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LOST - So what did you think? (Caution may contain spoilers.)

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Wow! My head is spinning here. I not sure I like what they did but all the stuff that is happening on island, Wow! Is it possible that the one person who died and is no longer dead is the other person who died? And how the heck are they going to reintegrate everyone?


I totally thought that too, though with this show, you just never know! We were blown away. I can't wait to see how it all plays out.

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I'm completely lost!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:


So what is going on? Is it a parallel universe or not? There were a lot of differences on the plane. In the original episode, Jack comforted Rose on the plane -- not the other way around. It makes sense that Desmond could possibly be on the plane if the island blew up, but where was Shannon? The island being destroyed wouldn't have affected her relationship enough to stay wherever she was staying. And where was Desmond when the plane landed? What was up with the cut on Jack's neck?


Gah! I thought we were supposed to get answers this season, but instead they just piled on a ton of questions.


I still love it though!

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Interesting how their live remain entangled, even in the "real" world. When they were showing everyone on the plane, there was one person conspicuously missing. And then bam, that person appeared in the taxi.


I'm going to have to find that Last Supper picture again and study it some more.



I am sorry what is the last supper picture?? Did I miss something somewhere?

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There were a lot of differences on the plane. In the original episode, Jack comforted Rose on the plane -- not the other way around. It makes sense that Desmond could possibly be on the plane if the island blew up, but where was Shannon? The island being destroyed wouldn't have affected her relationship enough to stay wherever she was staying. And where was Desmond!



Other diffs:


Hurley said, "I'm the luckiest guy in the world. Nothing bad ever happens to me..."


Jack's hair looked....odd. He was graying, and his face was very lined.


The disappearance of Jack's Dad is very interesting to me.


Locke was also very peaceful, self confident and resigned to his wheel-chair fate. He didn't seem to be the anxious, nervous, self-doubting pre-original crash Locke. He also said his (oh, what word did he use? condition?) was irreversible, almost as if his paralysis were the result of a disease, and not an accident.


Sun didn't speak English, or if she did, didn't admit to it even when he was hauled away. If she were scared of him, she would've spoken up, I think, to get away from him (wasn't she trying to flee from him originally?). She seemed supportive of, and worried for Jin at customs, not scared of him.


One thing was the same, though: Charlie was still an addict :(


Oh brother, I need to go to bed!

Edited by BikeBookBread
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It's a pretty amazing show!

One question I have: if the idland is on the bottom of the ocean' date=' how are the losties ON the island?[/quote']


WHEN was that, though? The statue was broken, so it was post-bomb sometime, I would have to presume.


So many questions! I wonder if Sayid is now Jacob?


Oooh, interesting idea.

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A couple of weeks ago, two promo photos were released. They've been discussed to death on the web...tons of clues are hidden. There was even a thread about them.


These seem to make even less sense now. It would seem that the Man in Black is not the savior.Unless it is supposed to a before and after of when they found out his true nature.

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Was that the real Boone?


I'm not sure what to think of everything either, but at least it appears that on the island everyone is in the same year now. So hopefully Sun and Jin will be reunited soon.


It was the real Boone but Shannon was missing. It think Claire was on the plane they just didn't actually show her on it but we are supposed to get that from her being there in the taxi.

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Interesting how their live remain entangled, even in the "real" world. When they were showing everyone on the plane, there was one person conspicuously missing. And then bam, that person appeared in the taxi.


I'm going to have to find that Last Supper picture again and study it some more.


Shannon, Michael and Walt were not on the plane. As I stated in pp, I think Claire was on the plane even though they didn't actually show that I think we were supposed to get that from her being in the taxi.

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Yeah--has to be post bomb. All this smacks of parallel universes....and I am just at a loss as to how it will all be knit together.

Something HAD to have happened with the bomb! I was just hoping Juliet was going to live' date=' however it went down.[/quote']


I think that Juliet had to die because she is currently staring in V on ABC and couldn't shoot shows at the same time. That was a heart breaking scene though and I so wish she could have lived.


I don't think Charlie or Penny will be making many appearances either as they both are also in FLash Forward. I hope they don't kill of Penny though but instead somehow give her and Desmond a happy ending.

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I don't understand why -- parallel timeline or not -- Desmond was on the plane! He wasn't on the plane in the first place. He was in the hatch, pushing the button.


Many, many questions...but it made for interesting viewing! :lurk5:


I am not sure that Desmond was really there because he disappeared and Jack couldn't find him again after looking around.


