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Join a gym or buy a tredmill?

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I'm not sure what to do! Ok a little back ground. I am a mom to 10 kids ages 12 and younger. To go to the gym I will have to be there when it opens at 5 and be home by 7 am.(so hubby can go to work) I won't be able to go when he gets home because it won't be till 9 at night. But my workout will be done and out of the way for the day.Or is it better to get a treadmill and some videos and workout at home? I would like to lose 80 Lbs what would be the better choice?

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It depends. Have you tried getting that 30 Day Shred video that everyone keeps talking about? I've had a treadmill and a gym membership. When you get tired of the gym you're wasting money. But a treadmill is always there waiting for you to come back to it, and it's not weather dependent. On the other hand, I do more videos than anything else.


If you have from 5-7 why don't you try going for a jog in the morning? With a two hour window you might get more out of doing a work out that didn't have to include driving time...

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How far is the gym? If it is less than 15 minutes - go to the gym! It is a great break for you to be out of the house and have the much needed time to concentrate on yourself. If the gym is longer than 15 minutes forget it! Get a treadmill and any other thing that will help motivate you to exercise. When would you exercise if it was at home?

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5-7am would be a deal-breaker for me. I am not a morning person at all. Having to get up at 6:45am on Tuesdays and Thursdays last semester to get my oldest dd to her cc classes nearly killed me.


It's not a big deal if you're a morning person though.


I find it difficult to keep myself motivated to exercise at home. If I don't go to the gym, I don't exercise. I wouldn't manage to do it without going to the gym.


If I happened to have a treadmill where I could set it up in front of the tv and do it while watching tv, I might be able to get myself to do it, but I can envision using it to hang sweaters and coats on rather than exercising on it.


I go to the gym 4x/week. My gym is less than 10 minutes away and costs just $20/month.

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I've been debating this myself and decided to go with the treadmill. I would have to go to the gym with my kids (if during the day) or at 5am (not a morning person) or after 8pm (ready to veg out) without the kids. And then just the act of going would be at least an hour (drive there, park, workout, come home). Whereas I could use the treadmill for a half hour or so at home before the kids get up but still sleep in! Then come the snowy days or any other excuse days not to go out... Using the treadmill is not dependent on anything or anyone, but me.


Good luck to you!

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Personally, there is no way that I could dedicate the time to getting up, getting dressed, getting out the door, driving to the gym, working out, coming home, showering, etc. I just know that I could not commit to actually going somewhere to exercise.


I have a treadmill and an exercise bike. About every 6 months or so, we switch them out (storing the other one in the garage). I ride that and do some other exercises as well (crunches, push ups, hand weights, stretches, leg lifts, etc). I do this 5 or 6 days a week. It works for me.


A gym would be awesome to use, but I just know I would not be able to commit to leaving the house to do it. Now if it were next door to my house, then maybe LOL.

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The whole reason we finally broke down and bought a treadmill is because I can't easily fit exercise into my daily life considering our family and schedule. My dh works unpredictable hours, days, etc. I can't count on being able to get out of the house to go to a gym or to run. I love my treadmill so far...we got it for Christmas and I am starting week 5 of Couch to 5k. I would go so far as to say that it is revolutionizing the way I view exercise. :001_smile:


If I had to rely on getting to the gym...well, it just wouldn't happen.

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I'm also going to vote for treadmill. I've lost a good amount of weight by using a treadmill, set of adjustable dumbbells, and an exercise ball. It just doesn't fit into my homeschooling schedule to go to a gym, plus i'd have to take my son with me. My son also likes to walk on it.. he's been doing it every morning while watching some TV LOL.


But the bottom line is.. the best thing is whatever you will stick with and whatever works into your schedule/lifestyle the best.

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Gym. Home exercise equipment becomes laundry storage in most homes. I love going to the gym. It's my time. No one interrupts me with diapers, quabbles, questions, etc. Classes motivate me to work way harder than I would at home, too.


That's what ours turned into :blushing:. I am also using the Couch to 5K program. If you live in an area that has poor weather right now, but might be nice to run/walk during the other seasons, then maybe try the treadmill with the goal for getting outside. If you have weight to lose though, you really need diet and exercise to see results.

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For me, I sweat, so I need a cool place to exercise, and I need to take a bath or shower right afterwards. That means first thing in the morning or last thing at night or it doesn't happen.


I don't like an audience when I'm exercising, and I don't like to be self-conscious. I am not motivated by having an exercise buddy. I don't really want to talk and exercise at the same time most of the time. I prefer to read so as to forget that exercise is actually in progress.


