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Who here really plans their year?

Do you plan the whole year or in chunks?

Do you make all the copies of stuff you'll need at one time?

Do you buy any supplies you'll need before your year?

How do you decide what you will cover?

Do you do a goal type thing?

Do you use a planner, paper, online?

Basically I am looking for ideas and any would be welcome I am so tired of the unorganized what will we do this week situation I am dealing with.

Yes I kinda have an idea on what I want to do but opinions from those who do this type of thing would be very helpful. Thanks

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Who here really plans their year? I plan a "year at a glance" so I can easily see if I'm on track or not.

Do you plan the whole year or in chunks? whole year

Do you make all the copies of stuff you'll need at one time? The one year I did this, I was so happy I did. I plan to for next year.

Do you buy any supplies you'll need before your year? I try too, but things come up as well. Plus the kids love to shop for school supplies and we get excited about the new year.

How do you decide what you will cover? I'm not exactly sure what you mean here but we generally follow the WTM as a curriculum guide.

Do you do a goal type thing? Not real specifically, but sometimes if I really want to keep something from being forgotten.

Do you use a planner, paper, online? I use and excel spreadsheet


I hope this helps. It didn't really work for me to plan really specifically, day by day because things can change so much. But If I take some time to map out the year, then I can look and know that we are ahead or behind or whatever. It also helps me see the place we have some wiggle room and what subjects we cannot afford to miss.



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Who here really plans their year?

Do you plan the whole year or in chunks?

Do you make all the copies of stuff you'll need at one time?

Do you buy any supplies you'll need before your year?

How do you decide what you will cover?

Do you do a goal type thing?

Do you use a planner, paper, online?

Basically I am looking for ideas and any would be welcome I am so tired of the unorganized what will we do this week situation I am dealing with.

Yes I kinda have an idea on what I want to do but opinions from those who do this type of thing would be very helpful. Thanks


I started planning next year around Sept or Oct. I decide what we are going to cover (the easy part) then I decided what curriculum I like based on what we are going to cover (the not so easy part)

I make my copies of stuff as we go during the school year, but that way they dont get lost or ruined. I am always first in line at back to school sales!!!!!!!!! (who can beat crayola crayons for 20cents a box and notebook paper for 10cents a pad?!?!?!) I make my lesson plans a week in advance using regular not book paper based on what we did the week before (that goes along way to help my kids begin being an independent worker-- obviously excpet for stuff they need me for) I LOVE making my lesson plans because that way both I know what we need to do and the kids know what we need to do.



I make my lesson plans for the week ahead. I just put filler paper in a 3 ring binder and I write all our subjects out


example from my 6th grader from last friday:


Bible: Matthew chapter 24

math: workbook pg 87 pgs 296-297 textbook (see mom when ready for textbook)

english: pgs 245-246

geography- finish Africa book (monday you will start project on Africa)

science- pgs 20-26- notebook the what do you remember questions. Do activity for older student with me


history-- test (see mom)

spelling-- do worksheets

vocabulary-- use vocabulary words in a sentence


I expect her to be as independent as possible but there are certain things we do together and she knows what that is, she comes to me when she needs help.

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Who here really plans their year?

Do you plan the whole year or in chunks?

Do you make all the copies of stuff you'll need at one time?

Do you buy any supplies you'll need before your year?

How do you decide what you will cover?

Do you do a goal type thing?

Do you use a planner, paper, online?

Basically I am looking for ideas and any would be welcome I am so tired of the unorganized what will we do this week situation I am dealing with.

Yes I kinda have an idea on what I want to do but opinions from those who do this type of thing would be very helpful. Thanks


I try to plan my year. Last year I entered everything into Homeschool Tracker Plus, and I love it for the assignment sheets and the record keeping for my boys. But I'm able to process information so much easier when it's on paper. So this year for my year long plan I think I'm going to number a separate page for each subject from 1-180 and break everything down into a daily assignment, and enter what we'll do into HST weekly or bi-weekly. I think this will give me a much better visual for where we are as the year progresses.