Did you notice that all of our survivors made contact with at least one other of the survivors as if they were supposed to meet.

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Other diffs:


Hurley said, "I'm the luckiest guy in the world. Nothing bad ever happens to me..."


Jack's hair looked....odd. He was graying, and his face was very lined.


The disappearance of Jack's Dad is very interesting to me.


Locke was also very peaceful, self confident and resigned to his wheel-chair fate. He didn't seem to be the anxious, nervous, self-doubting pre-original crash Locke. He also said his (oh, what word did he use? condition?) was irreversible, almost as if his paralysis were the result of a disease, and not an accident.


Sun didn't speak English, or if she did, didn't admit to it even when he was hauled away. If she were scared of him, she would've spoken up, I think, to get away from him (wasn't she trying to flee from him originally?). She seemed supportive of, and worried for Jin at customs, not scared of him.


One thing was the same, though: Charlie was still an addict :(


Oh brother, I need to go to bed!


I was shocked about Hurley as well because his bad lcuk started way before that flight.


Jack makes sense as he is still grieving and trying to deal with his father probably on little sleep. The fact that Christian is missing is certainly interesting.


Yes, the difference in Locke is strange. Did he actually go on the walk about as he said or was he lying?


I would think that Sun still spoke English only se was iding the fact.


Makes sense that Charlie was still an addict but not that he swallowed the herion. He orginally flushed it. But he did say that he was supposed to die meaning that even in the AR it was his destiny.

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Why the ash around the cabin? It supposedly keeps the smoke monster out but from what I understand the man in black couldn't directly harm Jacob so why did he need protecting from Smokey (who appears to be the man in black). And do the rules of them not being able to harm each other play into the same rules regarding Ben & Charles.


Where is Daniel? He was there in 1977 but not in 2007 after the bomb exploded.

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Boone said that he had gone to Australia to try to convince someone to give up a bad relationship but they wouldn't--I think he was talking about Shannon. She wasn't on the plane because she didn't give up the relationship this time.


The ash around the temple was used to keep out the man in black--("Flocke--fake Locke"). It would've worked in Jacob's house with the guys who came in, but Smokey (who is Flocke, too) knocked the rock off the wall, which hit the guy and pushed him out of the ash circle.

But remember--there was an ash circle outside of Jacob's cabin--I always thought that was to keep Jacob in, but just realized perhaps that was to keep Man in Black out! hmmm...


How did Juliet know "It worked" which were her last "intended" words to James (Miles told him, if you remember)?


I thought it was very interesting. IDK about Jacob now being Sayid--maybe!


Oh, and dead is dead, as they say on LOST> so Charlie was supposed to die? Juliet did die? I don't really get it.

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My husband and I LOVE Lost, it is seriously the best show ever made! We are excited to see how it all wraps up.


Did anyone else think the children in the temple where the children from the plane??? They never explained what happened to the children from the tail section from way back in season 1 (or 2). Also, what was with the stewardess being at the temple???

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I'm sad about Juliet. I also had that the thought that Sayid is actually Jacob, but I would miss the "real" Sayid.


I think the characters in the AR (where the plane did not crash) are going to end up being involved in each other's lives. Kate and Claire, Jack and Locke, Hurley and Sawyer... (Anybody else think Sawyer is going to try to con Hurley?) We will probably see even more overlapping as the season progresses.

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My husband and I LOVE Lost, it is seriously the best show ever made! We are excited to see how it all wraps up.


Did anyone else think the children in the temple where the children from the plane??? They never explained what happened to the children from the tail section from way back in season 1 (or 2). Also, what was with the stewardess being at the temple???


Tere current timeline is now 2007 so the plane crashed on the island 3 years ago. She said that our survivors were on that plane with her and that it was the same children only they had grown in three years time.

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It was a very interesting episode! So much for answers....there are even more questions now.


Island under water? Hurley, "No way man, nothing bad ever happens to me." Sayid coming back from the dead......or Jacob taking over his body....Jacob DID send Hurley there with Sayid to be "fixed." The MIB is the smoke monster? The parallels of good and evil are very interesting. Jacob and MIB.......God and Satan.....or Jacob and Esau......lots to think about.


How are they going to explain this parallel universe thing....that is so confusing. Why would everything be different if what Daniel said last season is true...."Whatever happened, happened."

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Boone said that he had gone to Australia to try to convince someone to give up a bad relationship but they wouldn't--I think he was talking about Shannon. She wasn't on the plane because she didn't give up the relationship this time.


I was just wondering why the change because she made the decision to fly back with him before the cahnge due to the plane crash.


