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how in the world to get your kid to drink a green smoothie?

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So, in my bent to eat healthier, we've been having smoothies for breakfast. I wanted to incorporate green smoothies for my kids...especially my oldest, who is convinced veggies are evil :glare:


However, when I made a green smoothie this morning, they acted like I had poisoned it. I made them try a sip, and they all 3 insisted it was bitter. Honestly, I couldn't tell a bit of difference in the flavor from what they normally have...it just looked different :confused:


I'm really just venting, because I know that no amount of tricks or convincing will work...sigh.

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Mine all love green smoothies, but I can't remember how I got them to drink them in the first place...


We use vanilla soy milk in ours so they end up being a little bit sweet. I find that if I put a banana or two in it neutralizes the spinach flavour :) I also put a handful of frozen berries in and a few ice cubes to make it like a milk shake.

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A blueberry smoothie is also healthy. I'd start with fruits and then add greens. It also does not have to be green. It could be orange with a bit of green thrown in. A dark blueberry smoothie can have some green in it.


Ease into it. Blues and reds, some orange from carrots are just as healthy. I'd not go whole hog right away. Start with a little.

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Ease into it. Blues and reds, some orange from carrots are just as healthy. I'd not go whole hog right away. Why start with a fight?




I agree with your kids. Green smoothies are just...ewww. I've tried several, and they DON'T taste the same.


So, if you really want them to drink green smoothies, ease into it. Make a normal smoothie and add just a leaf or two. Over time, add more leaves.

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Smoothies make nice, refreshing snacks on warm days. I also worry about lack of protein in some smoothies ( I don't do protein powders) for some kids. That's a lot sugar, natural or not, to be pumped through the blood stream first thing in the morning, and a lot of kids (me too) can't handle the sugar surge.


I often add a flavored yogurt to my smoohties. In fact, as I sit outside in FL looking at the Atlantic, I am having a smoothie with Stoney Field farm vanilla yogurt, with frozen blues and fresh strawberries. Doesn't need to be green right now. lol It's yummy. I might stop at WHole Foods and get a green juice later (the condo blender couldn't handle carrots, I am sure lol).

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I agree with your kids. Green smoothies are just...ewww. I've tried several, and they DON'T taste the same.


So, if you really want them to drink green smoothies, ease into it. Make a normal smoothie and add just a leaf or two. Over time, add more leaves.



Lol. Well, it's not a TOTAL green smoothie...I've seen some that are just...yuk! (arugala? uh..no) But seriously, when I added the spinach to what they were already drinking, it only changed the color. Or maybe my taste buds are broken?


Our typical smoothie is yogurt, wheat germ, frozen fruit, maybe some fruit juice, and splash of milk. I don't add extra sugar. And, we don't have them every day...more like every other day or so.


I didn't think about blueberries...that could 'hide' alot. I was thinking about carrots...that would probably go over ok.

Edited by Apryl H
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Well, we had green smoothies for the first time yesterday morning---my daughters drank their smoothies, I loved mine, son took one sip and proclaimed it VILE....


I made mine with frozen bananas, fresh strawberries, a couple handfuls of fresh baby spinach, and a sprinkle of cocoa powder.


I will give it another shot today when we get home from our outside classes.

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I convinced my oldest, and most vocal, child to submit to a blind taste test. I fixed two smoothies, one with strawberries and bananas and ice cubes and the other the same with added spinach. She tried both, I asked which one had the spinach, she picked the pretty pink one. Now they all love them and make them all the time. We use whatever fruit we have available, but I feel like there always needs to be a banana or two. If you add frozen bananas, it comes out just like a milk shake.

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Lol. Well, it's not a TOTAL green smoothie...I've seen some that are just...yuk! (arugala? uh..no) But seriously, when I added the spinach to what they were already drinking, it only changed the color. Or maybe my taste buds are broken?


Our typical smoothie is yogurt, wheat germ, frozen fruit, maybe some fruit juice, and splash of milk. I don't add extra sugar. And, we don't have them every day...more like every other day or so.