I currently make copies weekly, though I'm considering going to a bi-weekly or monthly system. I've got an all in one printer, so I make my copies at home, but it does take a chunk of time. I hate to end up wasting copies, which usually happens if I copy too far out.


I shop the back to school sales. I need to skip them this year because I have a surplus, but I'll probably not have the willpower to skip out on them completely.


I follow the WTM somewhat closely, so I use that as my guide. Because of this I know my end goals, so I don't really set anything official other than to keep moving forward.

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I do a fair amount of planning. Most of my planning time is put into deciding what to use for a particular subject based on our families' needs. My current bear is science. I keep going back and forth about what I want to use and accomplish. :glare: I wish I would just decide already.:D


Once I have my stuff bought I plan out where I want to be at certain times. I broke down our curriculum and figured out where we would be in October, Jan, April, and June. This gives me a goal to work towards without being too specific. I find when I'm too specific anything can make my plans go off track, especially with subjects where you rely on their interests.


I used the Donna Young planners for science as I was running two different programs with multiple resources for each unit. A bit crazy but it worked. I have also seen a really nice planner from someone that is nice and pretty, but I can't remember what it is. Okay, I went and found it. http://www.wellplannedday.com/planners.html


Once I have done what I can do for the year, I give out weekly assignments. It's usually something fairly simple like, 4 math lessons, 4 latin pages, 2 narrations for history, 3 grammar lessons, etc. This is for my dd in 4th. I'm planning on having her plan out her own week next year. That way she can start to take more responsibility for her education.


Happy planning


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Who here really plans their year?

Do you plan the whole year or in chunks?

The whole year. It's easier for me to be in "planning mode" for an entire year's worth of a subject, and then turn that particular planning mode back off for another year. Keep in mind, we only use "a curriculum" for skills subjects, more or less, so I have a lot of 'pulling together' to do.


Do you make all the copies of stuff you'll need at one time?

Previously, I've made most of the copies up front. I'm planning to go through and make sure I've made ALL of the copies this year.


Do you buy any supplies you'll need before your year?

Define supplies? Basic school supplies, yes. I tend to buy science kits rather than pulling together my own supplies, but if I did the latter, yes, I'd try to buy as much as I can ahead.


How do you decide what you will cover?

To a large extent, we do follow WTM recommendations, at least in terms of what content to study what year. I take our core subjects (math, the various components of language arts, Latin, science, and history), plus our other stuff (fine arts, logic, etc.), and look at what we're doing this year. Is it working? If it's a skill subject and what we're doing is working, we just "do the next thing." If it's a content subject, then I know I can pull together something similar for the next year's topic(s). If it's NOT working, then I research other approaches, etc.


Do you do a goal type thing?

I do have a loose set of goals for each year. I also have a list of goals for where the kids are supposed to be by the end of grade 12, so I go back and refer to that each year, making sure we're at least headed in the correct direction.


Do you use a planner, paper, online?

I make all my plans on paper first. I need that tactile approach for whatever reason! Then I type it all into the computer. At that point, I print it out, and the computer is also backed up, so I have confidence I won't lose everything. :) Each week, I put dd's assignments into her assignment book and she works from that. Ds's assignments aren't yet complex enough to need anything beyond "what's next?" but when they are, I'll use a checklist for me for a few years until he's ready for the assignment book.

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"Who here really plans their year?" I do, I do!


"Do you plan the whole year or in chunks?" I plan out the entire year, because once we get into the year, I don't have time to do further planning.....


"Do you make all the copies of stuff you'll need at one time?" I don't make every *single* copy, because I have a copier at home, but I do make up a notebook of worksheets that I want to use along with science (or any other classes where I'm pulling things off the internet for our use).


"Do you buy any supplies you'll need before your year?" Yes, I do lay in my supplies, or kits for science, and such. I also buy lots of paper and pencils, etc. before the year begins, while things are on sale in the fall.


"How do you decide what you will cover?"


Well, when I first started doing this, I initially used the planning sheets that my older son's kindergarten teacher would give to the parents each month. I thought her ideas were well thought out. I also was using E. D. Hirsch's What Your _________ Grader Needs to Know series the first few years to help me get a handle on topics I needed to cover. Then I found WTM and began using that. I also peruse all the different catalogs available for book and curriculum ideas (go to conferences to look at stuff, too).