The ash around the temple was used to keep out the man in black--("Flocke--fake Locke"). It would've worked in Jacob's house with the guys who came in, but Smokey (who is Flocke, too) knocked the rock off the wall, which hit the guy and pushed him out of the ash circle.

But remember--there was an ash circle outside of Jacob's cabin--I always thought that was to keep Jacob in, but just realized perhaps that was to keep Man in Black out! hmmm...


Why did Jacob need to keep out the man in black when he could not directly hurt Jacob?


How did Juliet know "It worked" which were her last "intended" words to James (Miles told him, if you remember)?


I am assuming because she may have already been dead and terefore able to give him information she might otherwise not have.


I thought it was very interesting. IDK about Jacob now being Sayid--maybe!


Oh, and dead is dead, as they say on LOST> so Charlie was supposed to die? Juliet did die? I don't really get it.


AS far as Sayid, it certainly seems possible and I don't know about Juliet because she would have been on island in 2007 in both realities. So maybe one of her died and the other is still alive?



Definitely got the brain gears working trying to figure things out. Hubby and I will watch it on-line again tonight.

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Something else......wgat's the deal with Richard? Was he a slave on the Black Rock.....MIB as Locke said something to him about being out of his chains...which means he was a slave. Also, some people call him Ricardus....so maybe he goes further back than the Black Rock.

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Something else......wgat's the deal with Richard? Was he a slave on the Black Rock.....MIB as Locke said something to him about being out of his chains...which means he was a slave. Also, some people call him Ricardus....so maybe he goes further back than the Black Rock.


I was thinking that too: perhaps a Roman slave ship that was shipwrecked. Every other major ancient culture is represented. Why not Rome? It would explain the Latin spoken a couple of seasons back.

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I thought there were biblical details this time than in the past. Sayid regretting the way he had tortured people (sins, need for being forgiven) and believing he should pay for it, his being "saved" by the temple leaders putting him in water (baptism by those in the church after recognizing sins?), when he came out his arms were stretched as on a cross, Jacob telling Ben he had a choice (free will), Jacob coming back to life after dying (resurrection), Locke's evil nature and the smoke monster coming from a hole (devil, fires of hell). Any other parallels from this episode?

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Other diffs:


Hurley said, "I'm the luckiest guy in the world. Nothing bad ever happens to me..."


Jack's hair looked....odd. He was graying, and his face was very lined.


The disappearance of Jack's Dad is very interesting to me.


Locke was also very peaceful, self confident and resigned to his wheel-chair fate. He didn't seem to be the anxious, nervous, self-doubting pre-original crash Locke. He also said his (oh, what word did he use? condition?) was irreversible, almost as if his paralysis were the result of a disease, and not an accident.


Sun didn't speak English, or if she did, didn't admit to it even when he was hauled away. If she were scared of him, she would've spoken up, I think, to get away from him (wasn't she trying to flee from him originally?). She seemed supportive of, and worried for Jin at customs, not scared of him.


One thing was the same, though: Charlie was still an addict :(


Oh brother, I need to go to bed!


Yeah - when Hurley said that, I completely believed him, and Boone's situation had obviously changed since Shannon wasn't there, but when Locke said he went on a walk-about, I fully expected him to be walking! So when he wasn't I assumed he must have lied about it. Similar with Sun - because of the expression on her face while Jin had the run-in with customs, I assumed she spoke English, as before, but thinking back to Hurley's and Boone's changes, maybe she actually didn't???? (This show just loves to be mind-blowing, and because their internal consistency isn't necessarily what you assume it to be, anything goes!)


But one thing stood out about Jack's aging - did anyone else think there was significance in the way he studied himself in the airplane restroom's mirror? Like he just noticed the aging, too?


And Desmond was there...and then he wasn't? (Would Jack have remembered him from jogging in the stadium this time 'round? I'm assuming that wasn't some sort of "residual" memory of the island?)


Man, I love this show!

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I thought there were biblical details this time than in the past. Sayid regretting the way he had tortured people (sins, need for being forgiven) and believing he should pay for it, his being "saved" by the temple leaders putting him in water (baptism by those in the church after recognizing sins?), when he came out his arms were stretched as on a cross, Jacob telling Ben he had a choice (free will), Jacob coming back to life after dying (resurrection), Locke's evil nature and the smoke monster coming from a hole (devil, fires of hell). Any other parallels from this episode?




I got all of this too....I think Sayid is now going to be their saviour.

