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2nd grade Science...care to share what you are using/planning??

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This is my biggest downfall in homeschooling. I get a Science, think I like it, and then switch. I have found what is working for my older son. My younger son is less interested in Science and I am not into a lot of hands on Science projects myself. Anyone care to share what you are planning to use for Science in 2nd grade and why?


(I know we have threads on what folks are using for 2nd grade, but wading through all the curric just to read the Science is proving to be way too much work tonight).:tongue_smilie:

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We're doing Elemental Science: Earth Science next year. I like that it is "open and go" and uses real books. It's a lot like Sonlight, which we're using this year...but secular. If you don't mind the religious aspect (which I'm guessing you wouldn't from your siggy), Sonlight Science is awesome too! I just don't like it's young Earth view.


Hope this helps.

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Currently using chemistry: RS4K and Elemental Science both are fairly easy, though the Elemental Science has a bit too much work for us per day... it was designed for third grade.

I would recommend that you look at Mr. Q's science. A friend of mine recommended it to me after I had already bought our chemistry stuff. She says it is the only science that gets done around her house. It has a more traditional feel. eequalsmcq.com

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Well, after lots of looking, I'm using Sonlight Science K with my kids (rated 5-7 yo, which is what I will have). I plan on using Apologia after and alternating them. We might have to skip a level in Sonlight or Apologia, but the will still get plenty of science.


Why Sonlight? I like the DVD, NEED the kit or it won't get done, and like the picture books (we aren't doing TOPS with K, but I've heard good things about them for future reference). I need my kids to learn a little about a lot of things right now. Towards the end of the year when we get to Apologia Astronomy, we can change pace and delve into a subject for a change of pace. I've decided "no kit, not gonna happen in my house!" :lol:

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I do a mix of WTM Science and CLE. For example, we follow SWB's suggestions for topics to study (i.e. animals, human body, etc. with SOW1) and check out several books from the library but then I also used CLE 200 (primarily animals) and 300 level (just those that applied to the body) books that corresponded.


Next year I'll probably do the same but I'm also interested in getting into some more experiments vs. primarily observation.

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I started to use Trivium Academy's lesson plans, but they fizzled for us (mostly because of my science-slackerishness--yes, that is a word...).

I ended up doing a nature journal from time to time with dd, and using Home Science Adventure's Microscopy kit--it was GREAT. Very easy to implement, and dd still carries the microscope around in a kit she hand-sewed one day.

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Science is my bugaboo too. :tongue_smilie:


I think that's why I just keep buying more and more science books! Not curriculum mind you--books. My younger two kids read the science books laying around here for fun. For now I'm happy with that for the youngest. I am implementing a more formal history for him first and hope to add a more structured science plan by fall.


I am loving the Usborne First Encyclopedia of_____ series for my younger. They are internet linked and we allow him to explore the links.


Elemental Science looks good to me too--and I probably already have most of the books. :D

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We are currently working through Sonlight Science 2. I love that it's a complete kit. It's expensive, but really saves time. My ds really likes the Usborne Book of Knowledge, even though I think the pages are too crowded and there's too much going on. I've looked at everything and settle for Sonlight. Elemental Science look good, but has a little too much writing for right now.


We are secular, so just edit out some of the cc.

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My daughter is 8 & in grade 2 currently. We are using Christian Liberty Press Nature Readers (Book 1 & 2).




We also love the CLP science book "God's Wonderful Works" (we love this entire series).



Lastly, we incorporate a lot of the "Let's Read & Find out" science books:






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We are going to use RSO (REAL Science Odyssey) Life. http://www.pandiapress.com/real_science.htm



I am considering this for next year, but hope I can actually see it at convention this year if I can find it there. I want to do life science with my ds because his big sister will be doing BJU Life Science online.


I really prefer a conservative view of science, but not sure I'll find just life science for his age. I'm going to be piecing together his history, so I'm not sure I want to do science, too.

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Well, my 2nd grader is using HOD's Little Hearts, so, the science is not... much. He calls it "wimpy" :D. We do it and like it but, it's "whimpy" for a 2nd grader. So, he's been sitting in on his big brother's science which is a part of a HOD guide that is at a higher grade level. He likes it alot but I don't want to require him to do... he can get up and leave if he wants to. He usually doesn't want to but sometimes he does.


So... I've played around with a couple of things for him and we have finally settled on using Usborne's Internet-Linked books. I already have many of the science titles because I used to be a consultant. We are using them in the way that the first TWTM recommended. We read either one two-page spread or two two-page spreads each day. Then, he goes to the computer and looks up the internet links. The links often have games, reproducibles, videos to watch. There are sometimes hands on activities listed in the books or in the links. He likes that he doesn't know what he'll find each day.


He also has some science kits he likes. We're working through a MythBusters one right now.

Edited by Donna T.
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So... I've played around with a couple of things for him and we have finally settled on using Usborne's Internet-Linked books. I already have many of the science titles because I used to a consultant. We are using them in the way that the first TWTM recommended.


So, it would appear in my use of these same books, that I've come full circle. I have been doing this same thing...


I've also started collecting the Internet-Linked Library of Science books--some of which are now out of print, for my older student (5th grade next year).

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I am planning to use God's Design for Heaven and Earth for my 5th grade ds, so I will use the "Beginner" readings from there for my 2nd grade dd.


I like the God's Design series because the readings are fairly consistant in length and each lesson has a hands on activity which both dc love. They are usually fairly easy to do and we skip some when they are too involved or our week just gets crazy.


Good luck finding what works for you.

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Someone here mentioned that Pandia Press (Real Science Odyssey) has free samples now. I printed out some of their chemistry and some of their biology. It is so helpful to see it as it seems so much more doable to me now. Ds (4th this year) loved the chemistry that we did with the sample. Also--unbelievably--he hates all kinds of writing and copywork, he wrote and wrote willingly on the lab page.


I'm not sure about the other programs, but biology or earth science look good for second.


I had been planning to use Elemental Science for next year which looks simple and wonderful too.



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I will be following the recommendations of TWTM and doing Earth Science/Space. I just got Usborne Something Something of the Earth (sorry, brain fade) and it looks good. I was a science teacher in my past life (jr. high science) and I love teaching it, but it's hard in the early elementary years for me to do. So, we're going to try it this way. We did A Beka Science this year and the boys kind of liked it, but I hated it. So, that's the plan for this year.

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I know you have made your selection. Just chiming in too. We did it the WTM way this year. So far so good. I do pull worksheets from Rod and Staff Patterns of Nature every now and then that go with our topic. Yesterday was the moon, for example. We read from the Usborne Encyclopedia, read the Moon Book by Gail Gibbons, and then did the worksheets from R&S instead of notebooking yesterday. Other days we will do an experiment from the library book if it has one, and dd will do a diagram and journal page for her notebook. She did add to the R&S coloring sheet the phases of the moon, and the definitions of waxing and waning too.. So I guess it is still notebooking :)


DDs like doing science this way, and I love the books we find to go with the subjects at the library.

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We decided to go with Elemental Science Biology and now, with it all in my hands, I am so glad we did! It looks great. Biology was one of my favorites in school, so this should be a fun year. My older son will be doing Biology with HOD's CTC (Apologia as the spine), so that is good too. I struggle to do different kinds of science/history with the kids.

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