"Do you do a goal type thing?" I haven't before done one in writing, but I've been talking to folks here just recently about how important I think that is and that I really need to not only start putting that down on paper, but checking it throughout the year.....


"Do you use a planner, paper, online?" Paper and pencil planner.... ('cause I'm a dinosaur and I feel it's easier to change it, check it off, etc.)

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Sorry guys I wasn't clear..as far as supplies I mean like if you are going to do a project example art. Do you make sure you have all the supplies as far as a year in advance. The boys are gonna do Winterpromise Sea and Sky so lotsa projects. Oh and as far as basic supplies YES I LOVE BACK TO SCHOOL SALES TOO!!!!! I have so much extra but who can resist 1 cent folders at staples and 20 cent crayons at Walmart??? I love it so much it is my addiction I cannot wait for back to school sales LOL Thank for all these great ideas so far by the way

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Who here really plans their year?

Do you plan the whole year or in chunks? I plan in quarters. I have a general idea of what I want to accomplish all year but I break it down. That way I have time to see what is working and what is not. I don't waste time planning something isn't going to work.

Do you make all the copies of stuff you'll need at one time? I make all my copies on Sunday night so its all fresh in my mind for the week.

Do you buy any supplies you'll need before your year? I *try* to gather all my materials for the coming week on Saturday when I go to town. I do want to change for this year though. I will spend the summer gathering all the odds and ends that we will need, especially for science.

How do you decide what you will cover? I follow the suggestions in WTM, personal wants and the basic curriculum I am using. For example with math I just follow along with their outline. If I need to supplement I just note it on my planner until I feel like we have covered the material enough. With reading I pick and choose from sites like Ambleside and Sonlight. I also talk with the Librarian in town and choose some popular books.

Do you do a goal type thing? Nope

Do you use a planner, paper, online? Yes I do. I am a list maker and having a planner makes me feel more organized and in control of our school time. (The link is in my signature to see what it looks like) For me having an outline (even if I don't follow it to the T) gives me a chance to see the areas we need more work, less work, etc. I like having it all out in front of me with the notes I have kept for the week. I can better track progress this way as well as what is working and what isn't.

Basically I am looking for ideas and any would be welcome I am so tired of the unorganized what will we do this week situation I am dealing with.

Yes I kinda have an idea on what I want to do but opinions from those who do this type of thing would be very helpful. Thanks


I hope that helps. Figuring it all out is frustrating at times but once you do it feels so much better! Good Luck.

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Who here really plans their year? I do.

Do you plan the whole year or in chunks? I plan quarterly

Do you make all the copies of stuff you'll need at one time? No.

Do you buy any supplies you'll need before your year? Typically, yes

How do you decide what you will cover? I outline the curriculum for the year

Do you do a goal type thing? Not per se

Do you use a planner, paper, online? Online Planner



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The whole year. It's so much easier for me to keep going when the winter doldrums and spring fever hits if it's *all* *planned* ahead of time. If I have to plan the next chunk? It's way too easy for me to get bogged down at some point during the year.


I don't make copies ahead, though there are times when that might be useful. ;)


I do buy most books and supplies ahead of time so I'm not scrambling later in the year, though certainly some small things come up and that's okay.

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Sorry guys I wasn't clear..as far as supplies I mean like if you are going to do a project example art. Do you make sure you have all the supplies as far as a year in advance. The boys are gonna do Winterpromise Sea and Sky so lotsa projects. Oh and as far as basic supplies YES I LOVE BACK TO SCHOOL SALES TOO!!!!! I have so much extra but who can resist 1 cent folders at staples and 20 cent crayons at Walmart??? I love it so much it is my addiction I cannot wait for back to school sales LOL Thank for all these great ideas so far by the way


Yes, I try to have those kinds of supplies on hand for the year, or at least the semester.

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I don't plan art projects at home, but I have been saving art materials for years, so I have a ready supply of "stuff" on hand, such as markers, crayons, colored pencils, colored papers, various grades of art papers, paints, paint brushes, glue, scissors, and on and on and ON, LOL...... I also periodically teach classes, so I keep stuff that I might use again and again during classes.....