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Re: the differences, if the plane never landed on the island (or was to land on the island) than Jacob would never have entered their lives and perhaps that's what caused the differences in some way that I can't imagine. Maybe Harley used different numbers to win the lottery? Could Locke have been allowed on the walk around because of Jacob not being there to tell him that everything would be ok after he fell? That doesn't make sense, but Jacob's possible absence from their lives might be playing a role somehow. So glad you all are here to talk to, I'm the only one in my family and even amongst my friends who likes this show. What's wrong with them :glare:

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My thought is that when Juliet hit the bomb, it *did* explode (thus the "it worked" comment), but at the same time, they time-traveled (thus the white light, the ringing in the ears and the comment from Jin that they time traveled because it had happened to him before). Therefore, they are both in 2004 (in LA), AND in present time, which makes sense that they are ON the island (the time travel) AND that it's under water (because of the explosion).


I understood interactions on the plane to be different than another poster on here, but it's because I assumed, which one should never do with this show, LOL. Anyway, I assumed that Hurley's comment about bad things never happening to him was FULL of sarcasm OR, he was trying to be positive (and perhaps listening to self-help stuff on his iPod). I assumed that Sun was lying that she didn't know how to speak English, because we have learned that she learned English before their trip and was able to so aptly lie about it for so long on the island. Plus, she didn't want to be in the relationship with Jin anymore anyway (thus the fighting on the island on seasons past and the revelation of her affair). So since Jin was in trouble, she decided to let that one play out. As far as Locke, I don't think he was happy being in the wheelchair for one second. He lied about going on the walk-about and was clearly upset that he couldn't get up like everyone else and walk out of the plane. He was kind because that's the person he was. And, if he was happy with his situation, his eyes wouldn't have lit up when Jack said "nothing is irreversible" and offered to consult him for free.


I also understood the plane events to show how life would have been for them without the crash. They all thought (except Locke) they would have been better off without the crash, but without the crash, Locke still couldn't walk, Sawyer (most likely) would have conned Hurley, Kate would still be on the run, Sun and Jin would still have problems, and Charlie would be incarcerated from attempted suicide and drug use on a plane.


I think Richard, without Jacob, is now vulnerable to death and/or aging. There is definitely more to that that we don't know yet.


Jacob knew Flocke (haha, LOVE it!) would find his loophole. So he was working on his way out of it for some time. The Ilana storyline is intriguing and I wonder if there is more to it. My thoughts on this are that if Jacob is NOT inhabiting Sayid's body, then perhaps he's inhabiting Ilana's. He asked her for her help and she was clearly in bad physical shape. I just don't buy that he asked her and her team to be his bodyguard. That doesn't make ANY sense for as powerful as he and Flocke are. So I wonder if Jacob isn't really dead afterall, but doing what the MIB did and inhabited another's body.


I *don't* understand, how, if Desmond was on the plane (and where DID he go? And why was he the only one Jack recognized?), how Juliet was in the blown up Swan. If Desmond was on the plane, how was he already on the island when the plane crashed to blow up the Swan? I also don't understand where Widmore is going to fit into this, and why, during the 1st hour, the narrator didn't mention Penny and Desmond at all.


I love this show! Certainly it has brought about additional questions, but it's trippy and intriguing!

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Was he a slave on the Black Rock.....MIB as Locke said something to him about being out of his chains...which means he was a slave


I forgot about the Black Rock in relation to him. I was so caught up in the biblical symbolism that I was thinking chains of hell and that Locke was being sarcastic because he then overcame Richard and dragged him away (rechained him?) with an evil look on his face. Did you guys catch some of Locke's facial expressions that looked demonic?

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I *don't* understand, how, if Desmond was on the plane (and where DID he go? And why was he the only one Jack recognized?), how Juliet was in the blown up Swan. If Desmond was on the plane, how was he already on the island when the plane crashed to blow up the Swan? I also don't understand where Widmore is going to fit into this, and why, during the 1st hour, the narrator didn't mention Penny and Desmond at all.



I think you answered this with your first statement...


My thought is that when Juliet hit the bomb, it *did* explode (thus the "it worked" comment), but at the same time, they time-traveled (thus the white light, the ringing in the ears and the comment from Jin that they time traveled because it had happened to him before). Therefore, they are both in 2004 (in LA), AND in present time, which makes sense that they are ON the island (the time travel) AND that it's under water (because of the explosion).



