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Twilight New Moon and DH

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I'm just musing aloud here. I love the Twilight book series. The movie Twilight was ok and I liked New Moon a lot.


I finally bought Twilight on dvd and have been watching it non-stop for the past week. It's ridiculous. There's a tv in the kitchen, and I just keep the movie rolling. I've been enjoying myself completely. I must have seen it 8 times this week already.


On March 20th, New Moon is coming out, and I'll buy it and probably watch it obsessively as well.


Here's my muse. I was going to ask DH to watch Twilight with me. I was going to fill him in on some of the back story so that he can appreciate the movie. (Like when we first see Edward, he's listening in on Jessica and Bella's conversation and then he stares at Bella with a confused look because he can't read Bella's mind. If you don't know that Edward has super-good hearing and can read minds, you won't understand all the facial expressions. But if you know that part of the back story, then Edward's odd facial expressions make sense and add depth to the scene.)


Am I setting myself up for disappointment? DH isn't a romantic guy. He doesn't really care either way about romantic movies.


I really want to watch it with him, because it's something I enjoy so much. But if he really hates the movie, I'll probably be horribly disappointed.


I guess I'm not really asking anything, because I'm going to ask him to watch the movie with me tomorrow...but I'm just musing if I'm going to be disappointed.


Oh well. I guess I'll just have to be a mature grown-up and not let it get to me if he doesn't enjoy it with me. I just watch the silly thing so much and I'm married to this man and wanted to share the story with him, since I've fallen in love with the story.


Am I making any sense? Have any of you shared something with your spouse that you enjoy and they just didn't get it? Did you feel embarrassed or rejected?I don't always open up easily , and when dh doesn't like things I do like, I tend to feel embarrassed. Like maybe my taste is bad or something. (Though dh is always gracious. It's just an insecurity I have.)

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DD and I "forced" Dh into watching Twilight with us. He made jokes throughout the whole movie and sucked any "romance" from the storyline. It was actually more fun watching it with him and have him make fun of it, than the first time we saw it in the theater. :)


If you watch the movie objectively...it's just awful. I read the books, and I *get* the reason why so many were smitten with the storyline, but the movie is just so...silly. Don't take it so seriously, and don't get too upset if your Dh looks at you like you have three heads when Edward steps into the sun for the first time.

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DD and I "forced" Dh into watching Twilight with us. He made jokes throughout the whole movie and sucked any "romance" from the storyline. It was actually more fun watching it with him and have him make fun of it, than the first time we saw it in the theater. :)


If you watch the movie objectively...it's just awful. I read the books, and I *get* the reason why so many were smitten with the storyline, but the movie is just so...silly. Don't take it so seriously, and don't get too upset if your Dh looks at you like you have three heads when Edward steps into the sun for the first time.


Your post made me laugh. You're right, of course! The first time I saw Twilight, when it first came out, I thought it was really bad. It's just grown on me, so I don't see the flaws as much. Dh did already look at me kind of funny when he saw the baseball scene the other day.


Maybe I should just enjoy the movie on my own.

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My dh just wouldn't get it. A month or so ago, Twilight was playing on one of our free movie channels. I was sick in bed and watched it maybe 10 times in one weekend. By Monday, I just loved that movie! I share my Twilight obsession with my friends. Dh just isn't into it. Although, he thinks it's cute that I'm so crazy for that story. We don't usually enjoy the same movies but every once in awhile he suprises me. He loved Julie and Julia for instance and I really didn't think he would.

Isn't in funny that even with our husbands we still worry about being embarrassed? I'm the same way. I don't want him to think I'm a weirdo, even though he knows I am! :)

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I find it hard to imagine that any man who hasn't read the books and doesn't enjoy romance movies would like this movie. It really doesn't have much going for it unless you're a fan of the books. (And probably not even then for most people.) So if it's important to you not to have something you love trash-talked, or even giggled at, by someone else, then I say choose another film to share with your husband.


As for sharing with a husband that doesn't have the same tastes... happens all the time, here! If I needed my husband to like the things I like, or not make fun of me for them for that matter, then I probably shouldn't have married him. lol! But I like his dark sense of humour, even when it's at my expense, and really couldn't care less that he thinks my tastes odd. He appreciates it when I have something I love, and that's what matters to me; I don't need him to love it too.

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Dh does not share the obsession, but that's okay.