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Who here really plans their year? Me!


Do you plan the whole year or in chunks? I plan what will be done for the whole year using Excel spreadsheets. For instance, I break down history (SOTW) into reading, coloring page, maps, Encyclopedia reading, read-alouds (I include all the recommended books my library system has), assigned books for each child, and projects/supplies. That way all I have to do is schedule what comes next each week. I do the same with math, keeping a spreadsheet for each book of Singapore math, listing all the exercises, Practices, and Reviews in order, combining the exercises that can be combined, etc. Then I just cross off what was done last week and plug in what needs to be done this week.


Do you make all the copies of stuff you'll need at one time? No, usually I make weekly copies unless I am including the pages in a notebook (ie. science).


Do you buy any supplies you'll need before your year? Some of them I purchase with my big Rainbow Resources order. The rest I get on an ongoing basis.


How do you decide what you will cover? Typically I just follow the scope and sequence of the particular books we are following unless I think a particular child needs extra work/practice. Then I just add in practice where I feel it will be beneficial.


Do you do a goal type thing? Not really.


Do you use a planner, paper, online? Excel spreadsheets are worth their weight in gold. Each week each of my kids gets an excel spreadsheet with their assignments for each day. They cross off things as they complete them.

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Who here really plans their year? I do pretty much. With the curriculum I choose, I just plan to finish it. I mean, math takes little planning, it's all there.


Do you plan the whole year or in chunks? THe whole year - well, an overview. Not daily lesson plans!


Do you make all the copies of stuff you'll need at one time? No! As I go. While my overall plans tend to stay the same, I tweak.


Do you buy any supplies you'll need before your year? Supplies, as in paper, etc? or as in books? I do buy the text books and other things like that I'll need.


How do you decide what you will cover? We're in 1st grade now, so it's pretty basic - phonics, math. I'm doing TWTM with science and history.


Do you do a goal type thing? My goal is to finish the curriculum.


Do you use a planner, paper, online? My year is planned on computer. I make out paper lesson plans weekly each Sunday.

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Who here really plans their year? Yes, I do.

Do you plan the whole year or in chunks? I do a brief outline of the whole year. I make a list of what to accomplish each month. I break up books w/lessons I want to finish in a year, divide it by the months I want to do it in and then I know how many lessons we need to do of it a month. I write in "math lessons 1-15" under Aug. "math lessons 16-30" under Sept. etc. For subjects I do myself it will say, Science: weather, volcanoes.

Do you make all the copies of stuff you'll need at one time? I did of SOTW, but not other things.

Do you buy any supplies you'll need before your year? Not sure what you mean? I try to buy the basics. But things for projects or experiments, no. I buy as needed.

How do you decide what you will cover? In skills areas, I want to finish the book. In content areas I do myself, I use the Well Trained Mind and What Your X Grader Needs to Know.

Do you do a goal type thing? Not sure what you mean?

Do you use a planner, paper, online? Old fashioned paper planner. I use the teaching planning pages in the front to write my yearly goals. Just a simple list in each space. I also make a weekly chart of what days we will do what subjects. And I make a list of the curricula and books that I plan on using.


I check off each month if I accomplished what we planned and make any changes to the upcoming month. (like the next mo. will start with a different lesson # or something..)


I allow for flexibility and changes. This year, I made some major changes for our spring semester that I hadn't anticipated. So I changed my plans for the next semester in that dd's planner. I always use pencil!


I use the daily/weekly planner to put in each day what we did in each subject. I don't have to really plan the week in advance because I have the chart at the beginning of the book that tells me on Monday, after daily subjects we do art. So after we do our next art lesson, I fill in that box briefly describing what we did. In the daily math and english squares I just write, Lesson 136. etc.



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Who here really plans their year? I just started this, this year.

Do you plan the whole year or in chunks? I am planning the whole year this time, I found that if I just do chunks I tend not to follow through later on. Or life just gets in the way and don't have time. Now mine doesn't go down to day, weeks, or months. It is more of an outline. I go through the books put in lesson #__ , or the book to be read, etc for each subject, then as we get to it I will check it off and put in the date. This way there is a way to keep track, yet not give me the "oh no we are behind" feeling.