...which is brilliant and probably makes too much sense to be what happened.:D No, really - this makes sense. In the world they time-traveled to, presumably right before the explosion, the hatch still existed. In the alt world created by the bomb exploding, there was no need for the hatch since the energy pocket was destroyed, so no need for Des pushing the button every 108 minutes!


Anyway, I assumed that Hurley's comment about bad things never happening to him was FULL of sarcasm OR, he was trying to be positive (and perhaps listening to self-help stuff on his iPod). I assumed that Sun was lying that she didn't know how to speak English, because we have learned that she learned English before their trip and was able to so aptly lie about it for so long on the island. Plus, she didn't want to be in the relationship with Jin anymore anyway (thus the fighting on the island on seasons past and the revelation of her affair). So since Jin was in trouble, she decided to let that one play out.


I assumed all of these things -except- Hurley was asked by Artz to repeat his Australian Mr. Cluck's commercial - which he wouldn't have had originally, because his first Mr. Cluck's store was hit by the meteor. That, and Boone's altered situation is making me second guess the other assumptions I had (Sun's English, Locke's lying about the walkabout) while I was watching! (Aaaaahhh!)

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I have way too many thoughts swirling around in my head to make much sense.

What we do know is that Jacob has shown up in most of the Losties' lives at "critical points", and that they've also shown up in each others lives in one way or another (Claire being Jack's sister for one major example). We also know that many of them (if not all) have ties back to the pre-Swan days of the island.

If the bomb goes off before the Swan is build, A LOT of things are bound to shift in everyone's lives after 1977. Maybe Sawyer is still just James. Maybe Hurley never saw dead people (including "Dave"). Maybe Sun never learned English.


It's the tiniest things that set major events in motion. Had my stepbrother never bought a computer he couldn't really afford, I may never have met my husband. I wouldn't have 3 of my children. I might not be homeschooling. I might not even live in PA.


I think everyone's story in this alternate reality is up in the air. The Swan station was a piece in everyone's first reality (whether in a big way or barely a sliver of a way), so the lack of the station has to have an equal but opposite effect, no?

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Any thoughts on why the man in black took over Locke's body and not the body of one of the other people who died earlier? Was it because he was murdered? or "confused" at the time of his death? If Jacob took over Sayid's body after he confessed his wrong doing and was baptised (I don't think there is any other way to look at that part) then there must have been a similar negative choice/attitude/opportunity for entry into Locke by evil.

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Any thoughts on why he took over Locke's body and not the body of one of the other people who died earlier? Was it because he was murdered? or "confused" at the time of his death? If Jacob took over Sayid's body after he confessed his wrong doing and was baptised (I don't think there is any other way to look at that part) then there must have been a similar negative choice/attitude/opportunity for entry into Locke by evil.


You're smart. That is a very astute assessment. Ok, now I MUST get off of the computer and actually DO SOME SCHOOL!

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Any thoughts on why the man in black took over Locke's body and not the body of one of the other people who died earlier? Was it because he was murdered? or "confused" at the time of his death? If Jacob took over Sayid's body after he confessed his wrong doing and was baptised (I don't think there is any other way to look at that part) then there must have been a similar negative choice/attitude/opportunity for entry into Locke by evil.


Keep in mind that Locke's actual body wasn't taken over, just its likeness. Flocke walked right passed Locke at the end. Meanwhile, Sayid only has one body hanging out on the island.


Not that I know what that MEANS, lol, but surely the difference is important.

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Keep in mind that Locke's actual body wasn't taken over, just its likeness. Flocke walked right passed Locke at the end. Meanwhile, Sayid only has one body hanging out on the island.


Not that I know what that MEANS, lol, but surely the difference is important.


Oooohhh, good point! And Love2read, you're really sharp!!! Most of this symbolism is so lost on me, sadly.

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Hurley's bad luck was caused by the numbers, but the island was under the sea, so not causing trouble.


Desmond wasn't pushing a button because the button didn't need to be pushed. His boat must have safely traveled on past where the island was and so he lives life in the real world, not on the island. I suppose we could even see Juliette somewhere in the real world, since she never would have went to the island.

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I thought there were biblical details this time than in the past. Sayid regretting the way he had tortured people (sins, need for being forgiven) and believing he should pay for it, his being "saved" by the temple leaders putting him in water (baptism by those in the church after recognizing sins?), when he came out his arms were stretched as on a cross, Jacob telling Ben he had a choice (free will), Jacob coming back to life after dying (resurrection), Locke's evil nature and the smoke monster coming from a hole (devil, fires of hell). Any other parallels from this episode?



Yeah, I noticed that too. Interesting to see how this all plays out.

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