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3am and I'm home

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I went to the hospital. They were very concerned as they considered what I went through today to be "several TIAs." They didn't really say about the general pressure and dizziness otherwise. Anyway, so I have some medication and need to follow up and have STRICT orders that the next time I have a day like today I come in much sooner/ more quickly.


Anyway, unfortunately, the concern is very much there. He said that I should be less "in the woods" in 1-3 days of medication....


I am feeling better. My last real episode was about midnight. So I'm hopeful I can get some sleep and get better soon....


I'm a little worried about the care I got and a number of other things, but I just have to trust I got good enough care, advice, medication, etc.

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TIA = Transient Ischemic Attack


Had to look that one up;p


That is very concerning. What a relief to be home and okay.




When you're feeling better, you may want to check into the correlation between vitamin D deficiency and strokes.


from the american heart association

Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)


What is a TIA or transient ischemic attack?

A TIA is a "warning stroke" or "mini-stroke" that produces stroke-like symptoms but no lasting damage. Recognizing and treating TIAs can reduce your risk of a major stroke.

Most strokes aren't preceded by TIAs. However, of the people who've had one or more TIAs, more than a third will later have a stroke. In fact, a person who's had one or more TIAs is more likely to have a stroke than someone of the same age and sex who hasn't.

TIAs are important in predicting if a stroke will occur rather than when one will happen. They can occur days, weeks or even months before a major stroke. In about half the cases, the stroke occurs within one year of the TIA.

What causes a transient ischemic attack?

TIAs occur when a blood clot temporarily clogs an artery, and part of the brain doesn't get the blood it needs. The symptoms occur rapidly and last a relatively short time. Most TIAs last less than five minutes. The average is about a minute. Unlike stroke, when a TIA is over, there's no injury to the brain.

What are the symptoms of a TIA?

It's very important to recognize the warning signs of a TIA or stroke. The usual TIA symptoms are the same as those of stroke, only temporary:



  • Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body
  • Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding
  • Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes
  • Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination
  • Sudden, severe headache with no known cause


The short duration of these symptoms and lack of permanent brain injury is the main difference between TIA and stroke.

TIAs are extremely important predictors of stroke. Don't ignore them! If symptoms appear, CALL 9-1-1 TO GET MEDICAL HELP IMMEDIATELY. A doctor should determine if a TIA or stroke has occurred, or if it's another medical problem with similar symptoms. Some examples are seizure, fainting, migraine headache, or general medical or cardiac condition. Prompt medical or surgical attention to these symptoms could prevent a fatal or disabling stroke from occurring.

Edited by cillakat
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I'm sorry you went through that. My mother had TIAs for a couple of weeks. She was put onto blood thinners and told not to drive for six months after the last attack. She hasn't had a problem since - that was several years ago.


Best wishes for your recovery.



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I went to the hospital. They were very concerned as they considered what I went through today to be "several TIAs." They didn't really say about the general pressure and dizziness otherwise. Anyway, so I have some medication and need to follow up and have STRICT orders that the next time I have a day like today I come in much sooner/ more quickly.


Anyway, unfortunately, the concern is very much there. He said that I should be less "in the woods" in 1-3 days of medication....


I am feeling better. My last real episode was about midnight. So I'm hopeful I can get some sleep and get better soon....


I'm a little worried about the care I got and a number of other things, but I just have to trust I got good enough care, advice, medication, etc.



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:grouphug: I am so so glad you went in and got checked. It is great the dr's are concerned and gave you meds, not because it is good you were having TIAs but because you were concerned they would not do anything before you went in. Keep us posted on how you are doing once the medication has time to build up in your system. The whole thing is very scary.

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They didn't tell me not to drive but I had already decided myself because of yesterday morning. I called into work today, but my daughter will take me to work the rest of the week. She thinks that is hilarious (a kid dropping mom off at a school instead of a mom dropping a kid off at school). Of course, that is if I decide to go. I'm set to do 1st and 2nd grades Tues through Thurs and I'm not sure I want to risk that. It's likely nothing will happen, but if something did, I'd rather be with 7th or 10th graders!


Anyway, my phone rang non-stop this morning (Mon morning and everyone needs a sub) and I'm afraid of what my boss will say. But...

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Thanks y'all. I checked my email and boss was kind :)


Rebecca, the main district I work with uses Kelly Educational Services (well, through June; they won't be next year). I use the computer to grab jobs, often several days, even weeks in advance. So I actually had to call (actually, I emailed) to cancel a job I had already accepted. I wouldn't think ANYTHING of saying no to an assignment. I usually get a couple calls each morning from the other district and almost always have to say no because I usually book in advance for both districts. But actually canceling an assignment I already took bothers me greatly (esp since I had to call and cancel 2 days last week too :( ).


Anyway, but she was nice.


It's the other district I have the 1st/2nd grade classroom Tues through Thurs. So I actually have to call and cancel again if I decide to not risk it.


I'm feeling okay today. A little headache but that could be dehydration (didn't drink anything from the time I went to the hospital...I should go get me a tumbler of water). I think I'll wait til closer to the end of the day to figure out what I'm doing about tomorrow.

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Oh, and my mom is MAD at me...really mad...and worried...


After I posted here yesterday, she called. She asked how I was, I said, "wrong day to ask." I didn't want to worry her and...well...anyway, so she starts talking about buying my son some stuff. We got cut off a few times and then we gave up talking.


Well, so she woke up to a FB post of how I'm fine and back from the ER. She was NOT happy. I figured she'd be glad I let her sleep last night and that worrying after I'm fine should be better than the worry she'd have knowing I was having TIAs (or at least had one and then something else which is the way I thought it was until it was explained they were all TIAs).


So she's at work but will have a break and I'm sure will not be happy. I missed her phone call this morning. And I answered the email. But I'm thinking I'm not gonna get off that easy. <sigh>


Sometimes there just doesn't seem to be a right answer!

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