Do you make all the copies of stuff you'll need at one time? Yes, I make sure we have everything already ready. So, if in science I want to add an extra worksheet or something I have it printed off and put in the book for that lesson. I like to have it all ready to be an open and go.

Do you buy any supplies you'll need before your year? Yes. just like above I read through everything and if it requires anything I make sure I have it before hand. I like to have all supplies ready to go before we start anything.

How do you decide what you will cover? I really just go by what the curriculum we have is covering and then add in topics I believe will be fun or need to be covered that year. As in I might decided I want him to cover weather or work on story problems so I will make sure it is added in.

Do you do a goal type thing? Nothing too set. I just want to see progress in what we are doing. I would like to see the curricula we have finished or most of it.

Do you use a planner, paper, online? I like a paper planner! I have to feel it, see it, all of it. Doing an online one just doesn't do it for me.

Basically I am looking for ideas and any would be welcome I am so tired of the unorganized what will we do this week situation I am dealing with.

Yes I kinda have an idea on what I want to do but opinions from those who do this type of thing would be very helpful. Thanks


I think a lot of it depends on what you feel comfortable with. I tried the day by day planning and always felt behind. So, to make out a plan was starting to make me feel depressed. Then I decided to do one with no dates, days, months, nothing marked in. Just lessons in each column, so I can do more of a check it off as we go. Since there is no reason that lesson 1 math has to be done when lesson 1 science is then there is no reason for dates right?:D


Sorry if this is just too much rambling.;)

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Who here really plans their year?
I do. This last year, especially, has gone really well. I do weekly lesson plans. I put in history, science, and Bible assignments before the year begins (we're very consistent with those). I leave the math and language arts sections blank, because even though we're consistent with it, we sometimes move at a slower or faster pace for a few days or weeks than what I originally planned, and that would throw off the rest of the weekly plans for the year.


Do you plan the whole year or in chunks?
The whole year.


Do you make all the copies of stuff you'll need at one time?
No, I do that on a weekly basis.


Do you buy any supplies you'll need before your year?
I buy books and science supplies before the year begins.


How do you decide what you will cover?
I've based my plans for the next two years on what my oldest needs to cover before entering high school. They are the things she hasn't covered thoroughly up to this point. The younger ones will cover the same history and science topics as she does. I do a 4-year history rotation, and a looser 3-to-4-year science rotation.


Do you do a goal type thing?


Do you use a planner, paper, online?
I developed my own planning spreadsheet.


Basically I am looking for ideas and any would be welcome I am so tired of the unorganized what will we do this week situation I am dealing with.

Yes I kinda have an idea on what I want to do but opinions from those who do this type of thing would be very helpful. Thanks


It helps me to have some planning done for me. For example, I do NOT like planning history from scratch. I use Biblioplan - it's flexible enough for me to tweak, but the main plan is already in place. I transfer those assignments into my master plan sheet.


On the other hand, I do plan out our science courses. I haven't found it too difficult to go through the books and activity kits I choose and break them out into weekly assignments.


Because I want my children doing math and language arts more independently, we use a lot of workbooks in those subjects. It's pretty easy to plan # pages/day or # lessons/week with that type of curriculum.





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Who here really plans their year? I do this.

Do you plan the whole year or in chunks? Whole year and more depending on some curriculums we stagger for latter in the year.

Do you make all the copies of stuff you'll need at one time? Yes, before I begin using it.

Do you buy any supplies you'll need before your year? Most of the curriculum I purchase the spring/summer before the year begins.

How do you decide what you will cover? I spend a lot of time on WTM and other boards researching and making decisions.

Do you do a goal type thing? Only that we complete what we start and continue to make good progress and get good results.

Do you use a planner, paper, online? I have a spreadsheet program that I designed for our school.