I met this total stranger at my niece birthday party and she had the Eclipse book with her. She shared with me why there are different directors for each of the movies: 1. because they want a different perspective on each movie eg. the clothes are very casual in Twilight and quite formal in New Moon and 2. because they want the movies to come out quickly and they can be shot concurrently with different directors.


I shared with her the Midnight Sun (Edward's version of Twilight) on Stephanie Meyer's website. I had so much fun discussing the series with this lady. She invited me to go with her to see Eclipse when it comes out in June - said her husband doesn't want to go. I don't even remember her name now - lol :-)




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My dh will watch it with me but I have to allow for sarcastic remarks but then I watch all the Star Wars/Star Trek (and seriously, many of the star Trek movies are awful) and he has to allow for my sarcastic comments. Like, "Really? Two whales are going save the future earth from total destruction? Who wrote this plot? Greenpeace?" :001_huh:(No offense meant to Greenpeace but in a Star Trek movie? Come on.)


We enjoy the time spent together and being able to enjoy each others obsessions.

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My dh was a good sport and read the series after I did. His reaction was basically - :001_rolleyes::lol::ack2:. He also went with me to the movies for the 2nd movie (I waited til the first one was out on video to watch) and refrained from making obnoxious comments throughout - but it was difficult for him. :lol: Of course, during certain parts of the movie, both of us were the ones in the theater laughing out loud at parts that probably weren't meant to BE funny. We had a few dirty looks aimed our way. lol (and I liked the movies, but ... parts of them ARE funny! lol)


I'd say if his not liking it will disappoint you or leave you feeling bummed - then don't bring him in to it. Just enjoy it on your own. If you'd enjoy the company and can allow room for a few sarcastic comments aimed in Edward's direction (such as: "painted on abs - seriously?!?") - then go for it! :)

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Dh was the one who brought Twilight home for us to watch. He is a big vampire movie guy. I watched it grudgingly and it was ok. Then dd wanted me to preview the book for her, so I got it out of the library...and was hooked. Read them all, barely came up for air :D Asked dh to bring the movie home again AFTER telling him I didn't like that kind of stuff and he laughed at me. He went with me to see New Moon just last week. He says he'll never read the books and the movies are not the best quality but he likes vampires. He'll go with me to see Eclipse this summer, no problem.

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There are plenty of things that I enjoy that dh doesn't and vice versa. Plenty of things where we see eye-to-eye (or nearly so) and share similar tastes too! But dh doesn't take offense that I couldn't possibly care less about digital cameras and I don't read the books he has written, and I don't take offense that he has no interest in Broadway musicals (and in fact dislikes them pretty intensely) and things like that... Sometimes we sacrifice for each other. :) Dh went out of his way to buy tickets to Wicked for one of the kids' birthdays, and we all went as a family. I'll sit with dh while he plays a video game for "research", if I can stand it. But we don't have to *enjoy* exactly the same things. It doesn't mean we love or respect each other less.


And personally? Something that I really loved and that meant a lot to me *and* that I was pretty sure dh wouldn't enjoy or "get" at all? I'd skip the sharing. Enjoy it on your own (sounds like you are!). But find something else to do with him. Something you'll both enjoy more.


Also, if he did watch the movie, I wouldn't offer a running commentary! The mind-reading and all that gets explained eventually, and it's pretty universally considered annoying to have to listen to someone else's thoughts and explanations of a movie while watching! ;)

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DD and I "forced" Dh into watching Twilight with us. He made jokes throughout the whole movie and sucked any "romance" from the storyline. It was actually more fun watching it with him and have him make fun of it, than the first time we saw it in the theater. :).


I'll bet it improved the movie significantly. ;)


My 16 yo son and another guy had been giving some Twilight obsessed friends grief for months. When New Moon came out, they fixed him. They bought him a ticket and dragged him along. :D:auto:

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DH looooves vampire movies, but really had no interest in the movie. My sister, bless her heart, sent me Twilight, the Deluxe Edition, for Mother's Day :rolleyes:. Because she thought it was fabulous and I must love it as much as her. Well, we watched it, and as soon as Edward starting sparkling, glittering, whatever--he was shocked silent. He will never forgive Meyers for mangling vampire lore so badly.