Since you quoted me.... :lol: Wheat germ? In a smoothie? And then you add that vile green stuff called spinach. :ack2:


Can you tell I'm picky? Would you be surprised to know that my friends tease me relentlessly for it...yet they all love my cooking.


My favorite smoothies are frozen strawberries, frozen pineapple, banana, and apple juice. We can't have dairy products here so no yogurt or milk. We can't use OJ either. If I were to try to convert myself, I would literally add one spinach leaf the first time I made it. Then add 2 spinach leaves the next time, and so on, until I reach my limit and can't stand them anymore.

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Blackberries would be another fruit to try to camoflage the green. My children will not drink anything green so I have to sneak in what I can.



Yes, to the blackberries. They really camoflage the green. My boys are used to the green, though. I use strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and/or blackberries (with banana, OJ, occasionally pineapple, and baby spinach).

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Blackberries would be another fruit to try to camoflage the green. My children will not drink anything green so I have to sneak in what I can.


:iagree:I make ours with 1 banana (for sweetness) 1C. liquid (could be juice, water, rice milk, etc.) 1C. frozen fruit (I get the big bags of frozen fuit at Costco) and 1-2 handfuls fresh spinach. If the frozen fruit does not include berries, it will come out green or mud color:tongue_smilie:. I have found blackberries to be the best for camouflaging. Add about 5 blackberries and it will magically turn a beautiful purple color.

I will also sometimes use:


*1/2tsp lemon flavored high-quality fish oil

*ground flax

*oat protein powder


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Agreeing that frozen bananas relaly add sweetness. This morning I made one with cantaloupe (but we call it rockmelon in Australia :) ) and blueberries and baby spinach. I have never used actual adult spinach- baby spinach has a milder flavour.


My son won't drink green smoothies unless I make him. And sometimes I make him and hes ok with that really- he is really in a phase of rejecting whatever I make that is healthy. I did have to train my family and some combinations they havent liked so much. My daughter asked me to make one every day for her though- she feels the are good for her.


If your desire is to get more greens into your kids, you can make a healthy chocolate smoothie and add greens to it without a change in taste.

I make one with raw chocolate powder, almond milk, coconut, honey, various healthy powder like maca, mesquite, lucuma, ...I add a handful or two of greens and no one knows.


If your desire is to get the fruit in, I agree that dark coloured berries can help. Also use lighter coloured greens.

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Yes, to the blackberries. They really camoflage the green. My boys are used to the green, though. I use strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and/or blackberries (with banana, OJ, occasionally pineapple, and baby spinach).


:iagree: Use dark berries and they won't know. I throw in at least 2 cups of spinach when I make our smoothies but with raspberries, blueberries and blackberries you cannot tell. I also put flax seed in them.

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It took me MONTHS to get past the first three sips of a green smoothie. I always drank them, but those first three sips were tough every time until recently!


If you are positive there is really no bitterness and that it's sweet enough (your first smoothies should be approx 60% fruit), then I'd tell them to tough it out. You might go down to only juice cups of it at first and afterwards they can have fruit or toast or whatever.


It is probably just buggerschnottiness because they know there are veggies in there. I had a bit of a headtrip about it the first time too. But even if it is a matter of taste, they'll get used to it shortly.


JMO, I really don't allow any sort of pickyness. If they have a genuine gripe, fix that. If not, they are kids and just like you chose homeschooling for them, you chose a good healthy start to the day for them.


Thankfully, my own children loved the idea even more than I did :)

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Look at some recipes in the books Green Smoothie Diet and Green Smoothie Revolution.
I have the Green Smoothie Revolution book. We have enjoyed every recipe we have tried so far.


Now I did trick my highly sensitive DS into trying his first green/veggie smoothie. :glare:

Last year, we had a Star Wars party and I made Yoda Sodas -- you know, lime sherbet with ginger ale.

DS still giggles about "Yoda Sodas."

So all green smoothies are Yoda Sodas. :D He drinks. He doesn't complain. All is well.


One trick: frozen bananas make the drink sweeter and creamier, in my opinion.

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