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I don't do the workboxes, but I do a system that works for us. I have those Sterilites with 3 drawers, (I have a few of them)(with the workboxes we just don't have the room for all the extra boxes). I put each subject in each drawer. Now I load up the drawers the night before or that morning. I put all supplies in each drawer. So, whatever science supplies, math manips, books to read all of it goes into each drawer. I don't put a schedule or anything with it. It is more for me to keep on track and for my son to stop asking are we done yet. This way he knows when all drawers empty we are done.

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Who here really plans their year?

Do you plan the whole year or in chunks?

Do you make all the copies of stuff you'll need at one time?

Do you buy any supplies you'll need before your year?

How do you decide what you will cover?

Do you do a goal type thing?

Do you use a planner, paper, online?

Basically I am looking for ideas and any would be welcome I am so tired of the unorganized what will we do this week situation I am dealing with.

Yes I kinda have an idea on what I want to do but opinions from those who do this type of thing would be very helpful. Thanks


I'm already planning next year and have most of what I need to do it all. I don't usually start planning until May, but for various reasons started early this year.


1) I plan the whole year in general terms then begin looking at what materials I'll need in order to cover the plan

2) Once classes are set for next year (we're part of an alt ed program) I plan what each week will look like in general terms (what days we do history, science, etc)

3)I make a good portion of the copies I'll need. I have access to free copying thru the alt ed, tho so I don't stress about that. I also preview any books I may be interested in using (ie, this year I'll be using a lot of books from the library and wanted to make sure those were the books I wanted to use in case I found them for sale cheap)

4) I definitely order what I'll need before the school year begins because I want to know that I have it on hand when I need it

5) I am pretty much following SL history (the order anyway) so that gives me a guideline to use there. Ds chooses many of the classes he takes at the alt ed facility, although there are usually a couple I "encourage" him to take. Any science, etc that we do at home, I usually give ds options to choose from. I also typically ask at the end of the school year/beginning of next year what he wants to learn about

6) My goal usually consists of wanting to make it thru the year with my sanity in tact (as well as my relationship with my son) :tongue_smilie: We do annual testing, and tho I don't "teach to the test" it does offer good incentive to not fall behind in some areas

7) My written plans take many shapes during their advent. I usually begin with just a word doc divided into subjects. From there it goes to excel when I know what classes we'll have. After the school year begins, I keep a lesson planner (usually paper/pencil) and record what was accomplished in Homeschool Tracker.


I know what it is to be unorganized, believe me! I can make anything look good on paper. Implementing it is a whole other story! That's where my challenge comes in. Good luck to you!:willy_nilly:

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I haven't had time to read everyone else's responses, but here's my stab at it:


Yes, I plan the whole year, especially for science and history where it's not so "open-and-go." My lesson plans say what chapter we'll cover, what activity we'll do, and what supplemental books we will read. I blogged last week on the planning stage here.


I also make my copies during the summer and keep them all ready to go in my Rainbow Box (you can see it here).


I buy all my supplies for activities and experiments over the summer, too. I keep them in a box, all ready to go. It keeps me accountable to do the project and minimizes my excuses. ;)


I made my own planner in excel this year so I could make the boxes the sizes I wanted and arrange them differently than a regular lesson planner. I just got my Proclick in the mail today - can't wait to put together next year's planner this summer! :)


I feel like I should issue a disclaimer - This is all coming from someone who *loves* to plan! :)

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I haven't had time to read everyone else's responses, but here's my stab at it:


Yes, I plan the whole year, especially for science and history where it's not so "open-and-go." My lesson plans say what chapter we'll cover, what activity we'll do, and what supplemental books we will read. I blogged last week on the planning stage here.


I also make my copies during the summer and keep them all ready to go in my Rainbow Box (you can see it here).


I buy all my supplies for activities and experiments over the summer, too. I keep them in a box, all ready to go. It keeps me accountable to do the project and minimizes my excuses. ;)


I made my own planner in excel this year so I could make the boxes the sizes I wanted and arrange them differently than a regular lesson planner. I just got my Proclick in the mail today - can't wait to put together next year's planner this summer! :)


I feel like I should issue a disclaimer - This is all coming from someone who *loves* to plan! :)


I am in love with ur blog!!!!!!! Can u plan my year 2 lol

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I haven't had time to read everyone else's responses, but here's my stab at it:


Yes, I plan the whole year, especially for science and history where it's not so "open-and-go." My lesson plans say what chapter we'll cover, what activity we'll do, and what supplemental books we will read. I blogged last week on the planning stage here.