So for me, the exercise that I stuck with the longest was an el cheapo exercise bike that I planted in the living room, with convenient book-friendly handlebars. It was light enough that I could move it outside if I wanted to. I also invested in some handweights and ankle weights and did Smart Women Stay Young, with careful attention to form. For a while I tried Couch Potato to 5 K, but although I really enjoyed it, and despite the fact that I bought a light waterproof shell to wear in the rain, once the rainy season started I stopped doing it and I never really started up again. Actually, it wasn't the rain itself that was a problem. It was that I was really afraid that I would slip and fall out in the neighborhood, and really hurt myself. I'm pretty overweight, and that is a distinct possibility.


So all in all, between your two choices I would personally pick the treadmill.


Having said that, some of my friends MUST exercise with a buddy. Or they want to use weight machines instead of hand weights. Or they want people around in general when they are exercising, or loud music, or a warm, humid environment as gyms tend to have. Those people would be better served by picking a gym. There is also the guilt factor--if you're seeing a monthly bill for gym fees, you might be more likely to go use it.


Know thyself!

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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Gym. It's my time. I bought an Ipod with my Christmas money from MIL, and loaded it with great music and some audio-books. I always feel great and it sets the tone for my day. I have to say that I love my sleep too, but after a few weeks of forcing myself to go to bed at 9pm (the latest) then getting to the gym for 5:15 when the doors opened was not a big deal at all. On days when it's MINUS 50 outside and pitch black, and I just want to stay in bed... well, that's where I turn my brain off and just get to the gym anyway. Everything is all set at the door so I just change and GO. Once I'm there it's no problem. The atmosphere is energizing and my Ipod is great company. Not as great as StrawberryQueen... but I'm still hopeful that she'll renew her gym membership. ;) She was an awesome workout buddy.

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I could never do an early morning workout....ever. So, I vote treadmill. In fact, we bought a recumbent bike last month and it is so nice to jump on it when I feel like it, watch some TV, and then jump right in the shower. So, I do that along with my videos (currently doing 30 Day Shred....that is one serious workout:001_smile:). But, i've never been a gym person so this is totally biased.

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Whatever you decide just remember it's mostly diet that helps you lose weight (my trainer says 80% diet.) I go to the gym, I do c25K, WiiFit, exercise videos, etc. I exercise on average 2 hours a day, but I don't lose much (if anything :glare:) when I'm not tracking my food intake.

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buy a treadmill.


If possible make it so that you have some special program that you can only watch will walking. It gives you more incentive.


With a gym you do have the get away from home advantage. A gym member can change into a guilty feeling when you stop using it.


At least with a treadmill you can sell it and recoup some money.

Edited by OrganicAnn
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I love the gym but I honestly do not know that I could make a habit of 5am. I too had the personal dilimma of whether or not to purchase an expensive treadmill or get a gym membership. I opted to outfit my home with tons of workout options (little by little). If I get a late start, have a cramped schedule, or one of the kids doesn't feel well I do not have to worry about leaving home. Yes, it can be less motivating than working out in a gym but you have to be pretty motivated to get up at am too:001_smile:


I have a high quality treadmill at home. It cost around $3000. It is very worth the investment. Less expensive treadmills are very unstable and loud.


I also recommend the Firm workouts. You can probably get them used. It is a great way to introduce some light weight training if you are not used to that. I can email you my top picks if you'd like.


We actually have a fully functional home gym (weights, benches, etc) and I use it 3 times a week but the Firm is a good place to start to get some strength training in. Muscle burns more calories.


Best wishes in your search,


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Treadmill.....want mine? It is buried in the garage somewhere.


I vote gym. We just joined the YMCA. Do you have one near you? It is $45 per month for the whole family with no contract. I would find a gym with no contract involved and give it a try. It is also a great way to carve out some "me" time and when I go I always come back home refreshed.





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if you are more likely to get up at 5 am and go to the gym, or more likely to exercise with 10 children under 12 needing you.


I have a gym membership, and I like it because I can change my workout up all the time. I ride the exercise bike, do the elliptical, hike on the treadmill. Somedays I will do all three as hard as I can, for only 5 minutes each. They gym also has weights and machines, and I am a firm (HA HA) believer in strength training for women. I feel so much better since I began weight training. It increases your metabolism, increases strength (obviously), and helps slow down the inevitable aging process.


If you go with the treadmill at home, I highly recommend checking out The Women's Home Workout Bible. He has workouts for every budget, and you could get a good workout with a stability ball and resistance bands. He shows how to do each exercise, tells what the exercise targets, and even discusses treadmills and other big equipment.


Also remember that diet is important. Lean proteins, whole grains, fruits and veggies.


Good luck and may you find a system that works for you! :001_smile:

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