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DH looooves vampire movies, but really had no interest in the movie. My sister, bless her heart, sent me Twilight, the Deluxe Edition, for Mother's Day :rolleyes:. Because she thought it was fabulous and I must love it as much as her. Well, we watched it, and as soon as Edward starting sparkling, glittering, whatever--he was shocked silent. He will never forgive Meyers for mangling vampire lore so badly.


I can't really get on board with the sparkling either.

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I love the series but can't really take the movies seriously. Twilight was so campy and some of the scenes were hilarious when they really shouldn't have been. But I still love it! Dh saw it with me and thought it was a little silly but he liked it. And he liked New Moon as well. My brother liked both movies too. Both of them aren't your typical "manly men" though, dh is fine watching romantic comedies with me (although I think he has had his share of Pride and Prejudice by now), and he thought both movies were fun. He liked New Moon much better than Twilight, it really is a more polished movie.


So, my vote is to watch it with him but go in with low expectations. :D

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The sparkling effect in Twilight was so bad! Have you watched the commentary? Even Rob Pattinson was making fun of himself, saying that he just looked sweaty. :lol:


I haven't seen the movie. I did read the books though.


People won't watch the movie with me cause I tend to laugh hysterically and people are trying to be all "in the movie" and it is harder when I am laughing.


They won't even give me a chance!


I might have to watch it with dh but if we are both laughing we won't hear anything. Our sense of humor is just wrong for this sort of thing.

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I LOVED the books...like obsessively LOVED the books. Twilight as a movie just sucked. If I hadn't read the books, that movie would have made me swear them off forever! LOL I did love New Moon the movie, though. It was SO MUCH BETTER...and sad to say, I was such an Edward fan in the books, but on screen, Taylor Lautner totally out does good ol' Rob Pattinson in every.single.way. :) I am team Taylor!


My dh refuses to watch the movies OR read the books. "You go ahead, honey," he says. LOL

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Am I setting myself up for disappointment?




I haven't read the books, but I watched the movie with my 15 year old. It is the single worst movie I have ever seen. It knocked The Three Amigos from it's 23-year reign as Worst Movie Ever.


I can't imagine any guy would ever like that movie. Ever.


(Sorry to be so blunt.)



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I haven't read the books, but I watched the movie with my 15 year old. It is the single worst movie I have ever seen. It knocked The Three Amigos from it's 23-year reign as Worst Movie Ever.


I can't imagine any guy would ever like that movie. Ever.


(Sorry to be so blunt.)







Tara, you crack me up :D



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I haven't read the books, but I watched the movie with my 15 year old. It is the single worst movie I have ever seen. It knocked The Three Amigos from it's 23-year reign as Worst Movie Ever.


I can't imagine any guy would ever like that movie. Ever.


(Sorry to be so blunt.)




Hey I kind of liked The Three Amigos. :lol:

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I haven't read the books, but I watched the movie with my 15 year old. It is the single worst movie I have ever seen. It knocked The Three Amigos from it's 23-year reign as Worst Movie Ever.


I can't imagine any guy would ever like that movie. Ever.


(Sorry to be so blunt.)




I loved The Three Amigos. Of course I haven't seen it in about 23 years...

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I can't really get on board with the sparkling either.

I like the way I picture the sparkling in my head but I didn't like they way they did it in the movie.



I brought Twilight home from Redbox one night and DH watched it with me. I thought the movie was pretty bad and thought it must be awful if you haven't read the book(s) but DH said it was "not too bad".

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I find it hard to imagine that any man who hasn't read the books and doesn't enjoy romance movies would like this movie. It really doesn't have much going for it unless you're a fan of the books.


:iagree: I guess my DH is in the vast minority among men. ;) He read the enitire series (all 4 books) and he has watched both movies with me. We thought Twilight the movie left something to be desired but New Moon was MUCH better.


It was really nice being able to share this with him. He actually enjoyed the series. He didn't think it was heart stopping but at least he was able to enjoy it along with me. It made watching the movies together enjoyable because we both "got it" since we had both read the series.


We can't wait until Eclipse comes out. We both agree that if done right this has the potential of being the best movie of all. In our opinion it was the best book of the 4.