I also make my copies during the summer and keep them all ready to go in my Rainbow Box (you can see it here).


I buy all my supplies for activities and experiments over the summer, too. I keep them in a box, all ready to go. It keeps me accountable to do the project and minimizes my excuses. ;)


I made my own planner in excel this year so I could make the boxes the sizes I wanted and arrange them differently than a regular lesson planner. I just got my Proclick in the mail today - can't wait to put together next year's planner this summer! :)


I feel like I should issue a disclaimer - This is all coming from someone who *loves* to plan! :)



:drool5: Teach me to be you!! I want to be that organized!!

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Who here really plans their year? I do, for history, at least. Well, I don't plan to the extent that I know on December 15th we'll be doing a specific chapter. However, I will create an outline with the chapters we'll read and the supplemental reading the kids will do.


Do you plan the whole year or in chunks? For history, the whole course.


Do you make all the copies of stuff you'll need at one time? I make copies of history, but the rest I do about a month in advance.


Do you buy any supplies you'll need before your year? I buy all of our school books in the Spring before I start the new school year in August. That usually carries us for the year, although, I might make another small purchase in January.


How do you decide what you will cover? I refresh my memory using WTM and also reading what people post here, but I try not to let myself get overwhelmed with the information. In the past year, I've started to feel more comfortable with trusting my instincts rather than going on recommendations of others.


Do you do a goal type thing? No - other than to make sure the kids have learned what they need to learn and have a good grasp of the information.


Do you use a planner, paper, online? I use a paper planner that I created which meets my needs - because our homeschooling weeks runs Thursday through Sunday, most planners I could purchase don't work for me.

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Who here really plans their year? Me

Do you plan the whole year or in chunks? I outline the whole year (which composers to study, what history periods) but only flesh-out per term. Planning is a treat for me so I try to spread it out.

Do you make all the copies of stuff you'll need at one time? It depends on how committed to that resource I am, I also have a laserjet at home so I can print cheaply anytime I need to.

Do you buy any supplies you'll need before your year? I stock up on paper and such. Haven't had the need to buy many art or science supplies yet. This year my science has a list per unit, so I'll probably buy one unit in advance.

How do you decide what you will cover? I have a general grade progression - mainly from Ambleside and LCC. And I look at what special stuff each kid might need.

Do you do a goal type thing? Yes, but I should write it down / define it better. I have a general idea of whats most important for them to learn.

Do you use a planner, paper, online? I tend to sketch things out on paper, and then I use open office. I've tried online planners, but they are to complicated for my needs.

Edited by mtcougar832
it posted before i finished typing
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Do you plan the whole year or in chunks? I usually only plan for 1/2 the year, but this year i'll be planning the whole year because things really do run smoother when it's all planned out


Do you make all the copies of stuff you'll need at one time? i'm going to do it by terms, again it works better when we have things ready.


Do you buy any supplies you'll need before your year? mostly just the basics


How do you decide what you will cover? I use a 4yr. cycle and bits and pieces of AO, LCC and SCM


Do you do a goal type thing? yes, I have certain things I want the kids to learn each year


Do you use a planner, paper, online? This year i'm using the SCM planner to plan my year and then i'll enter it into HSTP and print out our assignment calendars weekly. I also have the Tanglewood corebook and use that on occasion, it's wonderful by the way.






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Who here really plans their year? Me

Do you plan the whole year or in chunks? A loose overall plan - we debate so most of our spring is involved in travel and debate practice, research, tournaments, etc...

Do you make all the copies of stuff you'll need at one time? Only tests for Math and science.

Do you buy any supplies you'll need before your year? I re-stock basic items and purchase lab kits for science

How do you decide what you will cover? I look at curriculums and accept or reject the goals they set and add my own if needed.

Do you do a goal type thing? Loosely. We are in High School now so I do need to have goals - subject goals.

Do you use a planner, paper, online? I've tried it all. Right now I am using a notebook.

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