. I am just trying to avoid sugar for right now as I try to get my body back in balance.


I appreciate the feedback!




When I was completely off sugar, I did use Splenda in my coffee, but I knew it wasn't going to be long term. I didn't have a negative experience with it (though I get very cranky on aspartame). I think it's probably okay in limited amounts for the short term. Of course, the fact that I say that probably just reveals the depth of my coffee addiction (and I can't/won't drink it black).

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It is really hard to drink my coffee black. I am just trying to avoid sugar for right now as I try to get my body back in balance.


I appreciate the feedback!




I won't use Splenda, but if you're just looking for something to sweeten your coffee, you might check into stevia.

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Thanks JudoMom-

that is exactly how I am looking at it... it is not a long-term- forever solution...

just a temporary one.

I guess I can do anything I set my mind to-

I always thought I would never drink the coffee black- but I did it

for a little bit. I couldn't drink the whole cup, though.

Doing whatever I set my mind to- so its possible but I just don't always enjoy it... and mmmm enjoying coffee just really adds to my day!


I will look into Stevia next time I am at an Earthfare- I am assuming that is where I could find it?


Thanks ladies,


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I will look into Stevia next time I am at an Earthfare- I am assuming that is where I could find it?


Thanks ladies,



I know there are a couple of brand names of stevia now (Truvia is one) and they might even be with the other sweeteners in a regular grocery store.

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:iagree: I also thought Stevia had a strange licorice-like aftertaste when I used it in my tea.


I find that Slenda makes me hungrier for more - it sort of whets my appetite for more sweet things. I prefer to use sugar or honey in moderation and/or stevia. Also, too much Splenda makes my teeth tingly and buzzy. It is a gross feeling.
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Splenda gives me migraines... and technically, it is considered a "chemical" alternative to sugar. Stevia tastes okay but still has that chemical taste to me... but as a diabetic, I don't have a choice. Stevia is naturally dervived from the Rebiana plant. :confused:

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Of the artificial sweeteners, Splenda is the "best." However, it doesn't help you feel full, or solve your sweet tooth. I have heard it turns off the hormone responsible for making you feel satisfied... and has given people gas, bloating, etc. (everything depends on the individual).


Stevia is a natural sweetener, but you have to know how to use it. Use too much, and it becomes bitter. Also, some brands have fillers or have altered the formula somewhat to attempt to get rid of the bitterness. All I know is that it works great as long as I sprinkle a bit over what I'm eating.


Another natural source is Blue Agave. When I make my kids sugar free kool-aid, or sugar-free lemonade, I use a TSP of Stevia and a TBLS of Blue Agave Nectar. The Blue Agave Nectar gives more "body" to the kool-aid, whereas the Stevia makes it taste really watered down. yes, there is still a HUGE difference between this sugar-free kool-aid and real sugar (which makes it taste like Jello, IMHO).


Xylitol is a sugar-free, sugar alcohol (not sugar or alcohol), it is another alternative. Again, you have to know what version you're using and how to use it (some fillers to make it spoon-for-spoon like sugar... others use a version that is a "sprinkle") I haven't had much luck with the Xylitol I've used. Also -- Xylitol is what is being used in Trident Gum, and has been found to help reduce tooth decay...


Maltitol Syrup is another sugar substitute (not sugar or alcohol), it is used in making sugar free candies and sugar free maple syrup... even ice cream.


It's sold in a pretty small bottle... and I've never used it, but I do plan to try it if given the chance.


Anyhow, that's my take on the sugar substitutes.

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I think real sugar is the lesser of two evils. I decided that 15 calories for 1 tsp of sugar in my coffee was worth not ingesting the artificial stuff.

:iagree::iagree::iagree: I say this regardless of the fact


Splenda is one of 3 things that give me a true migraine (the other two being red wine and menses).

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I can't stand the taste of stevia. I know it is supposed to be better, etc....but I just can't take it.


I use splenda sparingly (maybe a few times per month at most) or honey or agave.


I am not sure I buy the Agave being so bad for you. I would need more info/research.



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Is this bad for you?


I am in the process of eating a new way. I do not (in general) like artifical foods. But- if this is okay to eat- it would help. (It helps my coffee in the morning).


Thank you!



I was told no by a weight loss clinic. That is to say, it was not okay to consume. I switched to Stevia. It's not bad. I can't take my coffee black either. I got off dairy but soy in coffee just didn't work. So I got used to black coffee with 4 packets of stevia.

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I recently read that agave nectar is even more likely to cause obesity than HFCS :eek:


Organic sugar and/or honey in moderation is probably your best bet.



Thank you for that link. I had heard some rumors but none of them seemed to be substantiated in any way. This article makes a bit more sense...

I much much much prefer honey anyway and a little maple syrup or dehydrated cane juice on occasion doesn't hurt either.

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Splenda is poison. Dont touch it.


I just discovered a brand of stevia in my supermarket called Natvia (this is Asutralia). I love it. I never liked the aftertaste of stevia either, and dint use it before now, but they say on the Natvia packet that they only use certain parts of the plant and thats why it doesn't have that aftertaste. I can use this stuff the same as sugar and the taste is fine. I used some to make my home made raw chcolates and they taste great!


Other than that I prefer to use raw honey because I feel its the most natural and unprocessed sugar. But its not low in calories like stevia.

Another one is xylitol. It is low calories and made from plant bark and husks. I get that sometimes.

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