It is so nice having a hubby you can share "everything" with. ;) I've always known he was my soul mate and his enjoyment with the Twilight series proves just that. :tongue_smilie: I honestly can't think of anything that we don't enjoy together. He's okay with romance movies and I'm on board with action and horror films. It really is a balanced match. :D

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Well, I am glad to see so many Twilight reading adults. Dh went to see New Moon with me in the theaters. After it was over we walked out, he turned me around so that we were standing against the wall and could watch everyone else walk out. He said something like, "Ok, now look at your peers," and pretty much the only other people there were 12 year old girls. :blushing: (It sounds like my husband was being mean here, but he wasn't. We shared a laugh.) Anyway, I *knew* I wasn't the only adult reading and watching this.


I love the books and have read them all twice... so far. I think the Twilight movie was awful, but I'm willing to watch it because it's better than no Twilight at all when I get a craving. New Moon was better, I think. My husband said New Moon wasn't bad and he will probably watch the last two with me when they come out.

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Guest janainaz

Dh and I have a date night on Saturday night where we watch a movie in our room and the boys watch one of their own in the living room. I made dh watch Twilight with me when it came out on DVD (I've read all the books and love them). I made him watch it with me again a few weeks ago. He does not love or care about the story, but I know he loves me and suffers through it. He makes jokes about coming home wearing white makeup for me! I just laugh.


If you had a man that got really into Twilight, you might think he's a little bit weird. Just be grateful if he'll even watch it with you and don't expect much! I fill my husband in on all the details and he humors me in my clear excitement about all of it! :D

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I wouldn't take it too seriously if your dh doesn't like the movie. Think of it as a learning experience, for you! You will learn whether your dh likes this kind of movie.


I also wouldn't tell him any of the plot or nuances ahead of time. Let things unfold the way they were designed to. If he notices the look of confusion, he may wonder, "What was that about?" Let him wait a bit, and figure it out. It may be the very thing that draws him in. If you spoil it, he may get bored or prematurely critical.

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Wait until the movies come out on Riff Trax. That's the only way I'll watch them, much less dh. LOL I think there are plenty of women who don't find the Twilight stories or characters romantic so imagine how much a man would have to bite his tongue (off?) during the movies!




My kids loved that scene (from the Rifftrax version) where Edward is running through the woods with Bella on his back, the theme song from The Benny Hill Show is playing in the background. :lol: We only saw the preview, but if we ever see it at home, it's the Rifftrax one we'll be watching.


I can't imagine any man actually liking the books or the movies.

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Ok--you guys have me laughing at your responses.


I thought Twilight was a horrible movie when I first saw it, until I watched it non-stop this week and now I'm in love with it. I guess my dh won't be in love with it unless I make him watch it 10 times. That's not gonna happen!


Sigh. I'm still not sure if I should make him watch it or not. He's really funny (at least I think so.) Maybe I should just let him watch it and make fun of it and we can enjoying laughing at it.


We laughed until we cried when we watched The Day After Tomorrow together. It was just so bad that it was hilarious.


I won't go into this expecting him to like it. We'll just have fun watching. Thanks for the responses.

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...It is the single worst movie I have ever seen. It knocked The Three Amigos from it's 23-year reign as Worst Movie Ever....

You need to get out more. ;) Solaris, The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, Addicted to Love, Alexander... I could come up with many more, given the opportunity. ;) Oooh, how about The Seeker?!? It manages to be a Dreadful Movie and a deep betrayal of one of my favorite childhood books! (The Dark is Rising)


I totally agree with you about *not* making a dh watch Twilight. I just think if it's *really* the worst you've ever seen, you've had singular good luck in not being subjected to one of the many, many worse movies out there!

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My kids loved that scene (from the Rifftrax version) where Edward is running through the woods with Bella on his back, the theme song from The Benny Hill Show is playing in the background. :lol: We only saw the preview, but if we ever see it at home, it's the Rifftrax one we'll be watching.


I had to look this up, even my teen said she thought it was better than the movie. :lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFSn5rs70Rc


I can't imagine any man actually liking the books or the movies.



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I haven't read the books, but I watched the movie with my 15 year old. It is the single worst movie I have ever seen. It knocked The Three Amigos from it's 23-year reign as Worst Movie Ever.


In that case....May I suggest "Reckless" with Mia Farrow?


That's my top pick for worst movie ever.

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Eh, just be brave and watch it!!! And let me know when you do! ;) (Don't be put off by the fact that it has ONLY 5 star reviews on Amazon.)


...I think it's the idea that it took 23 years for The Three Amigos to be de-throned.

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